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Da Vinci Code proves humanity's rapidly declining intellect

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posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 09:11 PM
How anyone can type that a novel proves anything is beyond me.
Can anyone explain the logic?
Does the Blair Witch Project prove anything? War of the Worlds? The Celestine Prophecies? They are fabrications, made up, creations of imagination......

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 09:19 PM
i think the bible "takes the cake"...

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
i think the bible "takes the cake"...


Well first of all, I fully understand that Dan Brown's book is a work of fiction. However, a lot of the historical background is pretty factual. The thing is, considering what I know of human nature, I consider the underlying plot elements (ie: church suppression of the sacred feminine) and the politics behind them to be as likely to be true as the usual and highly edited biblical story of the life (and death) of Jesus.

I don't find it far-fetched at all that the church would be more concerned with keeping their franchise than actually finding the truth and sharing it with the rest of mankind. That kind of thinking falls right in line with the way they have done things for nearly the last 2000 years.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 02:27 PM
It is pretty dismal, isn't it?

But what I think is happening is a learning curve associated with getting on the Internet. To many people, the place is "magic" and anything found here MUST be true (look at all those who fall prey to the Nigerian scammers.)

But things are changing slowly, and I think that within 15 years you will see a more healthy skepticism about things found here.

I hope.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound

Well first of all, I fully understand that Dan Brown's book is a work of fiction. However, a lot of the historical background is pretty factual. The thing is, considering what I know of human nature, I consider the underlying plot elements (ie: church suppression of the sacred feminine) and the politics behind them to be as likely to be true as the usual and highly edited biblical story of the life (and death) of Jesus.

I don't find it far-fetched at all that the church would be more concerned with keeping their franchise than actually finding the truth and sharing it with the rest of mankind. That kind of thinking falls right in line with the way they have done things for nearly the last 2000 years.


i just watched some of the "beyond the da vinci code" (or something like this) on the history channel...

this book seems like a good read...

but its false...

well, false mixed with christian "truth"...

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
i just watched some of the "beyond the da vinci code" (or something like this) on the history channel...

this book seems like a good read...

but its false...

well, false mixed with christian "truth"...

I just watched "The Real Noah's Ark" on Discovery, and I've got to admit it felt dirty. It was full of Biblical Scholars, Historians, Physicists, facts... I was almost certain it would be yanked off TV any minute.

Of course it was exactly the sort of thing they showed in school 30 years ago. Now it's the sort of thing people protest and try to get banned.

To Byrd's point we may get more skeptical over the next 15 years, but there's an ugly counter movement of "fanatical balance" too and it's growing.

I really was shocked at the sheer pleasure I derived from a "non balanced" scientific presentation of the impossibility of a Global flood. Sad, science has to be like porn now hidden off in the triple digit cable channels.

posted on Apr, 17 2005 @ 08:38 PM
The reason alot of people dont take this book with as much skepticism as they should was simple... The church reacted in a way that made people think they had something to lose from this... To calim a novel is lies and untruths, as some senior church officials did, indicates theres something in the novel they dont want you to see.

I know alot of the books is fiction, but as has been stated iti s based on alot of historical fact... watch Unlocking the Davinci code... this will give you an idea of whats true and whats not...

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 12:52 AM
I know, it is fiction,

is the religious right in an uproar about it?

These people must be lacking in intellect and want to force everyone else into big-brother type clone thinking. Like some religious Soviet State. The human intellect could be in crisis a period.

It reads to me like the faithful are having a definite faith shortage.

Is there a market for faith? prices must be rising due to shortages.

I haven't read it and don't care about it. What do i care what happened 2000 years ago? Was something important discovered? not as far as i can see. People desperate to believe some myth or other will find or create one. That is older than history.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 02:29 AM

Why is the religious right in an uproar about it?

for the same reason they got their knickers in a twist over The Last Temptation
of christ and Jesus Christ Superstar I would guess.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 03:24 AM
Da Vinci Code has something that the Bible lacks: clarity

It is simple, written in common language, it doesn't have much descriptions, most is dialogue between characters that actually makes sense, contrary to the church/Bible based explanations of the whole Jesus story. That's what I was thinking while reading it anyway "Man, this makes so much sense!"

I guess that's why people tend to think there might be some truth to it.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by RANT
I just watched "The Real Noah's Ark" on Discovery, and I've got to admit it felt dirty. It was full of Biblical Scholars, Historians, Physicists, facts... I was almost certain it would be yanked off TV any minute.

Of course it was exactly the sort of thing they showed in school 30 years ago. Now it's the sort of thing people protest and try to get banned.

To Byrd's point we may get more skeptical over the next 15 years, but there's an ugly counter movement of "fanatical balance" too and it's growing.

I really was shocked at the sheer pleasure I derived from a "non balanced" scientific presentation of the impossibility of a Global flood. Sad, science has to be like porn now hidden off in the triple digit cable channels.

that porn comment was GREAT!!!


lets say a global flodd did happin...

how would humanity grow after this???

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Ambient Sound

I don't find it far-fetched at all that the church would be more concerned with keeping their franchise than actually finding the truth and sharing it with the rest of mankind.

I hope you realize that true Christianity is about individuals being forgiven and restored to God. These praise-a-thons and other certain tv men and women who tell you to send in money to be rewarded with more money, or to send in money to simply send in money are EXACTLY(in the 21st century) the same type of person that Jesus went into the Temple and overturned the tables of and drove out of the temple.

People must seperate those kind of people with true men and women who proclaim the truth about Christ. It's OK to be a pastor and work and get paid for your time and make a living. Where the line gets "crossed" is when your ministry becomes a for profit operation to make you financially and materially wealthy.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by dbrandt

Originally posted by Ambient Sound

I don't find it far-fetched at all that the church would be more concerned with keeping their franchise than actually finding the truth and sharing it with the rest of mankind.

People must seperate those kind of people with true men and women who proclaim the truth about Christ. It's OK to be a pastor and work and get paid for your time and make a living. Where the line gets "crossed" is when your ministry becomes a for profit operation to make you financially and materially wealthy.

Hmmm... but isnt the catholic church one of the richest organisations in the world... hell the pope, even though he doesnt have any personal wealth, lives a life of luxury in his time at the vatican... If the church wasnt so damned rich (a hypocrisy mind you) i think alot of people would have a better view of them.

posted on Apr, 18 2005 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by specialasianX
Hmmm... but isnt the catholic church one of the richest organisations in the world... hell the pope, even though he doesnt have any personal wealth, lives a life of luxury in his time at the vatican... If the church wasnt so damned rich (a hypocrisy mind you) i think alot of people would have a better view of them.

The catholic denomination does not teach true christianity so I would put that system in the category of being false.

Something that is starting to bother me more and more is how when the term "the church" is used people automatically think of the catholic church and it's system and that it teaches Biblical christianity. The "church" is not a system or a place or a building or a place in Italy found within the limits of Rome. The church is individuals who trust Jesus Christ ALONE for their salvation.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by paperclip
Da Vinci Code has something that the Bible lacks: clarity

It is simple, written in common language, it doesn't have much descriptions, most is dialogue between characters that actually makes sense, contrary to the church/Bible based explanations of the whole Jesus story. That's what I was thinking while reading it anyway "Man, this makes so much sense!"

I guess that's why people tend to think there might be some truth to it.

"For every problem there is a solution that is simple, clear, and wrong." H. L. Mencken
I just wish that people would not quote author-admitted works of fiction as though they were fact. If Mr. Brown says his novel is fictional, I believe him. Many authors include real names, places, and events in novels, but that does not turn fiction into non-fiction. Such references to novels as a source of accurate historical information throw the entire theory being proposed into question. At the same time, it makes those who have spent years researching the theory appear to be just another member of the latest conspiracy theory fad. I am glad that the novel has brought so many people's attention to things I have been looking into for 20+ years, but am dismayed that so many will accept Mr. Brown's fictional creation as fact.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:44 AM
No one saw Angels and Demons in the same way and the content was very very similar to the Davinci Code.... why? Because the church kicked up a big stink about the Davinci code... this gives people reason to believe there is truth there the church is trying to supress.

posted on Apr, 19 2005 @ 01:48 AM
haha, i love this post!

But people don't want to read the bible, so they read other books. In the very beginning it claims that somethings, i forget what, are based on fact, so people are like, "Hey, i'm a moron, that means everything in this book is true!" Than they come online and say hey the Da Vinci code proves Islam! Not trying to single anyone out.....

I'm probably gonna get warned for that.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 04:53 AM
Right on Black GuardXIII. The Da Vinci Code "PROVES" nothing!!! Part of the theory preposed by the Da Vinci Code and the Knights Templar and the Priory Of Zion and the other so-called secret societies was not only that Jesus was married and sired children by his wife MM. But it also proports that Jesus was never crucified. He had children through MM and then somehow Mary Magdalene (after Jesus' natural death) migrated to France and that only the Priory Of Zion and other secretive groups know this secret and are consecrated to guarding and preserving the royal and Holy bloodline of Christ...

Now comes the rub...WHAT HOLY BLOODLINE? If Christ was not crucified and did not obtain a bodily ressurection then what "royality" is there to protect? He is now relagated to being just a great prophet, philosopher and teacher. He is now no different than Ghandhi, Moses, Plato, or any other great prophet or leader. Why would his "Holy" or "Royal" bloodline be worth "protecting" even at the cost of death? That would be like having a secret society that protects the "HOLY" bloodline of the prophet Hosea. It makes no sense on those grounds!

[edit on 21-4-2005 by lapi7]

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 02:37 PM
great post lapi. It also states that God was wrong because Jesus was never crucified, and didn't fulfill the prophecy set forth by Isaiah through God's word!

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 05:56 PM
The reason to protect Jesus bloodline was explained... the Church wouldnt want anyone to have evidence to contradict their teachings... simple...

And Ryan, it doesnt say God was wrong... if it says anyone was wrong it says Isaiah was wrong... and even then it doesnt 'say' that...

But still its just a novel in the end... I'm in the process of reading Cracking the Davinci code... it would be interesting to see whats true and not in the novel.

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