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We talk about Israel but look at Singapore

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+17 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 03:57 AM
The title of the article is: VAX ATTACKS: Singapore seeing chronic illness explosion after reaching 81 percent vaccination rate.. In the old days we got a vaccine to prevent a disease but...since the current crop of vaccines do not stop you from getting COVID the narrative had to be changes to, "You won't get as sick" ! As more and more data rolls in I wonder what the next narrative will be other than the jab is mandatory if you ever want to leave your house again ! ?

A massive spike in new “cases” of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) has struck Singapore, one of the most “fully vaccinated” countries on earth with about an 81 percent compliance rate, according to the latest data.

Surging infections due to mass injection are stymieing efforts to reopen the country as “fully vaccinated” residents flood hospitals in desperate need of oxygen and other treatments.

Over the weekend, the number of patients requiring oxygen in Singapore doubled, showing that the injections they call “vaccines” are failing to provide the promised protection against Chinese Germs.

Injection rates have plateaued, reports indicate, as the vast majority of Singapore has taken all of the currently available shots pushed by the government. To now be seeing this spike in new infections and hospitalizations has some people questioning how and why this is happening.

“Infections over the weekend were more than a combined 1,000 cases, a tenfold increase from a month ago,” reported Reuters.

+21 more 
posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 04:04 AM
The Delta variant is simply the vaccine side effects. It’s going to be a rough couple of years.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
The Delta variant is simply the vaccine side effects. It’s going to be a rough couple of years.

It certainly is starting to look that way.

I can't seem to understand if the medical community can actually tell the difference between Delta and regular covid when someone is infected. I'd love to see a stat about % of unvaxed who have contracted Delta, versus vaxed who have contracted Delta. That would be really telling, but I can't find it.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
The symptoms are different, primarily Delta is a mucous forming variant. Not the dry cough people had with C19

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 04:27 AM
Singapore is a major exporter of electronics. Many factories there are closed down to the virus. People are saying China, but Singapore factories are in fact closed down. Its really a serious situation there for the last couple of months. Lots of migrant workers there also work in them factories.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 04:42 AM
Another interesting article about Sweden, Israel, and other countries who followed the stuff many claim is Science

One of the most consistently repeated trends of COVID has been the premature declarations of victory from areas with a perceived level of “success” in “controlling” the pandemic.

It’s happened in countries all over the world — Vietnam, Japan, Taiwan, Australia, Mongolia — just to name a few examples. They all have been praised for their ability to “control” the virus with masks and public health measures, only to then see cases invariably skyrocket.

Incompetent media reporting and dangerously ignorant “expert” pontifications have been an infuriatingly persistent aspect of COVID messaging, with their incoherent ravings becoming increasingly desperate as time wears on.

On the flip side to inaccurate praise, the incomprehensible inability of experts to get anything right is perhaps best exemplified by Sweden.

“Experts” and the media declared Sweden was the world’s cautionary tale, a dangerous outlier who shunned The New Science™ of masks and lockdowns and stuck to established public health principles and pre-pandemic planning.

Over much of 2020 and into 2021, Sweden was persistently criticized by the media and on Twitter arguments due to comparisons to their neighbors, a standard curiously not applicable to most other countries around the world. Yet as we’ve progressed further into 2021, those same media outlets have suddenly gone quiet as their chosen victors have flailed unsuccessfully against ever increasing outbreaks.

Sweden now ranks 40th. Eleven months later, they went from 12th to 40th. Peru, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Paraguay, Belgium, Italy, Mexico, Croatia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Poland, Chile, Spain, Romania, Uruguay, Portugal, France, South Africa all rank ahead of Sweden. Nearly every one of them has tried masks and lockdowns and to this point it’s resulted in a “net failure” in terms of “death and suffering” compared to Sweden.

With all the mask mandates, lock downs etc etc in Los Angles they ranks 10th in the world for covid deaths !

Sweden’s currently averaging about 90 cases per million. Israel’s averaging 1,218. That’s a lot worse! In fact, it’s 1,253% worse than Sweden.

It is a long article with history and graphs but still worth a ponder IMO.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 04:42 AM
I'd also keep a good eye on the UK as we here are over 80 percent vaccinated over 16.

a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 05:51 AM
Lies and more lies ! If officials want people to trust them then they should either cover their tracks better or just tell the TRUTH !

Another COVID whistleblower has come forward as exclusively reported by Gateway Pundit to allege that the statistics about ICU’s being overrun are wildly inflated, over-reported, and in many cases an outright LIE by political officials.

Josh Snider worked in facilities management at Missouri Baptist Medical Center or “MBMC”, “I watched our hospital administrators say in the media that our intensive care units were overflowing with COVID patients, at 98% capacity, knowing that it was a complete and utter lie.”
Snider relates that the MBMC hospital, part of a larger $5.5 billion annual network within the Barnes Jewish hospital system in St. Louis, Missouri, actually shut down three out of four floors of intensive care during COVID because they were UNUSED.


TRENDING: New Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS are LYING to the public about COVID... and I CAN PROVE IT

“And even after shutting down three-fourths of our ICU capacity, they were still never more than 50% full with that drastically reduced overall capacity. These medical systems that are saying they are overrun with COVID patients are likely LYING TO THE PUBLIC,” Snider said.

Governor Ron DeSantis just said today at a Broward monoclonal antibody treatment site, 52% of COVID patients getting treated have been vaccinated. For 65+ that % vaccinated is much higher.

There is a study out now that suggests that one reason why we have seen such a rise of late in COV is that people who are vaccinated are spreading COV more frequently than people who are unvaccinated.

According to this study, as we have rapidly increased the number of people that we have vaccinated, simultaneously the number of people testing positive for COVID has skyrocketed.
edit on 727thk21 by 727Sky because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 06:50 AM
Indeed, let's look at Singapore ....

The average number of daily cases has increased from 146 a fortnight ago, to 682 cases in the past week. But the large majority - over 98 per cent - have no symptoms or mild symptoms.

The number of serious cases also remains low, with 77 requiring oxygen support and 12 in critical condition as at Thursday. They represent 1.6 per cent and 0.1 per cent of total infections over the last 28 days.

.... that's what vaccination does. Turns Covid into a mild cold.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew
News-channel fishing for stories of unvaccinated dying from Covid-19 gets over 182,000 responses of Vaccine injuries and deaths instead… and the list is still growing

We don’t know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on their Facebook Page, as of the time of publication of this article, had received over 182,000 comments, and they seem to be all comments of those who have lost loved ones after getting the Covid-19 vaccine, and comments asking them why they are not covering that story.

People who have been silenced and censored on Facebook and other Big Tech platforms took advantage of the opportunity to share their stories instead. It is amazing that Facebook left these up, but after so many had commented, it would probably have been an even bigger story if they had taken down the post and comments.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 07:23 AM
182,000 Facebook posts is not evidence though is it.

That's 182,000 anecdotal comments.

a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 07:34 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific

182,000 Facebook posts is not evidence though is it.

That's 182,000 anecdotal comments.

a reply to: 727Sky

Yep 182,000 lying or trying to imitate CNN and their lies.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 07:53 AM
Regardless of if it's truth, lies or exaggeration it's still just Facebook posts and not going to hold up to any kind of critical thinking is it.

a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 09:04 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Regardless of if it's truth, lies or exaggeration it's still just Facebook posts and not going to hold up to any kind of critical thinking is it.

a reply to: 727Sky

Then what we are left with is to believe sources that you apparently trust... the MSM.

I know myself that the MSM is lying. I got the inside information on the local hospital group here all through the pandemic. The MSM has been lying.

While the MSM has been telling us that pediatric cases of covid are jumping alarmingly and children are dying, how many children are currently hospitalized with covid in the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia?

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Metallicus

My thoughts exactly.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 09:10 AM
I think we all need to take a step back on this of there's any truth to be found.

I am constantly accused of "following the MSM" like I'm some kind of brainwashed moron and it's a bit of a weak argument really.

Some of the msm reporting is true some is not in just the same way some of the alternative reporting is true and some is not.

If my opinion goes with the mainstream or government stance that does not make me a moron or the enemy of freedom by default.

I'll question anything that does not add up, I'll call out anyone who I feel is spreading misinformation.

The truth is the truth regardless of where it comes from.

a reply to: butcherguy

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 09:14 AM
Higher 'vaccinated' populations leading to higher rates of infection was correctly predicted by almost all the dissenting scientists, the whistleblowers. Luc Montagnier being but one.

The cynical view is that this is what the criminal perpetrators planned.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: nonspecific
Regardless of if it's truth, lies or exaggeration it's still just Facebook posts and not going to hold up to any kind of critical thinking is it.

a reply to: 727Sky

Critical thinking gonna fall down go boom.

For centuries, critical thinking insisted rocks don't fall from the sky. The French revolution changed all that.

We now know the sky has lots of rocks up there and sometimes they do fall.

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk
The symptoms are different, primarily Delta is a mucous forming variant. Not the dry cough people had with C19

And it is supposedly much less virulent...

Sounds like the common cold to me...

posted on Sep, 17 2021 @ 11:43 AM

originally posted by: Metallicus
The Delta variant is simply the vaccine side effects. It’s going to be a rough couple of years.

This one can easily be debunked. The Delta variant was identified circulating in a southern English province called Kent early in 2020 (In Europe it's called the Kent Variant), but the vaccine wasn't introduced in the UK until the fall of that year, almost 6 months after Delta had become endemic in the region.

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