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The Proxy War Front is About to Extend

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posted on Oct, 9 2023 @ 06:33 PM
Israel has a huge Russian population and is backed by the USA. So what gives?

a reply to: Mahogany

posted on Oct, 9 2023 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: burntheships
a reply to: JinMI

And if anyone is curious as to how the DS viewed
the normalized relations between Israel, and Saudi Arabia,
this is a very good insight.

I see a lot of people saying let Israel and Palestine
deal with it. Reading that, it is very obvious that
there are other hands at work in the darkness.

I love that article's observation about one guy in Netanyahu's coaltion being a "homophobe" as if LGBT people would be safe in Gaza.

posted on Oct, 9 2023 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Mahogany

Iran is already helping Russia in Ukraine, giving them military aid, selling them attack drones etc, North Korea is providing the Russians with ammo and artillery shells.

The lines are already drawn, we know who stands on each side

We also know how Iran is spending the 6 billion Biden so graciously freed up for them. I hear they pinky swore not to use it for anything pertaining to weapons; I think they fibbed.

None of the 6 Billion has left Qatar yet.

If I have 100 dollars set aside for food and you promise me 100 dollars for food then I'm going to take that original hundred dollars and buy terror.

Get it?

Miles above the heads of some people.

It's like when you have a dog and you fake throw the ball and the dog thinks you threw it and doesn't realize you just put it behind your back.

That's how the Biden administration deals with their supporters.

posted on Oct, 9 2023 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: face23785

Yep, exactly.
Apparently he forgot that Palestine kills people
that are in that 16 plus gender and 0+ category.

posted on Oct, 9 2023 @ 07:17 PM
originally posted by: 1947boomer

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Mahogany

None of the 6 Billion has left Qatar yet.

However, it gives you 6 billion in equity credit, and that lets you make deals.
edit on 9-10-2023 by charlyv because: sp

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 01:31 AM
Blood lust, division and a hunger for more war looks to be the only winner with events so far.

Could things get worst as the tensions between Islam and Zion strain? How much until it snaps and spreads? Lot of people on this site going RA RA. Are they really ready for this as people like Obama, a Muslim is still in the background pulling strings? Biden is doing a great job trying to destroy the USA from within.

Some of these conflicts have been going on for a very long time. If we cannot learn from our mistakes then there is always the hard way to sort this mess out.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 02:30 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

This looks like a "Reverse false flag"
Egyptian intelligence was telling Israel that something big was being planned. Israel also has Palestinian hostages hence the reason for the hostage taking. Who knows what is real but Israeli extremists have been winding things up for a while. This is very informative.
edit on 10-10-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: Phantom423
Iran has the bomb. That's why they're taking this risk. It will be blackmail or both countries turned into parking lots.

Iran does not "have the bomb", if by that you mean a nuclear weapon.

How can I say that with any certainty?

Because Iran has never successfully detonated a nuclear device as a test; which would have been detected by seismic sensors around the world.

Had such a test been conducted, it is arguable that not only would Iran's frozen assets never be released, Iran itself might, by now, be smoking, possibly radioactive, ruins.

As I have posted elsewhere, A nuclear warhead is Not an "easy" thing to build.

It is not some kind of "Super IED" that anyone with the money can just cobble together.

Nor is it likely that Iran might have bought, or received, nukes from some other country. Nuclear weapons are entire Systems!, every piece of which is integral to the operation of the whole; this includes not only the warhead itself, but also the the specific delivery system used to deploy the weapon, and even the to the communications and control systems used by the carrier vehicle (ICBM, cruise missile, aircraft, sub, panel van, or even "suitcase").

Without a working weapon, Iran would not have a suitable, effective, deployment vehicle, and vice versa; without a suitable means to deploy a nuclear weapon, Iran could not have developed a device that could be deployed by an undetermined vehicle.

Israel, on the other hand, Has (or is at least rumored/believed to have) tested a nuclear device years ago, has had a mature nuclear development program ongoing for years, and has at its disposal the means to deploy such weapons.

Israel also has, in its estimation, very good reason(s) to insure that Iran never develops, or "acquires" nuclear weapons.

It is possible that Israel, in light of the recent attacks, and Iran's perceived role in those attacks, might lead Israel to conclude that to finally end terrorism by Hamas (and Hezbollah), Israel must end Iran's support for those groups; and the most effective way to end that support, and proactively end any future threat posec by a "Nuclear-armed Iran",

Is to "End" Iran. By any means necessary, up to and including the use of Israel's own nuclear arsenal.

Public opinion (and perhaps, the fate of the world) be damned.

edit on 10-10-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-10-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-10-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: Dalamax
Israel has a huge Russian population and is backed by the USA. So what gives?

a reply to: Mahogany

the us has a huge protestant population but it still backed the IRA and indirectly the soviets, gaddafi, and the Palestinians because that is what plurality of power looks like in undivided nations and that is the true power people crave even if it means slaughtering their own or siding with their enemies.

this is happening because neither Russia, China or the us has the power to stop the 100 regional conflicts boiling over, nor does the un, as this is all going the same way of the league of nations in the run up to the next war..

i mean they focus on pushing the message that lesbians are transphobic for not accepting trans-lesbians into their beds and that was designed to cause outrage as Israeli women are raped and killed, that absolute capture is why there is no league of nations today..

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 03:26 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

The US and others don't detonate because they no longer have to, all the updates / yield / use / storage / transport / accidents /safety are modelled in simulations..

unless you seriously think Americans are the only advanced race on the entire planet capable of using computers..

simulations, computing tech along with drones are the great levellers that the likes of the dreadnoughts once where.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Stew Peters does a good job. For a heads up on America's exposure to an escalated conflict:

Israel False Flag War with Christie Hutcherson and Jeff Crouere | Unrestricted Truths Ep. 446

With Biden and crew only chance to retain power is to not have an election, a state of martial law is one option for them.

As for working out what is real, If Israel does not who exactly took the hostages or where they are then why start the systemic and indiscriminate bombing of Gaza? The response is not about justice. Don't expect the MSM to provide a balanced view of the ongoing conflict. The death cult lunatics have taken over the asylum.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: Mahogany
No links, just a handful of thoughts and a few more words.

What is happening in Israel scares me. Not because of the already thousand dead, but because of the many millions more that could happen. My worst case scenario is that what happened in Gaza is a precursor for a larger proxy war, a war between Israel and Iran. And that means an extension of the proxy war between USA and Russia, now being fought through Ukraine.

The sides would be clear if there were to be an Israel-Iran war. On one side you have USA, Europeans and most of the Western world supporting Israel, and on the other you would have Iran's allies Russia and some of the -Stans,and North Korea; potentially China as well though economic aid. Iran is already helping Russia in Ukraine, giving them military aid, selling them attack drones etc, North Korea is providing the Russians with ammo and artillery shells.

The lines are already drawn, we know who stands on each side, so if there were to be an Israel-Iran war, it would become an extension of what is already happening in Ukraine, it would create a second front in the same war, with exactly the same players on each side.

Proxy war --> all out war?

Is this what we're moving slowly towards - a world war?

The points you raise seem logical enough and it has appeared for some time that lines are being drawn. What is really happening is that the west is declining and the east (with the "global south") is rising. It's now at the point where a slow decline is becoming exponential. Change and conflict and jockeying for position is inevitable and likely to widen and get worse. The tables are turning.

The sanctions backfired massively (although they'll never admit it) and western leadership is surely at its lowest ebb with populations staring at a reduction in living standards that, unfortunately, isn't likely to return. While certain non western countries have been having a field day.

BRICS is becoming more relevant and their 5 member nations now account for more of the world's' gdp than the G7. With two of them set to surpass the US in the 2030's (China passed them long ago in real terms). OPEC has silently sided with Russia going by their actions.

Our wars have been disastrous failures for decades, the west doesn't instill the fear or respect they once did. Its difficult to be taken seriously when you invite a Nazi to parliament and try to pass him off as a war hero.

The people in general understand what is happening going by approval ratings. Have a look at the leadership apporaval ratings for G7 countries, compared to those who either align with Russia or don't want to sanction them (India, Brazil, Mexico etc).

Is it fair to call yourself the leader of a "democracy" with a 22% approval rating (Macron).? The UK leadership has been a game of musical chairs recently and there seems discontent Germany. Our institutions are failing and politics now seems to exist for corruption and not much else.

There also seems an anti western imperialism sentiment in much of the world, exemplified by central African countries throwing out western puppets and taking back control in recent times. Putin is inspiring this further and seen as a hero in many places for standing up to the western bullies.

The economic and diplomatic war has been going for some time and the west isn't winning. Largely thanks to China.

It's difficult to understand how Hamas hopes to gain anything long term, apart from more hardship and destruction and it remains to be seen if or how far this might widen.

The US will soon have no choice soon but to confront China directly if they wish to maintain hegemony (sanctions and proxy wars won't work on China). That would be the big one, a direct conflict between nuclear powers would be immensely dangerous and even more so because it would be a war the US could never win conventionally. It would be the final act in the play.

edit on 10-10-2023 by Quintilian because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

You are wrong. That's all I'm going to say about that.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Quintilian

the problem is the us and the countries that make up the west have fallen into the trap of thinking they have to destroy their own citizen non believers first..

such divided houses simply can not function as the hate is only focused inwards.. so all the institutions that make up every level in the west have totally lost what their core purpose is.

in that context the west can't do anything about Russia, China, Iran let alone Ukraine, Palestine and Taiwan..

and that'll be why we'll face a global conflict not big plans but self hate tearing the west apart..

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: Quintilian
BRICS is becoming more relevant and their 5 member nations now account for more of the world's' gdp than the G7. With two of them set to surpass the US in the 2030's (China passed them long ago in real terms). OPEC has silently sided with Russia going by their actions.

You don't cite your sources so I did my own browsing and I get completely different results.

GDP by Country

United States 26,854,599
China 19,373,586
Japan 4,409,738
Germany 4,308,854
India 3,736,882
UK 3,158,938
France 2,923,489
Italy 2,169,745
Canada 2,089,672
Brazil 2,081,235
Russia 2,062,649

4 of the 5 BRICS countries are in the top 11. South Africa ranks 178 at 399,015 GDP.

According to the source I'm using, the 5 BRICS countries amount to 27,653,367. Collectively, they're less than 1M more than the USA alone. Add in the other members of the G7 and BRICS is not even close.

The people in general understand what is happening going by approval ratings. Have a look at the leadership apporaval ratings for G7 countries, compared to those who either align with Russia or don't want to sanction them (India, Brazil, Mexico etc).

Is it fair to call yourself the leader of a "democracy" with a 22% approval rating (Macron).? The UK leadership has been a game of musical chairs recently and there seems discontent Germany. Our institutions are failing and politics now seems to exist for corruption and not much else.

Within the G7, it's easy for us to criticize our leadership so it doesn't surprise me that the approval ratings are lower than BRICS. Try shouting from the rooftops that Putin or Xi sucks!

About corruption, I'm very disappointed how it has been growing in the west but we have a long way to go before catching up to any BRICS nations.

There also seems an anti western imperialism sentiment in much of the world, exemplified by central African countries throwing out western puppets and taking back control in recent times. Putin is inspiring this further and seen as a hero in many places for standing up to the western bullies.

They are not taking back control, they're leaning on China who are now the new puppet masters.

The US will soon have no choice soon but to confront China directly if they wish to maintain hegemony (sanctions and proxy wars won't work on China). That would be the big one, a direct conflict between nuclear powers would be immensely dangerous and even more so because it would be a war the US could never win conventionally. It would be the final act in the play.

The economic fight is (and has been) under way. I just don't see the US and China engaging militarily except maybe in some isolated skirmishes to test their mettle and show off.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: LogicalGraphitti

The economic fight is (and has been) under way. I just don't see the US and China engaging militarily except maybe in some isolated skirmishes to test their mettle and show off.

outside of an accidental series of events that pit us against China, the chances of the us and china clashing match those of the UK and US in the 30s, thats another war that everyone would frame the next war to end wars, but it evolved somewhat differently but in a similar landscape to the one we live now, a mess with no direction, moral grounding, unity or real leadership..

the thing is the www2 actually injected what was missing back in..

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: nickyw
outside of an accidental series of events that pit us against China, the chances of the us and china clashing match those of the UK and US in the 30s...

I wasn't aware of that. Very interesting piece of history! In modern times, the UK and US are more like distant cousins than rivals. Maybe in 100 years, the same cand be said about China.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: nickyw
a reply to: Mantiss2021

The US and others don't detonate because they no longer have to, all the updates / yield / use / storage / transport / accidents /safety are modelled in simulations..

unless you seriously think Americans are the only advanced race on the entire planet capable of using computers..

simulations, computing tech along with drones are the great levellers that the likes of the dreadnoughts once where.

Those computer models are all based off data derived directly from historic, "live fire", real test detonations conducted over the years.

Without that data to build on/from, there could be no workable design....regardless of how powerful a supercomputer a country might utilize.

And the data that makes such modeling possible, is, for that very reason, some of the most tightly held secrets nuclear powers possess.

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

I think Cliff High is on to something, but I don't think he actually knows actually what he has got. But now and again I go through a few independent forecasters. One that sticks out is the Vedic branch of astrology saying that the 14th of this month was going to be problematic and the period would last until December. So it's funny that Funky Prepper is issuing a warning for the 13th of the month. If it goes off then I would think we would be very close to an excuse for a
Martial law situation.

edit on 10-10-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 10 2023 @ 07:37 PM
a reply to: burntheships

How much of that money is part of the frozen assets of Iran? You know the 120 billion that Iran can not touch and is just sitting in a bank just gathering interest on all of this time?

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