posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 09:38 AM
It’s more complicated than that here it seems.
Pray tell, a buddy who made over $300K for the last 10 years since he broke in calls to ask if I know any young guys, well, (the sons of any friends
was the actual words he used) that might be interested in learning a trade.
He’s just an average deck hand. Skippers made twice what the deckhands have over the last 15-20 years.
I helped him get started 12 years ago.
Around here you can’t give away high paying work it seems.
The fleet is crying for new blood, and that’s beyond insane.
To our bright future….😏
We used to pray for to get $2.25 a pound back in the day.
$3,000 for 12days work was great money. Today, it’s $25K for 9 days.
If anyone remembers my words about seafood sitting in a milky fluid in display cases, see above link.
*****Dry Scallops, Not Wet. They are NOT soaked with Sodium Tripoly Phosphate (STP), so you are not paying for water weight*****
edit on 08-19-2021 by PiratesCut because: the sand box