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NBC Article on UFO's and Aliens Mentions Above Top Secret

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posted on Jan, 9 2022 @ 07:18 AM
As an “ufologist” (which I would define a person who has followed UFOs stories since we were probably kids), we have just about gathered information and stories to the point I feel like most of us haven’t heard something new lately. I always thought if I were an alien what group of people would I reach out to on this planet. Religious folks: nope, aliens would threaten their beliefs. Political leaders: nope tried that and they sent primitive fighter jets and aliens threaten their power structure. Scientist: nope we given scientists enough evidence to confirm alien existence but have spent more time debunking aliens saying it’s impossible for space travel from the closest star. Children: tried that and the kids were harmless (Zimbabwe) but the kids weren’t taken seriously and scared the crap out of them. Seems to me the only echo chamber to not freak out, attack them, ignore them would be ATS members. But after 50 years of following UFO phenomenon I do not think that there will ever be a disclosure. My guess is they were probably more active in 50s and 60s, and they decided to stay behind the curtain and TPTB are just using it to maintain their power structures with fear confusion and hope as well to dangle the carrot in front of us.

posted on Jan, 9 2022 @ 10:30 AM
The article also mentions Mick West who -- along with being a skeptical investigator -- is a member of ATS and had been quite active on this site, at least in the past.

edit on 9/1/2022 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2022 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: loveguy

originally posted by: JahIsGucci
Saw ATS mentioned in one of NBC's articles this morning titled: Disclosure or deception? New UFO Pentagon office divides believers

On social media and forums like AboveTopSecret, a hub of ufology and conspiracy theories, debates have raged about whether the new office represents the beginning of the end of the alleged cover-up or its revival.

Didn't know ATS was that big of a deal lol.

Anyway, thought it was cool. Regarding the article itself, it seemed as if they are trying to paint the pentatgon/government as the bad guys, and all these UFO people like Greer and Lonzo are being painted in a positive light.

I can't stop thinking of revelation end times when I hear about all this ufo stuff. Especially with how they are painting the story.

Are they reeling us into a trap with this one? They round us up, get us all aggravated like a tiger in a cage. Once we're finally pissed off with all this crap, we turn against the evil government, with the help of some alien 'friends'? With maybe the AntiChrist being their leader?

Have a great weekend yall.

For MSM to direct attention this a way I'd guess 1 in a hundred readers would venture on in for a peek.
With maybe 100/1 spambots to counter proper hypotheticals under examination here.
We pose hypotheticals that turn out being partially true more often than not.

Aliens are not in the same boundary as my game of marbles...keep open mind but not so open my brain falls out.

ATS to me is like a nursery...a bunch of people from different backgrounds trying to learn how to get along and be good to each other...while trying to improve the world outside of ATS. If we are to be collected and slaughtered together, it's not for instigating contempt toward our governments, it's those in government that hate us for trying to improve our circumstances.

Well said.

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