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Possible Alien Agenda? - Containment

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posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:43 AM
I have to agree with you Gazrok and my lame attempt of humor was just that.

My point being would any intelligent race NOT want to keep an eye on us? We are the Chimps with Nukes and we scare ourselves imagine what we would look like to others.

I don't buy into the "Alien Overlord" bit as much though. IMO it would be really simple for them to just TAKE what they wanted without all the tom-foolery.

[edit on 5-5-2005 by Amuk]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 09:08 AM

Why would they bother to contain us? If they have the ability to conduct instellar space travel they would be so far advanced of us we would be nothing to them. If they considered us any type of threat they could simply elimnate us at will.

Never said it was a difficult job.

Perhaps they aren't in the habit of simply "destroying" less advanced lifeforms? While our tech is self-limiting, perhaps they're just keeping an eye on us all the same. As to what boundaries have been agreed upon, who knows? The "agreement" itself is the details are as well. I'd wager that the moonshots caught them off guard, success-wise, so though not interfering, perhaps the "suggestion" was made to chill a bit with the human exploration idea...

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by mpeake
Well, if they were planning on telling us when we make mistakes and tell us how to fix them, they certainly aren't telling the right people.
We continue to make the same mistakes we have been making for thousands of years, with the hope that eventually we will cosmically "wake up" and see that peace and love is the only way. Sorry, but I think they wish to have nothing to do with our learning process. If they do, then they aren't very good teachers.

Maybe we just arent good students

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:46 PM
Maybe the ETs are the cosmic equivalent of 'rubberneckers.'

They heard all the noise we were making with the Philadelphia Experiment and decided to check it out, only to find a good ole' 'knock down drag out' in progress.

Being like anyone else, they just love a good fight, and their just waiting for the fireworks at the end of the show.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Divergence
Maybe the ETs are the cosmic equivalent of 'rubberneckers.'

Man, that is too funny.

Being like anyone else, they just love a good fight, and their just waiting for the fireworks at the end of the show.

Could be right, but maybe their here to prevent it????

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:53 AM
I don't think it would be so easy to contain us no matter how advanced the aliens might be. We don't seem to be able to contain/restrain ourselves, never mind letting the powers in charge find out somebody wants to put limits on us. Just seems like we have a long history of doing what we should't do. If aliens want to contain us I think they might find out it'd be like trying to put an octopus in a mesh bag without touching the tentacles, so to speak.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 02:04 AM
Your brain's capability to integrate new knowledge is limited to the laws of association. You have to be able to associate a new truth to an existing truth. What truths did you have at birth which all other truths have been linked to the source programming in you. Instincts. Instincts are the truths you have to begin with. And Instincts are the truths you take for granted are truth, those encoded strands of information are the basis of your personality and identity. But what if those instincts were not correct information.
I could continue to spell it out for you. But you would not believe me.

So I offer you this advice:
Ask the logical question.
Find the answer.
Ask the next logical question.
Find the answer.
Ask the next logical question.
Find the answer.
Continue this process until you are faced with the last logical question.
Every essence of your personality and identity stem from?
Your last opinion will precede the truth.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 02:33 AM
I don't know why but I truely believe the aliens we see are evil,and I get the impression that for some reason they can't or are not allowed to totally reveal themselves for the time being(almost like they're waiting on something for the go ahead).When they do eventually reveal themselves I think bad times are going to follow.

Deep down my instinct tells me this.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
But what if those instincts were not correct information.
I could continue to spell it out for you. But you would not believe me.

Well I think, most here are open minded, please elaborate. I think our instincts were developed with evolution, they may not be correct, but they are what they are. We have to deal with them everyday, sometimes overiding them with reason.

Ask the logical question. Find the answer.
Ask the next logical question. Find the answer.

Continue this process until you are faced with the last logical question.
Every essence of your personality and identity stem from?
Your last opinion will precede the truth.

This is what we are trying to do, first establishing that something is going on (i.e. UFO phenomenon). Then determine that there is intelligence behind the phenomenon. Now we are trying to determine what is this intelligence's agenda. If you feel you have another hypothesis, please tell us.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by motionknight

Originally posted by mpeake
Well, if they were planning on telling us when we make mistakes and tell us how to fix them, they certainly aren't telling the right people.
We continue to make the same mistakes we have been making for thousands of years, with the hope that eventually we will cosmically "wake up" and see that peace and love is the only way. Sorry, but I think they wish to have nothing to do with our learning process. If they do, then they aren't very good teachers.

Maybe we just arent good students

Ooooh, very nice answer

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:02 AM
In some ways I like the 'containment' theory simply because it presents aliens as benevolent and high-minded. These are the 'aliens' we see in upbeat 50s scifi movies or Star Trek episodes.

The problem with it, though, is that even containment would involve some sort of violence... or implication of violence. Why? Because the aliens would either have to actively sabotage our ships (or shoot them down) for it to work... or they would have to threaten our governments with the same. Though their goals might be high-minded, their short-term methods would have to be just as ruthless as any we might use on Earth.

As for the containment idea itself...
UFO sightings, as Gaz can tell you, go back centuries, if not thousands of years. They occured when humans had no capacity for even basic flight and had only galleys and chariots for transportation. Even among 'modern' sightings... the 'Mystery Aisrhip' wave of the 1890s is arguably the first modern wave (not the 1947 one)... and that occured when we were just mastering internal combustion. We, at that time, had zero capacity to wage war against other worlds... and, if anything, those early UFO sightings encouraged us to develop the tech that could allow us to fight such wars.

But, to bring up something that would favor the 'containment' theory...
Humans, today, have the capacity to wage war against other planets with technology that is known by the public, even. We could, for instance, easily build a probe that was armed with 'bunker busting' nuclear weapons and send it to Mars. Heck, we could send such a probe to any moon or planet in the solar system. Early detection might be the easiest way to thwart such an attack... and so the UFOs might really be just waiting for us to launch an attack with a bunch of nuclear-tipped Titan IVs and Delta Vs.

[edit on 6-5-2005 by onlyinmydreams]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
But what if those instincts were not correct information.
I could continue to spell it out for you. But you would not believe me.

Well I think, most here are open minded, please elaborate. I think our instincts were developed with evolution, they may not be correct, but they are what they are. We have to deal with them everyday, sometimes overiding them with reason.

Ask the logical question. Find the answer.
Ask the next logical question. Find the answer.

Continue this process until you are faced with the last logical question.
Every essence of your personality and identity stem from?
Your last opinion will precede the truth.

This is what we are trying to do, first establishing that something is going on (i.e. UFO phenomenon). Then determine that there is intelligence behind the phenomenon. Now we are trying to determine what is this intelligence's agenda. If you feel you have another hypothesis, please tell us.

Now we are trying to determine what is this intelligence's agenda.

My hypothesis is irrelivant, because that would imply that my opinion is worth the words I'm typing. Opinions are what the flawed mind has after it fills in all the information it does not have.

"Now we are trying to determine what is this intelligence's agenda."

Agenda: Yes, you are trying to determine what THIS intelligence's agenda is with a mind that is flawed from the very start because of the information provided by intelligence itself in your very genetic core. But whatever logic you follow to whatever answers you find you will realize that all the opinions you've had and accepted as truth were what has mislead you. But somewhere deep within you is the imprinted knowledge provided by the same first consciousness that all consciousness stems from, and it is that which you will find when logic tells you that every logic you've followed has not provided the answer.

"Now we are trying to determine what is this intelligence's agenda."

Then listen to what the smartest people ever to have walked are telling you. Then apply what they say. And then you'll be left with no more next logical question.

Agenda: Yes, you are trying to determine what THIS intelligence's agenda is with a mind that is flawed from the very start because .... instinct and the inherent truth within determined the path you started from. Who put those tid bits of info in you? If "They" did then the "They" are the individual cells of your body which will not permit you to know what it is that you seek, because your very physical being does not permit you to and is confined to what your DNA binds your mind's ability to integrate new experiences only through the law of association.

When a puppy is attacked it will cower.
When a kitten is attacked it will hiss and raise a claw.
When a baby human is attacked it will cry.

Your first thought was of victimization, and through the manditory law of association every experience and thought and idea has been tied to the first experience of victimization, your DNA binds you to this very simple truth. But, your self is not tangible. And therefore, How can you determine reality is real when the self that is determining it to be real is not real?

And therefore, How can you determine reality is real when the self that is determining it to be real is intangible?

Your mind is the conspiritor. And your SPIRIT has been CONned and TORe.

If you care to quote directly any "genius" or "enlighted" being throughout all time that demonstrates how these ideas and concepts contradict the teachings ...... feel free.

[edit on 6/5/05 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:12 AM
What is your intelligence's agenda?

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
What is your intelligence's agenda?

Trying to figure out what you are saying.

After seeing several identical posts from you I wonder what is your agenda. If you would like to discuss a connection between UFOoligy and esoterics, maybe you should start a thread of your own. I would be interested in what you have to say, but the way your writing is difficult to follow. I take it that your saying you cannot prove something that really isn't there? I dunno.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:01 PM

Yes, you are trying to determine what THIS intelligence's agenda is with a mind that is flawed from the very start because of the information provided by intelligence itself in your very genetic core.

I take it then that ET (Esoteric Teacher...pun intended) is not of our genetic core, and sees us as an inferior species.... Sounds like more of the "I'd explain it to you, but your puny human minds couldn't understand it" crowd...

This post from the get go is/was speculation, but based on the evidence at hand. The supposition is one of many possibilities based on logic and the info at hand. If you know other info, please elaborate. If you have a different conclusion for their agenda, I too would love to hear it as well, as there undoubtedly other possibilities....but insulting our meager intelligence isn't exactly answering the question either, is it?

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Hal9000

Originally posted by mpeake
Maybe they don't come out and tell us that we are being contained because it's easy to contain something that doesn't realize they are being contained.

This would be under the assumption that they never want us to grow up and venture into space. Because with my experience training people, you have to tell individuals what they did wrong when they make mistakes. Otherwise, they will never learn. If you don't tell them, and hope they figure it out themselves, then your not doing your job properly.

the best teachers of all time did not present the answers, but coaxed the students into asking the right questions.

what good is it for our "neighbors" to simply present the answer to a question not yet even asked?

if a student can not want to ask the right question in thier current state of mind, then how does one encourage less advanced to at least inquire as to why ..........

thier purpose is our purpose. there is no seperation of goals. if there were neither of us would be witnessing the other at all. the foul missinterpretations of some (who may i remind you are alive to report them) were deciphered by minds that know fear and hate at a conscious level. law of association.

if these words present themselves to you and appear true, perhaps a messenger is speaking with authority to deliver a message that is true.

if it is false and presents itself as easily dismissable, please disregard the message.

posted on Jun, 2 2005 @ 11:08 PM
This is a very interesting thread.

What if we're self conained. I've always thought our boys saw something during the moon missions that scared the piss out of them. Something so scary that they determined that shooting men in irradiated tin cans through space was probably not the greatest idea.

So perhaps we self imposed this containment because of what we saw on the moon.

If it is aliens, as lockheed mentioned there is most likely more than one race of "aliens" out there, and probably thousands of different lifeforms out there, not all here mind you. But if it is alien containment of some sort I would assume the rectal probing ones are not the same as the ones who want to help...then again if you got to get your freak on you got to get your intergalactic freak on i suppose.

Maybe the containment thing relates to 2012. Maybe the good aliens said, "look you, we're giving you til 2012 to get your collective crap together and change your ways or we're going straight to the masses, you heard me we're taking it to the people and telling them everything, mark it in your calender...we'll be watching." Insert sinister music here.

Who knows, but I really don't think we have the technology to start heading to the stars yet, besides if we're going to colonize space we'll at least set up a couple of underwater colonies first as a test before we start trying to build stuff on the moon or mars.

IMO as always.


posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 12:49 AM
Personally,It is to my knowledge they have always known of our advancements in thinking.They are watchers of creation so to speak.The reason everybody is so concerned or aware of us is due to the fact that we are close to attaining our true selves.There is a buzz going on out there, and our true selves are something to be respected by all alien races.Why else would the greys want to hybrid with us.We are the race to be.The greys know this would help sustain their race.We are the Ace up the sleeve.We are aiming to become protectors of planets/dimensions.Almost like guardian angels.If the earths vibration/frequency does move up due to the mass consciousness will/intent, then we will be even closer to our true selves.I know there are quite a few races out there that being alien don't want this to happen."We must take back our power to care for ourselves.If we do not then we will only be giving our power away in other realities.We will be controlled to the extent that we will be in a neurotic/pschosis."We will be the guardians of this planet if we dare to live free."

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by Hal9000

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
But what if those instincts were not correct information.
I could continue to spell it out for you. But you would not believe me.

Well I think, most here are open minded, please elaborate. I think our instincts were developed with evolution, they may not be correct, but they are what they are. We have to deal with them everyday, sometimes overiding them with reason.

i believe (i've experienced) that once you get over the instinct of "self preserve" which means to your subconscious "self before i serve anything or anyone" there is more instincts as of yet untapped consciously.

Ask the logical question. Find the answer.
Ask the next logical question. Find the answer.

Continue this process until you are faced with the last logical question.
Every essence of your personality and identity stem from?
Your last opinion will precede the truth.

This is what we are trying to do, first establishing that something is going on (i.e. UFO phenomenon). Then determine that there is intelligence behind the phenomenon. Now we are trying to determine what is this intelligence's agenda. If you feel you have another hypothesis, please tell us.

keep asking the questions. my hypothesis is one that cannot simply be given, because if you are still consciously self before you serve, it is impossible to relate to without just cluttering your mind. if a person is one that relates everything to "so how does this threaten me", or "so how is this benificial to me", i know it would be like introducing a virus to a computer, and i would be wrong to do that to you.

i believe you are on the right track, so stay on it. if i were to pick you up at say point B and take you to point Z, you would only know 3 letters of the alphabet, and then no one would understand you when you spoke or wrote. it must be a necessary thing to walk your own path, or our subconscious would just show us everything we thought we did not experience. it is our selves that with hold information from ourselves, because we only take in information at a conscious level that is most self serving for us.

hopefully that answers some of your questions. keep noticing the little things people do, and ask why? what were or are their intentions?

that may help you find the answers you seek. if you are at point B, i can only show you that point D exists, but you may only see point C ahead of you, but remember to review point A. look back once in awhile and ask how that relates to what's going on now.

posted on Jun, 3 2005 @ 01:18 PM
Just throwing this out there ET but I'm a little confused as to why you feel the need to make such cryptic posts, if you've got a theory and it's sound and worked out then spill it. I appreciate your concern about some of us not understanding, but that would be our loss, clutter is as clutter does.

Besides, I think you're underestimating your fellow ATS'ers. Not me mind you, you've probably pegged me correctly as the dumb ass that I am but, when reading this:

that may help you find the answers you seek. if you are at point B, i can only show you that point D exists, but you may only see point C ahead of you, but remember to review point A. look back once in awhile and ask how that relates to what's going on now.

It really feels like your just taking me from point B to point S with a side trip to points F and U, but maybe I've been spending too much time at points B F and D.

But maybe that's just me.


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