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about 8 years ago, Maj. Ed Dames remote viewed N. Korea being first country to launch aa nuke...

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posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 04:36 PM
I remember listening to a Art Bell radion show where Maj. Ed Dames the well know ex-army/cia remote veiwer and founder of Psi Tech, had said that he and/or his team had remore viewed N. Korea as the first country to launch a nuke...the show I had listened to was like about 8 years ago. It looks like ed Dames might have been right with the current affairs going on with N. Korea and nukes right now...

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 05:08 PM
ok, i looked more into this on google and found that someone already posted about this on ATS back in 2003. In 2003 Ed Dames had been on art bell and said that sometime after we attcked iraq that N. korea would at sometime launch a nuke. Thing is I remember Ed Dames saying this about N. Korea way back about 8 years ago way before we even knew we were going to attack Iraq...

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 05:47 PM

hey humbled_one
theres different search techniques,
i really don't have the inclination to read thru all these items
but you can find 'noteworthy' memes recorded on different dates here

maybe the ~8 year-ago? stuff Ed Dames put in front of U & us is listed


posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 05:57 PM
Yea wow, I found it on that list you just posted. It says Ed Dames sadi it back in 1997 on the Art Bell show. I knew I had heard it as I was listening to the show back then when I was driving in my car and heard Ed Dames say it...

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 06:07 PM
I always found RV interesting, I'm gonna make this the main topic on my radio show for the next airing. This is insane. I wonder where it will land...


[edit on 3-6-2005 by invader_chris]

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 06:11 PM
It is difficult to imagine the scope of "fallout" if this scenario comes to pass.
Martial law for the US, possible concentration camps, and lawlessness of an unfathomable scale, not to mention the actual fallout frome a nuclear strike on our soil, so, let's all hope this never comes to pass.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:20 PM
Don't worry to much about Maj. Dames prediction via remot viewing. His track record on his predictions isn't that great. In fact it sucks. But here's a thought; buy Eds course on RV for around $750 study real hard and RV North Korea yourself. I have to admit though that I get a kick out of Maj Ed and always tune in to C2C when he's on.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:23 PM
Well although N. Korea says they have the capability to launch a missle(s) to hit US soil, i don't think that Ed Dames ever said where they would actually launch the nuke to. It may just be that they launch it on U.S. bases in S. Korea. Of course that may be to close for comfort for them, so maybe they will aim at U.S. soil (if they do launch off a nuke)...

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Don't worry to much about Maj. Dames prediction via remot viewing. His track record on his predictions isn't that great. In fact it sucks. But here's a thought; buy Eds course on RV for around $750 study real hard and RV North Korea yourself. I have to admit though that I get a kick out of Maj Ed and always tune in to C2C when he's on.

Whaa, i know what you are saying about his track record, but the fact that he RV'd N. Korea being the first country to launch a nuke and that he said it over 8 years ago and now what is going on with N.Korea and their talks about their nukes, it makes you think Ed Dames may have hit something this time. 8 years ago I don't think anyone would have thought N. Korea as the candidate to be the first to set off a nuke, but now it is a reality that could very well happen...N. korea made a statement yesterday that they feel the U.S is setting up stealth bombers in S. Korea as a pre-emptive nuke strike against N. Korea - could this set off N. Korea to soon set off their nuke (s) before they feel we are going to do to them...remember a lot of countries are now very afraid of what the U.S. gov't. is capable of doing...N. Korea may be scared and feel they have to strike first...

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by St Udio

hey humbled_one
theres different search techniques,
i really don't have the inclination to read thru all these items
but you can find 'noteworthy' memes recorded on different dates here

maybe the ~8 year-ago? stuff Ed Dames put in front of U & us is listed


Thanks for the link. It was interesting to read through it to see a prediction of animals becoming disorientated because of the world's magnetic poles are shifting.

Did anyone hear about those Orca Whales that beached themselves yesterday? I can't remember what country it was.

On the subject of North Korea, I think it was known by the intelligence agencies that N Korea were on the look out for nuclear weapons, and had been since the mid 80s.

Ed Dames prediction of North Korea having nuclear weapons is not all that impressive when you consider this, and as for him saying that North Korea will fire nuclear weapons, I think it is important to take note we don't know what Ed Dames views are on a military attack on North Korea, and saying that North Korea would fire a nuke may not be a prediction as such, but a theory because of his political beliefs.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 08:49 AM
What goes around comes around. We were the first country to ever use nukes in a war and we won't be the last. We were not spiritually ready for nuclear technology then and we aren’t now. If we do get hit with a bomb it will be our own fault. This is the way of the world.

posted on Jul, 14 2005 @ 07:16 PM
heres my explanation this guy probably american right? and americans are prejedice against communist nations right? North Korea is the communist one and south korea is the non communist one. Well there subconscious probably saw this coming already and showed it to them in the form of some kind of remote viewing hullicination.

spititually ready explainw what you mean i do not understand how spirituality and nuclear related matters link?

[edit on 14-7-2005 by healthyhitter]

posted on Mar, 30 2013 @ 10:42 PM
Remember this? We could look into it again...


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