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Canadians, We Are Losing This Country FAST - Wake Up Now

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posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Evil people are always and will always be scheming, and the regular people have always and will always be oblivious until it blows up. Usually it's a small group or tiny percentage of people who make a difference. Seems nothing can stop this. Evil people won't stop scheming. Normies will not learn to shift from the 'normality' mindset to questioning things more deeply. Nothing changes, sadly. It always comes down to those with brains, guts, and opportunity to make a difference.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 08:41 PM

originally posted by: macaronicaesar

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
a reply to: snowspirit

Same problems here in New Brunswick. I've been on a waiting list for a doctor for 5 years now. Last year they called me to ask if I still needed to be on the list. Hospital emergency wait times were ridiculous before the pandemic. The worst for me was 11 hours. I finally gave up and walked out. Since then, I go to clinics instead. The healthcare system was always underfunded but it got worse when politicians started allowing the elite to have their own private hospitals. I believe this started under Paul Martin and accelerated since then.

I witnessed the death of a small town in Nova Scotia, families breaking apart to find work elsewhere because the town Council never gave a damn about them. They kept many businesses out of town which might compete with the town's old companies. I considered running for office so I could clean it up! Some people said they'd support me, but in the end I decided against it because of the defeatist attitude. Everyone seemed depressed and given up. I just didn't feel enough people would bother to vote for change at all anymore. So, I left. Only time I ever considered running. I hate politics.

Problems initially escalated in our country when Free Trade was being pushed, I think. The Chrétien Administration hosed down protesting Canadians with water in an embarrassing display of total disrespect for the people of this country while the whole world watched. I was furious because I wanted to be there to protest myself so badly, but just didn't find a way there in time. Free Trade allowed for corporate giants to swallow up companies globally, which not only centralized power and wealth but also weakened national power in favor of the globalists. Both the 'Liberals' and 'Conservatives' have pushed Free Trade aggressively to the point where Harper started testing the water by mentioning "There isn't really a Canadian economy anymore, it's a global economy" and stated we needed "the framework for global governance." Of course, our honest and vigilant media completely ignored these very disturbing and historic statements.

I vote for the only party I know not controlled by globalist corruption, the People's Party of Canada. But they are still small and have a long way to go. There are so many low information voters out there, even in these extreme times. I knew the last federal election would go nowhere just seeing every single person there--all of them--wearing masks. I was the only person there, while I was there, who didn't. There were NO mask mandates at that time! Tons of voters and several party representatives, all of them blindly pro-establishment, fearfully hooked into the corporate narrative. What a display.

For these few of us paying attention, it's disheartening to say the least.
Im from NB too. I think we’re screwed.

Another NBer here. We are royally screwed. The whole damn country is royally screwed.

posted on Jan, 5 2022 @ 09:12 PM
I hear they are already putting Canadian's in camps, and also force vaxxing aboriginals.

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