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Hawaii Teacher Arrested, Sex With Student & Child Pornography

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posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: frogs453

I agree with you.

The rot have been happening for a long time. Toddler's and Tiaras was a child grooming show and while that show was cancelled, it set a precedent.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:17 PM

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

But please keep in mind that not all homo-, bi- and transsexuals are part of the LGBT movement, no matter how hard LGBT claims that.

If I had a female partner, at this stage of my daughters age, I would hide it. Just to not skew her worldview. I know it's not the norm and therefor I owe it to my daughter to not influence her on this.

She will get to know it soon enough when she's arriving at teenage age. I can still teach her to respect different opinions, I just don't want my daughter to grow up being exposed to seeing two women sharing kisses and touches like a man and woman would do in a normal family.

I may have the most twisted mindset about this topic, but that's my opinion. I may look like I hate myself but it's just the acknowledging that this shouldn't be part of a childs daily life. It is not normal, period. If that means I have to hide and play it cool in front of her, then so be it.

I won't use my inner desires to justify doing this, on her back. I won't deny it if she asks but I won't "lead with example".

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: frogs453

We didn't have 10 posts about grooming and sexualizing them. But now all of a sudden there is outrage. I bet you the amount of children who've been to drag shows is substantially less than those who've been involved in these pageants over the years.

I think part of the outrage is that much has gone main stream. We can compare beauty pageants (which has its own level of bad) to Netflix movie cuties which pushes rather sexual dancing as the better path for a child main stream. We have people pushing kids to pick their gender well before puberty so they can start their transition. We have Hollywood that pushes their version of how the world sexually is in every movie they make now, even cartoons.

The problem here is that it is adults making these decisions and not kids. If adults didn't push it the kids who are very mailable would not even think about it. Lets kids be kids and let them grow into adulthood at a nature pace and not thrust them into that world years before they are truly ready. We really do not need 2nd graders having discussions on masturbation techniques as in here is how you can do it and what would be your hiding place in your house to do it.

True trans is like .0001 of the population, maybe less, but it is like there is 10% of the population trans as how it is promoted today. Even gays are like 7%, but if I followed Hollywood they would be the majority lol

Thinking you are gay and then not, or vice versa really will have no long term physical affects, but thinking you are now trans at 8 because adults help you to think that way will have long term issues especially if when you are an adult and realize you made a mistake at 8.

edit on 18-6-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain

I may have the most twisted mindset about this topic, but that's my opinion. I may look like I hate myself but it's just the acknowledging that this shouldn't be part of a childs daily life. It is not normal, period. If that means I have to hide and play it cool in front of her, then so be it.

I won't use my inner desires to justify doing this, on her back. I won't deny it if she asks but I won't "lead with example".

I understand your point but I think kids do fine knowing they have 2 mommies or two daddies. I mean at what age did you know your mom and dad had sex and not just best I think were the issue starts is when adults try to mold kids into their own sexual beliefs and not let kids just evolve into who they will be on their own.

edit on 18-6-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
I understand your point but that's my moral decision and I made it before I even got pregnant. That if I ever have children I won't expose them to my personal quirks.

let kids just evolve into who they will be on their own.

From my perspective, that's what I am doing. I let her evolve alone without interfering in the sense of having to live with both the (sadly still) ridiculing from classmates and a female replacement daddy.

I know how I got ridiculed in college and I don't want it remotely happen to her, because of association to me. Children, especially teenager can be cruel. Real cruel to each other. She will face enough burdens in this unsure future. This shall not be one of those.

Thank you though for the kind words, but that's my decision. I don't feel like denying myself either. If I ever get into a relationship, no matter if man or woman, I will not drag that person to my child in the first months. Only when it's sure it's something stable then I would let both meet.

Because I don't want her to grow up seeing relationships come and go like the mailman, no matter if it's male or female partner. I shield my daughter from that. Currently that's not a problem at all though. So I don't have to worry about it currently.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I'm torn.

My criticism of the LGBTQ community isn't based on any kind of hatred for them.

I do not hate them at all. Some of the best people I knew were gay.

But something really has changed and I simply can't feel good about what I see anymore.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

That's all I want.

Leave the kids alone. Stop trying to indoctrinate them with sexually charged nonsense.

If we could all agree on that I'd have zero issues... But we can't all agree and until that happens I have to err on the side of caution.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 02:52 PM
a reply to: frogs453

How much in the way of tax dollars went into supporting toddler beauty pageants? These days, we pay for drag shows in places like public libraries and for transgenderism curriculum in our public schools. Councilors will support gender affirming support for minors without informing parents, and the parents pay for it through taxes.

No one does that with kiddie pageants.

So I think way more people have paid for this stuff than ever paid for kiddie pageants.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 02:54 PM

You know the problem is getting bad though when none of the whataboutism brings up the Catholic Church and pedo priests.

I think maybe we need to burn down the public school system with fire to roust out the cockroaches if it's gotten so bad the priest problem in the church has become a substandard comparison.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:06 PM
Ok so the real issue is your tax dollars? It's not really about being exposed to drag queens or sexuality? Because your money is being spent instead of the parents who exploited the sexuality of their children, many who express a dislike and discomfort of what they are being made to do?

We have posts about this done in private venues, same as the pageants. And that's like a one time event, doubtful they are seeing all age drag shows weekly like these pageant kids traveling all over the country. How is that different? The stats say over 250,000 participate a year in these full on glam pageants a year.

If you wanna fight "grooming", fight all of it. Not just those you disagree with.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: frogs453

I can't disagree here either.

Many of those pageants are hotbeds of abuse and trafficking let alone grooming.

I'm glad you and I disagree on so many issues but find common ground here.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Yes, me too. I've often agreed on various issues with people I argue with on others. I'm really not some radical leftist even if it may seem I am. Although I joke, I usually make my own soup and don't receive cans at my local Antifa office to throw at protests.

Here is a safe space to argue Politics. My family and friends who have different beliefs, we just laugh and enjoy ourselves. We leave politics at the door, although we may giggle together at the ones too far gone down the rabbit hole on both sides.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: frogs453
a reply to: Xtrozero

“I don't disagree with a lot of opinions here. However I do always get annoyed with the selective outrage. For years you could watch toddlers and young children in extreme makeup, dressed as the hooker from Pretty Woman,”

“We didn't have 10 posts about grooming and sexualizing them. But now all of a sudden there is outrage. I bet you the amount of children who've been to drag shows is substantially less than those who've been involved in these pageants over the years.”

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: projectvxn

Didn't get the impression you hated. If I used that word, it wasn't intended to be towards you. I respect your strong opinion and I have read about your experiences.

I made my own as you can figure. It changed me. I can't tell you really if I was just rewired by traumata or was like this always. I certainly does feel like the former but I can't shake it. Same with pain, that's okay. Not enjoying it but also not really minding it. Consequences of abuse by a homosexual adult women.

The theory that the victims adapt to the predator and take parts of them with them is valid. Not the abuse part in my case but you may get what I want to say. I can't shake it though but I am confident with it. It does feel natural although my brain tells me it probably isn't. But I can't change it back, if I wasn't like that before.

And do not want to, really. All I want is to be seen as a person, not a label. I don't care what other's do in their bedrooms and I do not try to talk anyone into this realm. But I've been around, seen and experienced things that are in alignment with your observations.

I am sick and tired of people wanting to either push me into a mold or tell me how my sexuality should work. In a way I can relate to the diary, because hyper sexualization after abuse is a thing. It's not something that really can be controlled and may often be evident in lewd hints.

I get it afterwards but not while it happens. One may call it lack of self control, IDK. All I know is I destroyed friendships because of it. And I am sorry for being like that sometimes. Although I know I should not, because there's only so much I can counteract. I am also just a human being.

Back to topic: I despise LGBTQ and everyone associating with them either naively or with full agenda. Why? Because it hurts people like me's reputation on top of all the current damage done to children. And I also had enough of that.

Whining over

edit on 18.6.2022 by TDDAgain because: forgot something crucial

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
Thank you though for the kind words, but that's my decision. I don't feel like denying myself either. If I ever get into a relationship, no matter if man or woman, I will not drag that person to my child in the first months. Only when it's sure it's something stable then I would let both meet.

Because I don't want her to grow up seeing relationships come and go like the mailman, no matter if it's male or female partner. I shield my daughter from that. Currently that's not a problem at all though. So I don't have to worry about it currently.

That is exactly the problem with schools today where these younger teachers feel they need to have a more personal relationship with their students and so let them know all about their personal lives and then try to put their beliefs and behaviors on their kids. When I grew up I knew nothing about my teachers other than their last names, and that is how it should be with teachers and even parents in they should not be their student/kids friends they should be parents and teachers.

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: frogs453


I'm just pointing out that while toddler pageants are nefarious, they are NOT public and government backed. This is government getting involved and forcing the issue by putting your taxes behind it. YOU are paying for it whatever you say about agreeing with it or not.

How many kiddo pageants have you paid for again?

posted on Jun, 18 2022 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

When I grew up I knew nothing about my teachers other than their last names, and that is how it should be with teachers and even parents in they should not be their student/kids friends they should be parents and teachers.

Very much agreed. When my daughter asked me if I am her friend, I said no. I said I am your mother. You can't talk to me like you do sometimes to your friends. She once said that she rather has me as a friend than her mother. I told her that different to a friend, I will always love and support her, no matter what.

I have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to her treating adults like her friends, me included. We play and have fun but I am not her friend. I am her mother.

And what you wrote about the teacher, same here. We didn't even know what town they were from. At maximum we knew the car. Not even if they were married or not. That was none of our business. There was just one exemption where a teacher would pick up a few of us at home. For driving us to the school during school holidays so we could train the theater piece (Nibelungensage). He also cooked for us in the schools kitchen.

That was okay, because it was something different and school related. He would not even enter the room where we did the dressing and clothing although we didn't have to undress at all, even if there was nobody. Like an invisible barrier.

That's natural healthy respect. It's like not walking into a men's bathroom, in my case. Invisible barrier.

posted on Jun, 19 2022 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: optimisticcontrarian
originally posted by: projectvxn
a reply to: optimisticcontrarian

What i can say is that here in Idaho I know A LOT of the LGBT community through my work with the community and they are PISSED that this movement hijacked them and are doing what they are doing. I cant count the times ive heard when they try to speak out they are ostracized and shunned into obscurity, much like black conservatives from the left.

The LGBT people of 5 even 10 years ago are being over run with this new brand of debauchery , I know no other way to out these evil people other than to band with those in the community who do not agree with this grooming and pedophilia and confront it head on

I would argue that everything you said is accurate but only if you eliminate the 'T' from the acronym...

It is precisely the inclusion of the 'T' that is the source of this insanity.

Sorry, but that is just the reality...
edit on 19-6-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-6-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2022 @ 12:50 AM

originally posted by: infolurker
Another sick Pedophile teacher busted (actually 2 of them). In this case a male teacher in Hawaii was exchanging his videos with another pedo of the 13 year old boy he was having relations with along with a bunch of other stuff from the sound of it.

MSM news article and youtube of TV news report below.

Alden Bunag sent illicit pictures and video to another teacher on the mainland and admitted to sex with a 13-year-old student.

Bunag made his first court appearance on Thursday at the federal courthouse and remains in custody until his next hearing. Court records said he admitted to investigators that he recorded his sexual encounters with a 13-year-old boy who was a former student and sent the videos to others through a messenger app.

Documents said Bunag and the mainland teacher exchanged over 33 hundred messages, including hundreds of images and video files.

The documents added that “Bunag claimed to have sex with (the boy) at the school during lunch breaks… Described (the boy) as a former student and knew that he was a minor at the time.”

Records said, “he also admitted to distributing the video recording of his sexual contact… admitted to distributing child pornography involving other minor victims.”

Its time for robots to be teaching & guarding children at school .. what could go wrong ?
I believe that parents should just let wolves raise their kids … It has to be safer , and less demented than public schools or Catholic schools
edit on 20-6-2022 by MeatHookReality because: (no reason given)

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