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Could Israel win against Iran

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posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 04:57 PM
Ok, due to some news ive heard it seems like Israel is getting ready to attack Iran over its nuclear program. If they attack, how will they attack and how do you think Iran will respond. Will the other islamic countries go with Iran. IMO the Israelis would attack with airstrikes. Then Iran would get uber upset and set a massive counter attack with Israel. Then the Iranians would call support of the other islamic peoples and set up yet another..jihad. I think the Palestinians would jump into it no problem. What do you guys think.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 05:06 PM
I think the real question is,,,if Israel attacks Iran what would the world community do in return?

China and Russia etc.

Could Israel win against a Russia China Iran and whomever else retaliation?

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:00 PM
israel don't care if they attack, cause when iran retallites, the US will be it's cannon folder in iraq and afghanistan.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 06:41 PM
First. neither country is in a position for a full out attack on each other. Without US help it wont be as easy for Israel to attack Iran's nuclear sites as it was for them in Iraq.
Next, how is Iran going to retaliate? By lobbing missiles which have just as much of a chance of hitting Israel as they do Palestine?


posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
Next, how is Iran going to retaliate? By lobbing missiles which have just as much of a chance of hitting Israel as they do Palestine?

Kh-55 I hear are fairly accurate and also the new Shahab 3s have an alright cep, some suggest as low as 50 meters. There is also round about 10,000 missiles held by Hezbollah in Lebanon. Maybe a few of them would be launched.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 07:59 PM
If Iran retaliated with enough missiles to level Tel Aviv, Israel would probably respond by nuking Tehran. What would happen after that is anyone's guess....

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
If Iran retaliated with enough missiles to level Tel Aviv, Israel would probably respond by nuking Tehran. What would happen after that is anyone's guess....

Obviously the U.S would jump in then, to try and prevent Nuclear war. Israel would probably tell us to screw off and fight our own war. But if Iran has a nuke, they would use it against Israel. Utter chaos would ensue, with terror attacks tearing apart surrounding countries, and what would be left of Israel. The U.S would probably lauch a full scale assault on Iran to stop the chaos. China would probably see this as an oppurtunity to move on whoever they wanted. Thus, WW3 would began. Let's hope it doesn't happen.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 11:43 PM
I am interested to see what Pakistan would do..
They have the nukes, they don't recognise Israel as a sovereign state and in the 80's just after Osiraq, the was fear amonst the pak top-brass that Israel in collusion with India, may attempt to take out Pak nuclear facilities..

IMHO Israel will not attack Iran over its nuke facilities..

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:24 AM
israel would not attack iran any time soon and there are few good reasons for than.
1) iran have about 10,000 missiles in Lebanon.
2) the news Shahab 3 (B), has many major upgrades including the better and more accurate targeting system. it can change its course.
3) no one exactly know if iran have nukes but everyone knows that iran has the biggest chemical and biochemical weapons in the middle east and means to deliver them.
4) unlike iraqi nuclear power plant, iranian nuclear facilities are scattered throughout iran
5) unlike iraq, iran got s-300 and other home made sams and manpads which are protecting these facilities.
6) israel can not start a war with iran without US backing and right now, US has its hands full in iraq and afganestan.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:33 AM
ohh!..I didn't know that Iran had S-300s..

Any links online to confirm that??


posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 02:00 AM

Originally posted by Daedalus3
ohh!..I didn't know that Iran had S-300s..

Any links online to confirm that??

This link says Iran has the "S-300P" and also that Iran is intrested in S-300PMU

This link says that they have already sold the S-300PMU to Iran.

"Russia agreed in December 2001 to sell S-300 PMU-01 missiles and to train Iranian personnel in how to operate the system."

From what I heard from Tom Cooper equipment for two batteries were delivered, and both became operational in early February 2002.

[edit on 2-10-2005 by Sep]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by magnito_student
Could Israel win against a Russia China Iran and whomever else retaliation?

Could Israel win a war against Russia? Or China? Or both??? They wouldn't last a week!

I think Israel is going to go to war with Iran for one and only one resaon, to get US - it's ever so good ally to help out, and they'd have to, wouldn't they?

[edit on 2-10-2005 by Manincloak]


posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 02:48 AM
iraq only had SAMS in its nuclear reactors while we have them scattered everywhere, we also like persian said make 5 of our own SAM system so i doubt they would get anywhere close.....

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 03:07 AM
I dont know if you guys are thinking this through or not.

The stated policy of the nation called Israel is the Sampson Complex. This is based on the biblical story of Sampson vs the Philistines where at the end of his life under slavery with his eyes destroyed..Sampson shoved down the pillars of the temple and took all the Philistine leadership with him.

Israel's nuclear policy is based on this biblical history. If it looks like they are going to be overun or threatened they are ready at any time to take out thier nucs, arm them, and take thier enemys with them. This cycle has already been put into motion during the Yom Kippur war about 1973 when it initially looked as if the Arabs would win. This information is downplayed in the west for political reasons.
If it looks like the Iranians are close to developing nuclear weapons look for Israel to strike them first. After that the race is on. Buckle up.
Look up the Sampson Complex on the web. There are several sites for this information.



posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
I dont know if you guys are thinking this through or not.

The stated policy of the nation called Israel is the Sampson Complex. This is based on the biblical story of Sampson vs the Philistines where at the end of his life under slavery with his eyes destroyed..Sampson shoved down the pillars of the temple and took all the Philistine leadership with him.

Israel's nuclear policy is based on this biblical history. If it looks like they are going to be overun or threatened they are ready at any time to take out thier nucs, arm them, and take thier enemys with them. This cycle has already been put into motion during the Yom Kippur war about 1973 when it initially looked as if the Arabs would win. This information is downplayed in the west for political reasons.
If it looks like the Iranians are close to developing nuclear weapons look for Israel to strike them first. After that the race is on. Buckle up.
Look up the Sampson Complex on the web. There are several sites for this information.


just answer me this question, why hasnet Isreal attacked our facilities now? they had a long time to do it and they still havent done nothing, all the time you guys kept saying isreal is going to do this to iran or that but nothing has been happend to us, i bet even for the next 2 years the same people are going to say U.S is gonna attack us soon or isreal will attack next month etc...... To tell you the truth i cant wait for us to get a nuclear bomb and once we do it will keep you guys shut i guarantee it.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:18 PM
You guys won't get a nuclear bomb. Once we have undeniable truth most of the international community will stop you. And if you think that you can use one or two nukes to use as blackmail on us you are sorely mistaken. By the time you launch one nuke your country will be a massive sheet of glass.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by truttseeker
You guys won't get a nuclear bomb. Once we have undeniable truth most of the international community will stop you. And if you think that you can use one or two nukes to use as blackmail on us you are sorely mistaken. By the time you launch one nuke your country will be a massive sheet of glass.

Like the International community tried to stop NK from going Nuclear?
For all you know Iran might already have the bomb but simply didnt test it yet.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 04:04 PM
But what I'm saying is that if Iran threatened the world directly. Like in an offensive way. NK at least claims that its for defense. What does Iran need protection wrong. All Iran needs nukes for is to be a bully.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by truttseeker
But what I'm saying is that if Iran threatened the world directly. Like in an offensive way. NK at least claims that its for defense.What does Iran need protection wrong. All Iran needs nukes for is to be a bully.

maybe it needs it so the US wont keep on bullying it

since it is being threatend by the US 24/7

nukes= great deturrent

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 08:15 PM
Yeah, but the United States wouldnt actually use them unless someone launched them first. In Iran there is a bunch of fundamentalists ready to kill some westerners.

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