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NZ Surgeons Required To Consider Ethnicity Of Patients

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posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 07:12 PM
To me, this comes across as blatant systemic racism (ironically trying to combat perceived systemic racism). I do understand that there are some very hard hit communities due to colonization and the falloit from that, however I tend to be skeptical of those who try and "do good" when the term equity is thrown around.

A document on the equity adjustor which was leaked to Newstalk ZB shows two Māori patients, both aged 62 and who have been waiting more than a year, ranked above others on the list. A 36-year-old Middle Eastern patient who has been waiting almost two years has a much lower priority ranking.

An email by Te Whatu Ora business support manager Daniel Hayes in April said: “Hi team, Heads up. This is going to be the new criteria for outsourcing your patients going forward. Just putting this on your radar now so that you can begin to line up patients accordingly. Over 200 days for Māori and Pacific patients. Over 250 days for all other patients.” -NZ Herald

NZ Herald Article

Related NZ Herald Artile

Not surprising to me, seeing this come out of NZ since the covid insanity seemed to grip them the hardest. Just pure NWO woke insanity IMO.

What are your thoughts on this ATS?
edit on thppmSun, 25 Jun 2023 19:12:51 -0500k2306America/Chicago2512 by Sparkymedic because: Spelling

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 07:32 PM
So are there few doctors there?

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Sparkymedic

Marxists DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) is globally pushed by the same 1%ers behind the scamdemic. All to push their 'great reset' agenda

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 08:28 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

Two and a half weeks to see your own GP, I think you can walk straight into A and E but you will have to wait in line. Go private and it's immediate. A lot has private health insurance. But Maori and Pacific Islanders are generally on a lower economic scale. Either way, it is a developing mess. It wasn't like this before the Covid or the rollouts so what's happening? last thing I heard they still are mandating staff, and will not reemploy non-jabbed staff. The science is clear so the reasons are political.WEF puppet Government is well in debt to their masters by now. They are still pushing the crap on the TV but not as bad as it use to be.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: anonentity

Yeah, same deal in Canada. The only jobs requiring the jab are healthcare jobs. They are also the ONLY places in society requiring masks if you want services. Complete lunacy. And yes, clearly it's DIE/woke/globalist BS.

Too many useful idiots on this rock, IMO.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 10:55 PM
There could be multiple factors, not just ethnicity involved in the OP. Their example of a sixty two year old vs a thirty some year old person could be there because the sixty two year old person is more at risk of dying if it is not done quickly. It does not actually state the parameters of their determination. I would guess that someone who has been there all their life would be getting preferential treatment too, a person who just moved there has not given as much into the system as an older person has who paid all their life. Should an immigrant who just moved into England have the same preference as a lifelong resident who paid taxes all that time? Maybe the person only immigrated to get health care.

I cannot say this is racism because I do not know all of the deciding factors they use. The USA has pay to use healthcare which means that you pay a premium for service...but quite a few immigrants are getting free that right? I get social security and it does not pay everything...paid into it for a lot of years too. But I rarely use my insurance, at sixty seven I cringe at going to the doctor for a yearly physical....they want you on meds for everything, meds that have side effects I have already gotten from taking them before. My BP goes up thirty points when I go into the doctor office and I have no clue why....then it stays elevated for hours after. Even a cup of coffee makes my blood pressure go up twenty plus on the high number for an hour or two...and I need coffee to be able to think when I go to the doctors. I have done testing before going to the doctors and compared the numbers, I was thinking the doctors cuffs were registering high..but even my same BP meter shows it elevated for an hour or two after getting out. I guess going into a doctors office just makes my BP go way I try to stay away from those places.

posted on Jun, 25 2023 @ 11:28 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: musicismagic
Two and a half weeks to see your own GP, I think you can walk straight into A and E but you will have to wait in line. Go private and it's immediate. A lot has private health insurance. But Maori and Pacific Islanders are generally on a lower economic scale. Either way, it is a developing mess. It wasn't like this before the Covid or the rollouts so what's happening? last thing I heard they still are mandating staff, and will not reemploy non-jabbed staff. The science is clear so the reasons are political.WEF puppet Government is well in debt to their masters by now. They are still pushing the crap on the TV but not as bad as it use to be.

Here just South of Auckland NZ, I went to my GP the week before last. Made a 'phone call and was seen two hours later.

I think though, that there are issues with doctor and patient numbers in some areas, and there have been numerous attempts to 'balance' things out.

I don't think that it is racism per-se, but there are disadvantaged communities and there tend to be concentrations of ethnicities in some areas (as befits family and tribal associations where living in proximity is a reasonable preference).

Prioritizing the less privileged to redress social imbalances of minorities isn't racism but ignoring their differences from the privileged, could be.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 05:21 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

This seems to deal with surgery and wait times specifically, not a GP.

Thanks for the anecdote though.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 08:24 AM
In the UK I spent close to 4-5 hours phoning the hospital trying to change the time of a CT scan and NOBODY picked up at all
30 to 40 minutes at a time and I was first in the que, the health service is near collapse and hospitals are full of foreign staff who A ( do not give a hoot or can not understand the language, are refusing to do jobs because they are agency staff , a family member was in hospital last year for a amputation and the foreign agency staff refused to change the wee bags of people in her ward , I had to and clean up the mess

And if like me you have a Jewish surname well expect to get treated like dirt or worse by some foreign staff

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Sparkymedic there are many jobs and services requiring workers to mask still beside healthcare.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: Sparkymedic

Well, on the face of it, it seems rather unfair. But then again, I have to wonder if there aren't other factors involved?

So, for it possible that the poor health outcomes for the indigenous is partly the result of where they live? Are they out in the boonies with limited access to health care facilities?

Then I noticed they mentioned weight reduction surgery. Maybe it''s the case they fall to the bottom of the list because 1) the obesity isn't an immediate threat to life and then 2) subconsciously, the Doctors may be thinking, "they did this to themselves".

I've noticed that in "developed" countries, Australia, NZ, the US and Canada for example...."poor" people, those living below the poverty line or well below it, seem to have the highest rates of morbid obesity. I'm not sure what causes that though the best reason I've run across is that poverty is stressful and these people tend to eat as a stress reliever and tend to eat "comfort" foods which are very bad for them.

It will be interesting to see how this works out. I've noticed the medical profession really doesn't like being told what to do.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: ITSALIVE
a reply to: Sparkymedic there are many jobs and services requiring workers to mask still beside healthcare.

Really? What fields of work? Where?

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Interesting perspective. Though, I am skeptical of the equity side of things. Equality is not the same as equity...not saying you are saying this though.

But yes, poverty is stressful and will usually lead to an unhealthy lifestyle. Sad that a focus is on weight reduction surgery...a money maker. Not resolving the poverty in the first place.

posted on Jun, 26 2023 @ 06:26 PM
a reply to: TonyS

I am sure that if for a few thousand years you get used to a certain diet. Fish coconuts Yams, plenty of exercise. and then along comes Big Mac, and a car to drive you through the takeaway drive-through section. Humans always will take the less energy expendable option why wouldn't you? Then the old dilemma kicks in "You are what you eat"

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 05:53 AM
we're back to the worst periods of eugenics.

the thing is with liberalism is it goes as an arc

it goes from Galton to Hitler or Galton to Starlin even then it doesn't stop, the thing is who'll be the modern hitler or the modern Starlin? that's the competition we're watching the same was true in the 30s as western countries competed with Germany to be embrace all the different progressive ideas floating around, treating people differently based on skin tone is not new.. letting people suffer even die based on skin tone is also not new.

lets not forget the western experiments on their own or how deeply they abused their own, pen state ran until the 1980s, the uk deported its poor orphan to other countries to abuse upto the 1970s.. the children's charity barnardo's still manages mass graves of British kids in Canada, others sterilised the wrong kinds into the 70s like the nordics.

the destruction of safeguards and morals and the corruption we see is not new but the arc it sits on is deeply troubling as it brings out the most extremism in some, especially it seems in some medics.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Sparkymedic

No, I wasn't addressing either equality or equity. I don't really understand equity except that in the US at any rate, it seems to equate to socialism...maybe sort of "soft" socialism. Equality is basically a pipe dream. There will never be true equality because people are all different with different abilities and deficits.

On a long enough time line, we're all dead anyway....the ultimate equalizer.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: TonyS

i tend to think equity as the tool to avoid equality.. nothing socialist about it at all.

in other words its a tool for the rich to have a favourite group and discriminate against the others and as you note makes actual equality impossible.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: nickyw

well, I think we all know it was never ever about equality. that was never their goal.

posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: nickyw

well, I think we all know it was never ever about equality. that was never their goal.


posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 11:00 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Im in the US with the same insurance that congress has, as a federal retiree.

I am lucky to see my GP in the same week. And to see a specialist can be a month away.

I've noticed a real decline in medical availability here. Perhaps because there was a larger increase in patients with the ACA than an increase in Doctors? Oh yeah, they probably didn't think about that.

I hope it improves. What good is Universal Healthcare if you can't get it?

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