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Going to jail

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posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Basically, when you realize how it's all built, how it all works, you can actually TALK to the system, COMMUNICATE with the system, adjust and work your way to freedom. If someone gives you an ORDER (like in a restaurant), you have right to give them your BILL (like in a restaurant). Simple, right?

There's always a way to nullify things factory-built into the system, because the government is a dangerous force if this kind of safeguards are not built into the structure itself. This means, you can redeem things, nullify things, send NOTES and other surprisingly powerful communications to the system that has been built to handle and react to them appropriately. There are affidavits, you can CLAIM things, etc.

It's just sad that people see this whole system as 'oppressive force you can't fight' instead of realizing that there are so many things they COULD be doing that would actually make it very difficult for anyone in the uniform to lawfully oppress you if you haven't broken the law (breached the peace).

Remember that cops are no longer peace officers, they are now policy enforcers. And policy is what it's all about (after all, that's where the word 'politics' comes from). To truly flip the bird to the bureaucrats is to let their own system free you and make them pay (financially).

They will learn to avoid harassing you before soon, if it costs them a lot of money every time.

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: chr0naut

I can't really disagre with most points.
Here however I think you are wrong

But if people don't do what is required to slow or stop the spread, then they are not going to slow or stop the spread at all. If they also congregate and create the conditions that speed and enhance the spread, while not taking any precautions, then they will speed and enhance the spread, making the situation worse. Not only that, but it take very few to totally screw up everyone else's good work.

If anyone wants to spend his money being a lab rat so be it, but telling me I have to do this or that because you are affraid of a Virus... The world must be a scary place for you.

So, someone has to be terrified of something before they do anything about it? Would that work for financial investments or business decisions, too?


It is because I have taken those precautions that I don't have to fear such a thing at all. It doesn't work like you imagine.

Also, the taking of even very slight and easily avoided risks, but that have possibly extremely serious consequences, is not bravery.

Proof me that any of the mandated things work against death from covid without comorbidities, like a seat belt works against death without comorbidities.

Deaths from traffic accidents are not without comorbidities. And I think you are thinking comorbidities means something it doesn't. In the case of a traffic accident, one might have impact injuries, ruptures and perforations, or one might have driven into water and drown. These things are comorbidities that would be included on a death certificate.

In the case of COVID-19, there are the common comorbidities caused by the disease, such as ARDS, pneumonic symptoms, and cytokine storm, and these would be listed on the death certificate to indicate the type of COVID-19 death, or, there could be more unusual symptoms, like stroke, that may occur even without respiratory issues being apparent. These comorbidities on the death certificate do not mean that someone didn't die of COVID-19. They define the contributory symptoms that resulted in the death.

But the ultimate 'proof' that COVID-19 itself is a significant cause of death is the number of deaths that have occurred with only COVID-19 as cause of death on the certificate.

COVID-19: Comorbidity Expanded - CDC (.pdf)

Then we can talk about mandating anything.

I am not in favor of mandates, but I can understand why some authorities have chosen to implement them.

You know we're all going to die, It's mostly virus that even out overpopulation in the animal kingdom when no natural predator is found, yes the old and sick die first. Nature is to rough for you to face, fine.... hide behind you face diaper.

We haven't survived as species because we were totally defenseless against the tiniest of creatures.

But the 'novel' nature of SARS-CoV-2 to our immune system means that all that magnificent natural biomachinery is not very effective. And with other endemic diseases, its shortcomings are evident, too.

I trust the natural mechanism that has evolved over billions of years much more than some megalomaniac scientists that opened pandoras box to gene manipulation barely 10 years ago.

They are only applying their intelligence to that existing machinery, most of which historically, and even now, is fairly hit-and-miss anyway.

The flu vaccine is the same.
Although these multi nationals have become better at not being caught the have proven time and again to not care about human live at all. The only thing that matters is profit, and their shareholders agree.

There are nations governed by ideologies that claim to eschew capitalist acquisitiveness. Unfortunately, for all their proposed high ideals, they are still human.

It's just a huge business and regurgitating the fear porn is just plain stupid, well unless of course you are a share holder, either that or hypochondriac.

How would you feel if you had 99.8 chance to not # your pants but you'd still have to wear diapers?

I would hope that the chances of that happening were better than 2 in 1000, but I would survive soiling myself, and would only suffer embarrassment. I'd probably recover from it quite rapidly.

(BTW, Freud would have a field day with the unconscious meaning of your scatological example there.

edit on 9/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:19 PM
I don’t believe to know what you think . I know what you think . You’ve been on here typing 40 messages a day . You repeat the same things over and over again verbatim . You are pro mandate and pro lockdown . You are not for freedom of choice or freedom of anything whatsoever. You believe in listening to what the gov and Pfizer tell you . Nice try but I can tell you I believe in something but if everything I say contradicts that for two years then I would have no credibility. You should know that better than anyone . That’s just a hint for you . Take it however you’d like .

I don’t know what a qtard is but I know what a snake oil salesman is I think . That’s like selling something that doesn’t really do what it says isn’t it ? Sounds like Pfizer ,Modena and jnj . They told us all that with the vaccine we won’t have to worry anymore . You won’t catch the virus . Then it was wow there are actually breakthrough cases where the vaccinated are getting it . Seems like the vast majority of of people getting it now are vaccinated. They said you wouldn’t need boosters . Now every 4 -6 months they say you should get one . They said kids usually don’t get it and if they do it isn’t bad at all so they shouldn’t take vaccines . Then they changed their mind and said babies should also get them . Sounds like they’re the snake oil salesman . No I don’t think you’re right on the disinformation. That’s the government. They have the voice . The mainstream media could keep them in check but they don’t because the people who own the msm have bought all the politicians across the globe . I know you know this .

Msm may have not been truthful ????? Are you trolling me??? They are not truthful whatsoever. How can live and wake up in the morning and get out of bed after you say this stuff ? I seem to be able to find the truth without msm . Internet kooks ? Really pal my secret is I just look and see what’s happening and that’s kind of what I go with . I know after hearing bs from the media for the last 4 decades to know that if they’re really pushing something then something nefarious is probably coming down the line .
What news has the mainstream media brought to my attention that has done me any good ever ? They’re the propaganda machine for the global elite . They could stop all the shady corporations and politicians from screwing us if they’d just report the facts . I know You know this . They are owned by the same families who own the giant corporations and all the politicians across the globe so they won’t ever report the truth . You’ve been here 11 years and you still don’t know that hahahahahaha .

We wasted two years of our lives on these lockdowns . Stop the spread . That didn’t work . The lockdowns didn’t work . People get sick some will die , that’s always been the case . Probably not any deadlier than the flu . Vaccines don’t work to stop the spread . Masks don’t work . Staying home when you’re sick works . That’s what we used to do . Now everyone stays home . Do you know what natural immunity is ??? People get sick and they don’t die and then they have immunity for a very long time . Your body remembers how to fight it . Like vaccines used to work . Corona is over . Every time a virus mutates it gets weaker and more contagious. That’s why omigawd is so weak . Don’t you know anything about viruses . Natural immunity is not on cnn so I can see why I had to enlighten but I did and I won’t again .

I don’t care about fast food restaurants dude . Just stick to the subject please .

I’d like to live my life based off facts , not people’s beliefs. People’s beliefs usually screw my freedom and way of life up.
I’m not going out if I’m sick . That’s the only god damn thing I need to do . If anything Other then that then I’m living in a fascist global dictatorship with all the leaders of the world running it . Council of foreign relations, bilderberg, rothschilds inc .

Oh yeah you’re right , god I feel so bad for the mega wealthy . But I really feel worse for the guy who can’t pay his mortgage or eat food because the economy tanked and inflations up . Why do you think the mega wealthy have the most to lose . They own everything. There assets are literally everything on the planet . Are you serious ? What in the world do they have to lose ??? Not only that but they have the most to lose ??? What about the people who are now homeless and can’t eat , or they’re dead . Do you think the ultra rich are worse off then them still ?? The poor are not the ones in charge , they don’t make the laws . Why do I keep going on with you . Obviously you’re not going to get anything out of this conversation or this website . I need to leave you alone .

I’m saying doctors prescribe it to humans not horses . You are not truthful whatsoever in how you argue . Yeah real toxic . Wait actually the side effects are not bad at all . More propaganda from you and the msm I guess. You’re also lying about covid coming from bats . Yes covid sure as hell could of been given from bats to humans and that’s what happened . It’s definitely possible , you’re lying or terribly misinformed .

Yes I see evidence of a new world order . When bush signed the patriot act. When the NDAA was signed , when our leaders meet In secret with other countries leaders and heads of giant banks and corporations. That’s illegal .
The politicians aren’t In charge of anything. Are you new . They’re puppets . When the few global elite who own everything want to takeover there will be no country or politician strong enough to stop them . And they won’t ever try because they’re bought off and complicit .

My country gets worse every year , they’re trying to bankrupt it obviously or it’d get better every year , that’s why millions of illegals who don’t pay taxes and we waste billions on them when we could just throw them out .

We live in a global world buddy . The USA is the only reason the one world government you so desperately want is not here yet .

Everything that has come to light over the last two years you won’t admit to . You have been here misinforming people when the facts are out . Why don’t you admit when you’re wrong and the facts are staring you straight in the face . I don’t know a lot but I know what I know and I am not afraid to change my opinion about absolutely anything . Have a good one .

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:51 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Dude relax.

You are not going to jail, its a fine, get some perspective

edit on 9-2-2022 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 08:57 PM
Wow, you are interpreting those stats all wrong. 5% only of deaths had solely covid as a cause of death. It's almost as if you are asserting otherwise. That is not proof by itself of significant lethality. For the new readers to this, 95% of other "covid deaths" had an average of FOUR, yes 4, comorbidities. This is cause for alarm for anyone paying attention.

Comorbidities and other conditions
Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: chr0naut

I can't really disagre with most points.
Here however I think you are wrong

But if people don't do what is required to slow or stop the spread, then they are not going to slow or stop the spread at all. If they also congregate and create the conditions that speed and enhance the spread, while not taking any precautions, then they will speed and enhance the spread, making the situation worse. Not only that, but it take very few to totally screw up everyone else's good work.

If anyone wants to spend his money being a lab rat so be it, but telling me I have to do this or that because you are affraid of a Virus... The world must be a scary place for you.

So, someone has to be terrified of something before they do anything about it? Would that work for financial investments or business decisions, too?


It is because I have taken those precautions that I don't have to fear such a thing at all. It doesn't work like you imagine.

Also, the taking of even very slight and easily avoided risks, but that have possibly extremely serious consequences, is not bravery.

Proof me that any of the mandated things work against death from covid without comorbidities, like a seat belt works against death without comorbidities.

Deaths from traffic accidents are not without comorbidities. And I think you are thinking comorbidities means something it doesn't. In the case of a traffic accident, one might have impact injuries, ruptures and perforations, or one might have driven into water and drown. These things are comorbidities that would be included on a death certificate.

In the case of COVID-19, there are the common comorbidities caused by the disease, such as ARDS, pneumonic symptoms, and cytokine storm, and these would be listed on the death certificate to indicate the type of COVID-19 death, or, there could be more unusual symptoms, like stroke, that may occur even without respiratory issues being apparent. These comorbidities on the death certificate do not mean that someone didn't die of COVID-19. They define the contributory symptoms that resulted in the death.

But the ultimate 'proof' that COVID-19 itself is a significant cause of death is the number of deaths that have occurred with only COVID-19 as cause of death on the certificate.

COVID-19: Comorbidity Expanded - CDC (.pdf)

Then we can talk about mandating anything.

I am not in favor of mandates, but I can understand why some authorities have chosen to implement them.

You know we're all going to die, It's mostly virus that even out overpopulation in the animal kingdom when no natural predator is found, yes the old and sick die first. Nature is to rough for you to face, fine.... hide behind you face diaper.

We haven't survived as species because we were totally defenseless against the tiniest of creatures.

But the 'novel' nature of SARS-CoV-2 to our immune system means that all that magnificent natural biomachinery is not very effective. And with other endemic diseases, its shortcomings are evident, too.

I trust the natural mechanism that has evolved over billions of years much more than some megalomaniac scientists that opened pandoras box to gene manipulation barely 10 years ago.

They are only applying their intelligence to that existing machinery, most of which historically, and even now, is fairly hit-and-miss anyway.

The flu vaccine is the same.
Although these multi nationals have become better at not being caught the have proven time and again to not care about human live at all. The only thing that matters is profit, and their shareholders agree.

There are nations governed by ideologies that claim to eschew capitalist acquisitiveness. Unfortunately, for all their proposed high ideals, they are still human.

It's just a huge business and regurgitating the fear porn is just plain stupid, well unless of course you are a share holder, either that or hypochondriac.

How would you feel if you had 99.8 chance to not # your pants but you'd still have to wear diapers?

I would hope that the chances of that happening were better than 2 in 1000, but I would survive soiling myself, and would only suffer embarrassment. I'd probably recover from it quite rapidly.

(BTW, Freud would have a field day with the unconscious meaning of your scatological example there.

edit on 9-2-2022 by Madviking because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: Thenail
I don’t believe to know what you think . I know what you think . You’ve been on here typing 40 messages a day . You repeat the same things over and over again verbatim .

But you won't believe what I post? Even when I am telling you directly what I think! How can you know what I think with self contradictory misbelief in everything like that?

You can check how frequently I post by clicking on my avatar and counting up the posts. I typed 21 posts on the 8th, but I have tried to respond as best I can to everyone's responses. You for example have typed 10 posts on the 8th, so you aren't that far behind.

You are pro mandate and pro lockdown

No I am against mandates, but I can't do anything about them, and I do understand why some authorities might want them.

But, I do think the lockdowns worked in some countries. And I provided data that supports that.

Where is the supporting data for your posts?

. You are not for freedom of choice or freedom of anything whatsoever. You believe in listening to what the gov and Pfizer tell you . Nice try but I can tell you I believe in something but if everything I say contradicts that for two years then I would have no credibility. You should know that better than anyone . That’s just a hint for you . Take it however you’d like .

I don’t know what a qtard is but I know what a snake oil salesman is I think . That’s like selling something that doesn’t really do what it says isn’t it ? Sounds like Pfizer ,Modena and jnj . They told us all that with the vaccine we won’t have to worry anymore . You won’t catch the virus .

They didn't say anything of the sort.

Then it was wow there are actually breakthrough cases where the vaccinated are getting it .

The Pfizer vaccine had a measured 95% effectiveness announced before the vaccines had even been rolled out. I'm fairly sure that Moderna announced 93% the next day.

Seems like the vast majority of of people getting it now are vaccinated. They said you wouldn’t need boosters .

They didn't.

You have read someone reinterpreting what the authorities and drug companies have said, and you think that the authorities and drug companies said it.

Please provide supportive links to where they (and not some 3rd party commentator) said or wrote anything of the sort. And not just some deceptively edited down link, one that has what they said or wrote in clear context.

edit on 9/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2022 @ 09:56 PM

Now every 4 -6 months they say you should get one .

Did they? Post a supporting link.

They said kids usually don’t get it and if they do it isn’t bad at all so they shouldn’t take vaccines .

When did they say that? Post the proof.

Then they changed their mind and said babies should also get them . Sounds like they’re the snake oil salesman . No I don’t think you’re right on the disinformation. That’s the government. They have the voice . The mainstream media could keep them in check but they don’t because the people who own the msm have bought all the politicians across the globe . I know you know this .

Msm may have not been truthful ????? Are you trolling me??? They are not truthful whatsoever. How can live and wake up in the morning and get out of bed after you say this stuff ?

Once upon a time, the press used to get awards for the accuracy and truthfulness of their reports. Now, with the rise of social media, everything that isn't an anonymous social media source is now supposed to be lying all the time?

I seem to be able to find the truth without msm

Then what informs you? How do you get that information?

You see, the things you say are easily debunked and are the same things, and even the same wording (with the same grammatical errors), that appear on social media and kook websites. How much thought and evaluation do you put into determining if what you first see is truthful?

Do you analyse motive and method? I mean take things like 90% of doctors (the ones who write up those death certificates with the data you doubt) are lying? What would motivate 100's of thousands of doctors to lie like that, when they have spent the rest of their lives trying to give the best care they can, and even have an oath to do so? Who is paying them all this filthy lucre, and where the hell does it come from? Do you ever ask yourself such questions before just accepting something as true?

. Internet kooks ? Really pal my secret is I just look and see what’s happening and that’s kind of what I go with

Where do you go to gather such data? How far afield? Who are your trusted sources? Do you also evaluate the reliability of their data?

. I know after hearing bs from the media for the last 4 decades to know that if they’re really pushing something then something nefarious is probably coming down the line .
What news has the mainstream media brought to my attention that has done me any good ever ? They’re the propaganda machine for the global elite . They could stop all the shady corporations and politicians from screwing us if they’d just report the facts . I know You know this . They are owned by the same families who own the giant corporations and all the politicians across the globe so they won’t ever report the truth . You’ve been here 11 years and you still don’t know that hahahahahaha .

What, all the thousands of independent news organizations around the world are ALL owned by these families? How could that be? Could something like that be even remotely possible?

Have you also noticed that the Rockerfellers were the big bad guys only a few years ago, and now you hardly hear about them anymore?

Do you think it is because they have 'gone dark', or perhaps the fortune, and the political clout that went with it, got cut so many ways as the family spread out that it doesn't amount to much anymore.

All these elites and 'families' are cycling in and out of the conspiracy limelight and now, but after centuries of "this one", "no this one", the cognizant public are not going to continue the stupid doom porn anymore.

But you didn't get the memo.

We wasted two years of our lives on these lockdowns

You might have.

I continued to work and to earn, I just changed the way I did things a bit.

. Stop the spread . That didn’t work . The lockdowns didn’t work

Did in New Zealand, three times.

People get sick some will die , that’s always been the case . Probably not any deadlier than the flu

Provably more than 10x deadlier than the flu season of 2017-2018, which was the worst flu season in ten years.

Disease Burden of Flu | CDC

COVID-19 Dashboard
by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)

edit on 9/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

(post by Thenail removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Oh you are working on the psychological basis of freud to determine your mental health, that explains a lot...

You often take precaution for things you are not affraid of?

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: Thenail
Vaccines don’t work to stop the spread . Masks don’t work . Staying home when you’re sick works . That’s what we used to do . Now everyone stays home . Do you know what natural immunity is ??? People get sick and they don’t die and then they have immunity for a very long time

Yes, that is why no-one ever dies from a disease anymore. Natural immunity protects people 100%, forever. Nah, it doesn't work the way your imagination does.

. Your body remembers how to fight it . Like vaccines used to work .

The smallpox vaccine, the one that eradicated smallpox, only took 200 years to do so and required massive simultaneous worldwide vaccination campaigns. And guess what, our best smallpox vaccine was exactly as effective as the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Yup 95% effectiveness.

Vaccine Basics | Smallpox | CDC

You can study up about all of those other old vaccines, their effectiveness and the campaigns against disease, too. Feel free.

You see what you think of previous vaccines is also a figment of your imagination.

Corona is over . Every time a virus mutates it gets weaker and more contagious. That’s why omigawd is so weak .

It is killing more people in Australia per day than all the previous strains, and is affecting more younger people, too. That's the thing about a virus that is fractionally less severe, but massively more infectious.

COVID-19 isn't over, there's not enough people with either natural or vaccinated immune effects and so it will continue to blow through populations, and even reinfect, for some time to come, or until enough people have resistance.

Don’t you know anything about viruses

I do know a little. Probably more than most.

Natural immunity is not on cnn so I can see why I had to enlighten but I did and I won’t again .

CNN is hardly a source for reliable scientific or medical information and as I am no an American, it isn't my go-to.

I don’t care about fast food restaurants dude . Just stick to the subject please .

It is called a hypothetical. An imagined scenario using familiar things to explain an idea or concept. Teachability is a sign of intellect.

I’d like to live my life based off facts , not people’s beliefs. People’s beliefs usually screw my freedom and way of life up.

Especially if they are baseless beliefs.

But in truth, you wouldn't have freedom, or much quality of life without the dedication of others to their beliefs in those things. That's because you aren't the universe. You didn't conceive of them, and fight for them, and legislate them into place. You are just one person among all those others that you mistakenly think are impinging upon 'your' freedom and lifestyle.

And really, things have consequences, and in the framework of modern first world societies, if someone is threatening your freedom, you probably are doing something illegal or immoral.

I’m not going out if I’m sick . That’s the only god damn thing I need to do . If anything Other then that then I’m living in a fascist global dictatorship with all the leaders of the world running it . Council of foreign relations, bilderberg, rothschilds inc .

Oh yeah you’re right , god I feel so bad for the mega wealthy . But I really feel worse for the guy who can’t pay his mortgage or eat food because the economy tanked and inflations up

Yeah inflation's up, but not as much as in previous peaks.

And as for the economy tanking, why aren't companies going out of business like they used to? United States Bankruptcies - 2021 Data - 2022 Forecast ...

. Why do you think the mega wealthy have the most to lose . They own everything. There assets are literally everything on the planet . Are you serious

In America, the majority of the richest don't own tangible things. They own a lot of currency. In an economic reset, the value of currency disappears and they go instantaneously broke. This also includes the government, that also owns a lot in currency. More than all its citizens combined. In an economic reset, the government goes instantly broke, too.

This doesn't happen where the economy is backed up by gold or precious metals or whatever, but the US left the gold standard way behind decades ago. Fort Knox doesn't hold much comparative vale at all anymore. How Much Gold is in Fort Knox and Who Owns It?

? What in the world do they have to lose ??? Not only that but they have the most to lose ??? What about the people who are now homeless and can’t eat , or they’re dead . Do you think the ultra rich are worse off then them still ?? The poor are not the ones in charge , they don’t make the laws . Why do I keep going on with you . Obviously you’re not going to get anything out of this conversation or this website . I need to leave you alone .

Sadly the exceptionally poor already die out of hand. But not usually of starvation or malnutrition in America. There are support services, and they can steal food, or even grow it or pick it for themselves. But this just shows how unfair and unjust American society already is towards a large percentage of its population when it supposedly has the greatest GDP of any country on Earth. If any country could solve internal poverty, the US could. But it hasn't.

I’m saying doctors prescribe it to humans not horses

Some doctors have been struck off for prescribing veterinary formulations to humans.

. You are not truthful whatsoever in how you argue . Yeah real toxic . Wait actually the side effects are not bad at all . More propaganda from you and the msm I guess. You’re also lying about covid coming from bats . Yes covid sure as hell could of been given from bats to humans and that’s what happened . It’s definitely possible , you’re lying or terribly misinformed .

Yes I see evidence of a new world order . When bush signed the patriot act. When the NDAA was signed , when our leaders meet In secret with other countries leaders and heads of giant banks and corporations. That’s illegal .
The politicians aren’t In charge of anything. Are you new . They’re puppets . When the few global elite who own everything want to takeover there will be no country or politician strong enough to stop them . And they won’t ever try because they’re bought off and complicit .

My country gets worse every year , they’re trying to bankrupt it obviously or it’d get better every year , that’s why millions of illegals who don’t pay taxes and we waste billions on them when we could just throw them out .

We live in a global world buddy . The USA is the only reason the one world government you so desperately want is not here yet .

Everything that has come to light over the last two years you won’t admit to . You have been here misinforming people when the facts are out . Why don’t you admit when you’re wrong and the facts are staring you straight in the face . I don’t know a lot but I know what I know and I am not afraid to change my opinion about absolutely anything . Have a good one .

No, I want small governments, lots of. Where ones voice isn't lost.

edit on 10/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

Chief of WHO...

WHO Chief Believes COVID Vaccine Doesn’t Prevent Infections and Spread of Virus

Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist at WHO spreads doubt over COVID vaccine.

Inside a recently emerged interview video, Soumya Swaminathan — the Chief Scientist of the World Health Organisation — is seen spreading hers and the WHO’s doubts over the effectiveness of the vaccine, even stating the lack of proof it works.

In the video, Swaminathan says;

“I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on”


And the CDC director.....

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky went on CNN to update the American public on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines amid the omicron surge. Walensky confessed on the news network that America’s COVID-19 vaccine inventory no longer prevents transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

“Our vaccines are working extremely well. They continue to work well in regards to delta in severe illness and death and prevent it,” the CDC director said. “What they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission. So if you’re going home to somebody who is not vaccinated...or immunosuppressed, I recommend you wear a mask in an indoor setting.”


Are they just spreading misinformation?

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: XXXN3O

I could go to jail, it is still an option.

(post by Thenail removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

What are you a walking encyclopedia, man you and your statistics. This is getting old and so are you. Give it up, you're one of the most annoying members on this board, go join a pro vax liberal group where you guys can get off on all of your FACTS and STATISTICS!!

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Bring a good book. If love to be stuck in a place where all I could do was read all day.

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: Alien Abduct
a reply to: chr0naut

Chief of WHO...

WHO Chief Believes COVID Vaccine Doesn’t Prevent Infections and Spread of Virus

Dr Soumya Swaminathan, Chief Scientist at WHO spreads doubt over COVID vaccine.

Inside a recently emerged interview video, Soumya Swaminathan — the Chief Scientist of the World Health Organisation — is seen spreading hers and the WHO’s doubts over the effectiveness of the vaccine, even stating the lack of proof it works.

In the video, Swaminathan says;

“I don’t believe we have the evidence on any of the vaccines to be confident that it’s going to prevent people from actually getting the infection and therefore being able to pass it on”


And the CDC director.....

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky went on CNN to update the American public on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines amid the omicron surge. Walensky confessed on the news network that America’s COVID-19 vaccine inventory no longer prevents transmission of the COVID-19 virus.

“Our vaccines are working extremely well. They continue to work well in regards to delta in severe illness and death and prevent it,” the CDC director said. “What they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission. So if you’re going home to somebody who is not vaccinated...or immunosuppressed, I recommend you wear a mask in an indoor setting.”


Are they just spreading misinformation?

The links you posted are to opinion pieces about what the WHO and CDC talking heads supposedly said. If you wanted to provide strong supportive links, you should have linked straight to these as sources. Instead, you linked to opinions and reinterpretations that take things out of context and provide their own 'spin' on things.

Of course an individual inoculation will not affect an individuals spread of a pathogen. Expecting that is woo-woo wrong thinking. But lots of inoculations, spread across the majority of a population, actually suppress the overall duration, disease load, and transmissibility of a pathogen, in every case, for every inoculation, throughout all of medical history. Proven.

edit on 10/2/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 12:56 PM

originally posted by: starlahazelnut
a reply to: chr0naut

What are you a walking encyclopedia, man you and your statistics. This is getting old and so are you. Give it up, you're one of the most annoying members on this board, go join a pro vax liberal group where you guys can get off on all of your FACTS and STATISTICS!!

So, you'd much rather I based my argument on nothing at all?

Sorry, but that doesn't sound particularly rational to me.

I am a bit of an Aspie, though, so all the emotional appeals that seem to bamboozle so many into irrationality, mean very little to me.

I can only be as God made me.

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Terpene

Remember to leave a calling card

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

The links you posted are to opinion pieces about what the WHO and CDC talking heads supposedly said. If you wanted to provide strong supportive links, you should have linked straight to these as sources. Instead, you linked to opinions and reinterpretations that take things out of context and provide their own 'spin' on things.

LMAO if you actually read my sources you would see that they are direct quotes and a VIDEO OF THEM SAYING IT was provided so there is no confusion.

Of course an individual inoculation will not affect an individuals spread of a pathogen. Expecting that is woo-woo wrong thinking. But lots of inoculations, spread across the majority of a population, actually suppress the overall duration, disease load, and transmissibility of a pathogen, in every case, for every inoculation, throughout all of medical history. Proven.

Sorry, you are wrong and I proved it in my last post. What the vaccines do is lesson the symptoms for the majority of people. What the vaccines DONT do is prevent spread. If you argue with this statement then you are arguing against the chief of WHO and the director of the CDC.

You lose, have a good day.

posted on Feb, 10 2022 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: XXXN3O

I could go to jail, it is still an option.

Yes, if you are summoned to a court and you drop your drawers in front of a judge or something completely daft for something like a fine

Im basically saying a fine (normally) has to go to quite extreme measures before it reaches jail time so relax a bit as your opening post came across a bit stressed which I can understand

Anyways, I wish you well with it and hope it does not get out of hand and you end up in Guantanamo Bay, heard its a nightmare in there

edit on 10-2-2022 by XXXN3O because: (no reason given)

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