First off, all of these verses are fantasy; nothing real from any real religion.
Long story short, I am slowly writing a sci-fi story about an epic battle between the Feditary (Federal Military of Outer Space) (Formerly Based on
Earth One) and the super-evil Tripidions (everything about them is based on a system of 3s; yes, EVERYTHING).
The Feditary has a Lord and His name is Tac. Feditary Law requires He is worshiped by every single person on a Feditary spaceship; scanning
verification is required.
It is deep in the future, 100s of years and the Feditary has managed to crack open and rewrite many physics laws.
Never mind all that but I have to give you some crumbs so you'll understand where all the "Biblical" musings are coming from.
I'll just roll these onto the board and we'll all see where it goes.
For one will love the other like a son loves his mother.
Until a day comes whence they quarrel like a brother.
Do not ask of me what I ask of you.
I am your Father. You are my Son.
Turn to the light.
When you are not blinded, approach My door.
Do not turn your back to me and then face me again.
I am your Father. I do not forget.
When in doubt, remember, I, your Father, see you, always.
For, I am the Holy One.
There be no King, by Tac not crowned.
Ask Me, not He, for truth be found.
Does he do claim, by not Me?
I'll rip all Space so I may See.
Let your heart be soft, not stone,
and I will not leave you alone.
As your father is to your mother,
Tac resides in a place
where Father and Mother are both and none the same, at all times.
Do not betray with your mouth as you do with your mind and I shall forgive you, always.
But one time, and forever I shall question your being.
Ride toward your Father with intentions ill,
and Tac shall lead you down a bottomless hill,
Faster and faster by your own bill.
I shall conquer all conquerors.
To the most victorious, I shall allow no credit in my Paradise,
or You.
No Man shall take from his Father or Son,
Not by many, not by one.
No credit, one credit, or many you see,
All credit, All debit, is worthless to Me.
When you are alone, I will arrive.
Do not ask of Me; I have seen your deeds.
Show humility and compassion in your Victory,
not drunken Pride.
Do not lust any woman related to your wife.
I shall call your name, slam my door in your face,
and have you led away.
Evil starts in the mind, spreads to the mouth, and onto the hands.
My Cures are for illness.
Lo, Tac will not cure free will.
I, your Father, the Holy One,
will quarantine all Evil for eternity.
When you embrace your daughter's daughter,
you shall pass to her My love.
Do not betray Us.
Stay in your lane.
Outside what you know is my domain.
When it is time, I will let you in.
Do not enter uninvited.
In your family's sorrow, love your wife.
Tac will be here.
Tac will wait.
As I call upon you, so shall your father, brother, and son.
So shall your grandfather, nephew, and grandson.
Answer us all.
Who be your Wife?
Your Wife is your mate, your Wife is your seed.
To any second and after, you desecrate thee.
To arms! To arms! The Monsters are here!
Believe in Me fore I let them sense fear!
Give your body to your fellow Man,
When You cross over,
I will take your Hand!
As he is yours, so he is mine.
As you betray him, so do you me.
Do not let your heart fall to your stomach,
Nor your head to your rear.
Not left, not right, only center.
When lost, only this way, can you enter.
Not high, not low, stay level.
Heed Tac's words, always, or you bevel.
One-Quarter Water,
One-Quarter Life,
One-Quarter Plant.
And Tac shall add One-Quarter to your Name.
Not all light shines.
Whoa, you are misguided!
Turn away!
As Your Children call you, so do I.
How you answer them or not,
is how you answer Me.
To You that has shown me love and devotion,
show me more.
For I am demanding, your Holy Father,
I believe in You.
What is under my roof is yours,
yet you do not come in.
As I call your name,
if you do not hear me,
close your mouth and listen.
Do not celebrate victory when you stand in the blood of a fallen man.
Do not call on me as a genie for I am your Father,
the Holy One.
How dare you!
One second for me is four days for you,
be patient.
You are not the only one.
No credit shall be paid
to walk through my door.
Pay your Lord only with love.
Give away your excess,
I command you!
If you love me,
your Father, your Lord,
show no man or monster your fear.
No man who loves Me shall fear Me.
Ever and ever.
14 centuries or 41,
I shall choose your faith.
As you do, I will know in an instant.
Restrain the evil within thy mind
and I, Tac, the Holy One,
will show compassion.
Call out my name
so everyone may hear
you rejoice in Tac,
your Lord,
your Father,
the Holy One!
The credit for me goes to your neighbor.
I want none, give Him two or three or four.
Show me, your Father, the Holy One,
who are you?
As others laugh at you or show you anger,
so shall I, Tac,
show them the same.
Humility, compassion, love, faith;
live a virtuous life.
Whoa, Do not use Tac's gifts against Him,
for He, your Father, the Holy One
will rip them from your greedy hands.
With torn skin, you bleed.
The key in your hand shall not unlock the wrong door.
Know where you are.
Can you fly?
Wings only come from your Father, Tac, the Holy One.
Do not claim what is Mine as Yours
unless I, the Holy One, let thee.
Only a child with knowledge
will glow in my light.
Do not raise your child a fool,
Tac insists your little one go to school.
To all the women inside my robe,
obey your Husband, do as your told.
When your Husband orders you, contrary to Me,
obey only My word. In time, your Husband will See.
Little One, do not be afraid.
Your Father, Your Mother, with You, may run away.
I am on the other side,
keeping the evil at bay.
A Child has fallen,
Who has done this to Me?
The Holy One rips open the Universe
to See.
Aim for the monster, not the other.
Or Tac shall judge you
like you slayed your Brother.
Let them hide, fore they are mine.
And You have lost Your way.
What is this other thing being done?
Who are these Men not letting them Run?
Are You confused of who I be?
I rip open the sky so I can See.
Laugh, little one.
Go play.
I am with you.
Spread joy.