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My child worrying about his future and if he'll live

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posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: andy06shake
Well, shoot! You got me there.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Saibot3052

By my guess whats rubbish is raising your child to be a right-wing extremist.

Or any other sort of extremist for that matter.

No wonder the little fellow's head is screwed up and he's terrified.

I mean for a start think of the stuff and materials the parents are exposing the children to.

Which may include the likes of hate crimes and discrimination, blatant racial prejudice, threats to national security, the use of symbolism and propaganda, and general anti-government sentiment in spades.

What is uncalled for is to expose children to such lunacy at any age.

You sir, are unhinged

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: PrimitiveWhiteboy

Your personal judgment of me aside which is quite frankly neither here nor there, or the topic of the thread.

I think you may find it's the poor child who has become somewhat unhinged.

Hence his fear that people will judge him or his family as right-wing extremists and come after them with shotguns.

I've already apologised if i was in error to the OP regarding being off the mark as to the parent's leanings toward right-wing political ideologies.

They seem to understand that the left vs right ideology is not all-encompassing and that the world is somewhat more a complex affair.

That won't change how the little fellow interprets the matter depending on his reasoning for such an assumption.

As to what i am, well I'm not an extremist of any sort, and more just a middle-of-the-road, treat people as i find them sort of fellow.

Have a nice day.
edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: PrimitiveWhiteboy

Your personal judgment of me aside which is quite frankly neither here nor there, or the topic of the thread.

I think you may find it's the poor child who has become somewhat unhinged. I've seen your posts. You are just another left side looney, an extremist I would say

Hence his fear that people will judge him or his family as right-wing extremists and come after them with shotguns.

I've already apologised if i was in error to the OP regarding being off the mark as to the parent's leanings toward right-wing political ideologies.

They seem to understand that the left vs right ideology is not all-encompassing and that the world is somewhat more a complex affair.

That won't change how the little fellow interprets the matter depending on his reasoning for such an assumption.

As to what i am, well I'm not an extremist of any sort, and more just a middle-of-the-road, treat people as i find them sort of fellow.

Have a nice day.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: PrimitiveWhiteboy

Your personal judgment of me aside which is quite frankly neither here nor there, or the topic of the thread.

I think you may find it's the poor child who has become somewhat unhinged.

Hence his fear that people will judge him or his family as right-wing extremists and come after them with shotguns.

I've already apologised if i was in error to the OP regarding being off the mark as to the parent's leanings toward right-wing political ideologies.

They seem to understand that the left vs right ideology is not all-encompassing and that the world is somewhat more a complex affair.

That won't change how the little fellow interprets the matter depending on his reasoning for such an assumption.

As to what i am, well I'm not an extremist of any sort, and more just a middle-of-the-road, treat people as i find them sort of fellow.

Have a nice day.

I've seen your posts. Just another left side looney, an extremist if you will

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:29 PM
a reply to: PrimitiveWhiteboy

I've seen your posts. Just another left side looney, an extremist if you will.

Then you will obviously be able to provide evidence as to my extreme views.

Care to elaborate as to what extreme views i hold, and please be specific?

As to the silly name-calling, water off a duck's back son, and says more about you than it does about me.

Again the world is a tad more complex than the simplistic right vs left mentality you choose to subscribe to and assume to be the colour of the day.

Either way, extremism is bad no matter the scenario and in all walks of life, think i may have touched on that point already.
edit on 22-1-2024 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Boomer1947
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

This is going to sound harsh, but I think it's the truth:

You wrote:

"......he's still scared because he has every reason to be.
He has seens videos on the plandemic, the so called 'vaccine', how Christians will be prosecuted and killed , the plans from the evil WEF (agenda2021/agenda2030 ), CBDC , 15 minute cities etc etc.

He's 12 years old. This needs to stop. The WEF needs to be stopped, because I see no future for my son."


So, you yourself see threats everywhere and say that he has every reason to see them and fear them too because they're real and that you see no future for him.

And now he sees no future for himself.

It sounds like you have taught him your big long list of fears and apparently, taught him pretty well. And now you are alarmed by the fact that he's growing up to be just like you.

If you don't want him to grow up to be as fearful of the future as you are, somebody influential in his life would have to make it a point to model something other than fear for him on a regular basis.

That someone probably isn't going to be you unless you are able to change your own fear-driven personality which--realistically--probably ain't gonna happen if you are old enough to have a 12 year-old kid.

On the other hand, if you are convinced of the correctness of your belief that it's OK to live a fear-driven life, and to pass that fear on to your kid, then stop complaining because you're getting exactly what you want.

To paraphrase a Zen saying: "if you are not careful, you will arrive at the destination to which you are heading."
Maybe true, and I suffer from anxiety , including social anxiety , but after the plandemic I'm 100% awake (before I was maybe 60% awake). I do not raise him to be afraid, I raise him to pay attention to what's happening and to never blindly trust what he's being told. I will make sure to point out more to him that many channels love to dramatize their claims because it means more views, but it's also not 100% the case 100% of the time.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:50 PM
I just think ATS is trolling itself now.

It makes me laugh til I cry. It shouldn't, but it does.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Steinermath333

originally posted by: Disgusted123
Sorry, but you and your family need therapy.

If he's twelve and worried about all that, you're doing something wrong.

a reply to: ScarletDarkness

Agreed. This kid is already seriously messed up and sounds like a future school shooter. Bad parenting is the blame here

Ya, a little exposure to Tranny Story Time down at the library should fix him up.

The Left has no self awareness

edit on 22-1-2024 by NorthOS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

It occurs to me that the World Economic Forum is a conference company based in Davos, Switzerland.

Why do you think they pose a threat to you and your kids?

It would be wise to teach him how to be sceptical, and rational, and not gullibly believe every bit of doom-porn that's on the net.

Just spit-ballin', but if 'they' (whomever they are) were to kill him, then he ceases to be able to generate any of the wealth and productivity that makes 'their' lives so comfortable, happy and safe.

But if your son believes all that guff, and feels he needs to save everyone from the evil, then he could possibly arm himself and charge into a pizza shop somewhere, demanding to free the children held hostage in the cellar (which the shop, of course, doesn't have).

And then the authorities might just shoot him in the heat of the moment for being an armed threat to the safety of real actual families and children.

So make sure that what you teach your child is true, and not just 'scary stories'. Also, perhaps encourage the mindset to reason things out?

edit on 2024-01-22T15:07:33-06:0003Mon, 22 Jan 2024 15:07:33 -060001pm00000031 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:14 PM
If it lives it will die.

Let your 12 year old know that he will surely die one day, that you will die, that the earth will die and the sun will die.

It’s only death and nothing to fear. Those last few moments of life could be a very different kettle of fish.

You only die once, may as well enjoy it.

On second thoughts, perhaps ignore my advice; it helped my 12 year old niece get over her fear of death and dying 🤷🏽‍♂️

a reply to: ScarletDarkness

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: ScarletDarkness
He's wise for his age, born adult and wants to know/understand things that are going on in the world.
So he watches some youtube channels that are about current issues and future concerns.

He worries that , as we're 'right wing extremists' that we'll be 'round up and killed with a shotgun blast to the chest' . His words.
He sees how things have been developing in this rotten country. He sees how lunacy is winning and common decency is thrown out.
He sees how bad behaviour is rewarded (he experienced this in school how bullies were not punished , while he was for standing up for himself).
He sees how morals and values are being degraded at a more rapid pace and doesn't understand why it's allowed to happen.
He worries we'll end up homeless needing to flee into the woods in the back while having to fend of soldiers.
Several years ago he worried we will end up homeless and having to live in a cave. In that moment he said he wanted to die.

It doesn't matter what I try to tell him to reassure him, he's still scared because he has every reason to be.
He has seens videos on the plandemic, the so called 'vaccine', how Christians will be prosecuted and killed , the plans from the evil WEF (agenda2021/agenda2030 ), CBDC , 15 minute cities etc etc.

He's 12 years old. This needs to stop. The WEF needs to be stopped, because I see no future for my son .

Oh and for those saying he shouldn't see these videos, he'll find out one way or another anyway. The signs are all around and he's not stupid.
At least he's not growing up in a denial bubble .
I wanted him to join some martial arts to learn self defence skills but he doesn't want to. He said I should get a gun and learn to use it.
I don't want to because I'm not able to deal with it now.
I try to remaim optimistic for everyone's sake and try to keep spreading awareness.

All of this reaks of garbage parenting... you need to have this conversation with your kid, not strangers on the internet. If your kid is wondering if he will be round up and shot for being a conservative you may want to get him into some therapy.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: TheDiscoKing

The way some poop on actually good parental advice that would give the kid a chance at being the best he is without a ton of bagage....
It's a tragic thing when you think your fears are your strengths, it's even more tragic when you pass that to your kids...
Fear is the worst disease, you won't necessarily die faster but you surely won't enjoy the way there.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 09:24 PM
I suggest your family start reading books by intellects such as Arundhati Roy. She did a speech in 2003 here. From memory she was saying the old world must die before the new world can begin. She ended "Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. Maybe many of us won't be here to greet her, but on a quiet day, if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing.”.

Rather than exist in negativity of this world die-ing, you and family, should exist in the positivity, of a better and greater world forming from the ashes of the old.

Stay positive. Negativity is for the loosers.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness
You give him too much internet. My son is going to be eleven and he loves to play with toys, and ride bike with me, and go running and throw the football when I come home from work. And the occasional video game.

I knew the only way I could have five kids and raise them right was to keep the internet away from them until they were older teenagers. My seventeen year old now, jeez time flies, he is a very mature boy and has had a cellular device for a couple years despite my protests. I blame my parents. He does not even have these worries. I am telling you right now, cut the internet to your home and deprive your children of these free easy portals to all of humanities' deviances, suffering, hatred and corruption.

Oh I know that is not the only thing on the nets, but that is what minor children will gravitate too, especially with peer pressure. I know this because my generation was the ones when the internet went mainstream and we were all just starting to get PC's in every house in the early 2000's . Damn near every peer I knew with a PC and nets would seek out just what I posted, in between amateur html designs on free web hosts from back then (angelfire, geocities, homestead, etc.. etc..)

When I started having kids, I soon realized I did not want this to repeat. A lot of what I was exposed to altered me as a person during my teenage years, becoming much more cynical and sadistic. A common trait from excessive internet exposure. It took me a lot of years of love for my kids to peel it all away and shine like a good guy again. I think a great many young people have had a similar struggle, and it is getting worse every year.

I am sorry for your child, but its the internet's fault first, but one must also account for how said child was allowed unrestricted access to it.

And this mindset of what kind of world your kid will come up in? Kids will adapt to any and every world they will grow up in. The most important thing is you keep your head on straight and be their guiding light in the madness, and keep him engaged in physical activity. I just bought two pairs of boxing gloves for my boys. because I raise fighters not quitters.

My seven and ten year old were boxing in the yard when I pulled in from work lol. Our problems are not their problems right now. Keep them out of it. Let them enjoy their childhood, which they will not be able to do without keeping them off the internet. If you allow it too, somehow youtube always veers away from healthy family friendly children videos, to so some disturbed mentally ill gender non-comforming person dropping subtle grooming language in colorful environments targeting children.

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 10:50 PM
Many here are blaming the parent or labeling the kid as a potential domestic terrorist on the verge of going postal. I think that is a pile of horse hockey and that the facts are probably not far from this kid's fears.

Maybe he's actually on to something to be concerned about. You're only paranoid if they aren't out to get you, so maybe they are out to get this kid and his family. I wouldn't dismiss any of this kid's concerns but look into what he believes and determine if there is any validity to these things before proclaiming such judgements as I've been reading here.

Also, if these are irrational fears, then what is not rational about them? A fear of flying maybe considered irrational until the door you're seated next to blows out during your flight. You might have an irrational fear of sewer rats until one comes out of the toilet while you're using it.
edit on 1/22/2024 by TheMichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

As they say, You reap what you sow....Galatians 6-7

posted on Jan, 22 2024 @ 11:41 PM
a reply to: ScarletDarkness

I was just saying something similar to a friend the other day when he told me he was going to be a grandfather ,That I would hate to be young now and see how crazy this planet is going and has been for years .

Both of you are right , you do need to get a gun and learn how to use it and he needs to learn some martial arts and quickly Judo and Taekwando to start with as I did in the winter months when I was that age .

I would hate to be a 12 year old now in this clown world we live in

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 12:02 AM
It seems to be a split of opinion here, but I agree with the people who say this is on you as a parent.

Stop letting your kid consume Doom Porn all day the way you stop them from eating McDonald's or candy all day. Be a parent. The "can't hide your child from the world" contingent is doing a cop-out. Can educate you child on the dangers of cigarettes? Can you take steps to get them to stop smoking if they start? Yup. It's hard, but so is parenting.

Step 1 is to get your kid off the Doom Porn sites.
Step 2. Is to educate you kind on how saying we'll be all rounded up and shot for being white is something people say to get ratings, not actual reality.

Hell, my sister's kids are 8 and 9 and they already understand the concept of advertising and why horse # it is, and more importantly, WHY advertisers lie, and the concept of trying to get you to buy a product.

They DO NOT have unfettered access to the internet, because my sister who is also a conservative, is parenting her ass off with my brother-in-law.

Intervene. There is no justification for having a 12-year-old depressed from watching too much click bait.

posted on Jan, 23 2024 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: glend

You just pouring gasoline onto the xénophobes fire. You can't appease them with change, change in any direction that isn't backwards is poison to them...

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