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The Fight for Election Integrity Continues -- Audits, Criminal Investigations, Legislative Reform

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posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

Right. The fraud was "surgical" and pre-planned. The claim, "There was no widespread election fraud in America's 2020 election!", is correct. Word-use psychology must be a college course now. It's amazing to see in TV commercials, medical circles, and political circles. (I think politicians got it started...long ago.)

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 08:58 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

New Jersey is interesting. Sounds like the Republican is a newbie to politics, like Donald Trump was in 2016. If someone sounds authoritative, they get the job.

Maybe evidence from AZ will be brought to Ciattarelli's attention, along with support from those who now know how the Democrat machine cheats.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

New Jersey is interesting. Sounds like the Republican is a newbie to politics, like Donald Trump was in 2016. If someone sounds authoritative, they get the job.

Maybe evidence from AZ will be brought to Ciattarelli's attention, along with support from those who now know how the Democrat machine cheats.

My worst thought is that people are bringing such findings and evidence to their attention, and they aren't paying attention. Either they are afraid of being "Giuliani'd" or they're happy with the fraud for some reason.

It's impossible to believe that they are not already aware, and that plenty of people have not brought plenty of info and evidence to their attention.

If there is the will, there is a way... it's the lack of the will to do so that worries me.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 09:43 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Since NJ Ciatarelli isn't conceding, at least everything remains on the table. That's good.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

Since NJ Ciatarelli isn't conceding, at least everything remains on the table. That's good.

Yes! That is definitely a good thing!!!

I am of the opinion that if the truth is out there to be known, then justice will take care of itself. Apparently many of the guilty know as well, hence the deceit and deception and fighting to keep the whole truth hidden from the public.

As long as Ciatarelli doesn't concede, the issues are still subject to public awareness and discussion. And questions! Lots of people have lots of questions... unless and until the whole truth is known.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

Since NJ Ciatarelli isn't conceding, at least everything remains on the table. That's good.

Yes! That is definitely a good thing!!!

I am of the opinion that if the truth is out there to be known, then justice will take care of itself. Apparently many of the guilty know as well, hence the deceit and deception and fighting to keep the whole truth hidden from the public.

As long as Ciatarelli doesn't concede, the issues are still subject to public awareness and discussion. And questions! Lots of people have lots of questions... unless and until the whole truth is known.

No questions with regards to NJ, dunno why you're reading into it something not there, as his campaign says:

Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign stressed that there was no evidence of fraud, and he has warned his Republican supporters against “falling victim to wild conspiracy theories or online rumors.” Officials with Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign said on Monday that they were waiting until all mail and provisional ballots were counted, a process they expected to be completed within two days.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: vkey08

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

Since NJ Ciatarelli isn't conceding, at least everything remains on the table. That's good.

Yes! That is definitely a good thing!!!

I am of the opinion that if the truth is out there to be known, then justice will take care of itself. Apparently many of the guilty know as well, hence the deceit and deception and fighting to keep the whole truth hidden from the public.

As long as Ciatarelli doesn't concede, the issues are still subject to public awareness and discussion. And questions! Lots of people have lots of questions... unless and until the whole truth is known.

No questions with regards to NJ, dunno why you're reading into it something not there, as his campaign says:

Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign stressed that there was no evidence of fraud, and he has warned his Republican supporters against “falling victim to wild conspiracy theories or online rumors.” Officials with Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign said on Monday that they were waiting until all mail and provisional ballots were counted, a process they expected to be completed within two days.

Do we know for sure "Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign stressed" ?

Or, is that from an inaccurate MSM story? ✍️

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen

originally posted by: vkey08

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

Since NJ Ciatarelli isn't conceding, at least everything remains on the table. That's good.

Yes! That is definitely a good thing!!!

I am of the opinion that if the truth is out there to be known, then justice will take care of itself. Apparently many of the guilty know as well, hence the deceit and deception and fighting to keep the whole truth hidden from the public.

As long as Ciatarelli doesn't concede, the issues are still subject to public awareness and discussion. And questions! Lots of people have lots of questions... unless and until the whole truth is known.

No questions with regards to NJ, dunno why you're reading into it something not there, as his campaign says:

Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign stressed that there was no evidence of fraud, and he has warned his Republican supporters against “falling victim to wild conspiracy theories or online rumors.” Officials with Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign said on Monday that they were waiting until all mail and provisional ballots were counted, a process they expected to be completed within two days.

Do we know for sure "Mr. Ciattarelli’s campaign stressed" ?

Or, is that from an inaccurate MSM story? ✍️

Unless they suddenly cloned him, that is what Ciattreli said on camera, he was warning his supporters, therefore no matter whom reported it, they were directly quoting him. Sorry, no show here, just someone that wants all the votes counted, as he has the right to, there are 70K provisional ballots still outstanding.

posted on Nov, 10 2021 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: vkey08

No questions with regards to NJ, dunno why you're reading into it something not there...

I don't know why you don't know, as I included many concerns and links that further explained those concerns. his campaign says...

I'm sure his campaign has said quite a bit... and quite a bit that I don't believe or agree with. His campaign isn't the final word on anything.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 12:07 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Boadicea

New Jersey is interesting. Sounds like the Republican is a newbie to politics, like Donald Trump was in 2016. If someone sounds authoritative, they get the job.

Maybe evidence from AZ will be brought to Ciattarelli's attention, along with support from those who now know how the Democrat machine cheats.

My worst thought is that people are bringing such findings and evidence to their attention, and they aren't paying attention. Either they are afraid of being "Giuliani'd" or they're happy with the fraud for some reason.

It's impossible to believe that they are not already aware, and that plenty of people have not brought plenty of info and evidence to their attention.

If there is the will, there is a way... it's the lack of the will to do so that worries me.

It's a way of hidin something in plain site in the internet age: fabricate "wolf criers"

A "wolf crier" is the "agent provocateur" of the internet. Their job is to raise an alarm, but then show the viewer a big, an easily identifiable nothing burger for evidence.

After the first 2 or 3 times, nobody believes when there really is a wolf.

I really think the "My Pillow" guy was a wolf crier.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 02:27 AM

originally posted by: IndieA

originally posted by: vkey08
a reply to: tanstaafl

Actually, no. The ability is NOT in every printer today, what you are referring to is a special offset printing technique that the plates alone cost 20-30 thousand dollars apiece to produce.

Before you start calling people clueless, or beyond comprehension, maybe do some freakin research on the subject, oh wait I forgot, the people that are supporting all of this don't know how to do research, they listen to places like Cyber Ninjas and Gab.

Sorry dude (or dudette) I won't ever question anyone's actual intelligence, nor would I ever claim it's beyond someone's comprehension unless they said "Hey I don't understand this". This is NOT Gab, you cannot insult people just because you want to.

What I saw Jovan Pulitzer display was a tiny yellow dot matix.

The use of "plates" makes no sense to me in this case.

Any printer should be able to be programmed to print a tiny yellow dot matix code that contains data like, the date and type of machine.

It would be a good security measure. Probably not impossible to hack, but at least more difficult.

Even if they would just make one thoroughly unique mark, it would probably help. But right now I can't think of anything you can't forge.

Maybe something simple might work, like if they just actually numbered each ballot they printed. If there were 80,000 in an order, just write the numbers 1-80,000 on them. Any forger that wanted to make their ballot plausible would have to put a number on it within that range, and they would risk the possibility of another ballot with that number coming in.

But at this point we're talking hindsight = 20/20

It's massively annoying that there's no way to tell. And no way to prove the print data did or didn't get leaked.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

I really think the "My Pillow" guy was a wolf crier.

That wouldn't surprise me in the least. I wouldn't even be surprised if Lindell didn't know he was the "wolf crier" and thought he was being fed genuine shady intel. If he believes it himself, then it makes him that much more believable to everyone else. I never really understood the numbers and "P Caps" that he talked about. I kept waiting for something I could grasp without feeling like I was grasping at straws.

I understand the problem, for example, when my County Recorder violates the law to provide new ballots to voters that request or need one... I understand bleed thrus that spoil a ballot... I understand ballots not printed in correct alignment... But I never really "got" what Lindell was trying to say.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 06:08 AM
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

One of our House Reps, Mark Finchem, has been working on creating a fraud-proof ballot... or as close as possible. He is also running for Secretary of State against our former County Recorder, Adrian Fontes. He calls it the "Ballot Integrity Project," and is talking to folks about it nationwide as well as here.

Arizona Ballot Integrity Project Seeks to Prevent Voter Fraud

Finchem said the ballots would be printed using a secure microprint on a special paper stock to prevent ink bleed-through. Each secure ballot would contain its own unique voter number and bar code, a holographic watermark visible under ultraviolet light, and a translucent ballot hologram built into the watermark, he said.

Any ballot not having the watermark would be set aside as potentially fraudulent. The ballot number would also enable voters to track their ballots online anonymously to make sure their votes count and are properly in the system.

“Do I think it’s foolproof? To a certain extent we will interface with several different ways that fraud could be prohibited,” Finchem said. “This sets up what looks like a fully transparent ballot system. It certainly would make it much more difficult to inject false ballots into the system.”

Finchem's hope is to make forensic audits like we conducted unnecessary and obsolete via a secure ballot. It's a worthy goal. Beyond possibly the cost -- 25 cents rather than 5 cents per ballot -- I cannot see any downsides to it, and I'm not even sure the cost is actually a downside.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: bloodymarvelous

I never really understood the numbers and "P Caps" that he talked about.

I never tried to look into anything of his, because he didn't really release anything that could be looked into in depth.

But, I can say that 'P Cap' is simply short for 'packet capture', which is the term used to denote network traffic that is electronically captured for analysis, usually to try to figure out why some network transaction is failing, but also extremely critical for forensics analysis of network traffic.
edit on 11-11-2021 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl traffic that is electronically captured for analysis...

And that's something that would have to be provided to him I would think... not something that he would have ready access to on his own. I doubt more than a handful would have such accessibility. It seems to me that could easily be fed to him by the wrong people, to make him the "Wolf Crier"...

If I'm remembering correctly, Lindell also spoke of foreign interference, and that always struck me as questionable. I kind of look at foreign interference the same way I look at UFOs... I'll believe in extraterrestrials after we can rule out our own government agencies and agents! We have plenty of dirty critters right here who have much more to gain with their dirty deeds.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 12:07 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: tanstaafl traffic that is electronically captured for analysis...

And that's something that would have to be provided to him I would think.

Yes... do you remember that retired Lt Colonel that claimed they had 'everything' - including all of the network traffic? It would have been in PCaps...

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 12:33 PM
Instead of actually investigating the real election fraud in Georgia, it appears that the DA may actually try to blame Trump for fraud.

Fighting to expose real fraud that is being covered-up at the highest levels is not fraud.its actually highly courageous and exactly what's needed to help fight tyrants.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

It just takes so long, because those who know the truth, won't talk. And those in charge, are afraid of those who know the truth. i.e., Hillary and the NSA know of Donald Trump being framed. But those appointed by President Trump (like AG Barr and Sessions) were afraid of Hillary and the NSA.

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: IndieA

Convene a formal committee where all evidence against and for everyone and everything is examined publicly in real-time.

A body with more legitimacy than the impotent Jan 6th Congressional "investigators" are pretending to be.

Do it fast, before the new machines, ballots, procedures, need to be set up ahead of Nov 2022.

edit on 11/11/2021 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2021 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: tanstaafl

I do remember that now that you mention it...

I also remember they ended up not releasing the P Caps at the symposium because it was said to be tainted. I never understood what exactly was tainted, or how it was tainted -- I'm not sure they said. But from a certain perspective, it would make sense that tainted info was fed to him that could later be easily disproven and make him look the fool... or the "Wolf Crier" as you so eloquently put it.

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