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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- ---TIME TO SHOW THE WORLD--- -Part- --44--

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posted on May, 10 2024 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

We need to circle back to William Shakespeare. He received the jab December 8, 2020. [31-8]=23.
And then died May 25 *[525], 2021 due to, cough, "unrelated" reasons.

Shakespeare gets first jab December 8, 2020
Looking at the different articles they are published May 25th & 26th.

The first woman to get the jab was almost 91 and he was 81- what if this has been selected for the year 1981- the year that Billy became the head of Microsoft June 25 *[625], 1981.
They both received the jab on the 8th- Mr. Pool 88.

#]75]0 Feb 12, 2018 3:15:20 No [35]4139

Our attack on big pharma came w/ a warning letter today. #44 letters. Obama #44 and Microsoft was founded April 4, 1975.
Message received. 2 words plus 15 letters=17.
Response forthcoming. 3 words plus 19 letters= 22.

14 total words. Phoebe Gates birthdate September 14, 2002.

Micosoft founded April 4, 1975 in NM.

#88 Nov 5, 2017 1:31:00 No [14] [8] 0 [23] [9] [76]
Ten days.

24 lines- Two jabs in December- 12=12=24.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3


My first thought was bathrooms on Boeing jets will be their next malfunction.

The flu went away in 2020, an historical first. I guess the Mrna vaccine did work; just not on the virus it was targeted for.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Pope Francis announces during the Feast of Ascension- 2025 is to be a Holy Year

#997 April 3, 2018 8:43:05 No [88] 47 99
[Pope] will be having a terrible May.
Those who backed him will be pushed into the LIGHT>
Dark to LIGHT

This is going to be a tough one to explain.
Pope announces a special Jubilee December 8, 2015

Dark to LIGHT-
Phoebe- Light
Leila- Dark


It ends November 20, 2016...[30-21=] 9.
January- November=11.

#[4966] =25 Nov 27, 2022 8:06:[20] No 17 [83] 0 [26]

What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.
Information is knowledge.
Knowledge is power.
How do you protect your DNA?
There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

11 lines- Pope Francis declared the Special Jubilee in November. 11th month [8 letters]
Line 1 to 6- 23.
Line 1 to 7= 26.
Line 8 to 11= 17.

Line 1- 6 words, 20 letters...26.
Line 2- 4 words, 13 letters...33 letters
Line 3- 1 word, 3 letters...4
Line 4- 3 words, 18 letters....20 letters
Line 5- 6 words, 23 letters. April 26. Jennifer Gates birthdate.
Line 6- 3 words, 22 letters....23 words.
Line 7- 3 words, 16 letters...16+3=19....26 words.

Line 8- 6 words, 21 letters... Line 7 -26 words + 6 words =32.
Line 9- 7 words, 20 letters

Line 10- 3 words, 14 letters
Line 11- 1 word, 9 letters. [14+9=23 letters] September 14 Phoebe Gates birthdate. [3+1=4 words] April 14 Jennifer Gates birthdate.

Everything is centered around Bill Gates and family.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: nugget1

Ha. Good one.

With everyone masked up and using disinfectants it would be a miracle if anyone could catch anything.
We must be close to a complete meltdown.

Every 25 years there is a Jubilee, so the last was in 2000, 2025 would be the next. But he called that "special" Jubilee in 2016 the critical year. P=16. 23-16=7. June 25, 1981 Bill Gates became the head of Microsoft. 2016-2025=9.

This has me wondering President Trump had tweeted a message with a missing P. I'll have to go look for it.
We have a few connections to P. Just some musings...pandemic, President, prion disease, p[l]andemic, polio, Pope.

I don't know if you have been following all the connections to Billy and family. I suggest you make up a chart from 2018- 2030 with Jennifer, Phoebe and Rory Gates birthdates and ages.
Jennifer- April 26, 1996.
Rory Gates May 23, 1999.
Phoebe September 14, 2002.

Jennifer was 23 in 2019 and Phoebe will be 23 in 2025.
Then add the grandchild Leila- birthdate March 5, 2023.

Then make up a chart of important dates for Billy and his family. Everything connects. He thinks in terms of numbers so this does make sense in a sort of sick way.

Pfizer made that super jab in just 9 months, fancy that.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: 777Vader
a reply to: daskakik

So you gave up and are here to convince other to do the same?

Bingo he gave up accept on trying to convince us that we believe in the opposite of the truth instead of the deep fakes truth.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 04:33 PM
6 Flares in 48 hours I heard from one of the Scientist who studies the sun.. SHTF moment from this set is low, but normally mentionable. This set could be the trouble. Pray for the Earth to not take an EMP hit or we could rapidly go back to the Stone age.

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Just a heads Up ...

SKY Event ?

5 headed our way - Auroras Possible down to Louisiana

Severe Solar Storm

NOAA forecasts severe solar storm; media availability scheduled for May 10

NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) — a division of the National Weather Service — is monitoring the sun following a series of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that began on May 8. Space weather forecasters have issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch for the evening of Friday, May 10. Additional solar eruptions could cause geomagnetic storm conditions to persist through the weekend.

A large sunspot cluster has produced several moderate to strong solar flares since Wednesday at 5:00 am ET. At least five flares were associated with CMEs that appear to be Earth-directed. SWPC forecasters will monitor NOAA and NASA’s space assets for the onset of a geomagnetic storm.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Bingo he gave up accept on trying to convince us that we believe in the opposite of the truth instead of the deep fakes truth.

They can both be untrue.

There can be a power structure with those at the top willing to lie to control things and Q could have been a HOAX all along.

They are not mutually exclusive.
edit on 10-5-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 05:13 PM
Ok, touche'

After all I am in fact saying that Hoax is most definitely how to play this game. Which hoax is not one? That is what confuses the opponent. Should they all be hoax's? That is a losing proposition because they can't all be or there will be no victory before the battle or after the battle is fought to have a reason to proceed with the other hoax's.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
Bingo he gave up accept on trying to convince us that we believe in the opposite of the truth instead of the deep fakes truth.

They can both be untrue.

There can be a power structure with those at the top willing to lie to control things and Q could have been a HOAX all along.

They are not mutually exclusive.

edit on 10000000373120245America/Chicago05pm5 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 05:15 PM
edit on 10000000513120245America/Chicago05pm5 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Should they all be hoax's? That is a losing proposition because they can't all be or there will be no victory before the battle or after the battle is fought to have a reason to proceed with the other hoax's.

These are the Q threads, if Q was a hoax, then the plan and all the "truths" shared by Q would be untrue.

Yes, that is a losing proposition. So, why continue with that proposition?

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 05:39 PM
What If

Right there is a basis to argue anything and everything ad nauseum ... lol
Glad my stance is clear - no wobbly legs here - I STAND MY GROUND - a lot has changed since 2016 - You can't put the genie back in the bottle -- The amount of awareness that your lifestyle is being directed is way beyond the shadow of the doubt.

To Each Their Own - You have to deal with your own decisions

GOOD Vs evil
explain it away to yourself

edit on 10-5-2024 by MetalThunder because: DEAL WITH IT - the rest is just Noise

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Not surprised you don't get it.

...Hoax is most definitely how to play this game.

That opens the door to Q being a hoax, for the long game, but still a hoax.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Why do you feel the need to insert yourself - With juvenile digs - I was not replying to you

Judge and Jury Much

You got too many axes to grind to take seriously - almost like it is personal - IS IT ?

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Don't play coy, it is obvious the "If, Could've, Should've, What If" part of your post is referring to what was being discussed at the moment.

Also THE "SKY event?" in a previous post is a perfect example of disguising a prediction in a question.

Here is the thing, Q couldn't predict Trump would lose the election but they could predict solar flares years in advance. Gimme a break.

ETA: As for it being personal, not in the least. I just like wasting my time like this. I think the anons are wrong about placing faith in Q, the drops and their decodes and I point out the things that make me come to that conclusion.

Everyone is free to at least consider it or turn a blind eye. Makes no difference to me.

edit on 10-5-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Ok, then if you're sincere, fine.

It doesn't seem like you are really seeking information. Instead you set to belittle people's efforts without much of a structured argument. Let's at least separate some categories so we can understand each other as well as possible.

"Decodes" are separate from Drops themselves. Esoterics fit in there someplace too. Legal action, pending legal action and settled cases plus sealed indictments are another, as well as all the other sub rosa activity we are far removed from. Lots of corrupt officials and bad aktors have suffered open legal sanctions, resignationes, etc. While I'm aware of them, I don't plan on enumerating them all here. Perhaps someone with more vast and specialized info could do those relatively thankless tasks. Just like the decodes. I supposed if you asked nicely for examples of successful decodes, they could be provided. Although if all you were to do was mock them then, I doubt the researcher would feel appreciated.... you remember that feeling, right?

edit on 777Vpm10America/ChicagoFri, 10 May 2024 21:16:53 -0500 by 777Vader because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: daskakik

The ends justify the meems.

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: 777Vader
Instead you set to belittle people's efforts without much of a structured argument.

They started flat out predicting things that never came through. What better argument than that?

Let's at least separate some categories so we can understand each other as well as possible.

No, they are all supposedly part of the plan. Q is the one that told the anons to "watch the water", about the "sky event" to look at the time codes and a couple other dozen things that some anons hope for and use to predict what future would prove past.

They can't, they have shown this time and time again.

ETA: You don't have to believe in Q and their plan to participate in conspiracy theories. The unique thing is that Q said they were going to bring about changes. Without those, and I don't mean people with Q signs at a protest, Q was a hoax.

edit on 10-5-2024 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2024 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: 777Vader
The fact checkers on this side don't seem to unbiased either.

Let me run that through a gematria calculator and pick and choose the phrase that gets me in the feelz.

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 02:13 AM

Levers of Control = Predictive = Groundhog Day = Endless Wars = Loop
Our Reactions feed it, IT feeds US, We feed IT = Waves = News Cycles
Go BEYOND the Narrative = EUREKA! = Darkness cannot defeat Darkness
By the Book = Energy fighting DARK flips TO LIGHT the world = Break Loop
Pay Attention = FOCUS = Our Choice = we are the problem & the solution
The EYE of the STORM = Storms stop when we stop creating them = BLIND
the DANCE = A Mirror of US = PEACE inside, PEACE outside = SEE 4 Yourself
Trust Yourself = And I think to Myself, what a WONDERFUL WORLD = LOVE
Path to True PEACE = POWER of the PEN = We hold the PEN = CO-CREATORS


PEACE = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

edit on 11-5-2024 by brewtiger123 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 11 2024 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

I don't know if you have been following all the connections to Billy and family. I suggest you make up a chart from 2018- 2030

Numbers don't stand out to me the way they do for you, T-so I'll let you do the leg work and just enjoy the results.

I did, however grab a screenshot of some dates that were suprising to me.

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