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Is the Relief Effort Failing?

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posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 04:04 PM
You are correct, in that Bush is not the only one to get blame for this. There is plenty to go around. But reaction to this scale of problem is largely a Federal Government responsibility, in reality if not in technical law. Bush is the head of the Federal Government. He gets the perks, he gets the heat. The Federal (and State) Government is blowing this big time.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 04:07 PM
FEMA briefing stating that this disaster didnt end once Katrina hit land, unlike the Tsunami, its not over yet.
Lets tell the people of South East Asia that their problems are now over!!
This is not a competition !!

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 04:13 PM
This situation is just to sad. No milk for babies, no food and water for pregnant women and children. Shipping people off to a shelter saying they will come back and get them, and they are still there days later with no supplies. We can do air drops everywhere. Why not here? The relief effort is definitely failing in my opinion

I try to stop myself from watching coverage, but just cant seem to. I made my donation to the red cross, I just hope some of these people can get some help soon.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 04:23 PM
First Bush convinced the House to cut $20 million out of $37 million that was supposed to go to Louisiana's coastal restoration and flood control. Then, to add insult to injury, we read in The Times-Picayune that Bush is against giving coastal states up to $500 million a year out of royalties from oil and gas drilling off our coasts. Coastal states generate more than a quarter of the oil and gas consumed by the United States, but Bush opposes the Senate's plan to share that income.

For those of you who think no one is to blame.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 05:06 PM
Not to mention that many of the vehicles needed to deal with the disaster are in Iraq... It's getting to the point that we can't sustain that war anymore and deal with problems here as well. Let there be one more disaster like this (which I'm sure there will be), this country will BREAK.


posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 05:17 PM
If you watch the TV news it is quite clear that this was a purposeful operation visited on the black,poor and old who feature in all the coverage - those who couldn't escape the area
The delay in help reaching the area is absurd with people dying as they were abandoned with routes into the area still obviously open as news crews drive in
The relief operation is basically the responsibility of Fema and Homeland Security, which are essentially criminal or fascist organisations headed up by major criminals
Even compared to the tsunami, probably a similar globalist fix, the rate of aid and rescue going in has been appalling and clearly deliberately slowed down by those in charge

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Yorga
This is a major Fubar starting with the Mayor of NO. Come on now less be fair and put blame on all that are responsible. What about the local authorities, the Govenor. Why weren't the LA and MISS Guard already on standby and ready to react? Bush cannot just throw in troops...God help us if the unthinkable every happens!

I'm not picking on you, Yorga, but baloney! This disaster has national implications on a scale that is frightening. You're expecting the local government pencil pushers to deal with this??? If the feds are not responsible for something like this, then what good are they really?

I agree with you on one thing....If the unthinkable happens, god help us. It is quite clear we would need it.

Concerning dismissing this gross incompetency as "Bush Bashing", I would assert the same regardless of who was in office. This is an obscenity that history will never forget. If the US federal government can't muster the necessary resources to mitigate such loss of life within our own boarders, what does that really say about us and our government???

Many despised Reagan politically. But ask yourself how HE would have responded. Whether you liked his politics or not, I somehow believe he would have demonstrated true leadership in this type of situation.

Katrina exposes this administration for what it truly is...a leaderless cabal of idiologs. Simply disgusting.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by dh
If you watch the TV news it is quite clear that this was a purposeful operation visited on the black,poor and old who feature in all the coverage - those who couldn't escape the area
The delay in help reaching the area is absurd with people dying as they were abandoned with routes into the area still obviously open as news crews drive in
The relief operation is basically the responsibility of Fema and Homeland Security, which are essentially criminal or fascist organisations headed up by major criminals
Even compared to the tsunami, probably a similar globalist fix, the rate of aid and rescue going in has been appalling and clearly deliberately slowed down by those in charge

To be clear, nothing I am asserting here is intended to imply, as you, that there is something intentional here. In my view, this is shear incompetency. The farthest I will go is to acknowledge that the poor (and consequently, most minorities) have never been part of our national identity, concern or "security" plan.

If the "unthinkable" terrorist event happens, as suggested above, does anyone really believe the outcome would be any different from what we are witnessing on television right now?

[edit on 1-9-2005 by loam]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 06:17 PM
Good post Loam:

Seems to me that the authoritys are more concerned about secruity and the looting , than rescuing and feeding an handing out water, and evacuations than anything else.

What a tragic turn of events....Anarchy Rules there people are dieing, starving, thristy.

Why are they so concerned about Looting New Orleans is a tottal loss, insurance companys have allread declared NO...and everything in it a total loss, thet the people eat and drink where they could find it


posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 06:29 PM

An Idea We can All Do.....

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
Good post Loam:

Seems to me that the authoritys are more concerned about secruity and the looting , than rescuing and feeding an handing out water, and evacuations than anything else.

What a tragic turn of events....Anarchy Rules there people are dieing, starving, thristy.

Why are they so concerned about Looting New Orleans is a tottal loss, insurance companys have allread declared NO...and everything in it a total loss, thet the people eat and drink where they could find it


Because this is a "slight-of-hand" parlor trick to divert attention or focus from what is truly preventing the relief efforts. Like I said earlier, I am convinced there are other challenges yet to be acknowledged on the resource front. If I am wrong about such reasons, then my conclusions will be even worse.


posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 06:43 PM
New Orleans: Bush's Zero Tolerance for Misery
It's like watching one of those special effects loaded Hollywood disaster movies: destroyed buildings and desperate people flagging down helicopters from rooftops, surrounded by polluted and debris choked water. It is of course illogical to place blame for natural disasters on the government -- but we can certainly squarely place the blame for the wholly ineffective response on the government, particularly the federal government and the Bush administration. "Chalk up the city of New Orleans as a cost of Bush's Iraq war," writes Paul Craig Roberts. ......................Instead of massive aid, Bush doled out a few condescending remarks. "Nothing in his words, facial expression, or body language indicated that Bush either comprehended or was even concerned about the monumental catastrophe that has struck hundreds of thousands of people in one of the United States' greatest and most historic cities," comments the WSWS Editorial Board.
Who Opened the New Orleans Floodgates?

Media ignores fact that Bush administration cut funding for the very levies that broke
Paul Joseph Watson/Alex Jones | August 31 2005

As the federal government takeover of New Orleans continues and the helpless masses beg the state for refuge and assurance, the media is ignoring the key fact that it was the federal government itself that lowered the guard in cutting off key funding to protect Louisiana from natural disasters.

The New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers bore the brunt of a record $71.2 million reduction in federal funding for fiscal year 2006.

The Bush administration has been cutting funding for federal disaster relief funds since 2001 while doubling funding in other areas to pump up the biggest growth in government for decades, easily outstripping that of Bill Clinton.

Much of the Netherlands lies below sea level and after the 1953 flood which killed 1,800 people, the Dutch launched a major flood prevention program called the Delta Plan. Engineers fortified dykes and bolstered other water defenses against a future disaster and there hasn't been one since.

Had a similar project been in place for New Orleans and had Bush not cut the funding, the misery and turmoil being visited on that area would have been avoided.

It is an insult to the victims of Hurricane Katrina that the federal government can stomp in, impose martial law while forcibly evacuating local government officials against their will and then be portrayed as saviors by the media, when it was the Bush administration that figuratively opened the gates for the floods to rampage through the city and kill countless
Hurricane Katrina and the Rape of New Orleans

Scalar Weather Wars:

Hurricane Katrina and the Rape of New Orleans

by: Stefan Grossmann,

Monday, 8-29-5

1. The Bush Jr. regime is a hair’s breadth away from collapsing in chaos, infamy and insanity as the truth radio is about to break the story how G. W. Bushfraud bribed his way into the White House in late 2000. See separate news coverage coming soon.

What happens in such situations is: News diversions are orchestrated in order to take away the public’s attention from the homespun disasters. Such as, a whale strands in the arctic and all the oil-soaked spy-riddled mainstream media babble about stranded whales for days or even weeks until the news about the actual catastrophe at home is forgotten and, for practical purposes, suppressed.

This well-known routine is happening again. As the to-be-covered-up news event (Bush bribed his way into the White House) is so huge, the cover-up ploy is also huge: A scalar-engineered hurricane named Katrina. The shadow government has decided to sacrifice an entire city, New Orleans, to cover up the coming news of bribery and in order to further rig the price of oil.

2. Weather engineering includes the blow-up of small hurricanes into large ones. The technology is zealously denied by so-called meterologists and physicists, but it exists anyhow. It has been described, for example, by veteran Pentagon scientist and scalar researcher Col. Tom Bearden at his huge web site, Here are some quotes (in finer print):

........Quoted from DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, Q&A at the Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy, University of Georgia, Athens, Apr. 28, 1997.

Examples of anomalous cloud formations in the year 2000

1. Complex „wheel-spoke“ pattern, a forerunner of which was first observed around 20 years ago. 28 November, 2000

2. Hexagonal shaped patterns - possible tests of containment barriers for areas contaminated by biological warfare. 16 November, 2000

Source of foregoing quote by Tom Bearden:

On this slide we diagrammatically represent the Soviet woodpecker interference grid over the U.S. This grid can easily be used to influence and control the weather, and for over a decade the Soviets have manipulated the weather over the U.S. and other parts of the world.

By the peculiar title of this slide, we wish to call attention to the fact that, in the exothermic mode of scalar interferometry riding on the woodpecker radar signals, each of the woodpecker grid interference cells can act as a little „virtual transmitter.“ It's exactly as if the Soviets had been permitted to enter the U.S. and build thousands of EM transmitters at regular intervals all over the country!

path and at a desired speed.


By these methods the entire jetstream across the U.S. can be deviated and controlled to a large degree. Moisture can be drawn from the Pacific beyond Southern California and Mexico, and collided over the southern U.S. with extremely cold air brought down from Canada, producing ice storms such as those in and around February 1, 1985.

Violent thunderstorm activity can be induced and directed. By adding „spin“, these same storms can be induced to form extensive tornados.

....................By localizing one spot of heating at the top of a thunderstorm anvil, and another spot of cooling at its side, a localized downburst can be created. Our weather satellites have detected just such an anomalous combination heating and cooling of thunderstorm anvils over the U.S. While there may exist natural mechanisms to cause this anomalous dual pattern, it may also be caused by Soviet weather engineering, which can cause either broad-area or highly localized effects.

All these types of weather engineering incidents have been deliberately created over the U.S. by the Soviet Union.

Today, weather engineering is also part of the Pentagon’s military arsenal and is at the command of America’s public enemy Nr. 1, the shadow government.

Basically, the U.S.A. lost the cold war - contrary to all newspaper allegations - against the Soviet Union because of scalar weapons and weather controlling technology. This is one of the key reasons for the multi-trillion dollar Pentagon black budget and secret arms program, namely to catch up in the scalar arms race. The main part of this technology was developed for the Pentagon by Israel and its ultra-secret scalar weapons program and is the reason why the U.S.A. has basically lost its sovereignty to a clique of internationalist scalar terrorists with hyper-tech abilities (such as also demonstrated in the „plane“ deceptions on 9-11-1).

Much fine print would need to be added here to explain the exact meaning of the terms „Israel“ and „Pentagon“ in the foregoing context. The terms are not identical with the alleged constitutional governments of Israel and the U.S.A. Essentially, the body of people involved is one and the same. It has close ties with the international central banking cabal (Bank of England, Vatican/Jesuits, Federal Reserve Bank/Alan Greenspan, AIG/Starr International/Maurice Greenberg, Citibank/David Rockefeller, Carlyle Group, Blackstone Group/Henry Kissinger/Maurice Greenberg/Pete Petersen, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, World Bank, Zionist Neocon cabal, et al., also with alleged Rothschild banking interests involved from the European side). Politically, there is a tight control group with its center being, purportedly, the four: Kissinger, Bush Sr., Hillary Clinton, William Rockefeller-Clinton. In brief, the Bush-Rockefeller Crime Syndicate (if Bill’s family name „Clinton“ is corrected, according to the alleged fatherhood [Winthrop Rockefeller, former Arkansas governor and some say Clinton look-alike], into „Rockefeller“). Many details are omitted here due to time and space restrictions.

For specific (but not all) analytical details, see book by Tom Bearden, „Fer de Lance“ (updated 2nd edition 2002),

For insightful details of the multi-trillion dollar Pentagon black budget as a secret second Manhattan Project see especially:

Gradually, we are finding out which weaponized horror of Satanic control freaks these many shiploads of money have gone to pay over decades!

3. Category 5 mega-hurricane Katrina bears signature marks of being rigged and magnified using scalar weather engineering. There has been a suspicious increase in frequency of otherwise very rare category 5 hurricanes. Before hurricane Andrew (1992, apparently a time when scalar technology was available) there were only two recorded category 5 hurricanes in the U.S.A. Katrina is actually moe than category 5; it is category 5+ (the scale has no category 6). It originated as a small medium hurricane, but suddenly and inexplicably over the Gulf of Mexico it exploded into a monster of category 5 (allegedly due to the „warm Gulf waters“ that have never behaved this way any time before). Then, the next item of suspicion is the target: New Orleans, shaped like a basin and beneath sea level, also conveniently a center of oil refining for the U.S.A. and located near the Gulf of Mexico oil production.

The mainstream media have turned away from normal news reporting and are hypnotized by the orchestrated mega-hurricane. A well-known pattern of diversion and orchestrated tragedy is once more staged with a chilling routine.

The oil price has risen steeply over $70 dollars a barrel due to the hurricane Katrina news reports. The city is being evacuated, a large volume of domestic American crude oil and gas production has been shut down.

4. The war on the American people is ongoing. 11-22-63, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Yugoslavia and 9-11-1 were merely episodes to break the force of the Republic. Traitors are manipulating the events from behind the screen. Vigilant networks of concerned citizens have watched for the usual „mock drills“ as reported recently by Webster G. Tarpley, and have most likely blocked this customary venue for the shadow regime’s orchestrated routine tragedies. The regime is upping the ante by resorting to its secret weapons of stealth and deception in its frantic death fight.

[edit on 1-9-2005 by dh]

[edit on 1-9-2005 by dh]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 07:50 PM
Look at this story.....

More Navy Ships Headed to the Gulf Coast

WASHINGTON - The military expects to put 30,000 National Guard troops on duty in the Gulf states as demands grow for more security and relief assistance, the commander in charge of military relief and rescue efforts said Thursday.

About 24,000 of those will be on the ground in Louisiana and Mississippi in the next three days, Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honore said in a telephone interview with reporters at the Pentagon. He also ordered the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan from the Louisiana coast to waters off Biloxi, Miss., to assist with hurricane relief operations there.

The additional Guard units, plus active duty troops responding to the disaster, brings the total military complement to more than 40,000.

Also, the Army has notified commanders at four or five major bases, including Fort Hood, Texas, and Fort Bragg, N.C., to stand by for further word on whether they may be required to send troops to the hurricane-stricken area, according to several defense officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because no final decisions had been made.

Three more days???? These are Navy ships from Norfolk, VA!!! Isn't there some phrase concerning "the slow boat to China"? Where are the military transport planes and heavy equipment?

[edit on 1-9-2005 by loam]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 08:19 PM
[font=Tahoma]The Gov and Mayor's office are directly responsible for this mess. A CAT 5 is bearing down on your state and city and you have no plan in place to deal with the ensuing catastrophe. now granted, NO presents unusual challenges that would not be present in other areas. but where does personal repsonsibility come into play with this. unless you were on the far side of the moon you knew this hurricane was coming. could a little preperation on individuals and the government have prevented this mess?

they should have done these things prior to the storm hitting:
1) alert national guard and mobilize local/state police and have ready for immediate deployment after storm passes
2) issue orders declaring martial law and/or impose cerfews: includes orders to shoot looters and others who violate these
3) have FEMA supplies ready at staging areas
4) constant communication to the populace about the danger of the approaching storm

a lot of misery could have been avoided if these simple steps would have been implemented.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by loam
Property is now the focus over lives.....

I agree entirely with the mayors decision here. Looting doesn't happen in a vacuum, looting will lead to rioting, and rioting will lead to more deaths than suspending rescue operations. People are shooting at rescue helicopters. Civilians cannot conduct rescue operations when this is going on, you have to have order in the city, without that, there can't be anything else.

Oh yes, just wait getting food drink and medicine in untill the peace is restored. think man , think.
We are talking about children, women and men who are starving out there.
This is not Iraq!!!not even close, so those national guards should stop whining and do what they are paid for.


posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 09:16 PM
Quit standing up for his majesty G W Buuush .

Where was he when he was and is needed ?

Stayed on vacation? Out of the Loop ? Could care Less ?

All's Bussh's aim for his Presidency was to be the "Golden Child " of the rich and super rich.

He rushed airdrops of supplies to Iraq after the fighting and nothing to New Orleans, LA(USA) 6 days after the hurricane.

It is guarenteed he has no plan and will show no leadership on this either.

By the way what's his approval rating NOW ? 0% ?

Fight that dead-head Republicans, could-care-less conservatives, "we-care-kinder-gentler" religioso's

I guess Bush won't be the one stuffing his pockets with gobs of cash out of the SS trust fund after all.

Who could trust him to do that job after this ?

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 09:19 PM
A reporter on TV said he is seeing people who died where they sat in their lawn chairs and dead babies due to lack of water and medical attention and if nothing is done soon rioting and bloodshed will break out.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by bodebliss
Quit standing up for his majesty G W Buuush .

Where was he when he was and is needed ?

Stayed on vacation? Out of the Loop ? Could care Less ?

All's Bussh's aim for his Presidency was to be the "Golden Child " of the rich and super rich.

He rushed airdrops of supplies to Iraq after the fighting and nothing to New Orleans, LA(USA) 6 days after the hurricane.

It is guarenteed he has no plan and will show no leadership on this either.

By the way what's his approval rating NOW ? 0% ?

Fight that dead-head Republicans, could-care-less conservatives, "we-care-kinder-gentler" religioso's

I guess Bush won't be the one stuffing his pockets with gobs of cash out of the SS trust fund after all.

Who could trust him to do that job after this ?

Could not agree more bodebliss. Been hearing the media spinmeisters twisting this to favor Shrub. And the White House press secretary said that flood control was a major priority since "day one."
How much was the Army Corps of Engineers flood control request cut? And never mind those pesky wetlands...

One thing is for sure though. The National Guard is great for responding to such crises at home. Traditionally, that is one of their major roles. But where are so many thousands of them? Of course, Iraq, fighting an abnormally expensive war of dubious necessity. Of course, makes perfect sense when it comes to the security of the homeland.

How much less anarchy would be going on if they were deployed en mass in New Orleans?

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:31 PM
I normally do not agree with him but if you watched tonights show he was on target. He is in Bilouxi, came in with his wife and her friends. They were the first relief workers seen in the area of the gulf. A reporter with water was the first person they saw. He was shocked and very very critical of the Bush admin. There are no troops in the area, no relief workers, nothing.

Terri Shivo got congress back from vacation within 24 hrs to "save" her life. This disaster took 4 days to get congress back and the administration involved.

If they replay Scarborough Country watch it. He shows a military base next to the destruction that has offered no help to residence. A truck with relief arrived for the first time to the area (the area he, his wife and friends drove into) and it had a couple of pallets of water and a little ice but no food. People are going to start to die in just a couple of days from no food and they showed up with an empty truck.

He blames Bush for this. He said this is a federal problem. No state could be expected to respond to such a disaster. Why aren't boots on the ground everywhere? Where are the air lifts of supplies? Where arent the skies darkened with helicopters flying in with supplies?

They also talk about a newscrew from Barcelona that was wondering where the troops and support were. They said if something had happened in their country America was there to help immediately but when it happens to our own country we take days to begin to respond.

This is a black eye.

Oh and anyone that compares Gulliani and his response on 9/11 to the New Orleans mayors repsonse is an idiot. There is NO comparrision between the scope of what happened in NY to what has happened in the gulf.

Remember when we thought the 7 minute choke was bad on 9/11. He choked for 4 days this time.

[edit on 9/1/2005 by nativeokie]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by nativeokie

Remember when we thought the 7 minute choke was bad on 9/11. He choked for 4 days this time.

Past behavior is ALWAYS a strong indicator of future aptitude. Looks like mother nature outed him for the incompetent he really is. I expect a WAR AGAINST NATURE campaign any day now.....

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