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ATS member. Me. Visited by Angels. Wow.

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posted on May, 5 2023 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: Dalamax

Hey thanks there Dalamax.

Its been a right great experience i can hardly believe it happened to me.

But it absolutely did and im feeling fine.

posted on May, 5 2023 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

If you received the same messages I did from this dream, I agree it is personal. But that’s not saying much.

I haven’t mentioned yet in this thread I had a dream of 2 baby boy and girl cherubims about 5 or 6 years ago. It was a horrific image. They were hanging by their necks, strung across a clothes line in a multi family apartment dwelling, like some dirty laundry.

This reminded me of the image I shared earlier that I was driving through Davis, CA, and I saw crowds of people hanging by their necks on the street and traffic lights. Now I realize, Davis is in YOLO county, and the message has been received. You only live once.

The other message of hanging cherubims is from propane nightmares referenced earlier. Choke the self to lift yourself from what’s below. This is also the symbol given in the Bible of Jesus leading pigs off a cliff where they choked in the sea.

Anyway I view this thread to be all about dream interpretation. Thanks for sharing.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:27 AM
a reply to: InachMarbank

That is pretty horrific images right there.

How was i given a message to pass on to 2 real life people in a dream?
I'd love an answer to that, i can't interpret dreams

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 09:29 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

What a beautiful experience, you are very lucky.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

You can pass the messages from your dreams to whoever you want.

I don’t believe your dream was literally about 2 still born children who came back to life. Sadly, my belief is those children have returned to dust.

I shared earlier with you what I believe some of the messages of your dreams were, a couple times.

Let me know if you want to chat about that further. Cheers.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 12:01 PM
You can think his dreams should be interpreted however YOU like lol.

That’s why your dreams aren’t literal, such as messages from deceased children to they’re grieving parents.

Instead you dream your own dreams, because that is what your tuned to ‘interpret’.

Opinions and assholes. Everyone has one and some people resemble theirs.

a reply to: InachMarbank

edit on 7-5-2023 by Dalamax because: Edit

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

Such an interpretation makes the dreamer look forward to death. That doesn’t sound like a very positive message to me.

Oh sure it feels positive but the result is negative.

My interpretation is about destroying death. It feels negative, but the result is positive.

Addition by subtraction.

Dreams are always open to either a negative or positive interpretation. Clearly this thread is promoting a negative interpretation.
edit on 7-5-2023 by InachMarbank because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 12:40 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Thank you

Yes i was very lucky, it was so real, its left a huge mark on me i am a different person. Even better than i was before it.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: InachMarbank
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

You can pass the messages from your dreams to whoever you want.

I don’t believe your dream was literally about 2 still born children who came back to life. Sadly, my belief is those children have returned to dust.

I shared earlier with you what I believe some of the messages of your dreams were, a couple times.

Let me know if you want to chat about that further. Cheers.

When or if you ever have a dream like mine then maybe you will understand.

You believe dreams are from an A.I. system and that my dream had literally nothing to do with the 2 children.
I never claimed they were 2 dead children that came back to life.

I was contacted while in a dream state. I only heard a voice telling me the message i didn't see who said it.
It was for this particular couple because the husband's nickname was used. So how could it be for just anyone?

The children's bodies have of course turned to dust but their souls/life force/energies, call it what you will, live on in another realm. I was in that realm, its very real.
When we are asleep we are in a different state/dimension call it what you will. Scientists don't understand why we dream. Maybe we dream to be open to communication?

I was never really into this kind of stuff. But an amazing experience happened to me. Has changed me forever.

I was always of the belief that when you die thats it. Gone to dust and no more. I was very strong in that belief.
Now i know theres somewhere to go when we die, our souls live on in another place. I am ultra strong in that belief now.
Totally changed me. I was there.

We alll have dreams and few of us have been contacted while in that state. I hope you get to experience what i did one day. I mean night lol.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: InachMarbank

Such an interpretation makes the dreamer look forward to death. That doesn’t sound like a very positive message to me.

No, it makes me happy, thrilled even that theres somewhere to go when we go.

Maybe it makes death seem less scary? It does for me.

It does not make me look forward to death, maybe it would for you.

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

I believe in souls, just not that I am my soul.

Consider if I were a computer, my soul would be like the electricity. When a computer breaks, it doesn’t live on in the electricity currents.

Or consider that my soul gives me my dreams. My dreams obviously don’t come from my consciousness. They are foreign. If I die, but my soul continues, I won’t know it. My consciousness would be no more.

I have had powerful dreams too that provoke feelings. But these feelings support the belief that death annihilates existence, and are usually terrifying. I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to suppress these dreams and justify a belief in life after death.

But finally I have come to believe it is possible to conquer death.
edit on 8-5-2023 by InachMarbank because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 02:19 PM
Awesome awesome awesome!!!! Okay so here is what I think.... I think this happened for multiple reasons. I think you were chosen to give the message because you would do it. Many people would never give messages because they would be too scared of being called crazy or maybe even think it was psychosis or something. But I can tell you the hyperness you felt is exactly how I feel when God tells me to do stuff and I'm obedient.

I also think you were chosen because God wanted to show you that yes there is an afterlife. I believe you said you are still an atheist. I'm curious how you are feeling now about spirituality.

I didn't become a believer until my mid 30s. I feel like God didn't want me to become a believer until then so I could relate to those who weren't believers. I actually have better convos with those that aren't because I get their doubts and questions and such. People that have been believers their entire lives have a hard time understanding questioning. Heck, I still question. But I always take those questions to God and He will explain things to me.

Believers act like I'm blasphemous when I have doubts and questions. They just don't understand. Anyway, thanks for sharing your thread with me.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

"feeling of unbelievable love/happiness/energy/powerful powerful. Powerful power rushing through me. My body is surging with love energy. Not sexual at all.

I cant remember if I responded to you but I have also felt this incredible energy while awake in real life. It was Channeled to me by a then 31 married mother of one while she was quoting remodeling at my home. That was a WTF moment for me. It wasn't sexual.

Three PhD's and two priests later all agree that she channeled Gods love through her to me. Dr. David Hufford interviewed over 1000 combat vets with NDE who also said the same. So did Dr. Sheila Pryce Brooks of York University in London UK as she feels it during dreams.

Reach out to Dr. Brooks. It wont cost your a cent.

At the end of the day all I can say is that it wasn't me as I felt the energy. IMO and others its Gods love.
edit on 04 13 2023 by Waterglass because: add

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 12:55 AM
Just read this entire thread, and for the first time.
I must say it had an effect on me.

Cannot describe it, because I would not consider myself a religious person.
I just know that God exists, whatever God may be.

Thanks for the opportunity to read this.

If it were not for your reply to the thread from FlyingClayDisk, I probably would not have found it.
edit on 2-7-2023 by charlyv because: sp

posted on Jul, 26 2023 @ 06:10 PM
I enjoyed your post a lot and it's great that it was a good experience.

I would like the opinion of some people on a dream I had probably almost 10 years ago.

It was moreso a vision because it did not feel like a dream even though I was sleeping.

There was a beautiful white light everywhere. It was the purest white/light and that's all that I could see. Then out of the light came a horned figure with hooves. It was standing upright like a man and was very muscular, dark/brownish. The horns curved backwards as well. I was looking down at its feet which were hooves and then my eyes started panning up all the way to this beings horns.

The strange part of the dream was I felt a ton of love and was awestruck from the light. It felt as if this is where an angel would come from.

No words were spoken between us. It was just all feeling if I remember correctly. This being felt extremely powerful as if it were some type of Angel or God himself. But it definitely did not fit the description we all know.

I've never shared this dream with anyone and would like an opinion on the meaning of this.
edit on 26-7-2023 by Phybur because: Added details

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

You were dreaming?

God sent a bodyguard with me when I was born. I saw him as a kid and we talked (it's a long story--I got messed with by the enemy as an infant and when it was all over after a deus ex machina moment, my bodyguard angel and I had a nice chat about how cool God and Jesus are and such) and he's around, but I forget about it a lot. He's chill.

That's what it's like to have an angel as a bodyguard. One usually forgets that it's even going on
it's kind of funny in that way.

That said, I don't really understand your OP. Can you please clarify? Thank you

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: SecretKnowledge

Oh, and cool background image for your avatar, SecretKnowledge. I like it

One thing: The bodyguard God assigned to me absolutely has wings. They remind me of a bird of prey, like a falcon or eagle, but also not like any bird we have. They're lovely.

Angels have wings, my brother in Christ. Unless they're trying to go incognito. The Bible does mention that people entertain angels unawares. But that's in the waking world.

Perhaps a dream is simply a dream. The Bible says to not dwell too much on dreams, on that note. Kind regards
edit on Sat, 16 Sep 2023 02:52:51 -0500000000k52am by rukia because: Angels have wings and I read more of the OP and felt the need to point out this fact. Since the OP was a dream, I am of the opinion that the OP should be happy for the nice dream, but not trip out about it too much.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: ntech

Eh. I wouldn't worry too much. Nobody knows the day nor the hour, after all

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: InachMarbank

Reach out over social media to the person you dreamt of and let them know you thought of them. I think it's nice when people think of one another and I bet they'd appreciate the fact that you remember them. As for dream meanings, it's a fruitless endeavor. Dreams are the brain resting and repairing neural connections and flushing out the system from the day so that the mind is refreshed upon waking. Dreams help people work out conscious and subconscious musings and concerns.

Point being: Dreams could mean anything and nothing at all. They can be cathartic or simply random and inane.

The Bible cautions people to not dwell on them too much. Indeed, Sigmund Freud's analysis of dreams was fruitless and all other attempts for clinical psychologists to analyze dreams has been rife with conjecture. There is a distinct lack of empirical data.

Without empiricism, there's no way of deducing a set meaning unless you were hooked up to an fMRI machine during your dream. If you had been, at least we would be able to see how your brain reacted to the dream. From that empirical data, we might be able to surmise various hypotheses for the neurological reasons behind the dream.

I hope that answers your question. It's normal to wonder what dreams mean and to imagine the "what if's", but I would suggest doing your own research into peer reviewed studies if you'd like to learn more about what scientific literature has to say about the subject.

I'd be happy to clarify or answer any questions you might have right off the bat. I was formally educated in this subject and also practiced as a behavioral therapist for a number of years. I'm planning on going for my Ph.D at some point, but we shall see. Simply put, I'm a nerd who does research and learns for fun and I'd be happy to disseminate the information I know if it helps others

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: Phybur

Yikes on bikes! Baphomet? Huh, well, demons can cosplay as beings of light. It's well within their wheelhouse to deceive. It's pretty par for course, Phybur.

I am glad it was just a dream for you and I wonder if you might have been going through mild spiritual oppression. It sounds like that is a possibility. That's my textbook diagnosis for you. Be cautious and don't just think it's something good simply because it made itself glow like a Lite Brite.

Deny ignorance, right?

Sounds like a stereotypical image of Baphomet. Yucky. Hopefully you were just watching too much Sabrina or something and had a weird dream, since oppression is no laughing matter

Well, Roll Tide!

Kind regards

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