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Joe Rogan Uses Drugs & Owns Guns

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posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:14 AM

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

what proof do you offer that Joe Rogan filled out a form 4473 and lied? (you have to play fair on this one, it's your ball)
If Rogan is the owner of a gun he either lied on the 4473 or bought it legally from a friend without paperwork which is legal in many states , but still violates federal law by possessing guns & using drugs . Federal law doesn’t protect a husband who uses drugs & his wife is the owner of the guns & drug free . No illegal drug users are allowed to be in possession or use of any guns that use gunpowder as a propellant post 1898 manufacturing period .
If your wife has a lawful gun in her purse while driving & her husband is high on illegal drugs while being pulled over there is trouble.

That's........ extremely inaccurate, so much that it hurts. Things like that happen on a regular basis. How many times have your kids been in the car while the parent is driving with a firearm? Suddenly every child is being arrested for illegal possession of a firearm and the driver as well? I'd like to see THAT YouTube video.

Another scenario - Husband is drunk, wife is driving and has a firearm of hers in purse. Everyone is going to jail then too? NO. That is not a thing.

If a person is *actively* in possession of drugs, or an *active* user of drugs, that's a no; they can't *actively* be in possession of a firearm. Also, someone around you being on drugs or in possession doesn't affect YOU as a carrier of a firearm (... generally speaking). That's where that line essentially stops.

An issue that I BELEIVE you're mixing up, is a person's access to a firearm. In the above scenario, if the wife's purse is in reach of husband, that could pose a problem.

Even that is up for debate though, because accessibility to children is a gray area as well (that's a whole other legal question and debate to go through)

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:15 AM
a reply to: BehindYou

Tell me, oh great one, what don't I understand about federal gun ownership and drug use?

If you use drugs, you can't OWN a gun. Pretty simple

You can, however, posses them. As long as you are not a felon or under indictment.

Seems you are the one who does not know the rules buddy

Again, you have no PHYSICAL proof that Rogan owns any guns. We do know that he posses them and uses them often for recreation and hunting. There is no proof that he lied on any federal form, unlike Biden.

Come back when you can produce some sort of evidence or proof instead of just ASSUMING he owns guns.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: BehindYou

More proof you have no real knowledge of how the law reads.

Unless you are a felon, or under indictment, you can posses a firearm in Texas.

More and more bullsnip coming from someone who knows nothing of firearm laws.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
It’s a federal form & not a state form . Weed is illegal under the federal government.
You have zero understanding of federal gun laws.

Ok, I'll just go to the attorneys I work with and say "sorry guys, the last 10 years of knowledge and experience, trials, legal research, meetings, hearings, and advise are out the window. My bad."

I never said it was a state form. I understand that it's illegal under the Federal Laws. I also understand the following:

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

what proof do you offer that Joe Rogan filled out a form 4473 and lied? (you have to play fair on this one, it's your ball)
If Rogan is the owner of a gun he either lied on the 4473 or bought it legally from a friend without paperwork which is legal in many states , but still violates federal law by possessing guns & using drugs . Federal law doesn’t protect a husband who uses drugs & his wife is the owner of the guns & drug free . No illegal drug users are allowed to be in possession or use of any guns that use gunpowder as a propellant post 1898 manufacturing period .
If your wife has a lawful gun in her purse while driving & her husband is high on illegal drugs while being pulled over there is trouble.

I agree. If. We have to assume Hunter did this as he has been charged, and if he didn't do it, then there is no case.

But by that same token, if you cannot produce the form, or an indictment of Joe Rogan for this crime, there is no available proof to prove he did this. I think he may own guns, but I don't know. I have never seen him with a gun, never shot with him, and actually never met him, though I would love to hang out with him for an afternoon.
Even if Joe doesn’t own any of these guns , he is in violation of federal law if he uses federally illegal drugs like weed by shooting these guns . Joe is very open about his personal gun ownership & conceal carry permit.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:22 AM

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: CriticalStinker

originally posted by: network dude

originally posted by: CriticalStinker
a reply to: BehindYou

The law is to antiquated on this issue.

It’s too broadly defined when the scope is obvious, people possessing guns in the sale of drugs (which is one of the leading causes of gun crime).

Like almost any other crime, I’d like to see intent be a factor in prosecution.

Are you a well off individual who lives a balanced life with no clear intent to commit crimes? And I don’t even mean well off as rich, I just mean is it obvious someone makes an effort at having their life in order.

If you’re not involved in drug trafficking, I don’t see how smoking weed is any different than drinking. In fact, if we took out trafficking of weed, I’d be hard pressed to learn more people use a weapon while under the influence of weed than alcohol.

These laws shouldn’t be arbitrary, they should be thoughtful.

I completely agree, but currently, the law is as is and until it's changed, it will be this way. But the good news in all this, is that Hunter's lawyers are arguing the case for all of us, so that the law will have to be changed, or he will be guilty and serve some time. So something good might come from a Biden. Whodathunkit.

These laws do need to be revisited and addressed.

I just hope the dice rolls come up in favor of citizens.

doesn't it usually work in our favor?


There’s only one way to find out unfortunately.

We buy short term Put options on Spotify and then report Joe Rogan to the Feds. This will enable us to put our theory to the test. It’s not about money, it’s about having something tangible to measure.

I'd hate to be involved in getting someone popped for this, since I don't agree with it at it's premise. I'd rather be part of changing the law. But alas, Hunter and his team may actually do us all a solid and get the leg work done on this. And the irony of his daddy being such a staunch anti gunner is not lost on my by any stretch.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
It’s a federal form & not a state form . Weed is illegal under the federal government.
You have zero understanding of federal gun laws.

Ok, I'll just go to the attorneys I work with and say "sorry guys, the last 10 years of knowledge and experience, trials, legal research, meetings, hearings, and advise are out the window. My bad."

I never said it was a state form. I understand that it's illegal under the Federal Laws. I also understand the following:

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

To be a user means you USED . The form doesn’t ask if you tried drugs once or when .
Im 1000% right about this & you are wrong.
Care to place a wager ?

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: BehindYou

I think it’s time we stop referring to naturally occurring substances as “drugs”. Weed is a plant. Shrooms are a fungi. Government has absolutely no right to regulate these “drugs”.

As far as guns go, my opinion is the same. I have the right to defend myself as I see necessary, not as the government dictates.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:24 AM

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
If you used weed or other illegal drugs 4 years ago or yesterday still makes you a USER of drugs .
Do you use food ? It’s not a time sensitive question.
If you don’t believe me , call the ATF & they can clear it up for you lickity split .
So if you smoked a joint three weeks ago , that makes you a non-user today ? Your logic is extremely flawed & wrong

If you've had a medical card associated with you within the last 4 years. Again, very specific wording and clarification.

I know this beyond a shadow of a doubt because I had that clarified by my local police after a few calls, as this applied to someone I was helping out in a mess of legal trouble.

Edit - No, I don't care to take your money. I'll trust a decade in the legal field with issues literally mirroring this. I applaud anyone's ability to read a government form (because double negative speak is never fun to decipher) but no.

On top of this, if you were correct, half of the country would be in a Federal Penitentiary right now and countless people would be carrying illegally after the background check pinged their prior convictions.
edit on 12-12-2023 by dothedew because: I did more things

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: BehindYou

If you went to court for this, I'm quite sure someone would need to see the form in order to verify he lied on it. Again, not saying he didn't, just that none of us have seen the form. If you have that, you have a valid point and could pester someone to take up the case. But without it, speculation is all that exists.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:26 AM

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
It’s a federal form & not a state form . Weed is illegal under the federal government.
You have zero understanding of federal gun laws.

Ok, I'll just go to the attorneys I work with and say "sorry guys, the last 10 years of knowledge and experience, trials, legal research, meetings, hearings, and advise are out the window. My bad."

I never said it was a state form. I understand that it's illegal under the Federal Laws. I also understand the following:

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

I believe Hunter needs to go to prison for lying on his 4473 form , but then so does Rogan .
Watch that whole YouTube video ok 👍

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: network dude

Yea I’d feel horrible if something happened to him.

I don’t listen to his podcast often at all since he moved to Spotify, he said it would have no impact, but it has. His guests and content has felt a lot more sterilized. And I know there were a few moments of publicity that put pressure on their relationship. But none the less, he helped trailblaze the space, and showed a big demand for long for format. And ultimately, I think he’s a pretty good dude.

My favorite podcaster recently has been Lex Friedman. I can’t figure out his bias, which in today’s world is the highest compliment I could give someone. And he’s not afraid to have thoughtful conversations with any side of any spectrum.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: BehindYou

Where is your proof Rogan even filled out the form to purchase a gun?

Oh that's right, you don't have any.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
It’s a federal form & not a state form . Weed is illegal under the federal government.
You have zero understanding of federal gun laws.

Ok, I'll just go to the attorneys I work with and say "sorry guys, the last 10 years of knowledge and experience, trials, legal research, meetings, hearings, and advise are out the window. My bad."

I never said it was a state form. I understand that it's illegal under the Federal Laws. I also understand the following:

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.
Pay close attention to him talking about getting his concealed carry permit . Weed is illegal both in Texas & at the federal level .
You are just spinning your tires in the mud at this point on this whole subject

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
It’s a federal form & not a state form . Weed is illegal under the federal government.
You have zero understanding of federal gun laws.

Ok, I'll just go to the attorneys I work with and say "sorry guys, the last 10 years of knowledge and experience, trials, legal research, meetings, hearings, and advise are out the window. My bad."

I never said it was a state form. I understand that it's illegal under the Federal Laws. I also understand the following:

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

I believe Hunter needs to go to prison for lying on his 4473 form , but then so does Rogan .
Watch that whole YouTube video ok 👍

That's where we differ - I think Hunter needs to serve prison time for having evidence tying the possession and usage of serious schedule drugs and possession of a firearm (which the different descriptions of said firearm leads me to believe the firearm may have been illegal for different reasons other than a shady question on a federal form) so close together, if not outright overlapping.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:34 AM

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Where is your proof Rogan even filled out the form to purchase a gun?

Oh that's right, you don't have any.
If Joe Rogan uses drugs that the federal government deems illegal like weed , shrooms etc then he can’t even be shooting guns wether he owns them or not.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: BehindYou

The whole premise of your thread was the he OWNS guns, don't move the goalpost now buddy

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
It’s a federal form & not a state form . Weed is illegal under the federal government.
You have zero understanding of federal gun laws.

Ok, I'll just go to the attorneys I work with and say "sorry guys, the last 10 years of knowledge and experience, trials, legal research, meetings, hearings, and advise are out the window. My bad."

I never said it was a state form. I understand that it's illegal under the Federal Laws. I also understand the following:

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

I believe Hunter needs to go to prison for lying on his 4473 form , but then so does Rogan .
Watch that whole YouTube video ok 👍

That's where we differ - I think Hunter needs to serve prison time for having evidence tying the possession and usage of serious schedule drugs and possession of a firearm (which the different descriptions of said firearm leads me to believe the firearm may have been illegal for different reasons other than a shady question on a federal form) so close together, if not outright overlapping.
Hunter’s federal gun charge is based on post admittance to drug use & addiction as well obtaining a gun . There are 100s of thousands of medical cannabis card holders who can’t own a gun or have any gun owned by anyone in their residence while using their medicine .

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: dothedew

originally posted by: BehindYou

originally posted by: PorkChop96
a reply to: BehindYou

Asking for proof is not favoring one over the other.

Hunter, illegally bought a gun, threw it in a dumpster, all while on coc aine. And lied about it on a federal form.

Joe RESPONSIBLY uses guns and smokes pot. But, as far as I am aware, has never lied on a federal form asking him about his drug use.

But continue on with whatever you want trying to excuse a felonious act by the Presidents son....
If Rogan owns guns , then he lied on his federal background check or he has never used drugs ? You tell me ??? I grow tired of your lack of understanding. Have you ever bought a gun ?
Tell me what is asked on that form .
You are gaslighting at this point. The form doesn’t allow drug use & gun ownership as long as you are responsible. It’s a simple yes or no !
Do you use drugs yes or no ?
So in your world there is no proof Rogan uses drugs or owns a gun ? You sound like a progressive lawyer from far left field.

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

Hunter raises some questions however, after posting videos of him actively doing drugs while in possession of firearms. There's usually a plethora of laws that say you can't do that.

If we want to get on the technicalities.
It’s a federal form & not a state form . Weed is illegal under the federal government.
You have zero understanding of federal gun laws.

Ok, I'll just go to the attorneys I work with and say "sorry guys, the last 10 years of knowledge and experience, trials, legal research, meetings, hearings, and advise are out the window. My bad."

I never said it was a state form. I understand that it's illegal under the Federal Laws. I also understand the following:

The form asks if you are a user of illegal substances - not if you have used in the past, but a current user. This is also at the time of purchase, not at any given point down the road. There is always wiggle room and interpretation with laws, that's why they are so concise and add so much verbiage and definitions - it's by the letter, not what we think it might mean to us, personally. If it's not explicitly written into the law or code, it is open ended.

If he wasn't an active user at the time of purchase, he's good. Same with the time of obtainment of a CPL. If he purchased firearms from an individual, then BOOM - no federal form to potentially lie about.

I believe Hunter needs to go to prison for lying on his 4473 form , but then so does Rogan .
Watch that whole YouTube video ok 👍

That's where we differ - I think Hunter needs to serve prison time for having evidence tying the possession and usage of serious schedule drugs and possession of a firearm (which the different descriptions of said firearm leads me to believe the firearm may have been illegal for different reasons other than a shady question on a federal form) so close together, if not outright overlapping.
Hunter’s federal gun charge is based on post admittance to drug use & addiction as well obtaining a gun . There are 100s of thousands of medical cannabis card holders who can’t own a gun or have any gun owned by anyone in their residence while using their medicine.

posted on Dec, 12 2023 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

Joe Rogan discloses he has a "concealed carry" gun permit

edit on 12-12-2023 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

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