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Ariel School UFO incident Zimbabwe 1994

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posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 03:25 PM
Okay so I had heard of this BEFORE but didn't really know all the details stumbled across this and I definitely want to learn more and get ATS's thoughts.



On September 16, 1994 there was a UFO sighting outside Ruwa, Zimbabwe.[1] 62 students at the Ariel School aged between six and twelve[1][2] claimed that they saw one or more silver craft descend from the sky and land on a field near their school.[1][2] One or more creatures dressed all in black then approached the children and telepathically communicated to them a message with an environmental theme.[1][2] The Fortean writer Jerome Clark has called the incident the “most remarkable close encounter of the third kind of the 1990s”.[3] Skeptics have described the incident as one of mass hysteria.[2][4] Not all the children at the school that day claimed that they saw something.[2][a] Several of those that did maintain that their account of the incident is true.[1][5][6]

edit on 3/4/2022 by ArMaP because: Links corrected

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: putnam6
The incident is well documented. Teachers also saw it. In all there were 110 witnesses. The children were asked to draw what they saw. Here are a couple links with pictures drawn by them.
The second link is more detailed.
edit on 2-4-2022 by Backagain because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-4-2022 by Backagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 04:04 PM
Check also Westall Australia 1966, Broad Haven Wales 1977, Cheshire UK 1977, Anglesey North Wales 1977 and i am pretty sure that there are more school UFO sightings which i forgot.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

Hmm... 3 in 1977...

Could there be some... Cosmic reason...

"Close Encounters of the Third Kind is a 1977 American science fiction film"

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter
I was one of those school kids along with my sister, a friend and my mum who saw the Anglesey incident in 1977


posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 05:11 PM
Indeed, this is one of the most fantastic ufo events we’ve had. Josh Gates of Expedition Unknown did a show on this event interviewing some of the now-grown kids who were there and witnessed this in 1994. There were about 5 or 6 and they all, now in their early thirties or late 20s, confirmed the event did happen as generally described.

I believe the kids and those adults who answered questions from Gates, who happens to be a ufo skeptic. Overall, I was very impressed with these young adults and I have no doubt they saw what they describe in some fashion and weren’t hallucinating or lying.

I had the impression then that if these were NOT legitimate “alien or ETs” of a paranormal nature then a government psyop plan for whatever reason.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 05:39 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: DerBeobachter
I was one of those school kids along with my sister, a friend and my mum who saw the Anglesey incident in 1977


I've always , for some reason by just looking at you , thought that you're an abductee?

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Indeed, this is one of the most fantastic ufo events we’ve had. Josh Gates of Expedition Unknown did a show on this event interviewing some of the now-grown kids who were there and witnessed this in 1994. There were about 5 or 6 and they all, now in their early thirties or late 20s, confirmed the event did happen as generally described.

I believe the kids and those adults who answered questions from Gates, who happens to be a ufo skeptic. Overall, I was very impressed with these young adults and I have no doubt they saw what they describe in some fashion and weren’t hallucinating or lying.

I had the impression then that if these were NOT legitimate “alien or ETs” of a paranormal nature then a government psyop plan for whatever reason.

I get the skepticism, but Im inclined to believe the kids saw something unusual, especially when they brought some witnesses as adults and they weren't backing off their claims. Could it be BS? of course, but it definitely has more compelling evidence with so many witnesses, than most accounts.

Not to mention I dig the gonzo-journalism

edit on 2-4-2022 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: ancientlight
Nope, not that I'm aware anyhow.
What is it that makes you think people are abductees please?
Mind you my second 'event' I was 18 and with my then boyfriend and we followed a 'light' down a country lane in his car. Saw nothing but a very low bright light which was very large. Suddenly, car lights died so Dave had to stop. At first we thought there was something wrong with his lights and it was just coincidence. Then the car died! The light had stopped, no beam, just this light. It hung there as though it was 'watching' us. Car failed to fire up, didn't even turn over. Then we started to panic. Anyway about 5 turns of the engine and the car and lights came on and the bright light just zipped away. We had noted the time and there was no time lapse at all. That incident freaked me as much as the 'cigar tube' I saw in '77.
There were a lot of UFO sightings on Anglesey in the '70's and early '80's.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 06:00 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: DerBeobachter
I was one of those school kids along with my sister, a friend and my mum who saw the Anglesey incident in 1977


I'd really like to hear more on this if you don't mind sharing.

It's such a fascinating topic, when you have a mass sighting it's hard to just sweep it under the rug

An incident that first saw the light of day on the BBC’s Newsround – a children’s news and current affairs show – the Broad Haven UFO sightings soon progressed on to the national news. Even international news stations took an interest in the incident for a time.

When the story finally did reach the masses, it was just the tip of the iceberg of a rash of sightings and incidents that would engulf Wales and other parts of the United Kingdom in the late 1970s. Bright, shiny crafts landing in fields, both in the middle of the night and broad daylight! Not to mention various reports of silver-attired humanoid figures, “faceless” no less!

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 06:08 PM
a reply to: putnam6
I should have read your second part, (Face palm over here haha you already posted it)
edit on 2-4-2022 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
wow, that is really interesting. I forgot for years that i once witnessed something together with my mom and we observed it even through my binoculars. Must have been the early 1980´s too, i was very young, maybe 6, 8 or 10 years old and i am born 1974. It was a black, cigar shaped thing that was stationary very high up in the sky for at least 45-60 minutes. It didn´t move even a bit all the time, we (later only me) saw it from the same angle all the time.

I thought it was a solar balloon you could buy at that time as a gimmick in a magazine (Yps mit Gimmick) for kids. I even had one too. Here is a link to the original cover. That balloon had a weight of only a few grams. And there is the YPS sign and a huge writing on side of that balloon.

But that thing we witnessed was very high up in the sky, i guess there are some strong winds that high up there but it didn´t move. We had a little airfield nearby and sports planes and gliders/sailplanes we were used to had a way lower altitude. That thing was pitch black, no writings to see and it didn´t look like a sausage (like that balloon) but like a huge cylinder shaped thing.

After i told my mom that i thought it´s such a balloon she lost interest and continued sun bathing but i observed that thing almost an hour before i left. Maybe i knew subconsciously that this wasn´t a balloon and watched it that long because of that reason. But my whole life (till i forgot it for years, decades) i thought, was even sure i observed such a balloon. Later then (internet was available for a while) i saw some pictures of cigar shaped UFOs and instantly remembered again what we saw then. Like it happened a minute ago.

Now i still don´t know what we witnessed then but i can exclude such a paper weight solar balloon. Way too high up in the sky without moving all the time. Can´t have been such balloon even if somebody painted such a balloon completely black. That thing must have been much bigger than such a balloon because we never would have even noticed (without binoculars first) such a small balloon at that altitude.


posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Archivalist

Do you really believe that all the people had watched Close Encounters in 77? I don´t even know if it was available in Europe in 1977. Back in that time it took a good time till a movie came from the US to Europe.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: putnam6

I’m not saying I don’t believe them just pointing out the possibility that if not a paranormal ET/alien phenomenon it could only be a Milab-type psyop. I mean, what else is there? I doubt a small person or persons just going for a joy ride and stopping their personal flying device at a school to say hello.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 08:12 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
a reply to: putnam6

I’m not saying I don’t believe them just pointing out the possibility that if not a paranormal ET/alien phenomenon it could only be a Milab-type psyop. I mean, what else is there? I doubt a small person or persons just going for a joy ride and stopping their personal flying device at a school to say hello.

No worries I'm skeptical myself about most stories, though this is a phenomenon it only takes one to be real, for it not to be real then all those 100's of thousands of accounts are hoaxes or misidentifications for whatever reason.

Throw in the Navy's recent admission, adds a little credence that it could be valid or a military PSYOP.

Didn't the Navy run Montauk? LOL

I enjoy the speculation though and UFO's were a definite reason I started following ATS.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: putnam6

Yes, an intriguing story and not easily dismissed or debunked.

a reply to: peaceinoutz

James Fox also interviewed the witnesses for his 2020 Phenomenon documentary.

Here he is on Joe Rogan discussing it and the earlier Australian case, too.

a reply to: angelchemuel

Spectacular! Jane, you should make a thread about your experience... Pretty Please!

edit on 2/4/2022 by Encia22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: putnam6

On September 16, 1994 there was a UFO sighting outside Ruwa, Zimbabwe.[1] 62 students at the Ariel School aged between six and twelve[1][2] claimed that they saw one or more silver craft descend from the sky and land on a field near their school.

This has to be my Favorite UFO / Alien encounter of all time , the story is truly breathtaking and so many witnesses all of which give corroborating stories .

I still read the details of this encounter from time to time and it always gives me chills.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 10:08 PM
Unfortunately, this incident like all other powerful ufo events has a limit to its effectiveness as a harbinger of ufo experience. So, we have this legitimately interesting event as we have others where there’s little doubt of its authenticity. But so what, what does that enlighten us about? Nothing.
It only enhances the mystery and doesn’t have any answers.
I mean, what’s the point?

I think the answer is in one particular ufo flap that we all know about but don't get the messages therein...
It's like solving a puzzle.

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

I don't know, just a vibe or such
I saw the silver cigar as well, in the 90s, when I was in my 20s

posted on Apr, 2 2022 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: asabuvsobelow
a reply to: putnam6

On September 16, 1994 there was a UFO sighting outside Ruwa, Zimbabwe.[1] 62 students at the Ariel School aged between six and twelve[1][2] claimed that they saw one or more silver craft descend from the sky and land on a field near their school.

This has to be my Favorite UFO / Alien encounter of all time , the story is truly breathtaking and so many witnesses all of which give corroborating stories .

I still read the details of this encounter from time to time and it always gives me chills.

The detail from the kids, but for me, it goes deeper.

For example, could you be more specific about technology being bad? What happened with your tech that makes it so rotten? How do you know tech will be bad for earthlings as it was for your civilizations? Are you from the future?

The sheer fact they go after children for "programming" could be because humans can become skeptical at an early age LOL I know CT was planted in my subconscious early on.

This one always stuck with me too.

When they went to the cops to report it, they were pretty scared. The cops left them alone with a tape recorder running to see if they gave up any info. They still didn't waiver from their story and still sounded really frightened, it convinced the Sheriff enough to get the military involved IIRC. Probably the first book I read on UFOs specifically about one case, but I grew up in places like that. The story is bizarre beyond belief but if you include the Sheriff who interviewed them they all kind of screwed up their lives by maintaining their story, they didn't enjoy the notoriety at all. I remember Johnny Carson made a couple of jokes about it, weird how you remember that stuff after I read the book.

UFO Contact at Pascagoula is a good read, I really do enjoy reading about cases elsewhere too. Brazil has had some off-the-wall cases. Wasn't it Brazil where they found the 2 dead guys in a field under weird circumstances? wearing lead helmets?

The Pascagoula Abduction was a UFO sighting and alien abduction to have occurred in 1973 when co-workers Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi.

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