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A link to evidences

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posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 04:55 AM
link has collected alot of info on Atlantis, the global empire lost around 9600BC with the pyramid culture provable by the search term "underwater pyramid" at Google about the Japan, Bahamas, & where the Carribean & the Atlantic meet.

I theorize it was the Biblical flood cataclysm, though the Hebrew oral tradition Genesis is from may've exagerrated it. No notorious prophet wrote Genesis, in the Moses era.

Toltec ruins are found deep as 30 feet underground, which is alot. The lost city of UR was found by satellite recon, & is deep under in a land with no vegetation overgrowth, or volcanoes around, Iraq.

Pyramids are found around the world, which is the tie showing the lost civilizations had alot in common. Peru, Central America, Egypt, China, Japan. The sphynx is being estimated now at up to 24 thousand years old.

Complex math and planning went into the Giza complex using knowledge we've only understood in the last 100 years, so it's surely from a lost culture. Astronomical alignments are common with various ancient sites.

The book "Chariots of the Gods" has a photo of one of 3 Baalbek monoliths; 15 feet by 15 feet by 60 feet, up to 2000 tons estimated, far from the quarry. To this day we cannot move it with cranes etc.

Another of the Baalbek monoliths is pictured at:
(* mod edit to remove link to site with spyware issue )
titled "Monlolith at Baalbek". That one is still connected to bedrock, but the pic shows the size relative to humans; 14 feet by 14 feet by 68 feet, of a different kind of stone than the other two.

Sites in Peru also have feats beyond us still standing. That means either advanced knowledge of man, or aliens involved.

We don't know it all yet about Atlantis. Genesis 6:2-4 matches far separated mythologies.

"Pyramid Prophecies" by Max Toth & Warner Destiny books tells of naturopath Dr Ray Brown exploring the Bahamas underwater pyramid, bringing out a quartz crystal ball that healed people of anything by touching it. But soon, the Force crippled a man who touched it with what the previous woman had wrong with her until healed. They no longer allow touching.

It's significant to explain WHY so much work and planning went into so many pyramids. Not claiming that pyramids alone can accomplish healings here. It's illogical unless there was practical use for pyramids to bother.

That civilization is long lost to us completely.

[edit on 25-9-2005 by pantha]

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 04:23 AM
I noticed the link didn't show, so here's another try;

I hope that's better, because that site has cultural links demonstrated regarding the Atlantean culture, and mythology matches, and geology evidences.

& I forgot to add that Genesis should NOT be taken literally, nor be expected to be infallable, being the Moses era transcription of Hebrew oral tradition that still continues. No known prophet wrote Genesis.

The scientifically accurate predictions of the effects of a major impact & meteoric hail event on earth is throughout the Bible; Global shock wave quake to destroy the cities all at once, waves roaring, earth part scorched, skies darkened.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 04:35 AM
(mod edit to remove link that has now also been removed from first post)

Gives a popup to install "Website access trough Zango Search Tool". Which is known adware.

When you choose not to install it, you get forwarded to itself which is the webhost.

[edit on 25-9-2005 by pantha]

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 05:13 AM

Originally posted by thematrix
(mod edit to remove link that has now also been removed from first post)

When you choose not to install it, you get forwarded to itself which is the" by pantha]

I just tried & got there, so here's another try, maybe I goofed;

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 11:04 AM
hmm well i do believe in atlantis, but there are a few things im curious about.

in a land with no vegetation overgrowth

thousands of years ago, Mesopotamia had a lot of vegetation. it was very plentiful, not a desert. thats why it was called "the Fertile Crescent." the sumerians overfarmed the area, thats y it is the way it is now.

Pyramids are found around the world, which is the tie showing the lost civilizations had alot in common. Peru, Central America, Egypt, China, Japan. The sphynx is being estimated now at up to 24 thousand years old.

the pyramid issue, iv heard, is only because of its power. the triangle shape is a very potent one in architecture. these civilizations could have figured it out simultaneously. and the sphinx at 24000 yrs? i dont think so.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Fortimus

"thousands of years ago, Mesopotamia had a lot of vegetation. it was very plentiful, not a desert. thats why it was called "the Fertile Crescent." the sumerians overfarmed the area, thats y it is the way it is now."

The fertility is only near the Tigris & Euphrates rivers, the area surrounding is only desert, for thousands of years."

"and the sphinx at 24000 yrs? i dont think so.

I didn't invent the estimate, based on the more recently uncovered body of the sphynx erosion evidence.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 03:11 AM
I thought I'd mention that the end of the pleistocene age extinction event, known as the quaternary extinctions, wiped out 70% of creatures, 9600BC, the same time the pyramid culture was lost.

Here's a link to pix of the Baalbek blocks, which to this day, WITH machines, man cannot move. See also the section on Sacsahuaman Peru, which has stones fitted as if they'd been cut by lazer, at 12000 feet altitude. See the Tiahuanaco section also, with pix of slabs weighing half a thousand tons, also impossible to us today to move, as far as I know;

We lost their knowledge and languages, as the famous Rosetta stone illustrates. Also at that site is info on geometry used in pyramids.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 04:11 PM
i have seen the 'crystal ball from the atlantean pyramid' on other threads and i wonder, is there an official link to the museum or organization that houses it? from the story it was on display at some sort of official place of some sort and i would like to read their info.

i have always been of the opinion that we as a species are suffering some sort of historical amnesia and that there are certain elements that work to supress those memories, whether they be spiritual or terrestrial. i do not necessarily subscribe to the theories (like the other thread on the crumbling plaster helicopter in abbydos) of ancient technology similar to ours, but i do think that they had something that we don't have. maybe what some would call geomancy. maybe they just had more faith in man over the machine.

as far as atlantis goes... i still like the cuban hypothesis in 'gateway to atlantis' by andrew collins(i think, its been mentioned here before so someone will know what book i'm talking about...damn my swiss cheese brain) is by far the simplest of any of the existence theories. and the pyramid and crystal ball would fall right into that.

just a couple thoughts....

btw... thanks for the other links... will leave me lots of reading even if i have caught some of it before.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 04:53 PM
Lots of references to Dr Ray Brown on Google, but pix are hard to get, except via the old tv series "In Search Of/Atlantis" hosted by Leonard Nimoy, which featured Dr Brown & the pyramid exploration.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by James J Dierbeck

Originally posted by thematrix
(mod edit to remove link that has now also been removed from first post)

When you choose not to install it, you get forwarded to itself which is the" by pantha]

I just tried & got there, so here's another try, maybe I goofed;

Hey guys/gals just a warning don't click on above link it attemps to install MediaGateway.exe, which is known spyware...

Back to your regulary scheduled program...

[edit on 27-9-2005 by Jedi_Master]

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 08:59 AM
It's hard to get excited over another Atlantis-hunter with a new theory (because the old ones weren't workable) and a book to sell.

If Atlantis DID exist, then there would be a general agreement about where it was and it would be confirmed by folk tales from all over. He does a good job of summarizing the holes in other theories, but when it comes to his own, he's a bit blind.

The "Pleistocene extinction" didn't happen in just a few years but took place over a thousand years or more (and it didn't begin in 9600 BC. Started earlier.) And it wasn't linked to a volcano. Nor was there a global flood.

There's other problems there as well... no, not convincing. Entertaining, perhaps, but the case for a Mediterranean Atlantis is a LOT stronger.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by James J Dierbeck
I thought I'd mention that the end of the pleistocene age extinction event, known as the quaternary extinctions, wiped out 70% of creatures, 9600BC, the same time the pyramid culture was lost.

Well, most of the American and Eurasian megafuana, and nothing else...... And as Indelkoffer says, they became extinct over a period of several thousand years (the last known mammoths died out only 5 thousand years ago)

Presumably you get 9600BC from the fact that this was the end of the Younger Dryas cold event - which was probably caused by the first outpouring of Glacial Lake Agassiz in N America forcing a shut-down of the Atlantic conveyor throwing the Atlantic regions back into an ice age state for several hundred years? There is some doubt as to whether this event affected other parts of the world.

As for Mesopotamia - during the African Humid Period (roughly 12.5 to 5.5 kya) it was, like the Sahara, much more verdant than today due to the Monsoon rains falling further north than they now do. Only with the southward retreat of the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone around 5.5kya did the region turn to desert - prompting increasing ingenuity amongst the Sumerians in order to maintain their crops.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Indellkoffer
If Atlantis DID exist, then there would be a general agreement about where it was and it would be confirmed by folk tales from all over. He does a good job of summarizing the holes in other theories, but when it comes to his own, he's a bit blind.

That's a very poor arguement against Atlantis.

There are many things which are not yet known about or agreed upon and just because something is agreed upon does not make it right.

posted on Sep, 28 2005 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by Indellkoffer

"If Atlantis DID exist, then there would be a general agreement about where it was"

The many pyramids around the earth is surely from a lost culture, that was GLOBAL, not just 1 place. South & central americas, Egypt, Japan, China. A lost civilization cannot pass down its' exact location of capitol.

"The "Pleistocene extinction" didn't happen in just a few years but took place over a thousand years or more (and it didn't begin in 9600 BC."

CAUSED BY WHAT? I said it ended then, not began then. Both neanderthals and Cro-magnon men went extinct at that time, meaning it WAS a serious event.

"And it wasn't linked to a volcano. Nor was there a global flood."

If there was NEVER a flood, explain sedimentary rocks, and Bonneville salt flats, & buried fossils, and underwater & underground pyramids. I never claimed a volcano was responsible.

posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 02:18 PM

Originally posted by James J Dierbeck
The sphynx is being estimated now at up to 24 thousand years old.

Originally posted by James J Dierbeck
I didn't invent the estimate, based on the more recently uncovered body of the sphynx erosion evidence.

Enough with the Sphinx's age already! This subject has been addressed by me at least 10 times on this board. Probably a hundred times by others here.

James, no scientist has estimated the the sphinx to be as old as you claim. The sphinx erosion evidence you refer to dates it as early as 7,000 bc, maybe earlier. Don't believe me? You just don't want to believe. Use the search function.

Your date is preposterous. I thought it had gotten bad when some posters put the sphinx at 12,000 years old. You make them look like serious researchers.


posted on Sep, 30 2005 @ 08:12 PM
Dating is less than 100% positively accurate, by current methods.

The Toltec ruins deep underground in Mexico are surely very old. The only date I need be accurate about is 9600BC, the quaternary extinctions. A new book is coming out that puts the cataclysm at 9500BC, however, but that's no big dif.

The sphynx is still from a lost civilization, no matter what date exactly it springs from. Until digging it up, none were sure there was a body to it. The oldest dating I heard was 24000 years old.

The buried Toltec ruins are proof of a civilization that preceded the end of the Pleistocene age. Both neanderthals & cro-magnon men became extinct then. Something happened to bury the Toltecs that deeply.

The sphynx dating is nitpicking an unimportant point. We lost our connection to the culture where supposed primitives could handle blocks far bigger than used in the pyramids, such as the half thousand ton blocks at Tiahuanaco, and the Baalbek blocks, and the wonders of Sacsahuaman.

How they did it is surely lost knowledge, since we still can't use stones that massive WITH machines.
has pix from various sites that rival our present abilities.

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