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Another Bizarre Night of Sleep (or lack thereof).

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posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Why are you concerned with your body? You mean being possessed? I've never heard of anyone being possessed by astral traveling or a trip. For possessions to happen, you need to consciously invite the entity to take your body, and not all entities seem to be capable of doing so, only a specific type.

Fear I have none. The soul is eternal and impossible to harm. There is nothing to be afraid of. Fear is just mind process. I simply have no interest in dead minds of dead people. If they are there, is because they were very stupid when they were alive. Then, I have no interest in material things or power of any sort. I've heard hundreds of people say "oh, they are easy to handle"... but usually that's not well thought. Plus, one of their best tricks is to pretend they are dumb and "easy to handle"... otherwise people wouldn't venture much there, and they need to feed.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: ltrz2025

I'm totally aware of their tricks, they have no effect on me. Not all are dead spirit, somebhave never had a body and that's the only existence they know... It's home to them...

Yes for someone to be invited or trown out a mind has to be present, but it went fishing

edit on 17-2-2023 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:23 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: ltrz2025

I'm totally aware of their tricks, they have no effect on me. Not all are dead spirit, somebhave never had a body and that's the only existence they know... It's home to them...

Yes for someone to be invited or trown out a mind has to be present, but it went fishing

I told you what I know, then you do with this what you want, all good.
Just, beware of believing what they tell you face value.... they are tricksters.

You might be cool, but as you reach them, probably Brian from the next street, a 30 year old, living in mum's basement, who dedicate his life to play videogames, doesn't shower for weeks, between jerk off and jerk off can contact them too, and they pay attention to him as much as you. Just consider for a second, what type of high spirit, enlightened entity, would pay attention to Brian and his sh*t?....

No way jose....
edit on 17-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: ltrz2025

Well maybe true beauty is not always apparent trough the limited view humans have?
I for one consider a non judgmental approach very much spiritually evolved.

Certainly there are others, those that have a more elitists approach, those circles you'll only enter when proven worthy to follow orders, but look at the world around you, rings a bell?
It does for me and it certainly isn't the most harmonic vibe.

If you like, think about how we as humans manifest our reality with the thoughts we hold...

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: RomaSempre

... It was a name: Steven Herbert. I did a google search this morning and there were a couple hits. Most notably a leader in the quantum computing field.

Anyone want to take a stab at this? ///

Sure : your second-brain, located around your gut, received an order from the hive-mind of your gut flora, to get you some rotisserie chicken !

St-Hubert™ restaurants.

Not too high up there on my personal choice scale, right around Swiss-Chalet™, and other crap places like that.
Prefer home-cooking, or getting BBQ from one of those little mom & pop shops.

There's also a couple of decent Portuguese charcoal chicken places in town, with them roasted taters, mmmm.

Why are we still talking about chicken ?

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Terpene

As I told you, in my particular case, is not about judgement or fear, it's simply lack of interest... what can they give me? when I already have all: the connection to God through my soul. There is nothing else I need. There is nothing "to prove", to anyone.

Then, I'm here in this life experiencing what I'm supposed to be experiencing: love under the light. I have no need nor time for power plays in the darkness. But respect if you do.

Then, the world has its ways, and I fully understand them, I have no problem with that. Cycles after cycles. Without disharmony, without discomfort, there is no progress. And then again, the soul is impossible to harm and eternal... why would the world worry me in any way?

And I have no need to think about how other humans think. Everyone is in their own path.

Much light, truth and love (signing off)

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 02:58 PM
a reply to: ltrz2025

Dito... I'm kind of giving back some of that though love, I received.
I feel you do the same with the living....

I'm just more active on other planes....

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Terpene

You are also in your own path, friend, and you are the captain of your own ship!

Just beware of the Snakes on the Plane!

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: ltrz2025

I'm after bigger things, but

Snakes on the Plane!

Make for great bait

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 03:53 PM
a reply to: RomaSempre

You have described something with which I have intimate very long-standing experience.

I want to issue a layman's reflections on what it appears to me something that is described almost exactly how I had to describe it early on in my experience...

There can be a great number of reasons you're suffering poor sleep.

Seeking a bone-fide medical opinion is important... accept no substitutes... this is too important.

Remember for conversations like these, your situation is yours and yours alone; all anyone can do is offer ideas based on their experience (personal or observed) ... not yours.

For me:

When my symptoms began, I suffered thousands of recommendations... don't use any stimulants EVER, coffee, tea, energy drinks, and even foods that stimulate a reaction within your body.... Wrong! I was told of "warm milk" and the entire family of food stuffs that 'evoke' sleepiness ... Wrong! It wasn't 'nutritional' elements that made this appear or disappear, improve or stay the same, or even get worse.

Which is not to say that chemicals won't affect it... But I had no success with this approach either... "Self-medication" had little to no effect on my overall situation: Have a beer, have a CBD gummy, etc. ... these things helped lower my stress and anxiety about the problem... they did not "make" the problem go away.

Some reasons for sleep disruption are quite "in your face," others are so subtle that finding a solution might appear to be a matter of luck.

Sleep is a very special, very multifaceted phenomenon.

Medical science - despite their dogmatic posturing otherwise - don't really understand it. And most of the people who will apply that dogma have NEVER experienced what you are talking about... they "read about it." They did the math and the chemistry.... they apply medical theory (the tried and true) which somehow never includes the recording and analysis of the patient's total input.

I found that they don't have any "pushbutton" solutions ("here's a pill... see ya later for refills.") They absolutely CAN sedate you into a stupor and render you effectively "asleep" for their purposes... but I FOUND THAT NOT TO BE THE 'SLEEP' I NEEDED. I found a deepening misery which grew after months of their regimen of "at X o'clock take a pill and "sign out" of the world until it's metabolized." Then spend half your day stumbling around, groggy and incapable of functioning... ("oh wait - here's a pill to help you with that... come back for refills.") For me, pills were not the answer.

I learned to engage in a sort of self-hypnosis while "trying" to fall asleep... some might consider it meditation, but I have never been trained so I can only speculate that it might be so. The problem is you lay down and rather than fret over the 'not sleeping' I kind of 'zone out'... I would get up hours later physically rested, but STILL NOT HAVING SLEPT (no dreams) ... the rest of my world pretended I had slept... not fun.

All I can tell you without presuming to impose my affliction with you is I understand fully the image of "all the dozens of continuous 'little things' that pop you awake as you doze... an floating itch, some innocent sound from outside or another room, the heat from your pillow, the breeze down the back of your neck, your companion rolling over, the wind, a car, a suddenly 'too loud' commercial on TV... the list is literally endless.

Dreams are a hotspot for the resolution of purely mental activities that are unique to you. These may be completely unrelated to the phenomenon we are discussing here. Try not to stress their importance unduly.... unless that is where your heart takes you... only you can know how a dream might be related to your mind's activities... all anyone else can do is speculate.

I found that there is a 'sweet spot' - a small gap of time that my mind is on the cusp of what could be sleep... and once that is betrayed ... I'm screwed. It takes longer and longer to 'rediscover' the 'spot' and eventually it is gone irretrievably. I also found it useful to "ignore" the clock... but that's easy for me as I am no longer beholden to it. Sleep when you are tired, wake when you are not.... screw the time of day, and everyone else's idea of when you "should be awake."

Some say its 'hyper-attentiveness' which could be a kind of 'symptom' of complex PTSD ... perhaps.... but I can only hope that in your case... like almost all cases, it passes gently into the night and will be marked in your life as a 'phase.' That is the most likely explanation for most people. When you consider it a phase you can accept temporary solutions such as drugs, intense physical therapies, and other gimmickry. I urge experimenting with white noise, a fixed pre-sleep routine, a CPAP machine, and even self-hypnosis...

I'm sorry if this seems an 'over the top' response... it's just a very personal topic that speaks to me as a person who has suffered intense and prolonged sleep disruption (almost like a non-24 sufferer.) I sometimes just plain "don't sleep" for literally 3 or 4 days... I have come to appreciate the tale of Nicola Tesla who was notorious for simply stating when asked about it..." Oh, my dear, I don't sleep." The worst aspect is that as you progress through an extended waking period you can't '"do those things that that make being awake bearable" such as reading, gaming, movies, tv, anything that requires balance of concentration or the application of mental effort. "Dreams" became my heaven... as I dream, I am always appreciative of the fact... dreams give me strength. Sorry for bending you ears on this.

In reviewing my response, I realized that you might be only concerned with the dream you describe later...

if so, never mind... forgive my self-indulgence to share a very abridged version of what could be reduced to:

Cherish sleep and dreams... they are - in totality - strictly your own.... that and, sleep deprivation sucks...

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

You might be interested to know that Rasputin was very much in the same boat. Moreso even. While wandering through Russia, he couldn't sleep for 40 days during certain periods, as a youth up until he was in his mid-30s. He also had to deal with bed-wetting as an adult. He was only able to sleep again through an appeal to Saint Simeon of Verkhoturye. Interestingly enough, his predilection for prophesying began right around that time.

But I'm not at all recommending that you turn to religion. It wasn't that Rasputin believed in god or devoted himself to the saint, but rather, he contemplated on his life. It's interesting that you bring up Nikola Tesla. He talked about how he was unable to control his impulses. He used to be dominated by his fears, but credited the book Abafi for somehow freeing him, after which he exercised self-control and developed willpower.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: hjesterium

Thanks for that... I will examine these things more closely... who knows... my mind is open.

posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 09:00 PM

originally posted by: ltrz2025
You might be cool, but as you reach them, probably Brian from the next street, a 30 year old, living in mum's basement, who dedicate his life to play videogames, doesn't shower for weeks, between jerk off and jerk off can contact them too, and they pay attention to him as much as you. Just consider for a second, what type of high spirit, enlightened entity, would pay attention to Brian and his sh*t?... No way jose...
This evinces a profound lack of sympathy!

Not everyone chooses to live a life of isolation. Has it ever occurred to you that it could've been imposed on them? Whether by social pressure or bad circumstances.

These displaced people are often best situated to make a judgment of society, not being contaminated by political and social bias. They watch and observe everything that goes around them in silence, they quite literally pass by ordinary people unnoticed.

Apollonios of Tyana adopted a habit in the manner of Pythagoras of refraining from speaking for over a year. The monk Martin Luther, however detrimental his impact on the Church may have been, was especially agreeable to higher beings on account of his unworldly naivety. Some of the most pious people often break taboos. Hosea marrying a promiscuous woman was a typical biblical case.

The public instinctively flocks towards those who flaunt their enormous erudition and propensity for memory and talent before the ignorant, unless that individual happens to be speaking crucial truths. As an intellectual and hierophant, I've taken up the task of exposing others who are like me, so that actual genius may shine. Most intellectuals just want to be brilliant at other people's expense.

Besides, there are plenty of twitch streamers with normal lives who spend upward eight hours of their free time streaming non-stop. Some make a living off of exclusively playing video games. Yet they are heroes to their communities, with millions of followers. Not all of them are even living with their parents, that's generalizing. Studies have shown that playing video games can improve coordination, concentration, multitasking, situational awareness, etc. There are streamers who can rapidly read their chat in realtime while pulling off feats, it comes spontaneously to them. It's amazing what they can accomplish with the help of muscle memory. They can quite easily carry over their skills acquired from one game to another, finding unique ways to extend a game's replay value, which would've never occurred to a casual player. Your post comes off as belittling and reflects an appalling lack of familiarity with the gaming world.

Personal tidbit: I used to be a total shut-in until one day, I stepped into a twitch chat and summoned up the courage to talk with a twitch streamer. He taught me how to talk with people online again. I earned a trusted position in that community, I must've moderated over thirty chats at one point.

As for bodily negligence, the great composer Gustav Mahler often had a disheveled appearance. Does that mean he was lazy? Far from it, he was highly energetic, he exercised and spent most of his time in the mountains. He was too preoccupied with his creative work to find the time to brush his teeth, comb his hair, shave his facial hair, etc. Notably, he dispensed with a beard at a time when wearing beards were fashionable. He was revolutionary for his times.
edit on 17-2-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 08:11 AM
Sleeping has been tough here too. I have an old dog who is not doing well so that is one factor for me. But I know that it is only part of the problem.

Everything seems to be escalating these days. We used to have one bad thing happen at a time. Now it's a perfect storm of horrors everyday, both personal and world wide.

I think of the scripture that (and I paraphrase) if the days were not shortened in those times, no flesh will be saved. Is this what is meant by "the quickening?"

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: twicewidowed
Everything seems to be escalating these days. We used to have one bad thing happen at a time. Now it's a perfect storm of horrors everyday, both personal and world wide.

I think of the scripture that (and I paraphrase) if the days were not shortened in those times, no flesh will be saved. Is this what is meant by "the quickening?"
Good catch! You reminded me of something attributed to a saint: "We’ll see how the most unlikely, the most insane, events will happen. The only good thing is that these events will happen in very quick succession." (Paisios)

Incidentally, a lot of clairvoyants I've talked to have traced the escalation of events back to year 2018, either for the world at large or for their own lives.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: twicewidowed
Sleeping has been tough here too. I have an old dog who is not doing well so that is one factor for me. But I know that it is only part of the problem.

Everything seems to be escalating these days. We used to have one bad thing happen at a time. Now it's a perfect storm of horrors everyday, both personal and world wide.

I think of the scripture that (and I paraphrase) if the days were not shortened in those times, no flesh will be saved. Is this what is meant by "the quickening?"

It's spiritual tampering. The spirits make your pets sick, because pets are a source of love. The spirits want you depressed and alone as possible. After your pets, the next ones to get sick are humans. Get some spiritual guidance from a local person, clean your house, clean YOUR ACT (this is essential). And fix your diet to a keto/paleo/carnivore diet. Get rid of alcohol and coffee/tea 6hs before bedtime.

After you clean your house, get rid of ALL MIRRORS in your bed room. Also, don't have water near your bed. Ask for advice of how to keep the house clean. Usually, burning sage once a week is enough.

edit on 18-2-2023 by ltrz2025 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:33 PM
a reply to: ltrz2025

You have all these rules and prescriptions and you think they'll save people. Diet and stimulants are irrelevant for an ordinary person's spirituality. There is no universal solution for dealing with malevolent spirits. Some people report success with Himalayan salt lamps. Others have tried almost everything known to man, even resorting to German beer baths.

Burning sage is better left to a professional since it risks trapping a spirit inside the house when conducted improperly. The mirrors and windows should be saved for last. You forgot to mention that the windows must be left open for a while afterward. A condition for success is belief that the saging will work. Some people report better results when everyone in the household participates.

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: Terpene

First, we need to start off with a firm definition for the "soul". Everyone has their own loose interpretation, making that word utterly meaningless. It rightly invites ridicule.

Etymologically, soul is derived from the Greek word psykhe, which is defined as an animating/vitalizing principle. That's for the general sense, the common usage. I denote it as the "etheric body". It's so closely linked to the physical organism's functions, it might as well be inseparable until death. Hence, it could be expressed as: physical-etheric body, or physical organism equipped with an etheric receiver/transmitter, which enables them to apprehend/sense the wavelengths from the corresponding (etheric) world.

The etheric body should be distinguished from another Soul (here, I'm using it in the higher sense of the word), a sovereign part presiding over the other bodies. The Hindu yogis call it the "causal body". There are two other bodies...

originally posted by: ltrz2025
A being is its soul... it receives a body and a mind (spirit). To make a silly analogy with a PC: your body is the hardware, your mind is the software, and the soul is the ENERGY.
That is a dated formulation (tripartite division) and the analogy is inadequate.

Correction: It receives several bodies and the Self (spirit/consciousness) is independent from all of them. The Self is hardly conscious in the higher bodies.

"The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak." The latter could also be said for the mind. The mind/intellect is just a tool devoid of content, it has nothing to do with the spirit. The "Holy Spirit" is not the "mind of god", but an expression for motive force/energy (Gen. 1:2).

originally posted by: Terpene
But what about "these entities", are they basically disembodied minds, or what are we talking about?
There exist no immaterial beings. These beings aren't just consciousnesses/energies, they have material forms. What is imperceptible to organic sight is still matter. There are different kinds of matter.

They can sometimes temporarily produce a form indistinguishable from the physical organism, which can be physically touched and seen clear as day. Usually, they disappear upon being touched or when the lights turn on. To the untrained clairvoyant, spirits are almost indistinguishable from the living. Some spirits are only perceptible under the sun's rays. Shadow beings can be seen if one adjusts their sight to darkness for long enough, but that's inadvisable.

Do you think it's all just human minds that decided to stay around or could there be another non human element to it?
The only deceased which remain around in the physical world are either suicides or those who died in battle, until the time allotted to them is up.

Others may have had strong physical and emotional attachments, dying with regrets, dying in shock, etc. which confine them to the nether regions.

Sometimes the spirits of the deceased are confused for shadow people, I call them shades to differentiate them. That just means they have a hard time rendering themselves visibly/audibly to the living.

Then there are actual shadow beings, which were never dead or alive as we understand it. Some were never human, some were once human. They are not "fallen", they've always been predisposed towards fraud. The Muslims rightly call them Djinn. Whereas Daemons were originally tuteletary guides.

And of course, there are "angels". Judging from the stories I've collected, these are almost never seen with wings, but were often confused for human strangers and good samaritans, in the guise of homeless vagabonds, policemen, hospital nurses, etc. Some were never human, some were once human. They often know a lot about an individual's life. There are also living people who may simply be clairvoyants passing on messages from the deceased.

originally posted by: Terpene
Is it symbiotic or parasitic?
Are you referring to the shadow beings? Parasitic.

But there are mediums who make pacts with spirits, determining their terms and boundaries for who controls their body at any given moment, but it comes with drawbacks for both parties. The living person struggles to remain conscious while the dead person gradually loses his memory of who he was and the world he came from.
edit on 18-2-2023 by hjesterium because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: hjesterium

You can start off wherever you want, my mileage may still vary...

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