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If there is war against terrorism..

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posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 01:56 PM
Makes me wonder why Col. Muammar Gadaffi isnt in the list of "terrorists"? The Lockerbie event is on the news.. again.. and it was Libyan secret service that blasted living sh!t out of that boeing 747.. and all that US wants is money..
Other things that wonders me about Libya.. is: The shooting down of the dc-9 passenger jet and the crashing of the Libyan Mig-23 in ITALY.. i havent got any sensible answers yet..

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 02:03 PM
This wasn't "just about money".
You haven't been reading the news properly.

Libya had to make a statement that it was responsible for the atrocity and that it has now renounced all terrorist acts.

I have to admit, that I see this as "blood money". But apart from declaring war and removing Gaddafi there isn't really a lot more that the US can do.
They are retaining their sanctions whereas the UN has lifted theirs.

Gaddafi has made several promises that he wants to breing Libya back into the World Community. Time will tell whether he is telling the truth or not.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 02:13 PM
Remember 1986? When US bombed Libya? Killing one of Gadaffis children.. in retalition of one German disco being bombed.. US claimed that it was Libyan operation.. but today we KNOW the truht.. bombers werent Libyans..

But the Libyans had to start to use terr tactics.. as they havent got the military strenght to strike back at US..

[Edited on 16-8-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 02:14 PM
Whats interesting is the US response to the French: accusing the French of hypocrisy for taking a smaller settlement on another French airline that was downed by Libya. Seems the Franco/ American rift shows no signs of healing, and probably wont for quite some time.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Whats interesting is the US response to the French: accusing the French of hypocrisy for taking a smaller settlement on another French airline that was downed by Libya. Seems the Franco/ American rift shows no signs of healing, and probably wont for quite some time.

Well both.. US and France HAVE BEEN in combat against Libya.. US DELTA FORCE STOLE SEVERAL LIBYAN AIRCRAFT.. (At least one Mi-24.. 3. try was succesful..) and French were involved in HEAVY GROUND FIGHTING with Libyan army.. in Tsad and other african locations..

And the settlemant money.. Mayby it tells something good about EUROPEAN PEOPLE.. that we are not TRYING TO GET RICH by deahts of our LOVED ONES..

Money doesnt take the pain away..

[Edited on 16-8-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 04:39 PM
link doesn't take the pain away...but it sure as hell makes misery easier to live with.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Hillbilly doesn't take the pain away...but it sure as hell makes misery easier to live with.

I dont think so.. only thing i would want at that point was the LIVES of those responssible.. But US people want money.. i think that is SICK!

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 06:57 PM
Actually, the families of the PanAm victims don't seem to care about the money.
It's more a token gesture than anything else. The letter of acceptance and apology is what the US and UK were after more than anything else.

The problem comes when you look at Libya itself. Gaddafi is so desparate to come in from the cold that he might have signed anything just to get accepted according to some sceptics.

Libya is an interesting country. Unlike the others in the "Axis of Evil", their leader is widely accepted as a joke by the population. Although there is a secret police force which controls dissidence, it seems to be a lot more lax than Iran or North Korea. The younger population actually have no beef with the US or the West and they are brought up on a diet of Hollywood, Levis and Coke when they can get it. Of all Arab countries, the Libyans are probably the people who embrace US culture the most (not that I totally agree with this!!).
Although it is unlikely that revolution will topple Gaddafi in the near future, it is doubtful that he is anywhere near the threat that he once was. The generation that comes after him offers hope to their country, to the region and to the world in general.

Libya will be interesting to watch over the next few weeks and months. There will be repercussions over the letter that it has sent that will definitely move it back, closer to the international community. As stated earlier, although UN sanctions are now lifted, US economic barriers remain. What sort of impact this will have on the politics of Gaddafi should become clearer in the near future.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 09:00 PM
I just think that in general US sense of JUSTICE is quite twisted.. O.J.Simpson is a freeman?!? And everything is paid.. in money or in blood. A Democracy cant have death sentence..

And what comes to Col. Gadaffi.. most say that he is after all a GOOD STATES MAN.. Like the LEADERS in NORTH AMERICA or in EUROPE.. Much more than you can say about of the rest Middle East leaders or Third World Leaders.. Hell.. Israel is run by WAR CRIMANAL and Nelson Mandela of South Africa is A TERRORIST.. not to mention the late Idi Amin.. Or the Faud "house" of Saudi Arabia that may have been even involved in 09.11.2001 attacks on US..

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Uninen
I just think that in general US sense of JUSTICE is quite twisted..

Well, it isn't just the US.
The UN sanctions could stay in place according to latest reports.
The French are looking for compensation from Libya for the bombing of one of their airliners in 1989. Gaddafi has told them to back off and that they aren't getting a penny. The French sit on the Security Council and have a vote on the lifting of sanctions.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Leveller

Originally posted by Uninen
I just think that in general US sense of JUSTICE is quite twisted..

Well, it isn't just the US.
The UN sanctions could stay in place according to latest reports.
The French are looking for compensation from Libya for the bombing of one of their airliners in 1989. Gaddafi has told them to back off and that they aren't getting a penny. The French sit on the Security Council and have a vote on the lifting of sanctions.

Now US is PISSED at the Frech for trying to ruin the settlement..

Bussines is Bussines.. Patong people bud out..

But we shall see.. this might just be some power strugle between US and France.. I think that France doesnt use the vote and gets somekind of reward from US behind the scene..



[Edited on 17-8-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 09:28 PM
It will make no difference to the US.
They have the letter already and are keeping their sanctions in place.
If anything the US will probably support the French stance.

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Leveller
It will make no difference to the US.
They have the letter already and are keeping their sanctions in place.
If anything the US will probably support the French stance.

It would better MAKE LOTS OF DIFFERENCE.. DEAL IS A DEAL. Libyans and Mr.Gafaffi was told that if they take the BLAME.. the sanctions would be lifted.. Now if they arent, Libyans WILL BE MIGHTY ANGRY. Hell it is even not know if they ever even did that Jumbo-Bombing sh!t.. or at least was it ordered by GADAFFI or was it SECRET SERVICES PRIVATE VENTURE?


[Edited on 17-8-2003 by Uninen]

posted on Aug, 16 2003 @ 09:41 PM
Nope. It wasn't a written deal.
It was expected that the sanctions would be lifted and it was a condition to the sanctions being lifted.
But there was no deal that specifically stated that the UN sanctions would be lifted if Libya apologised.

I wouldn't panic yet though. France has a say on the council but it isn't definite she will vote no. And even if she does, it's still only one vote.

You have to remember that France still sees herself as a colonial power. If the Libyans have apologised to the US and the British, but not to France, you can guarantee that has put a few Gallic noses out of joint.

posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 11:03 AM
There is one more theory, more convoluted and startling than these, that brings Israel, the CIA and US Military intelligence, or the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), into the frame.

The CIA unit is alleged to have been selling drugs to raise funds to buy the freedom of six US hostages held by Hezbollah in Lebanon at the time.

The drugs-ring and the connection to Hezbollah is said to have been set up by Israeli Mossad agents.


posted on Aug, 17 2003 @ 07:58 PM
The CIA selling drugs, Mossad in on it as well? No......say it aint so!

Yet another contra drug ring: the CIA pushing dope on the streets yet again to raise funds for yet another suspicious activity. No surprise there. The Mossad is probably selling dope too to keep the hostages there. Follow the money, yet again. Whose hands does it end up in?


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