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Strike 2 On Apocalypse Warning about 2024 Election

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posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 10:27 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Kamala Harris is going to not certify ANY Republican who wins in 2024. Just like the Republicans didn't want Pence to. Harris has the balls to do it, while Pence didn't.

This would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic.

The only thing Pence could have done is send the Electors in question back to their respective legislatures and demand that the State legislatures officially re-certify.

Only idiots were claiming he could somehow choose unofficial slates.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: worldstarcountry

I logged in today looking for some 12-21-21 doom and gloom, but this will work. I saw this article a few days ago and the way I see it, Trump will win in 2024 and the democrats along with their corrupt pet media will wage a civil war on all who aren't voluntarily leashed on the democrat plantation.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Kamala Harris is going to not certify ANY Republican who wins in 2024. Just like the Republicans didn't want Pence to. Harris has the balls to do it, while Pence didn't. And all the Dems have to do is cry, "VOTER FRAUD".

And PLEASE, no whining from those who supported, support the insurrection and Pence overturning the election. Karma is a bitch.

this is awesome! So you fully support Trump, the MAGA movement, and the Jan 6th event! happy to have you on board!

(you are aware of the dichotomy you have put yourself in here, correct?)

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: MiddleInsite
Kamala Harris is going to not certify ANY Republican who wins in 2024. Just like the Republicans didn't want Pence to. Harris has the balls to do it, while Pence didn't. And all the Dems have to do is cry, "VOTER FRAUD".

And PLEASE, no whining from those who supported, support the insurrection and Pence overturning the election. Karma is a bitch.

Dems cry voter fraud every time they lose, lol. If we wanted an insurrection, we'd have one. Kamala doesn't have to certify anything, we'll make sure it happens.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
So Hillary Clinton crawled out of whatever hole she was hiding in recently to make some dire warnings about 2024 elections when Trump (America) takes the power back from the globalist cabal . It was a week or two ago, and most of yall probably missed it on account of the 'rona madness. Here is a search engine results list . results may vary based on how much data each user has volunteered to big tech for a "tailored user experience."

Well, now I am reading that three retired generals are following up that warning with advice to now begin purging the military citing Oklahoma national guard having a pair of balls and a backbone to boot as well as the high number or active duty members and retired veterans who showed up to the January 6th protest against globalist/big tech theft of American election.

The cabal and its agents clearly realize it is do or die time. The american people have had enough, and are ready to take this nation back from the G20/WEF globalist IMF/BIS control. Its a wonder so many of the globalist policies favor European institutions and security. Well not really, the old world money bought out our country 100 yeara ago with the FED after having reestablished its foothold in New York after war of 1812.

Three retired US Army generals have argued that a civil war might break out if the Pentagon does not weed out “potential mutineers” as there is a high chance “another insurrection” occurs if Republicans retake the White House.

In a scathing op-ed published in the Washington Post on Friday, retired US Army major general Paul D. Eaton, retired US Army major general Antonio M. Taguba and retired US brigadier general Steven M. Anderson called on the Pentagon to “war-game the next potential post-election insurrection or coup attempt to identify weak spots.”

Well America, we have been warned. They plan on initiating ideological purges asap. I suppose its the only way the Chinese communists and European royals keep control of America.

Talk to your friends and family in the armed services. Share this with them. Their silence is key. They should absolutley lie to the enemy as the enemy has lied to us to prevent themselves from being purged. Hell, play along giving them the belief they have succeeded. Go dark on all digital and social media. They need to scramble their trusted allies now, and do so old world style. Just walk up and knock on doors. Meet at dying business just showing your support. Bowl a few games, watch a movie at 2pm that is nearly out of circulation and is going to have zero folks watching it.

However they choose to meet, absolutley zero, zilch, nada of that should be shared or coordinated through digital/social media means. Their very lives will depend on it.

Anybody wonder how many illegals crossing the border are going to come from Turkish/Chinese military and become fast tracked as spies and assassins into our current armed services?? They are who will be pulling this off.

Any news that isn't educating the public about planned or current events based on documented facts collected via dependable investigative methods, can be safely categorized as propaganda and summarily dismissed. Don't do them any favors by reacting, unless you're reacting ironically. It helps to include some form of "/sarc" cue to benefit audiences who take these publications seriously for lack of a sharp eye and keen wit.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: nugget1

If Hillary runs again she'll get even more votes than Biden did thanks to such 'great election integrity' , making it the darkest day in American history. Surely this won't/can't happen?!

It can and might very well happen. But considering the lack of credibility of the election systems, would she come to office with any credibility or political capital? I doubt it. She would have to engineer some "consensus" on the legitimacy of her being elected and the easisiest way for that to happen would be for her to manufacture a "military" crisis somewhere in the world. So be on the look out for a false flag event if she is elected.

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: jjkenobi

You mean Actually draining the swamp?

posted on Dec, 20 2021 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: MiddleInsite

Are you saying Harris transgender? No wonder she got selected! She is not only Asian, not only black, but she's also trans making her a *true* woman, no mere uterus owning, chest feeding breeder! That explains how she got the office while being so incompetent - her woke factor was just off the scales.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

This whole trans-thing is so weird. Are people THAT uncomfortable of their incarnation body of choice that they desperately try to re-identify into some other body type?

The stupidest thing about it is, it's still always only about bodies. Why are bodies and their attributes so important to people? Why cling so strongly to something temporary and materialistic, when you could just accept the situation, let go, and emphasize who you are as a SOUL, as an individual, as a human being, rather than what kind of temporary body you might currently happen to reside in, and then work really hard to try to change it (although the only way anyone can really change it is to switch to a completely separate, different body altogether, which usually involves the death of the original body).

If these lunatics believe you can be a woman just by identifying as such, why don't they believe white heterosexual men can be black asian eskimo gnomes just by identifying as such?

This whole 'I identify as' and 'my pronouns are' is just as crazy as genuinely, unironically believing that you can move to another place on the planet just by identifying as the inhabitat of such place. If you live in Hong Kong, you can suddenly live in Australia just by identifying as 'australian resident'.

I mean, you won't be teleported to Australia just by saying you are australian any more than you will become a woman just by identifying as a woman. Sheesh, these people..

The other side is also erroneous in thinking that 'man' or 'woman' defines what and who they are, and that their body completely should define their values, culture, desires, interests, and so on. For example, if someone dares be interested in Japanese culture, but they live in Germany, they can be called 'weeaboos' or 'weebs'. There's a ready-made insult for people that get out of line, you know, USING THEIR FREEDOM TO THINK WHATEVER THEY WANT.

This world is SO crazy and insulting, and yet people always claim there are things like 'free world', 'free countries' and 'free people', when everyone is forced to be a conformist wage slave in one way or another, or homeless.

I don't think I have ever visited a stupider, more materialistic, more tyrannical and oppressive planet in my whole life. And if Creator hears my prayers, I never have to again.

posted on Dec, 21 2021 @ 08:53 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

Hey, I am comfortable with the skin I'm in. If I want to a thing, I do. But you are talking a woman in her mid-40s who came off major shoulder surgery deciding that tae kwon do was the perfect thing to finish off rehabbing it because it looked like fun. You think I let much get in my way if I decide to do it? 😉

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