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Proof of Graphene oxide brought to you by you know who

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posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 07:26 PM
This looks pretty definitive unless they are faking the documents released from their 75-year sleep, which are easily checkable. This gets more bizarre, have they even the slightest excuse why graphene oxide is injected into a live human being? or how come they have a patent on the spike protein, it has to occur outside of nature for them to get a patent right? So the naturally occurring Wuhan disease, if natural could not be a vehicle of patentability. check it out looks legit.
Note graphene oxide is not considered safe to inject into humans in the USA, unless under experimental circumstances.

posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 07:28 PM

posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 08:15 PM

unless under experimental circumstances.

There you go ^ , It's never actually been cleared by the FDA even to this day it's only cleared under emergency approval .

It's always been experimental from the word GO it was a roll of the dice to see how many people would actually line up for the Vaccine. This whole Plandemic has provided some nice data for future endeavors.
edit on 20-3-2023 by asabuvsobelow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2023 @ 08:54 PM
Safe and Effective strikes again!

Anyway, our friends at Pfizcum do not need any excuse. Their experimental mRNA clot-shot received EMERGENCY APPROVAL from the FDA, so they are not liable for any adverse reactions, and the governments also allowed Pfizer to keep the content of product in secret.

The ones who will need to come up with "excuses" are the governments and politicians which allowed these mRNA clot shots to get the ludicrous FDA emergency approval.

edit on 20-3-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 05:51 AM
That... doesn't say anything at all about it being in the vaccine.

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: anonentity

#GMOnsters < #homoBORGenesis

"Brought to you by the Umbrella Corporation. Our business is life itself."

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 08:55 PM
Why the f#ck isn't this stupid, ludicrous online lie hoax binned yet?

Oh yeah, because most of the mods actually believe this.

posted on Mar, 21 2023 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Get Ready for " Their " Next Step................

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

It is Not D-E-P-O-P-U-L-A-T-I-O-N !!!
we are being fool'd by that.
some thing else is going one?
why do they need so many humans?
why do they need so many humans in just some places?

they keep moving humans to countries with lots in them?
I dont think its just control, as that is failing.
if it was just to Take humans,
it would be far mor efficient to have and use humans in plases like africa!
thay could jusT say they died in natural disasters or wars.
....OH! see it is easer!

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 03:53 PM
How many stars did this steaming pile of Wombat's doos get?!!!!

Oh, ATS!!! What have you become?
edit on 22-3-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: LordAhriman
Why the f#ck isn't this stupid, ludicrous online lie hoax binned yet?

Oh yeah, because most of the mods actually believe this.

It's interesting how spun up some of you get when it comes to the Vaccine , Anything like this OP casting a negative light on the Vaccine and your pants catch right on fire .

I see you debating things here and there on ATS but you passionately defend the 'Vaccine' the ' Covid-19 Narrative ' , Ivermectin as useless horse paste all of it down to Fauci and the NIH .

Why ? Now Clearly everything the internet says about the Vaccine isn't True but also Clearly it's not all lies because things have been purposefully suppressed by the Media and Government. The Vaccine is CLEARLY not as useful as they claimed it to be if it was at all , The Vaccine Clearly has serious side effects and Clearly our Natural immunity was the correct choice in the long run.

I mean what is the big deal ? It's just a relatively useless Vaccine for a relatively mild Virus get over it mate.

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 06:19 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
This looks pretty definitive unless they are faking the documents released from their 75-year sleep, which are easily checkable. This gets more bizarre, have they even the slightest excuse why graphene oxide is injected into a live human being? or how come they have a patent on the spike protein, it has to occur outside of nature for them to get a patent right? So the naturally occurring Wuhan disease, if natural could not be a vehicle of patentability. check it out looks legit.
Note graphene oxide is not considered safe to inject into humans in the USA, unless under experimental circumstances.
Im still waiting for the mark of the beast ISO900 from the early 2000s , still waiting on project blue beam , still waiting on Jade Helm & the empty wallmarts , still waiting on all the guillotines FEMA was going to use on us & there plastic coffins , still waiting on HAARP to melt our brain’s & atmosphere , still waiting on Florida being underwater , still waiting on Yellowstone caldera explosion , still waiting on the patriotic revolution & take back of America , still waiting on my microchip tracking device etc etc .
Ive been a reader & members twice here on ATS since it’s inception & next to zero of the theories here have ever come true , but a few have .
In 6 months from now all the treads here on ATS will be about Biden , Trump , Hillary & DeSantis & how bad the 2024 election or good it will be .
Relax a bit , because being angry about things you have little say in , is not good besides Jesus would not have resisted the vaccine .

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: anonentity
This looks pretty definitive unless they are faking the documents released from their 75-year sleep, which are easily checkable. This gets more bizarre, have they even the slightest excuse why graphene oxide is injected into a live human being? or how come they have a patent on the spike protein, it has to occur outside of nature for them to get a patent right? So the naturally occurring Wuhan disease, if natural could not be a vehicle of patentability. check it out looks legit.
Note graphene oxide is not considered safe to inject into humans in the USA, unless under experimental circumstances.
Im still waiting for the mark of the beast ISO900 from the early 2000s , still waiting on project blue beam , still waiting on Jade Helm & the empty wallmarts , still waiting on all the guillotines FEMA was going to use on us & there plastic coffins , still waiting on HAARP to melt our brain’s & atmosphere , still waiting on Florida being underwater , still waiting on Yellowstone caldera explosion , still waiting on the patriotic revolution & take back of America , still waiting on my microchip tracking device etc etc .
Ive been a reader & members twice here on ATS since it’s inception & next to zero of the theories here have ever come true , but a few have .
In 6 months from now all the treads here on ATS will be about Biden , Trump , Hillary & DeSantis & how bad the 2024 election or good it will be .
Relax a bit , because being angry about things you have little say in , is not good besides Jesus would not have resisted the vaccine .

You were doing ok until the end. Jesus would not have gotten the vaccine because he wouldn't need it. He used his spit in mud to heal a blind man, drove out demons, made the lame to walk, healed lepers, turned water into wine and calmed stormy waters. You actually believe he would have voluntarily poisoned his body with ANY vaccine? Silly goose.

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: asabuvsobelow

I only post the research from real scientists, who have enough experience in their field to make good guestimates on the logical outcomes. Who have no conflict of interest. Everything that was a conspiracy theory is now fact, backed up by data that the main players were forced to release. If you have been fooled don't get pissed with me, try and mitigate the effects.

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
It's interesting how spun up some of you get when it comes to the Vaccine , Anything like this OP casting a negative light on the Vaccine and your pants catch right on fire .

I see you debating things here and there on ATS but you passionately defend the 'Vaccine' the ' Covid-19 Narrative ' , Ivermectin as useless horse paste all of it down to Fauci and the NIH .

I don't like liars. It pisses me off. I despise liars, and the premise of this whole thread is a lie.

Ivermectin is a great drug for what it is useful for. Always has been, always will be. YAY Ivermectin! It does NOTHING for viruses.

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 08:44 PM

originally posted by: anonentity


posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
How many stars did this steaming pile of Wombat's doos get?!!!!

Oh, ATS!!! What have you become?

The amount of crap that comes out of that site competes with a big city sewer system.

And... those who would star it and believe it? ... well, come to your own conclusions.

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: charlyv
The amount of crap that comes out of that site competes with a big city sewer system.

And... those who would star it and believe it? ... well, come to your own conclusions.

They live in a different world. 8 years ago, I lived in their world. Question everything!

Then Trump and covid happened. LOL. Turned a once great site into hot garbage.

posted on Mar, 22 2023 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: LordAhriman

I don't like liars. It pisses me off. I despise liars, and the premise of this whole thread is a lie.

Fair enough .

But where you see lies others see truth , With out question many people see lies in the things you say on ATS but ATS is for the most part a Free Speech area.

Ivermectin is a great drug for what it is useful for. Always has been, always will be. YAY Ivermectin! It does NOTHING for viruses.

Yes the Labeled use of Ivermectin has nothing to do with Viruses , But I'm positive you've been told several times that Medications have dozens of off label uses and Ivermectin is no different.

I could call you misleading or even a liar for not mentioning that fact but you choose to say only what is most convenient to you and the point your trying to make.

posted on Mar, 23 2023 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: StoutBroux

originally posted by: SecrettoSociety

originally posted by: anonentity
This looks pretty definitive unless they are faking the documents released from their 75-year sleep, which are easily checkable. This gets more bizarre, have they even the slightest excuse why graphene oxide is injected into a live human being? or how come they have a patent on the spike protein, it has to occur outside of nature for them to get a patent right? So the naturally occurring Wuhan disease, if natural could not be a vehicle of patentability. check it out looks legit.
Note graphene oxide is not considered safe to inject into humans in the USA, unless under experimental circumstances.
Im still waiting for the mark of the beast ISO900 from the early 2000s , still waiting on project blue beam , still waiting on Jade Helm & the empty wallmarts , still waiting on all the guillotines FEMA was going to use on us & there plastic coffins , still waiting on HAARP to melt our brain’s & atmosphere , still waiting on Florida being underwater , still waiting on Yellowstone caldera explosion , still waiting on the patriotic revolution & take back of America , still waiting on my microchip tracking device etc etc .
Ive been a reader & members twice here on ATS since it’s inception & next to zero of the theories here have ever come true , but a few have .
In 6 months from now all the treads here on ATS will be about Biden , Trump , Hillary & DeSantis & how bad the 2024 election or good it will be .
Relax a bit , because being angry about things you have little say in , is not good besides Jesus would not have resisted the vaccine .

You were doing ok until the end. Jesus would not have gotten the vaccine because he wouldn't need it. He used his spit in mud to heal a blind man, drove out demons, made the lame to walk, healed lepers, turned water into wine and calmed stormy waters. You actually believe he would have voluntarily poisoned his body with ANY vaccine? Silly goose.
Your literal belief of those stories is Im hoping an attempt at humor ?

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