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A trap for the intellect

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posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268
Here and now.... look for what is seeing these words.

Look for the seer.

Saint Francis of Assisi said:
"What we are looking for is what is looking."

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

So what is the "dead weight"?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I'd somewhat agree except the motions become easier with practice.

The mind can be trained just like any other part of the body, thoughts can most definitely be controlled too. Plenty of work on the latter, from breaking negative feedback loops to works like MK Ultra.

Thoughts behind thoughts? As if we are just some sort of reactionary receiver of information... Under the illusion of any control or even thoughts?

Idk about that, seems the thinking thing is a big part of human nature we come to similar conclusions in a vacuum of information and our compasses all eerily point the same way. Maybe it is externally fed because there's no equivalence to what we do.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: RAY1990
The answer is not in doesn't matter what thought does.

Thought is flip says you are says you are doesn't have a clue.

Just notice that it all just happens...

It's a miracle that everything is happening......all by itself.

There is no control.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Here and now.... look for what is seeing these words.

Look for the seer.

Saint Francis of Assisi said:
"What we are looking for is what is looking."

I'm not quite sure what your alluding to here. Can you dumb it down a bit for me please.

If it is the internal consciousness that inverts between the awake and the sleeper, then I have met 'her' in my waking state. That makes the viel between the awake me and the asleep me the time of falling asleep and the time of waking up.

Here is a diagram I make for a different thread:

(Image shows two sun flowers. One flower has yellow petals with green centre, the other has green petals with yellow centre. There are twenty four petals.)

We can also diagramatically do this:

(Image shows the two individual flowers of awake and asleep, one each in the two circles of the infinity figure eight.)

This illustrates the cycle of awake and asleep.There is another inversion by the way,

Edit to add: Is that who you mean by the one who is seeing these words?

I dunno what one would call that. The conscious subconscious? Dreamer within?

edit on 30-7-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:04 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268
The witnessing presence.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

I think good and bad is a communication thing. Something we learn and develop that said we do have built-in compasses that enables us the basics to figure out a society based human existence.

Animals have a rudimentary sense of good and bad too. But what's more fascinating to me is we can seemingly gift abilities via domestication and it always left me wondering if we could break our coding and resort back to a natural state or if this is it for us. Could we breed the next wave of thinkers?

I'm unconvinced it's all a show and I'm more leaning towards thought being a consequence of success and recreation. Thoughts can be developed in animals too and I think and we can help them be successful. Question is will they ever think like us...

There's the illusion of control, there's definitely wiggle room in the constraints too. I can't definitively say there's no free will and that thoughts are merely reactions, the human in me says we should go and explore though.

If it's all chemicals in the brain we might as well make the good ones, see the sights and share the love.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

The witnessing presence.

I can't really place that. I get watched a LOT by quite a few "folks". They all can be called "witnessing presences" or just "watchers" more like it. Dead kids mostly. Plus some others who are annoyingly nosey.


I'm not sure everybody has what you are refering to, I just asked some fae friends if I had one. Maybe like not everyone has a third eye or the Dweller on The Threashold. Always anomalies to every rule.

edit on 30-7-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: added

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268
Are these words showing up?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Yes they are.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:36 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
I'm not sure everybody has what you are refering to, I just asked some fae friends if I had one. Maybe like not everyone has a third eye or the Dweller on The Threashold. Always anomalies to every rule.

Fascinating conversation NobodySpecial. I've been following along the thread and am really enjoying all the food for thought.

I wanted to chime in, I was wondering who you had in mind when you describe not everyone having a third eye or Dweller on the Threshold. Humans or perhaps other beings? Are you perceiving them without these? or are their functions relegated to their subconscious?

edit:Just noticed you had been enquiring about this with the fae. I was wondering if you had any thoughts to share along those lines...
edit on 30-7-2022 by dffrntkndfnml because: edit

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Do you mean that part of us that "clicks in" occassionally, and you suddenly see your mind playing tricks, and grok like knowing without knowing how one knows?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The appearance of life is constantly changing but the witnessing presence doesn't change or appear.

It's overlooked.

It's the peace that surpasses all understanding.

It doesn't click in occasionally...... it's ever present šŸŽ
edit on 30-7-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: dffrntkndfnml

Happy to know you like the thread, I'm enjoying myself just going with the flow. : )

I was wondering who you had in mind when you describe not everyone having a third eye

I saw that in a young "early onset schizophrenic", she is aware of it herself. Once or twice elsewhere. I don't know why.

My theory is that the chakrum are being developed to replace the physical body's natural perception. Personally I have never tried to develop the chakrum and don't use them as far as I know.

I just go with the physical body being an organ of perception, one big eye one might say, that sees, feels, hears, tastes and smells all at once. Not just in the physical either, one can begin to pick up other things if one "listens" carefully.

Interestingly Rudolph Steiner mentioned in one of his lectures that the hands and the feet have the body's entire image duplicated there. I think of relexology and how they have all the organs of the body on the soles of the feet. I think of the roots of trees and wonder if once long ago humans could extend their consciousness into the earth and commune with the planetary consciousness like a tree. Humans as Mobile trees? : )

There are also the eye in the palm of the hands, some interesting things one can do with those. So far I've worked out these two eyes know the bodily processes. For example: The metabolic processes of catabolism and anabolism can be used consciously. Catabolism to disaasemble, and anabolism to reassemble. I use my left hand's eye to disassemble and the right hand's eye to assemble. The trick is to know that the knowledge and consciousness is there in the body, in the organs and so forth. One can access the memories and apply them.

The Dweller on the threshold seems to be something relatively new too. Perhaps it comes with the spiritual path. But that is just conjecture on my part. I just know not every person has them. Maybe I was 'looking' at someone who was only temporarily human?

Not sure what you mean here:

Are you perceiving them without these? or are their functions relegated to their subconscious?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

The appearance of life is constantly changing but the witnessing presence doesn't change or appear.

It's overlooked.

It's the peace that surpasses all understanding.

It doesn't click in occasionally...... it's ever present šŸŽ

Maybe "click in" was my poor wording, Maybe "occassionally notice" would be better?

If it has anything to do with Krishnamurti, it would be a deceptively simple thing that anyone can do. Like looking between two thoughts.

The problem is for most folks is: deceptively simple is not exactly an easy thing to do. The intellect generally interferes like it's life depended on it. ; )

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 09:20 AM
Late here in Aussie, catch ya guys in the morning.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I was wondering about this, sometimes some bring up descriptions of npc's. Imo, have encountered a wide variety of individuals, and even those who may appear dark, to have an aspect that could be described as a spiritual nature. Often it takes knowing someone better to be able to observe this more accurately. I suspect the npc stuff may be more strictly an influence of online culture.

The chakra's are very interesting as a description of the way energy can flow. There's practical applications that have been very helpful for different cultures over the years. I tend to picture the Third Eye as describing perhaps someone's ability to practice perceiving more subtly the world around them.I like to think there is a form of harmony in the world around us, and nature hints us towards that ideally. Hopefully, they flower as someone grows.

Tree meditations can be very helpful. I have experimented with this. Meditating against a tree, can be a very soothing at times. I found their energy is refreshing, and can help with anxiety. Around here, it's usually mostly Cedars.

The dweller is a scary thing. I don't know how someone unfamiliar with the concept would describe it. I tend to think of it as a more independent sort of energy. Imo, it's a kind of guardian that enforces boundaries. It's not an experience that I think anyone would look forward to. I get the impression that the boundary exists, however someone may or may not become aware depending on where they are in their spiritual journey.

Thank you, NobodySpecial268

edit on 30-7-2022 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

edit on 30-7-2022 by dffrntkndfnml because: grammar

edit on 30-7-2022 by dffrntkndfnml because: spelling

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:41 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
Philosophers of ATS, I pose a simple thought. A question if you will.

It is said that god is all. Even the newage has it's 'universe', it's all.

A common concept that this or that is everything. The mind always chases a first principal and a beginning. People fight over this very question from the point of view that their own religion is right. Though in modern times someone came up with the idea that god must be everyone's god, and so let us have a one world religion.

To my own way of thinking the heaven of the Catholic is not the same heaven as the Hindu, nor the same heaven as the Theosophists for that matter.

Always the starting point, a trap for the mind I shall suggest; "god is everything".

Can you escape from that thought?

To step outside so to speak?
We are inseparable from our non created God/Amun/Ancient of Days We have knowledge of our deathā€™s & that creates love , seeking of our creator as well separates us from the animal kingdom
It is our fear of dying that draws us inside & into an egregore of seeking our existence after death
God resides in all our hearts & is a function of being that calls through the darkness of living in the wild knowing we will die Life is terrifying & we canā€™t create something to soothe us that we never seen or heard St Anslem discussed that concept with his island analogy
We came from God & can only deny our non-corporal drawing to Light

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
Perhaps I should clarify.

Wha tI am suggesting based on my own observations is the human spiritual worlds are constructs of mind and in particular human thought and abstract thought. Built from the ground up rather than from above down.

The value of books is to create a coherant across the board description of spiritual infrastructure.

The practice of book burnings is a tool certain people use as a way of destroying what they want to replace.

Wikipedia for instance has a horrifyingly long list of historical book-burnings.
List of book burnings - wikipedia.

One may suggest that book-burnings are the basis of spiritual warfare between ideologies.

Book-Burningā„¢ and Box-Buildingā„¢. BB-&-BBā„¢

In ancient times, before books : invaders might have destroyed all traces of the cultures they overran.

We may also consider some more modern equivalents of book-burnings.

Cancel-Cultureā„¢ ;

The purging done by Youtubeā„¢, Facebookā„¢, Twitterā„¢, etc ... of anyone going against the Official-Covid-Narrativeā„¢;
The changing of definitions of words, like Pandemicā„¢, Vaccineā„¢ ;

The purging of natural healthcare in the Western world, when Rockefeller-Medicineā„¢ brutally took-over the complete infrastructure of the medical landscape.

There was an old Canadian website, called something like : ' They're building a box, and you're inside ' , or something like that. It was about how these large institutions take-over wide chunks of society, change the rules, and rewrite the history of them. Medicineā„¢, Bankingā„¢, Historyā„¢, etc ...

Gaslightingā„¢ is one of the tools, used to attempt to alter our perceptions.

Could we also not consider Metaā„¢ as a metaphorical box ?

Anyways : just some ideas to unbox ... LoL !!

Remember : there is only one Boxing-Dayā„¢ : but 364 unboxing days !! LoL !!

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

A trap for the intellect

The origins of the universe, the truth of religions, political party's, etc, etc. Yes, they are all traps to ensnare people into mind sets, trains of thought, paradigms, and then manipulate into life styles, actions, inaction's. Boundaries for thinking would suggest, at least, manipulated control of ones mind, intellect. A Trap. Does this thread have such boundaries?

The above is like any other image, and worth a thousand words. My term for your, "A trap for the intellect", is "The Matrix of Lies". And the image to me is someone finally starting to see some truths that lie beyond the trap, the matrix. But it can also represent another existence completely separated from our limited reality.

But, I believe the worst offender isn't really all the above, the absolute worst trap, is science, or more correctly, political science. Because if we truly had a free exchange of ideas and data, we would discover those other Realms hidden from our reality. And, they are populated, with flesh and blood. And can, and most undoubtedly have, created many of the traps you speak of. Todo is pulling the curtain back!

I can tell you, both, of these "Hidden Societies" do not like people poking their heads out of the matrix, being able to see the truth of the checker board of games "They" have played on mankind. We are manipulated for the most part with psychology, promises of a better after life, etc. To them we are nothing but pawns controlled to make moves to better the players position. The only thing is, for the most part, we are oblivious to the games they play, and the moves they make. And if you are intelligent enough to see these things, there is a special trap for you.

How long has this been going on? My best guess is since the great flood. But after all, we were created (Mutated) to be slaves, so in their minds, they can do with us as they please.

Are you really ready for where this might lead?

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