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Late Princess Diana Enbalming to Hide Pregnancy?

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posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 11:48 AM
Excerpted from:

Late British royal DIANA, PRINCESS OF WALES was embalmed on the orders of British authorities to prevent tests which could have confirmed whether or not she was carrying her lover DODI FAYED's child, according to a new investigation.

British newspaper the Daily Express today (26SEP05) claims a top official at the British embassy in Paris was informed just minutes after the Princess's death that embalming her body would be illegal. But the procedure went ahead.

Professor PETER VANEZIZ, an independent pathologist says, "Nobody should be embalmed before a post-mortem. There is no reason why this should have been done in the case of the Princess.

"There was no reason for it to be done in order to repatriate her body to this country. That is evidenced by the fact Dodi Fayed's body was not embalmed.

"One would have normally thought that the effect of embalming would destroy body samples if the person was pregnant."
*please visit above link for more details*

To me it is interesting to see how this adds further mystery to the conspiracy theorists who insist she was murdered. Will be curious to see how the British authorities are going to get themselves outta this one.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 11:53 AM

If she was embalmed before autopsy, that would effectively preserve organs for awhile, too.

Including the pregnant uterus.

(for at least awhile)

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 02:44 PM
I really hate it when they bring out dianna....
She was a good person...

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 02:55 PM
I never had much time for her to be honest, tragic way to die and a waste of life. I dont think she was pregnant by Dodi Fayed. And Mohammed Fayed seems a bit too desperate to blame the British authorities for her death, could be because we keep refusing him citizenship, i dont know.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:55 PM
How long do we have to drag out all the Diana theories? It's been what.....almost nine years or something? The tabloids and British media should just drop it and let the poor lady rest in peace.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 09:45 PM
Hey, this is ATS!

Dianna was:

1 Murdered by the house of Windsor.
2 Assissinated by MI5
3 Killed by a Muslim cult associated with Dodi's dad
4 Part of a murder/suicide plot arraged by Dodi
5 Liquidated by the CIA because she didn't like land mines
6 Arranged her own suicide to look like an accident
7 Killed because of inept French critical care procedures
8 A victim of crazed papperatzis.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
I really hate it when they bring out dianna....
She was a good person...

She did good, I won't deny, but in his time her husband has done far more, he has just never been as good at manipulating the media as she was...Diana's landmine work only came about when she desparately needed a good cause following the Hewitt revelations.

Landmines and UXOs are a serious pet cause of mine (due to regular proximity) and I appreciate her highlighting the problem, but let's face reality. That HALO walk she did, pure crap. There is no way they let her within 50 klicks of an uncleared minefield.

IOn the end it became counterproductive, she became the story, not the minefields.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by HowlrunnerIV

Originally posted by devilwasp
I really hate it when they bring out dianna....
She was a good person...

She did good, I won't deny, but in his time her husband has done far more, he has just never been as good at manipulating the media as she was...Diana's landmine work only came about when she desparately needed a good cause following the Hewitt revelations.

Landmines and UXOs are a serious pet cause of mine (due to regular proximity) and I appreciate her highlighting the problem, but let's face reality. That HALO walk she did, pure crap. There is no way they let her within 50 klicks of an uncleared minefield.

IOn the end it became counterproductive, she became the story, not the minefields.

My thoughts exactly! She did some good stuff in her time but so have thousands of other normal everyday people who are more deserving of our admiration. She was a product of her own vanity and her need to strike back at the Windsors, lets not forget that she wasnt above using and manipulating the media for her own ends and then crying foul when the media got a bit close.
Like i said it was a tragic way for anyone to die and i feel for her children but i found the outpouring of emotion a bit much when she died, maybe because im old school English, stiff upper lip and all that

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Realist05
Hey, this is ATS!

Dianna was:

1 Murdered by the house of Windsor.
2 Assissinated by MI5
3 Killed by a Muslim cult associated with Dodi's dad
4 Part of a murder/suicide plot arraged by Dodi
5 Liquidated by the CIA because she didn't like land mines
6 Arranged her own suicide to look like an accident
7 Killed because of inept French critical care procedures
8 A victim of crazed papperatzis.


I'd go for :

#9. Victim of a chauffeur who had had far too much to drink, and the accident was exacerbated by the presence of reporters.

Nothin' more.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 11:51 AM
With respect janus, HowlrunnerIV I dont think we judge anyone on a level "how much good they done" or "how good they where/are" , sure there are people who have done more but surely the simple act of doing it is worth our admiration is it not?

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
With respect janus, HowlrunnerIV I dont think we judge anyone on a level "how much good they done" or "how good they where/are" , sure there are people who have done more but surely the simple act of doing it is worth our admiration is it not?

Point taken devilwasp, you are of course right but as a public figure she was always going to come under the microscope about her charity work as well as her personal life. I wasnt pulling the girl down for what she did for charity, although looking back on my post it did seem that i was, but i always had this feeling that she was bieng false i.e. doing it to keep in the public eye.
I dont know if thats true or not but thats the feeling i had.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Janus

Point taken devilwasp, you are of course right but as a public figure she was always going to come under the microscope about her charity work as well as her personal life. I wasnt pulling the girl down for what she did for charity, although looking back on my post it did seem that i was, but i always had this feeling that she was bieng false i.e. doing it to keep in the public eye.
I dont know if thats true or not but thats the feeling i had.

You will always get the feeling of that, the media only reports about what they think will get rateings or people to listen/read, its not about reporting the news its about money.

Shame really, the same thing happened to the shipping industry and just about every industry.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 04:53 PM
Well here's a lesson for your children (if you have them). Diana, Dodi, the other fella in shotgun and the driver were all in the same crash, but only one of them was wearing a seat-belt (I forget if it was the bodyguard or driver, or perhaps im confused and its the same person). Everyone without a seatbelt was killed. The fella with it on, survived. At least we can have some tiny level of gratitude for the tradegy, and that is the awareness of car safety. People always say, "oh, it wont happen to me." Well if it bloody happened to a princess, I'm pretty sure were all suspectable to it.

Sorry for going totally off the point of the thread, but I was a 100% Diana lover, she was an incredible lady. To die because of filthy french paparatzzi angers me so much I cant explain. Shame on them for their lives.


[edit on 18/09/2005 by danny_parkinson]

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by danny_parkinson

To die because of filthy french paparatzzi angers me so much I cant explain. Shame on them for their lives.

To be fair, the paparazzi weren't the ones drunk driving that night....

Sure, they might bear some responsibility, but ultimately it was Henri Paul who got behind the wheel of that car after a skinful.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 10:20 PM
I heard that she was given an abortion en route to the hospital, which might be why the ambulance went so slowly.

There might have been hCG levels in her blood still, after the alleged abortion...that's probably what they were trying to hide. For all we know they might have taken her uterus out too.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
I heard that she was given an abortion en route to the hospital, which might be why the ambulance went so slowly.

Heard where?

With all due respect... I "heard" that it was Reptilians who actually killed her, or that (and yes, I saw this on a bulletin board somewhere) Dodi was actually driving and killed her himself...

There doesn't appear to be a modicum of evidence to support any of these claims.

There might have been hCG levels in her blood still, after the alleged abortion...that's probably what they were trying to hide. For all we know they might have taken her uterus out too.

More hearsay and rumour?

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by Amethyst
I heard that she was given an abortion en route to the hospital, which might be why the ambulance went so slowly.

From my understand there is a fundemental difference between the French and American approach to trauma.

In the US you live and die (literaly) by the 'Golden Hour". You scoop and scoot tot he nearest trauma center as fast as you can. Basic ressesuation is performed in the field including intubation, fluids, bleeding controll etc.

A friend who spend some time as an exchange MD in France told me that thier ambulances go out with a Resident and they will perform many interventions in the field. For instance a chest tube was placed accordign to reports prior to her being taken to the trauma center. CT are overkill, I am trained to put them in, but if she had a pneumothorax (More than possible due to the accident) you could just as easily needle the chest and move on with your primary survey.

Perhaps the conspiracy is the poor EMS responce in her case???

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 07:23 PM
I did read somewhere, im sorry i dont have a link to it, that she was still alive when the Para-Medics arrived at the scene. You could have a point FredT maybe there was some incompetence with the Medics. Im not expert but isnt there a 70-80% increaced chance of survival if a person is attended in the golden hour?
Also i remeber that a Doctor was passing in his car at the scene and was attending her before the medics arrive, again no link and i cant remember for the life of me where i read it sorry.

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 08:15 PM

I did read somewhere, im sorry i dont have a link to it, that she was still alive when the Para-Medics arrived at the scene.

Usually, this doesn't mean much. When I was a paramedic, there were plenty of instances where that happened. Some people are just going to die regardless of what anyone can do for them.

Also i remeber that a Doctor was passing in his car at the scene and was attending her before the medics arrive, again no link and i cant remember for the life of me where i read it sorry.

Wouldn't surprise me if there was. Many times if there is an accident on any major road, chances are pretty good that there will be a doctor or a nurse driving past it.

I heard that she was given an abortion en route to the hospital, which might be why the ambulance went so slowly.

There are lots of reasons to drive slowly, heck I've even had to stop in order to perform various procedures. Nothing like having to intubate somone or start an IV on a difficult stick, in the back of an ambulance going 70 miles an hour down the highway(imagine trying to thread a needle on the deck of a boat if you will).

posted on Oct, 1 2005 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
I heard that she was given an abortion en route to the hospital, which might be why the ambulance went so slowly.

There might have been hCG levels in her blood still, after the alleged abortion...that's probably what they were trying to hide. For all we know they might have taken her uterus out too.

Brilliant theory.

She did say that on the next morning in Paris she was going to announce something big.

We all knew she was in love with Dodi. That was not a revelation.

But a baby would be.

There is no way the British authorities would tolerate a "moslam child" as the half brother to the next King of England.

The drunk driver theory does not stick with any intelligent person.

A Princess driven by a drunkard. Come on. They should have come up with with a more believable explanation.

She had predicted that her in-laws were plotting her death in a car crash.

[edit on 1-10-2005 by mr conspiracy]

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