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Air America Starts Panhandling

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posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 07:42 PM
The self-proclaimed left wing radio network Air America is facing such financial difficulties it has started asking listeners for cash donations to keep it afloat:

In an unusual move for commercial radio, Air America Radio quietly launched Sept. 21 a loyalty program that includes asking for donations from listeners, a strategy more common to noncommercial stations and political action committees.

According to the network’s Web site, listeners become an “Air America Associate” by making a cash donation to the network.

A spokesperson said the program, modeled after The Nation magazine’s associates program, was developed in response to requests from its listeners “to spread the word about [AAR] programming.”

Since Air America launched in March 2004, the network has signed 70 affiliates, but has not had an easy time getting a financial foothold, bouncing checks during the initial launch period. Recently, the network had to repay $875,000 to the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club, which helped fund the start-up network.


Unless one of the big money liberals like Soros comes in and saves it, it looks like this liberal radio network will go down in flames. It just seems that liberal talk radio just can't garner an audience like conservative talk radio can.

Related Threads:
Air America Hit by Financial Scandal

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 08:17 PM
Maybe because real liberals don;t really seem to exist outside the media.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 11:22 PM
Yes, that's one reason. But have you ever tried listening to air America - even for a few minutes. THAT'S why they have so few listeners and so little money.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 01:53 PM
5 VERY good reasons the (off)air America is going to tank.

1. Janeane Garofalo

2. Sam Seder

3. Randi Rhodes

4. Al Franken

5. Katherine Lanpher

What a flippin' joke

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 01:58 PM
it's funny, i was listening to the stream for a few minutes yesterday of the al franken show and he put a clip of bill o'reilly claiming they were tanking and would come with some further info later on but he never did.

implying they aren't tanking and it was just slander. but this report would insist he was lying. i'm going to listen in and see if they touch up on the subject again and if anyone calls in with this info and the secure link posted on here to see how he (they) defend that.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
But have you ever tried listening to air America - even for a few minutes.

Let's go to Washington D.C. and talk to a protester at the White House

Let's discuss the enviromental implications of the Hurricanes.

Back to D.C. to talk to the organizers of the protest.

Something about Bush ruining the Katrina effort

Back (Again?) to D.C. to talk about the protest at the White House.

*slips into accoma*

Originally posted by Conspicuouz
it's funny, i was listening to the stream for a few minutes yesterday of the al franken show and he put a clip of bill o'reilly claiming they were tanking and would come with some further info later on but he never did.

I'm a conservative myself, but I still think that Oreilly runs his mouth too much some times. Still.....Air America needs to step up and address real issues. Get offf the abortion wagon and talk about things like Illegal immigration, federal budget concerns, and Iran nuclear issues. Bush's ratings are down. They could succeed if they would broaden their agenda.

[edit on 28-9-2005 by dbates]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by dbates
it's funny, i was listening to the stream for a few minutes yesterday of the al franken show and he put a clip of bill o'reilly claiming they were tanking and would come with some further info later on but he never did.

I'm a conservative myself, but I still think that Oreilly runs his mouth too much some times. Still.....Air America needs to step up and address real issues. Get offf the abortion wagon and talk about things like Illegal immigration, federal budget concerns, and Iran nuclear issues. Bush's ratings are down. They could succeed if they would broaden their agenda.

[edit on 28-9-2005 by dbates]

If they start talking about real issues they might have to start using those strange things called ISSUES and FACTS. If they start using those there is nothing from stopping them from mutating into a CONSERVATIVE show. I don't always agree with the conservative line but I enjoy listening to talk radio sometimes the Liberalist rhetoric being spouted off is hilarious. If they get backed into a corner then they have to make the issue personal. Forget Howard Stern some of this stuff will leave you with your sides splitting.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 07:58 PM
Maybe it's because your average liberal likes to get his news from a less ratings-hungry, sensationalist source. I don't really like Air America because it's chock full of the same types of idiots you get on conservative radio, just with a different political slant (and I'd consider myself a liberal, if I had to choose). Every presenter tries to make the show about them, because they're the big name, with the opinions people pay to hear, and the issues are secondary, like Bill O'Reilly and his ilk.

All my "liberal" friends are even jumping chip regarding CNN for similar reasons. It's become too much like Fox in an attempt to appeal to the masses. All flash with little substance.

I don't see it so much as a liberal vs conservative issue. I see it as a problem inherent in all news media in America these days. Intelligent people are getting increasingly dissatisfied with news that panders to the masses.

-koji K.

[edit on 28-9-2005 by koji_K]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:15 PM
I don't listen to AA enough to comment on the content but as an advocate of public radio I think this is a step in the right direction. It's very difficult to take on corporate America, pharmcos and the oil industry when you're a slave to commercial sales.

They can "fail" like Consumer Reports for all I care.

But I do think it's highly hypocritical of Bill O'Reilly or any of his "Premium Members" to poo poo this notion since you can't even vote in his website polls he reads on air without paying the annual associate fee.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:19 PM
Can anyone tell me the name of a self professed right wing radio network of 24 hour talk? I'm sure there is one and it's very successful, I've just never heard of it. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:31 PM
ABC has the corner in that market. For nearly 24 hr. Conservative talk radio, listen to WBAP. If you're not in Texas, then listen in on Their strategy is to use some very sucessful local talk host combined with some syndicated shows like Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity. My favorite thing to listen to lately is Mark Levin at 6:00 pm. The guy's conservative, but he's been a regular at Orilley-bashing the last few nights. He's great!

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:27 PM
Hate to disappoint those who want Air America to fall on their bums but it seems it's all just wishful thinking.

Air America in fine shape

Right Wing Media Gets Desperate
Danny Goldberg

Air America is in strong financial shape. Last week we started broadcasting from our new multi-million dollar studios. Several weeks earlier the Board of Directors of Air America’s parent company accelerated re-payment of a loan from the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club of $875,000 two years in advance of a previously agreed upon re-payment plan. In the last several months, Air America has expanded its executive team to augment our efforts on the internet and in affiliate relations.
The pretext for the latest smears is an initiative I launched last week called Air America Associates, in which I asked our listeners to support our programming financially and at various levels offer bumper stickers, tote bags, etc. as a way of thanking them.

I was interested to read about the money from listeners that Limbaugh and others collect:

- O’Reilly Factor keychain for $7.95 “while supplies last.”
--Three different “No Spin” tote bags at $14.95 apiece
--Ten different hats at a cost of $16.95 each
--The “no spin” jacket for $79.95
--The “ Unisex Black Fleece” embroidered with “The Spin Stops Here” for $39.95
--Several bumper stickers including one that reads “Boycott France” for $2.50
--License plate frame for $18.95
--Three different “No Spin” tote bags at $14.95 each
--An O’Reilly Factor Gear Bag at $64.95
-- “Mens Garment Bag” for $64.95 (sorry ladies!)
--a “Spin Stops Here” organizer briefcase
--A “Spin Stops Here” pen and pad bundle for $19.95
--Two different designs of “Spin Stops Here” doormats for $49.95 and
--Two different “Rain Stops Here” umbrellas at $24.95(“Show everyone who protects you from the rain”)

Spin, indeed, Mr. O'Reilly!

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:32 PM
All proceeds from Factor merchandise are donated to charity.

Try again.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
All proceeds from Factor merchandise are donated to charity.

Even if that's true (and I have no way of knowing that since you didn't provide a source) that doesn't negate the fact that your original post is incorrect in claiming that Air America is 'panhandling'.

The O'Reilly thing was just a comical add-on.

Do Hannity and Limbaugh's proceeds go to charity, too, then?

Try again.

Try what?

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:42 PM
They ARE in trouble!

They HAVE been in trouble.

They are going down like Monica at the annual "WHITE HOUSE INTERN BALL" (ball= dancing and such)

They were in a wee bit o'trouble back in '04 when they were whining worse than Garrison Keller during pledge week.

Heres the link to the '04 "PLEASE KEEP US ON THE AIR O'THON"! ways_to_help_air_america_radio.asp

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by 12 12 2012
They ARE in trouble!

That story is dated July 11, 2004. I guess it worked!

[edit on 29-9-2005 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 06:01 PM
That story is dated July 11, 2004. I guess it worked!

It worked well enough to keep them JUST above bankruptcy so a year later they have to whine again for more money. That is all it proves proves they can't turn a buck to keep the rickety little transmitter on.

[edit on 29-9-2005 by 12 12 2012]

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by dbates

Originally posted by centurion1211
But have you ever tried listening to air America - even for a few minutes.

Bush's ratings are down. They could succeed if they would broaden their agenda.

[edit on 28-9-2005 by dbates]

Air America sometimes does discuss other issues than abortion, but on the whole they are to forcefully extreme (nicest way i could put it) in their viewpoints . Democrats (to me from own ancedotal experiences) are shifting from that liberal ivory tower academia and reverting to emotional feel good liberalism that sounds like hate talk to anyone who isnt a card carrying member. They arent comming up with new arguments, just dogmatizing old positions (while critizing religion). Plus they can be whiney sometimes. I dont listen to talk radio myself (so i dont know anything about conservative talk shows) but since my entire family is democrat they eat it up. Randi rhodes gets into ok discussions. Mike Malloy is just a hate machine.

posted on Sep, 29 2005 @ 10:41 PM
I agree with you nutroll, I listen to all kinds of talk radio conservative and liberal. The only shows on AA i can listen to are Ed Schultz and Randi Rhodes.

Janeane Girafolo is a moron, and Mike Malloy's constant ranting about the "bush crime family" makes me change the channel with a quickness.

However they may not be doing as well in some areas, but Rhandi Rhodes gets better ratings than O'reilly in New York.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 09:34 AM
Have to agree with Nutroll, you can't "win" an arguement with a liberal, they won't answer your question or address your points. I've seen it time and again on both liberal and conservation talk shows, talking in circles, changing the subject and half-answers are their only recourse. Not to say that I haven't seen this from conservatives as well, but I tend to drift to the conservative shows more often. I just can't deal with the constant bashing on the Bush administration. I am not Bush's biggest fan (I didn't vote for him in the last election), but the liberals are cutting their own throats with the constant hate spewing. Yes we know you think Bush is the devil, can we move on(.org).

All the hate and whining just push people on the fence over to the conservative side. If you think Bush is making mistakes, offer solutions instead of just pissing and moaning.

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