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Who then now is owed? (The Vax Damaged vs. The Unvaxed Discrimination)

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posted on May, 27 2023 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Ch1nch1lla
a reply to: mindpurge
I take it back, vaxxies should get exactly what they are now getting. "Sudden mysterious deaths" from gardening or going for a walk or watching a scary movie.

You don't find it ironic to speak of the Bible as if you actually follow it. And I say this because of what I am responding to.
It's all good you know nothing of what you speak of. You just follow what others say online because it makes you feel special.
Please don't ever mention the Bible again as you clearly don't follow the teachings.
As far as the Vax goes, some people did actually benefit from it, really just depends of which one ya got, where you got it and when you got it.
Those three things really should be your only concern if you decide to take it. And if you honestly think the jab is killing hundreds of thousands of people......I'm sorry to say this but you would be incorrect. You are correct about being hesitant because of it not going through the proper steps but sorry a virus was spread through the world and killing people.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: mindpurge
I am Canadian. No longer proud, nor truly free.

Justin Trudeau is someone I will eventually break the jaw of, knock his teeth out and stomp on his face, without any care of the repercussion. Send me to jail for a few years, I don't care.

I don't believe in revenge... But I do believe in a good fight every now and then.

I agree with these sentiments myself. Although if one actually managed to hit that cuck without taking a beating from his yellow stripe gang I'd be amazed. Not sure they could find a jury that would convict though... the F Trudope sentiment runs across the whole country, even inside the Liberal party.

posted on May, 27 2023 @ 04:43 PM

a reply to: JRDACOWBOY

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 10:05 AM
If you were dumb enough to take the vaccine, and you did so willingly, and of your own free will because you thought we all were in it together, you should take it as a sign that your bloodline was marked for deletion. Because that’s what this was really about. Culling the herd of non-thinkers, and docile sheep.

If you were forced to take it, to keep your job and had no other means of supporting yourself, or were untrainable in a different field, you might be eligible for compensation provided your injuries were severe.

If you were forced to take it against your will, had a reaction of any kind or straight up died, you should be compensated, or your family should.

If you were smart enough to not wear a mask, and not get vaccinated, good news. The world owes you nothing, and you shouldn’t expect people who are butthurt about their life choices to be happy you were smarter than they were.

That’s more or less the way I see things because if you ever served a day in any military, you should know better than to trust your government under ANY circumstances. Especially when you see little gremlins like Anthony Fauci proclaim that he himself was The Science.

a reply to: mindpurge

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Allaroundyou
a reply to: mindpurge

I tried looking up if he actually said that and came up empty handed.
Got a link so I can read the entire conversation when he said that?


and the video Right here

The video cuts out at the end, but he asks the question to the host, "We need to ask ourselves, do we really want these people to be part of our society?"

This video was really easy to find last year, during the whole vaccine mandate, I know I must have it saved in my Telegram, but I'd need to really deep-dive. It's like this interview is being scrubbed hard and trying to get people to forget.

I'll never forget.

edit on 29-5-2023 by mindpurge because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-5-2023 by mindpurge because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 01:48 PM
There needs to be compensation. Maybe not a monetary payout, but something...

I say that because I know people that were unvaxed, and didn't have the luxury of having a decent life savings to use up, like I did, but do not anymore...

After all this, I can't buy a house in the country, probably not until I'm over 50 now... been saving a long time only to use it all up because I was suspended without pay and without the extra medical insurance. This is really the biggest reason... I was so close... only to have this happen, with NOTHING in sight to help. Even needed parents help with some finances.

Yet I STILL had to pay my Union fees, even while suspended for over a year.

Personally I'd love to see a class action lawsuit vs. my work (which is a HUGE Canadian Crown Corporation Company). I mean, I honestly would love to see them get put out of business (never happen though, they'd get bailouts) paying off full salaries to every employee that was suspended for a year. That would even fix my savings to almost square.

Thanks to everyone that replied though, I appreciate the feedback even though some of you differ in opinion, I still appreciate your 2 cents.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: mindpurge
"These people are often times misogynistic and racist. At one point we need to ask ourselves... do we really want these people to be part of our society?"

The famous words of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, asking Canadians if those who oppose the vaccine and vaccine mandates should continue to be part of society.

We, those that have NEVER taken a single covid-19 vaccine, have experienced societal rejection, ostracization, made into the joke and the punchline, we've been fired, suspended, our health insurance we've paid into removed, we've been demeaned and emotionally broken (some of us), we've been beaten... we've skyrocketed "major depression"... and some of us have never recovered (I have not... I am still suffering the effects of severe depression). These are real people that have had their minds messed with on a scale never before seen. Most of us bottle the pain up or laugh it away... nevertheless, it scars you... and one day those scars will open again...

All because The Power That Be indicated that you must sacrifice yourself simply because they demand it.

And then... we have those that heeded to the demands of Those That Choose For You. They either believed in the medicine, or the message was enough, or they didn't want to suffer the rejection & torment anymore. Some folded, some rolled up their sleeves without question, some hesitated and were forced, some even demanded it. Many wore the bandaid as a patch of their unquestionable "moral" posture. Many of these people encouraged the decimation of the unvaxed. They WANTED them to be punished, refused service, refused transportation, they WANTED them to suffer.

Now... as more information comes... it's becoming very clear that those that chose to say no to the jab, made the right call. No matter what happens at this point moving forward, that jab is legitimately useless, as a matter of fact, many specialists are saying it is now worse to take the jab then not take it. Many countries have removed it entirely.

So my question is this... while we all know many are owed to a degree at this point...


A. The Unvaxed

B. The Vax Damaged

***Authority: The people that FORCED the consequence of refusal, or the absolute unquestionable demand of vaccination.
The first covid shots rolled out December of 2020 thanks to Trump’s operation warp speed & removal of any culpability for big pharma . So were are all the dead people, were are all the still births or sterilised people ?
Just move on , the vaccine is old hat & it was not effective or deadly so there you have it .

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