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Any ideas for a Sea Story? What say you ATS?

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posted on Dec, 24 2022 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: PiratesCut

Any interactions with dolphins.

Ft Myers early 2000’s I was on the beach at dusk.
A mama and daddy dolphins were SHOWING off their baby to me.
I was by myself and couldn’t believe it. They were literally showing their baby and were so close to shore.
A moment I’ll never forget.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:49 AM
I apologize for the posts that I made in your topic here as I was being sharply ridiculed and scrutinized by attention whore politocrats and newsies buttgeigs on other boards. These previous statements are not true and should be removed. Although these dirty scumbags in fine suits succeeded in pressuring me to cause myself damages such as this they however did not nor ever will succeed in using me in a political manner, to serve their politics, their egos and/or as a sacrificial lamb towards their seriously cheap goals. I dont fuc.king care about their social games or their speeches prepared for them by some expensive lawyer. These negative posts were the direct result of their personal attacks both on the internet and in person. I am cutting them off and making it very well known that I do not work for them and dont care about what theyre doing and have absolutely no faith or belief that their political system has any authenticity to it whatsoever. I could go on about this but I hope my point is made with what I already wrote here

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