I'll give you an example, as a parable:
I sat with two Christian men at the park across from my house once, while they tried preaching God, Jesus and the Bible to me
As they spoke and I listened, a flock of thousands of little finches flew above our heads in a swarm
A morphing cloud of beautiful little tweeting birds, dancing above our heads, as if they were putting on a show just for us
I was transfixed for a moment by how beautiful it was
The Christian men however, did not even notice. They just kept on talking about the Bible, like it was more amazing than what was happening above
their heads
It was not until I stopped them talking and pointed up at the loud (unmissable) cloud of birds performing above our heads, that they took a second to
look up at the birds
But when I say "second", I mean a literal second
They looked up for no longer than one second, then resumed talking about the Bible
It was as if they thought the amazing thing happening above our heads, was not even worth looking at
I was shocked
I was being instructed in the mysteries at the time, and something outside of my own consciousness spoke to me in that moment. Telling me to take
I told me what I was witnessing, is why they would not align with, appear to, or even speak with any of the religious elements in this world
Not because they did not want to. But because there was no point
To emphasise their point, they told me to look up again
I looked up, as the birds flew away and a white orb of light appeared in the sky above us
No more than a couple hundred feet above us in the air. In the bright daylight of the afternoon. Clear as day
An orb of white light, so bright, that it could be seen in daylight. With wisps of light curling, winding, unfurling, and fluttering off and around
it. Again, it was as if it were dancing and performing just for us
I was amazed
So too were half of Darwin city
Reports from all over Darwin were sent in to the local newspaper, who quickly posted about the phenomena on their Facebook page, asking if anyone had
seen it
Hundreds of people, from all over the city posted saying that they saw it too. All with their own theories about what it was
But I do not think that any of them saw it as clearly as we did
They all saw the glowing white orb of light, with licking wisps of light in the sky all around it, as it flew from the ocean, over the city towards
where we are sitting
But it had stopped directly above my house, next to the park. So that we had to look up at it above our heads. And it got bigger, brighter and clearer
as it sat there. Almost as if it descended down above my house, in order for us to get a better look at it
Everyone was amazed
Except for the two Christian men. Who appeared to witness nothing
Once again, they only looked up at it for a maximum of one or two seconds …
Before they looked back down and started talking about the Bible again
I was no longer in shock. I felt confused, frustrated and sad
How could they see something like that and not care?
I suddenly understood something very profound about them
Not only about them, but about Christianity. And about religion as a whole
Something that made me feel sad enough, I could have cried
Again something spoke to me from outside of my own consciousness
The same thing which had told me to look up, because the orb of pure glistening light was coming
The same thing which likely created it and sent it
It asked me if I understood now, why there was no point speaking with the Churches
And I did
The realisation was horrific and sad. But I understood it perfectly
Even if God themselves were to ascend from the sky. No religion would ever accept them
They did not care to know about or experience the possibilities of what things like “God” are, or could be
They only cared in knowing their own certainty on such things
And no truth, could ever possibly be good enough for all of them
Therefore, it could never be for them …
And it could never be given to them
So to try teach them, was pointless
They had no eyes to see, so they could not see
They had no ears to hear, so they could not hear
In time, I would be asked to consider what it was I thought I saw in the sky
“Was it God you saw? Or an angel? A trick of light? An orb? Or U.F.O?”
I considered the question, then answered honestly, that I do not care
Even if I were to consider the possibilities of the many things it “could” have been for the rest of my life, to the point where I found myself
certain in my belief, of what it was that I saw …
I could not know …
No matter the degree of my certainty. Or the evidence I found to support it. It would only ever be a personal belief
It was, and is, impossible for me to know
So why waste time trying to understand it? It was what it was
Awesome and beautiful
But what it was? I do not care
This, I was told, is the correct answer
This is the reason that someone like myself was forced into undertaking the mysteries, when I would not have ever undertaken the rites and processes
willingly, given the choice …
While billions of others, who desperately want, and seek to be a part of such rites and processes, are deemed not suitable
Because I do not seek to know the unknowable
I do not care, because to me,
“I am, who I am”
“It is, what it is”
I do not need any more than this
Reading through the hundreds of comments on the Facebook post relating to the strange light seen in the sky, I was surprised to see a post from/by one
of the two Christian men, named Tim, who had witnessed (or, some would say, failed to witness) the light in the sky with me, as we sat across the
His comment said, “I saw it too. It was an Angel”
Yet, when it was there, he had no time for it, or interest in looking at it. Because he was more concerned in talking about the Bible
This made me realise, that within personal belief and determination of things unknown, the beauty of possibility becomes lost
That the reason the Christian men only took one second to regard the amazing things happening in the sky, is because they had already determined in
their mind, exactly what such things were
And in that determination, a thing like the Bible which gave them such belief was more important
They were blinded by their own certainty, in themselves already being able to see
When the reality was, they had no eyes with which to see
Because I did no care as to what it was, it was free to be any of the endless possibilities of what it could be, in this world
But more so, it was amazing, and wonderful, and beautiful, because it was free to be what it is. Whatever that may be
Determined will, can be the death of possibility
And for God to be, as God is. Whatever that may be …
It can never be, as any who think they know God, believe it to be
It must be all possibility
And such things can never be known, by those who seek to know it …
Or care what it is
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