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What's the next step in fixing our government?

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posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:07 PM
I agree with we need to get rid of lifer politicans. Are you all aware that members who get elected to congress even after 1 term they retire and get $15,000 a month for life
...tell me that is not crazy, there medical plan and retirement is seperated from everyone elses...if congress had to rely on social security you bet it would be fixed....if congress had to use the same medicaid or medicare you bet congress would fix it....

Next I would require studies of All laws and sentancing over ten years basis, and every ten years All laws would be reevaluated based on ...effectiveness, fairness, obsolete, do the punishments fit the crime...ect. This would be done by non-partizanship groups.

Make it national law that people who watch over elections by states are Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2005...

Just because you are elected into government office you should not become should be looked on as more a burden of service to ones conutry, not about the rule of the corperations...

Massive campain restrictions

thats a start

JT Rocks

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:29 PM
The voter turnout for the 2004 election was 64% highest ever in U.S. history is 68% that should silence the Americans are lazy and don't vote crowd.

Now, I love the fact that people say Bush can’t have wont the election he just couldn't have because I believe he is bad and therefore he must have stolen the election. :lol :lol

These people need to accept reality and step into the real world, they are embedded in this conspiracy realm where nothing is what it seem so be. They continue to believe something that there is hardly any evidence to support, yet they call us brain washed.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by WestPoint23
The voter turnout for the 2004 election was 64% highest ever in U.S. history is 68% that should silence the Americans are lazy and don't vote crowd.

Now, I love the fact that people say Bush can’t have wont the election he just couldn't have because I believe he is bad and therefore he must have stolen the election. :lol :lol

These people need to accept reality and step into the real world, they are embedded in this conspiracy realm where nothing is what it seem so be. They continue to believe something that there is hardly any evidence to support, yet they call us brain washed.

It's amazing that there is someone such as yourself on these boards. What exactly are you in support of? Because I don't really think that you have any valid points here.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:48 PM
WestPoint23 you believe what you want...or better you believe what they want you to believe. This is after all a conspiracy forum....Do you have any ideas on fixing our Government?...oh im sorry you don't think its who's brainwashed

You research all the elections Bush has been in....

braindead, sheeple, yes men are right now the largest threat against the USA...or what the USA once stood for

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 06:31 PM
Oooooo, “they” are coming and “they” are brainwashing us. Please, government isn't perfect but you people make it seem like its there is a big Conspiracy going on and everything is designed to keep us down and take our rights away.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 07:50 PM
in this country you're rewarded for sticking with things as long as possible. "they" certainly want you to keep one job your whole life, live in one house and get married and stay married for as long as possible. in fact, those are typically the decided factors in determining someone's success. people who think outside the box and question things they've been taught their entire life are regarded as quacks. they certainly love people that go to their job mon-fri, work on the house or do chores around the house (anything, as long as their not questioning anything) on saturday, and go to church and worship some invisible god on sunday. all the while you have to make sure that keep up your consumerism and provide for the economy so that the wealthy minority of this country can just keeping getting richer.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 07:51 PM
2 can play that game.

the government loves us and does everything to benifit us. Nobody has ever conspired to do anything illegal in government.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 09:46 PM

We're definetely on the same side of most opinions. However, I just wanted to possibly give you a headsup about your avatar. Did you know Bill O'Reilly is one of the most biased, freedom hating liars there is in media? I saw this one episode that he was trying to literarly beat up a kid that came on his show questioning the events of 9/11 ( his father died during 9/11, I can't remember if he was in one of the planes or in the WTC though) He told the kid his father would be ashamed (which is not his place to do) and actually tried to punch him out and kicked him off the show.

O'Reilly is definetely full of s***, he's supposedly a unbiased independant no-spin news reporter, even though it's obvious to mostly everyone he's a biased all-spin Republican pushing the Government's sorry agenda. He is definetely not the next step in fixing our Government, getting rid of his show would be one small step in the right direction.

This wasn't meant to bash you I just get sick when I see his sorry mug.

[edit on 22-6-2005 by NoJustice]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 10:48 PM
let's see , we got intrusive laws

using spy software, they're looking at everyone on the net

this new addition to the porn laws

and this new crap law , wrapping itself in the flag [ anti-burning flag ]

but taking our freedom of speech away with it ! wtf ?

any politician who supports removing our freedoms, especially our freedom of speech

is no longer a servant of the people. they have turned on the people

and the people should in kind vote them out of office

remember, the jews were told, they were going for de-licing...

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by NoJustice

We're definetely on the same side of most opinions. However, I just wanted to possibly give you a headsup about your avatar. Did you know Bill O'Reilly is one of the most biased, freedom hating liars there is in media? I saw this one episode that he was trying to literarly beat up a kid that came on his show questioning the events of 9/11 ( his father died during 9/11, I can't remember if he was in one of the planes or in the WTC though) He told the kid his father would be ashamed (which is not his place to do) and actually tried to punch him out and kicked him off the show.

O'Reilly is definetely full of s***, he's supposedly a unbiased independant no-spin news reporter, even though it's obvious to mostly everyone he's a biased all-spin Republican pushing the Government's sorry agenda. He is definetely not the next step in fixing our Government, getting rid of his show would be one small step in the right direction.

This wasn't meant to bash you I just get sick when I see his sorry mug.

[edit on 22-6-2005 by NoJustice]

yeah, i'm well aware of bill o'reilly's biased agenda. the avatar is a joke. i was wanting the picture of bush with the church cross in the background, but it was too big to fit.

[edit on 23-6-2005 by koryosborn]

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Where2Hide2006
Real Solutions To Real Problems.

How do We, the majority, change America.

The answer is simple...but it is also incredibly difficult, and incredibly risky.

The Middle Class America need to form THEIR OWN POLITICAL PARTY. Aimed at the middle class, and the minorities. Under the Mantra of a New American Revolution. A new beggining, where control will be given back to the people, and where if you have a problem with the way things are being done... you have a voice. Not just an aimless voice in the crowd, but we will give you center stage. To uphold the constitution of this great land, and with the goal in mind of restoring the luster on this once great nation. We do not need the World to fear us, we need the to respect us, and from there together we can change this world, and make it the place that we thought we lived in when we were children.

We must name this party, and it must carry our message.

The Republican Party
The Democratic Party

We Shall Be ... The Peoples Party.

Afterall what says we are party of the average person, then saying it in your title.

We need to Overthrow this current Political System ... and to do so without bloodshed, we must play by the rules they set up to exchange power.

If we can "ORGANIZE" ourselves... we can take control away from the 2 party system... which only promotes the views of the Wealthy and Elite... and Corporate.

We must take our message to the people, and ask them if a 3rd political party were to form with a new bold agenda controlled by the middle class. Would they be interested. And how much would they be interested in contributing to our mutual cause... because the wealthy won't support this party. It would have to be funded by the average person. But I guess that will be our biggest problem moving forward.

I suggest that we launch a campaign online... with spam and links, and word of mouth. Because commercials would be way too expensive.

Your suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you.

I would just like to report that i have joined the Libertarian Party and am doing volunteer work as well as offering my solutions to the man Running for Governor of New Jersey Jeff Pawlowski.

It is my goal to take back this country and restore the American People of their liberties and freedoms. Restore the powers of the States, and freedom of choice to the American People.

If you do not know much about the Libertarian Party please do a search and read up on what they stand for.

I was suprised to find out I was a libertarian too.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 12:15 PM
Where2Hide2006, I would like to help. I also live in Jersey. U2U me on how I can get involved.

I just got done reading all of this and mostly everyone is on the right page. Except for that Westpoint guy, boy does he work my nerves. I look all over the internet daily to find a way to fix things. I never find anything. Just a whole lot of talk with no action. Our voices are being heard but only by each other. Everyone else is brain dead. Nobody thinks for themselves anymore except for the select few. I have this nagging feeling on a daily basis that if something is not done soon it will be too late. We need to start pooling our resources together in order to start exposing the truth. We need money and alot of it. We need the majority to understand what is really going on. Through all of this we must remember that we are not each others enemies, we are allies. Is there a procedure that we can take legally to overthrow the government or atleast make an attempt to do so on some sort of allegations?

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 08:23 PM
What we need to do to fix our government:

1. Give every politician terms; not just the President. I say 8 years max across the board for every politican. First off, this will get fresh ideas into our government every so often, and it will also get rid of the "Good Old Boy" network that controls the country.

2. Don't allow lawyers to become politicians. The US is the most litigous society in the world. To ensure that lawyers continue to make money, other lawyers become politicians and pass laws to benefit lawyers. Again, a "Good Old Boy" network.

3. Don't allow items to be snuck into bills; get rid of pork barrel spending. For example, $223 million was snuck into the latest energy bill to build a bridge in Alaska that will service 30 people living on an island. What does that have to do with energy?

4. What one has to say about what should be done should not be affected by how much or how little money they have. Free speech in politics should be about the voices of all those who support an idea, not who supports the idea with the biggest wallet.

5. Lobbyists should be abolished. See #4.

6. Bring back the Line Item Veto. Give the President the right to veto pork barrel spending snuck into bills. But, if #3 is passed, there would be no need for this.

7. Campain and fundraising organizations should have the same limits that potential candidates do. Let's face it, the DNC and RNC are "legal loopholes" for candidates to receive as much money as they can get without getting in trouble. If you cap how much money can be spent on a candidate, you'll cap a lot of the "promises" that are made to big money.

8. AMERICANS NEED TO GET MORE INVOLVED IN THEIR GOVERNMENT. 90% of America sits on their collective asses in their armchairs and bitches about what's going on, but never does anything about it. Thus, the government or big business continues to make decisions for us about how we are going to live our lives. Voting is great, but every American needs to stand up for what they believe in. It's government FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. But, unfortunately, "the people" seem to forget that.

[edit on 16-8-2005 by elderban]

posted on Aug, 20 2005 @ 04:16 PM
good for you

better hurry tho...times a wastin'

and only a few hundred million people to educate...

piercing thru the veils is the problem. each level has its' own veil

I was fortunate enuf to pierce thru 6

I'll post more when time permits...

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 12:57 AM
Maximum term on every elected person.

So you can only spend say 12years in Congress, etc, etc.

Also Political Parties being removed. The people in Congress vote the way their State/Region want them to vote, not the way they want to vote.

posted on Aug, 24 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Odium
Maximum term on every elected person.

Also Political Parties being removed. The people in Congress vote the way their State/Region want them to vote, not the way they want to vote.

I think we should allow political parties, but stop state recognition of parties and taxpayer funding of political parties. The ballot should only list names. The voter should be responsible for knowing who they are voting for and not blindly vote for a party.

Primaries and conventions should not be paid for by the taxpayer.

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