a reply to:
Iblis, Ahriman, Kali, Akuma, and any one of the corrupting malevolent spirits that are a motif of dualist religion. In nondual religions "Satan" is
merely the negative part of a single God's plan. Some forms of Judaism point to Job specifically as an out-of-context way to illustrate that even
evil is the will of a single god. Everything (good and evil) are God, hence nondual.
Psychologically in Western Culture:
Satan represents adversity and woe. A placeholder for the malaise and paranoia. The things that beset happiness. When it is feared but known to be
countered by a more powerful god, it's harm is limited.
But what happens when one disolves that psychological "valley of the shadow of death" confidence of good protecting them and embraces evil?
Embracing Satan is like metaphysical methamphetamine and should be left to those who understand the very real "evil" that lies within the collective
Embracing sinister archetypes seems to really make the abyss stare back when really delved into. Beyond the platitude even.
For example: Kid angry at religious indoctrination gets into The Lesser Key of Solomon and wants Purson to be their Patron demon on their path to
Satanic Superman power. They read online how to make communion and before you know it they create a thoughtform of their patron demon. Now their
belief is validated and their world becomes somewhat scripted by whatever mythos they put into their practice.
It is in many respects the psychological realism to "demonic possession" whereby belief in its existence conjures exactly what it's supposed to.
How close it can get The Exocist (sans the rotating head) could make believers out of a skeptic. Conjure Pazuzu myth and end up like that girl. It
can happen.
Now they pitch their voice, crook their head, and have disembodied voices of their unconscious driving them insane and coming out as gibberish. All
because they started reading crap on the internet about _____ and playing out that belief.
Like meth, a path to deranged self-destruction for almost everyone.
Of course for the Luciferian he works like Jesus.
But them aside, How many have driven themselves insane on the occult webs? How many people has JoyofSatan.com driven insane with all their
quasi-neonazi-ancient-aliens-demons shtick?
Too freaking many.
edit on 15-2-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)