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Antifa protest in Leipzig

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posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:31 AM
Apparently, some left-wing activists in Leipzig have been doxing members of the political right, paying them visits, and attacking them with hammers.

German police believe they've identified a, if not the, ringleader for the attacks and arrested her (identified in German press as "Lina E.")

Antifa responded with a demonstration in Leipzig that got violent.

Der Protest für die Freilassung einer Angeklagten begann friedlich, doch dann flogen Steine. Im Stadtteil Connewitz, bekannt für seine linksradikale Szene, brannten Barrikaden.

My translation: The protest for the release of the accused began calmly, but then stones began to fly. In the district of Connewitz, known for its radical Left scene, barricades burned.

Interesting in a couple of ways.

First, the German government, since unification, has been much more well known for bringing criminal action against right-wing vice left-wing political activity. Notably, left-wing violence against what they perceived as a right-wing threat is nothing new in Germany; very soon after the unification there were groups billing themselves as "gegen Nazis" (anti-Nazi) and who brawled in the streets with their opponents. So why is "direct action" by the Left of interest to the German government now?

Second, as far as I can tell, this story hasn't got much press outside of German-language reports. The source I linked above, Deutsche Welle, is selective about what they choose to translate and put up on their other-than-German-language web pages. Makes me wonder if there are parties nervous about advertising left-wing violence in Germany, especially as so much effort has gone into identifying the right-wingers as "the threat" to German democracy.


posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 11:49 AM
I think the majority, from what I've seen, are youngish people. they have been "indoctrinated" into the myth of the left wing aims. Minor left wing people in a democratic country, like Germany, is no bad thing as a foil against the mainstream parties.
The problems arise when they get significant numbers to alter the political scene. I think the biggest thing is for the parents of these misguided youth to tell them exactly how their lives were under the Russians, as Leipzig was in East Germany, and that's what happens when a country is controlled by left-wing factions.
As for right wing groups the movers in Germany (not the population) have a very massive guilt trip to not return to Fascism.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

unfortunately, the reality is that right-wing violence and right-wing extremist acts have been played down or even supported for decades in germany. a good example is the NSU (nazi murder gang that killed 10 people and injured countless others during its activities) - for years, the turkish mafia was cited as the most likely explanation. the oktoberfest bombing with many deads and hundreds of wounded people was initially treated as an act of left-wing radicals - in the end, it was the act of a neo-Nazi. the number of murders by right-wing radicals is much higher than attempted murders by left-wing radicals. the high phase of left-wing extremists in germany was the 70s (red army fraction). today, the far right wings are in the german parliament (afd). nobody denies that there are left-wing extremists, and i don't know of any party that plays down their activities (unlike the right-wing parties, which always play down right-wing extremist activities).

edit on 21-9-2021 by onoloufo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: onoloufo
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

unfortunately, the reality is that right-wing violence and right-wing extremist acts have been played down or even supported for decades in germany. a good example is the NSU (nazi murder gang that killed 10 people and injured countless others during its activities)

I have a complete different viewpoint. Pegida, NPD and NSU was medial stamped while G13 antifa terrorist lighting cars on fire could escalate and was played down. As soon as you say something negative about the immigration crisis, you're called rightwing.

Just today I saw that the majority of people do not voice their true opinion (about 60-70%!) because of fear of being painted right wing. Because antivax = rightwing, that's what the media actually does.

Well unless you only read ZEIT, then your impression is understandable.
edit on 21.9.2021 by ThatDamnDuckAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain

originally posted by: onoloufo
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

unfortunately, the reality is that right-wing violence and right-wing extremist acts have been played down or even supported for decades in germany. a good example is the NSU (nazi murder gang that killed 10 people and injured countless others during its activities)

I have a complete different viewpoint. Pegida, NPD and NSU was medial stamped while G13 antifa terrorist lighting cars on fire could escalate and was played down. As soon as you say something negative about the immigration crisis, you're called rightwing.

Just today I saw that the majority of people do not voice their true opinion (about 60-70%!) because of fear of being painted right wing. Because antivax = rightwing, that's what the media actually does.

Well unless you only read ZEIT, then your impression is understandable.

i know about the danger that right-wing radicals pose for the whole country. they want to overthrow, want to put politicians up against the wall and so on... left-wing radicals riot and unfortunately also commit violence against police officers and nazis, which is of course wrong. but they do not pose a threat to our democracy. i cannot see that the chaos days or something like g13 have been played down in the media.

did you know that an opponent of masks executed an 18 year old gas station employee because he wanted to set a sign against the wearing of masks? also a reality.

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 01:05 PM

did you know that an opponent of masks executed an 18 year old gas station employee because he wanted to set a sign against the wearing of masks? also a reality.

Crazies have been around for eons. Don't know how that fits the topic though. Have you heard about that antifa member skinning old women and etching swastikas into their skin?

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

"Only one thing could have broken our movement — if the adversary had understood its principle and from the first day had smashed, with the most extreme brutality, the nucleus of our new movement.” Adolf Hitler.

But, hey, what do they know about Nazis and history in Leipzig, eh?

posted on Sep, 21 2021 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: onoloufo

originally posted by: ThatDamnDuckAgain

originally posted by: onoloufo
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

unfortunately, the reality is that right-wing violence and right-wing extremist acts have been played down or even supported for decades in germany. a good example is the NSU (nazi murder gang that killed 10 people and injured countless others during its activities)

I have a complete different viewpoint. Pegida, NPD and NSU was medial stamped while G13 antifa terrorist lighting cars on fire could escalate and was played down. As soon as you say something negative about the immigration crisis, you're called rightwing.

Just today I saw that the majority of people do not voice their true opinion (about 60-70%!) because of fear of being painted right wing. Because antivax = rightwing, that's what the media actually does.

Well unless you only read ZEIT, then your impression is understandable.

i know about the danger that right-wing radicals pose for the whole country. they want to overthrow, want to put politicians up against the wall and so on... left-wing radicals riot and unfortunately also commit violence against police officers and nazis, which is of course wrong. but they do not pose a threat to our democracy. i cannot see that the chaos days or something like g13 have been played down in the media.

did you know that an opponent of masks executed an 18 year old gas station employee because he wanted to set a sign against the wearing of masks? also a reality.

I wish you could reread this objectively.

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 02:21 AM
a reply to: ThatDamnDuckAgain

I also think there is a bias in what is reported in the media, and how it is done.

As a consequence of the Nazi regime, the original BRD and now the unified Germany have had an official stance against extreme right-wing politics. (Except when DDR-funded left wing terrorists began attacking German millionaires, then the police went all out to stop those people
yeah, that's an exaggeration, but not by much)

One problem is that radical politics can emerge from either the right or the left. Merkel has dragged CDU/CSU politics so far to the left that anything that is middle-of-the-road is given a rightist taint by the media. Another problem with the stance taken is that it assumes any party that is not overtly radical must be "okay" -- a dangerous assumption. If any party manages to undo German democracy, it won't be a party like the AfD. It will be a supposedly mainstream party that has been hijacked by radicals.

The German media to me resembles the American media in the sense that they act as if they know better than average citizens, and that information to the public has to be massaged and spoon fed. From what I can see, that approach is no longer working so well in Germany, although, the change is slow because average Germans seem to trust their media and government.


posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 05:09 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I completely agree.

As a consequence of the Nazi regime, the original BRD and now the unified Germany have had an official stance against extreme right-wing politics.

This. This is why I don't share oloufo's opinion because it's exact like that. 180° the opposite. Everything that just remotely smells like "right wing" will be histrionically abused to make a point.

It's like a folks sport, but who am I telling this .

posted on Sep, 22 2021 @ 05:10 AM
a reply to: JinMI

Oh it was totally clear from the beginning why the mask issue had to be brought up.

posted on Oct, 18 2022 @ 02:25 PM
edit on Tue Oct 18 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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