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The Secret Life Of Fairies

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posted on Jun, 9 2021 @ 11:24 PM

To achieve independence from the fae is simply destroy the relationship between fairy and the children.

If independence is based on envy, then man would recreate for himself what he has destroyed in woman. This explains much of the work of the occultists. In particular the research of the alchemists in pursuit of the homunculus (the fairy's twin) and it's installation.


Edit to add:

On a side note, this thread reminds me a lot of a song I heard as a young man before I really had even a remote concept of this world. It’s called “The Highwayman” by Loreena McKennitt.
The idea of individuals challenging fate for love or some other just reason, knowing it is a losing fight but still charging into it, and having those actions echo beyond the mortal world always seemed to resonate with me for whatever reason. It seems like an appropriate song to share.

Twas a sad song,
to which I can relate.

I would do it differently,
to that Highwayman.

With the girl on my horse behind me,
I would charge the redcoats,
God and Devil both.

edit on 9-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: added edit to add

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 12:21 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

questions popping up. What are your experiences when it comes to brainwashing fae? Is it possible?
What is the difference between an egregore and a twin fae?
Can you be controlled by fae the way you can be controlled by an egregore?
What if fae are just humans subconscious archetypal egregores?
I wonder why the fae go after women, I can't believe it is solely for their physical disposition, especially considered that the blueprint for that physicality is a bleed over from the fae into euclidean space. They designed it why not go with the androgynous concept, or any concept that does not ingrain this separation, and posible issue of having a war?
What is the dispute?
The whole intrusion into euclidean space sounds like a hack so the design implies that fae are not actually meant to enter this space? Is that the problem?

and please I read the whole thread and if your answers are in what is not said. I'm terrible at reading between the lines please spell it out for me

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 12:40 AM

2. Man in the middle attack technique.

The tactics and procedures that you’re implying about an unknown entity being able to perform these man in the middle attacks Is interesting but create some very challenging logistical considerations for a human organization in doing this. First, how would a human element or organization be able to sustain such an attack over the period of centuries and over vast distances? I think that is unlikely. That implies that no single human element would be able to sustain such an program, as that level coordination would require the ability to interact across both of Fae and human realms, and be coordinated globally over centuries. Based on those logistical concerns alone, I would have to conclude that humans could be involved on an a tactical or operational level but would not be involved on a strategic level, meaning whoever/whatever is coordinating and sustaining this man in the middle attack is not human (or mortal).

A very good analysis of what I am wondering myself. The understanding of the enemy.

To my thinking, the enemy should for a time, be left as unknown. Know thyself and the battlefield comes first, then the understanding of the enemy.

To assume one knows him, will perhaps evoke: surety brings ruin.

I thought at first based on demographics of the deceased children that it was simply the church. I have found since that the fifth to seventeen century was just one of three times these girls and their fairies have lived for a time en masse.

The first was in the time of the The Tuatha Dé Danann. The middle time is lost due to the alteration of history by the scribes of the church.

So the greater span predates the western church.

The one thought of mine to explain this, is to look to the spiritual or occult world; the land of the ascended masters. I don't know for sure. What follows here is suspicion, is just an educated guess.

A possible motive for "ascension" and escape from the wheel of rebirth is simply to escape the fairy's wrath for past deeds. The fae have long memories and don't forget the cruelties done against their children. Were a perpetrator to appear in the land of the living with any memories or knowledge intact, the fae would recognize him in an instant.

If, as the Theosophists would have it, the Spiritual Hierarchy were to externalize on the physical plane, my guess is it would be a bloodbath for those members with the blood of fairies and children on their reincarnated hands.

Historically and theoretically, one needs only a few thousand years to account for this.

We may be able to explain how living humans may be able to be involved in this war against the fae, at least in a tactical or operational level. There is a paper called “Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process”
commissioned by the CIA almost 40 years ago and declassified In 2003.
This implies of at least the possibility of a mechanism for a mortal human to interact with people/events/beings beyond their immediate sphere of influence as a 3 dimensional mortal being.

That is a very good analysis document: . . . . I wonder who the author is, he is an intelligent and thorough man. My only suggestion is put aside the quantum physics. That physics is unnecessary with a six dimensional model of this world. The employment of entrainment technology is perhaps desirable from the military and intel point of view. I can understand their reasons for the procedures and employment. Nevertheless entrainment is a shortcut. The decades of it's development has perhaps spawned some undesirable consequences in our western technological life.

There is a lot to explore just in these known courses of action and associated capabilities with this mysterious nefarious entity….

Yep, there certainly is a lot to explore.

The third option is what I am looking for in this thread. ATS is a wonderland of alternative thinking, much more than I can do alone.

Perhaps nefarious in effect. There is room for this being a case of the end justifying the means. Maybe this was perhaps the initial mistake in course of action.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 12:41 AM
Oooo... meaty and even more fascinating. Heartfelt thanks... it occurs to me that a whole lot of hidden and neglected versions of reality are getting some airtime, lately.

One thing was the Lambda on the forehead reminded me of the "L" for loser kids hold to their foreheads ... or did a decade or three back. Related?

I've also had some wild thoughts about the world situation as related to this particular narrative... as in wondering if the Fae are at all related. Perhaps certain nanotechnologies are the modern equivalents of iron nails?

Now to catch up...

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: Terpene

A jumble of questions there Turps. I will do my best.

What are your experiences when it comes to brainwashing fae? Is it possible?

What are your reasons for wanting to know that?

I would not tell you if I knew or not.

What is the difference between an egregore and a twin fae?

The first is a thought form the other is not.

Can you be controlled by fae the way you can be controlled by an egregore?

I dunno. I am not controlled by the egregor. Though sometimes I let the fairies have their way with me. They know a fairy child's tears will work on an old man and prevent him from cutting down a fairy's flowers. A tearful fairy crying "my flowers my flowers" works on me every time. The fae and I both know how to play the game without overt or covert control of anyone.

Personally I like the game of playing the doting grandfather whilst being twisted around the little fingers of my adopted grand daughters.

What if fae are just humans subconscious archetypal egregores?

They are not.

I wonder why the fae go after women, I can't believe it is solely for their physical disposition,

It is biology.

especially considered that the blueprint for that physicality is a bleed over from the fae into euclidean space.

Is that a fact?

They designed it why not go with the androgynous concept, or any concept that does not ingrain this separation, and posible issue of having a war?

Asexual reproduction is akin to cloning, very little change over time. The gardener knows this when it comes to vegetative reproduction such as the striking of cuttings.

The introduction of sexual reproduction is the introduction of change, for becoming something new within a scope of time.

You would not be here Terpene in your present sentience and form were it not for the gardening of the fae. The planetary earth can only achieve so much in it's life at this present time.

What is the dispute?

I suspect the "dispute" has it's roots in men not accepting their place in the scheme of things.

The whole intrusion into euclidean space sounds like a hack so the design implies that fae are not actually meant to enter this space? Is that the problem?

This comes back to the previous point, so I will say it again:

You would not be here Terpene in your present sentience and form were it not for the gardening of the fae. The planetary earth can only achieve so much in it's life at this present time.

and please I read the whole thread and if your answers are in what is not said. I'm terrible at reading between the lines please spell it out for me

How's that?

edit on 10-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typos and extended explanation.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Your welcome.

Oooo... meaty and even more fascinating. Heartfelt thanks... it occurs to me that a whole lot of hidden and neglected versions of reality are getting some airtime, lately.

In many places and not just here. Something's afoot, and probably mostly above my pay grade. I simply have my little niche, more young and teenage girls than I can logically cope with. Unless I get involved with bigger things and players.

One thing was the Lambda on the forehead reminded me of the "L" for loser kids hold to their foreheads ... or did a decade or three back. Related?

"L" for loser. That was one of my first thoughts which got me into a lot of trouble with an affronted little girl. Perhaps one of those unfortunate coincidences.

I've also had some wild thoughts about the world situation as related to this particular narrative... as in wondering if the Fae are at all related. Perhaps certain nanotechnologies are the modern equivalents of iron nails?

Now to catch up...

I think it is all related as in a part of humanity wanting to perhaps be all grown up and be independent. But as every kid knows when it has left home for the first time, independence is not as easy as it seems. It is then they find out exactly how much their family, mom and dad, grandparents, uncles and aunts, and their siblings did for them.

Tis often a bitter lesson.

You're probably not far off the mark with your speculation of nanotechnology within the body.

The question is; exactly who or what is behind the scenes planing all this over a great deal of time.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 02:18 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

What are your reasons for wanting to know that?
I would not tell you if I knew or not.

Because I'm of the impression it is been done... The implications are complicated especial when dealing with egregores at same time...

Yes it is all mans fault... Meh... Like every women ever...
The blame game is not going to get us anywhere but I'll play.
if womens are indeed the ambassadors between the worlds, they better get things sorted out quick. The dispute and the separation between the worlds doesn't seem organic anymore, I will not believe the charade much longer.

I can see where in history the impression, that it is all men's fault, could have arisen, but I don't think it is mens fault... I can see women's not being straight forward with men when it came to their role. Man has been like a little affraid boy, by the time he grew up things did not change, and he was big and strong and affraid of what was meddling with his wife and kids, then things went south... I can't blame man to try and fulfill his role as a protector

I don't see man being the main problem, rather the womens closed society and their little secret...
occultism and secret society is not something man holds monopoly over, somehow women's don't need to have temples and rituals, or do they but not here...
You can see them all coming to faeland at certain dates of the year, and it is a nice sight to see human and fae enjoy time together, unfortunately the feminism is rampant and part of the bigger problem...

I suspect the "dispute" has it's roots in men not accepting their place in the scheme of things.

I'm no fan of determinism, who defined these roles in the first place?

You would not be here Terpene in your present sentience and form were it not for the gardening of the fae.

If that is so they are terrible gardeners, look at the mess they created, and the beauty. But there is a mess and it is directly related to the design of the fae, another design would not have brought these consequences.

Why do you think that the appearance can vary so much from culture to culture yet a further analysis shows certain archetypal traits are the same in all cultures? That led me to the assumption that the appearance of fae is related to your cultural upbringing and somehow a mirror for your psyche.

What I'm Trying to say here is I have No Clue about it, and find it a fascinating to let ones imagination bloom.


The question is; exactly who or what is behind the scenes planing all this over a great deal of time.

The fae moon holds the answer to that question...

edit on CDTAmerica/ChicagoThu, 10 Jun 2021 02:30:10 -0500pAmerica/Chicago6America/Chicago by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Because I'm of the impression it is been done... The implications are complicated especial when dealing with egregores at same time...

Yes it is all mans fault... Meh... Like every women ever...
The blame game is not going to get us anywhere but I'll play.
if womens are indeed the ambassadors between the worlds, they better get things sorted out quick. The dispute and the separation between the worlds doesn't seem organic anymore, I will not believe the charade much longer.

I can see where in history the impression, that it is all men's fault, could have arisen, but I don't think it is mens fault... I can see women's not being straight forward with men when it came to their role. Man has been like a little affraid boy, by the time he grew up things did not change, and he was big and strong and affraid of what was meddling with his wife and kids, then things went south... I can't blame man to try and fulfill his role as a protector

I don't see man being the main problem, rather the womens closed society and their little secret...
occultism and secret society is not something man holds monopoly over, somehow women's don't need to have temples and rituals, or do they but not here...
You can see them all coming to faeland at certain dates of the year, and it is a nice sight to see human and fae enjoy time together, unfortunately the feminism is rampant and part of the bigger problem...

Perhaps "brainwashing" has been done before. If such knowledge did exist, it's destruction would be my choice.

Tis the fairy view I see mainly, I grew up in the view of man.

Nor a game of blame, what is is what it is.

The brokering of a solution is my concern for just a few ten's of thousand of children from the British Isles. The rest of the world is not my concern..

It seems these kids and their fairies are a threat to someone else.

edit on 10-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 02:52 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Is my impression right, that till the age of 7 years fae don't have any preferences when it comes to gender?

These kids are all deceased girls?

could it be that the boys that have an affinity to fae are used differently? (and there are boys, there is no doubt about that) just what was there initial role for the interaction with fae?

Could it be that if man and women would work together, fae could actually incarnate? That would make more sense, to me!

Then the question would be what knowledge or awareness is required for man to fulfill his role?

Thanks for responding straight forward I Don't want to be a burden on your thread...


It seems these kids and their fairies are a threat to someone else.

Have you considered that it is other matriarchal females feeling threatened by other females that have a natural access to a realm they would like to controll?
edit on CDTAmerica/ChicagoThu, 10 Jun 2021 02:58:35 -0500pAmerica/Chicago6America/Chicago by Terpene because: Samies

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 03:06 AM
Sometimes when reading or writing my mind jumps to songs, this in my mind has correlation to your question as to who is playing behind the scenes...
sorry it is not English...

edit on CDTAmerica/ChicagoThu, 10 Jun 2021 03:07:47 -0500pAmerica/Chicago6America/Chicago by Terpene because: Fix vid

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Thanks for responding straight forward I Don't want to be a burden on your thread...

You're welcome and not a burden Terps, exploring is the thing to do. The third option is the one I look for.

Is my impression right, that till the age of 7 years fae don't have any preferences when it comes to gender?

In the girl, before the age of seven and the change of teeth, there is not, as far as I know, the building of the "twin". I've seen lots of little kids surrounded by fairies, adults too. But I don't see the process before seven. There may be exceptions.

I have not seen "preference" and "gender" having any applicable place.

These kids are all deceased girls?

Of my small group, that is so with one exception. The younger (deceased) brother of a girl. One does not ignore the relationship of siblings. The boys are not generally brought to me.

could it be that the boys that have an affinity to fae are used differently? (and there are boys, there is no doubt about that) just what was there initial role for the interaction with fae?

As with the example of Merlin and Nimue, the fae sometimes teach, or if you wish, install skills and knowledge in the boys. But this differs everywhere and it is not only the fae that do this, humans do it too. There are initiations of the human kind.

Could it be that if man and women would work together, fae could actually incarnate? That would make more sense, to me!

That is a good one, I would expect it to be so with some consciousnesses. The problem is the word "fae" is a catchall for unseen Beings and "fairy" is a catchall for British unseen Beings.

The consideration is the fairy in the first instance, has only the instinct to find a womb, the rest unfolds as a somewhat random happening.

Consider too, the fae I know regard being born into a mortal world to be reckless. (looking at man's inhumanity to his fellow man who can blame them.)

This is just the way I see things, when one looks at how memory developed and what the fae have done to achieve this, incarnation here is not really incarnation. The persistence of memory is what the fae wanted to achieve to this point in time. Perhaps just a practical thing from their perspective of gardening.

From what I understand and can put together, the old Gaia concept of born from the earth and returning to the earth is still true for much of life on earth, humans being a little bit farther ahead towards a persistence of memory.

And yeah if both men and women worked with understanding and the notion that equality can be found in inequality, then things would probably improve for everyone.

Then the question would be what knowledge or awareness is required for man to fulfill his role?

I don't think the fae think in terms of "role". The impression I get is the idea of becoming is important. I get the impression too that "random" and "let's wait and see what this becomes" is perhaps a little more accurate.

Have you considered that it is other matriarchal females feeling threatened by other females that have a natural access to a realm they would like to controll?

That is not lost on me. Lilith's captors were all women. They held her with the idea that only they could protect her. Then they pumped her for all the knowledge they could.

Interestingly, one of the first things Lilith did "for" me was to give me her memories in the fairy fashion. Who cares if the memories were complete or incomplete. The point of her doing this was she had two thoughts. The first was the projection that I took her into my care to gain from her. The second was that if her former captives came looking for her they would find me rather than her (self preservation).

From that one can ascertain Lilith's treatment at the hands of humans. "Unpleasant" is the word I would use.

As far as being used as "decoy" is concerned, that is not a problem. It is the same as when Alice crossed my astral boundary and into me. In both cases anyone who would harm any of my girls will literally have to go through me to get to them.

Lilith is a gentle fairy girl, she did nothing to deserve her treatment. Her only "crime" was to have met the 13 foot tall green eyed blond girl from the floating city (flying saucer?) above the pyramid in the dim past.

This is the problem as I see it Terpene, none of these kids committed an actual "crime".

Like beauty, "crime" is in the eye of the beholder . . .

edit on 10-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: stupid commas

Oh and just in case if anyone is wondering: Lilith's memories were in her eyes a bribe in advance to ensure she would be treated kindly. A thing born of fear, and not to my liking. So as far as I am concerned she could have those memories back any time she wanted. I actually think she did so one night, probably. (I can't remember ; )

To settle Lilith's account for help received, a hug was payment in full. I actually got a hug and more than one kiss on the cheek, and another kiss blown on the fly as she left.

Knowledge or a kiss? There is no need to think about it. I will take the hugs and kisses every time.

Oh, and one perhaps for the pyramid aficionado. When Lilith and I sat looking at the pyramid and I was wondering she said it had been repaired/rebuilt twice. I thought "limestone" as the encasement. Lilith corrected me with alabaster. She must have thought it important for some reason.

edit on 10-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: waffling on

The original instruction book for the pyramid was written on the outside.

edit on 10-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: waffled on yet again

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Let me be clear here I have no issue with fae nor with the deceased kids or what you do for them! My issue is kind of between these thoughts...

Do you not have concerns about catching the attentions of the groups we are loosely accusing of nefarious actions?
I mean, you are exposing yourselves quite a bit. They will try to come for you, not only the kids.

I can tell from my own experiences that crossing over is mostly noticed but rarely taken action against, start talking about it here and applying the secret stuff there, things will get bumpy.
Might be because I did that all by myself and never affiliated to any occult groups, they just hate it if you grow your own beans and spill them all over the place.

"But but but, these are our beans, no one is meant to spill them!"...cry me a river,,,
I'd cast them before the swines if only one had the chance to sprout...

This is the problem as I see it Terpene, none of these kids committed an actual "crime". Like beauty, "crime" is in the eye of the beholder.

That is concerning for any set of morals and values, yet very true... not many can deal with that void

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 04:45 AM
a reply to: Terpene

I would not worry Terpene, those thoughts have crossed my mind before. But as Queen Mab said "publicize the fairies".

There is a reason for this, and for the record I had to have my arm twisted from more than one front to write this thread.

I am just an old warhorse, and some things are more important than me.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 06:22 AM
Something more about the pyramid.

The original instruction book was written in alabaster on the outside of the original pyramid.

If I were an interested remote viewer, I would follow the word original and rebuilt twice.

Then one would see a pyramid in white, upon the outside are the instructions. I would suppose the remote viewer, if knowledgeable upon the subject of hieroglyphics, would be able to decipher what is written.

I would venture to suggest what is written was meant for all of mankind.

The upper part is an Ibis headed man. Tis the Egyptian god Thoth in all his glory. Thoth occupies perhaps the upper quarter or so. This says these words (hieroglyphics) are his.

My suspicion is the words of Thoth were disassembled and used to build the civilization below, in more ways than one.

That would be the earlier civilization, the one that precedes Ra's coup d'état over Isis to become creator.

You are not far off in your timely intuition Terpene. According to wikipedia, Thoth is connected with the moon.

edit on 10-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: clarity

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 08:38 AM
If thoth is the deity they gravitate to, the modern human colletive of science could be where the occult fraction in question could be found.

I don't like were this is going

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: Terpene

You probably wouldn't worry if you met him.

While I am here, and before my girls get any angrier at my being here this late tonight and because I promised I wouldn't click "ATS": Seers should look inside the Queen's chamber for a white orb, that is an alternative source of relative information to RVing.

edit on 10-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I'm not worried about thoth, can't say the same about human science!

I assume it is rarely the deities to commit atrocities, they became deities for a reason, and I hope if they do, it will be dealt with swiftly.

On further pondering the question, it might not be the occult fraction of science but the exotheric.

There is a very good book by robert anton wilson called the new inquisition, where he points out some behaviour of the scientific community being very similar to that of the church during inquisition. How they deal with contradicting information, and the plentiful accounts of people experiencing something that is contradicting so just gets shrugged off or if you show consistency worse.

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268


You’ve mentioned a couple times you are looking for a third option. There have been two main “third options” that have come to my mind in reading these recent posts. They probably are not what you are looking for, but hopefully they are at least ideas worth exploring.

The first idea is the more analytical of the two. We have put on our strategist hat and briefly touched on the potential macro level view of this conflict between fae and mankind. You mentioned two types of war: the force on force (ie the British vs the French at Waterloo) and the independent war (an inferior force fighting for freedom from a more advanced oppressor, ie the American revolution).

As a semi-old warhorse myself, I would propose a third form of warfare to consider: the proxy war. The proxy war is often a form of warfare that is harder for the public to understand and make up the bulk of the small (and savage and mostly forgotten) wars throughout modern history. An example that comes to mind is Rhodesia. Now, this conflict is very polarizing so I’ll attempt to summarize the important aspects in regards to general considerations for a proxy war from only my limited understanding of this event (which seems to be a largely forgotten part of history from the 20TH century). To the white Rhodesians fighting the Bush War, they were fighting the good fight against communism and establishing their new nation after declaring independence from the UK. To the black nationalists of the ZANU and ZAPU movements, they were fighting the good fight for a war of independence from colonist rule. What is less known, was Rhodesia/Zimbabwe was manipulated behind the scenes by both the US/UK and the Soviets/Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Henry Kissinger and the US/UK sacrificed Rhodesia like a pawn on the chess board to establish their trade relations with the CCP and the initial Hong Kong negotiations. The CCP used the Bush War as a proxy war to enable a communist foothold into the “bread basket of Africa” and providing direct entry into the resource rich Eastern and Central Africa. The end result is Mugabe was installed as dictator and a stooge of the CCP to allow for mass exploitation (one example of many: Zimbabwe is now no longer the breadbasket of Africa as of 2000 (a great overview:
Even US Special Operations took note of this and created a case study on these events:

Who were the winners of the Bush War? Well, it wasn’t the Rhodesian/Zimbabwe people, the only real winner seems to be the CCP (at least from an objective standpoint) and maybe the US/UK for getting whatever it is they got out of the deal.

Who would the winner be between the fae/mankind conflict if it was “won” by one side? Perhaps not either…
Perhaps this fae vs mankind conflict is a fire kept alive by a third party or parties using this as a proxy war to exploit resources (what resources, I’m not sure…).

I’ll stop playing historian/strategist, and take a break before starting on my second “third option” to consider. I do think it would be worth considering the nature of the conflict you have laid out for us of fae versus humanity may not be a two sided war at all. The story of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe may provide a more appropriate reference in understanding the macro level aspects of this conflict. The question would be who are the parties “behind the curtain” and what resources are made available to exploit by having the fae and mankind in conflict? You have mentioned the greys being an element both living and deceased souls are in fear of… that may be an indicator of a proxy war scenario….

Fair warning, this next idea I will present for your consideration will be largely anecdotal…

posted on Jun, 10 2021 @ 10:12 PM
a reply to: Flyingthroughlife


For this next possible “third option”, I need to emphasize this is purely anecdotal.

You have described at length the relationship between fairy and female, and how fairies can create duplicates that share attributes of the chosen girl involved.
Up until this point, you have stated men are largely non-players in this fairy-humanity interaction, hoping to at best be given some nuggets of knowledge or wisdom.
You have also discussed the wheel; human souls returning to earth in mortal form without memories (a dangerous endeavor you have mentioned multiple times).
A bias I see that may be present in your thought process is your interaction with deceased souls of girls… rarely interacting with ones who are >17 years of age. I bring this up because this will be an important consideration here shortly.

What I hope to do with this following information is to present a third option, describing how a man and a fae may become interlinked, and in doing so lay out a possible course of resolution in this thought experiment of evaluating the human and fae conflict by establishing a framework for a peaceful resolution should the conflict indeed exist.

Note: The following information should be regarded with two possibilities.
1. these are the ramblings of a mad man. It is possible the information I am writing below is a nothing more then a real life Jungian psychology case study; the ramblings of a man with a loosening grip on reality and nothing more. I’m no psychologist, though I have had some basic education and a short rotation training with psych medicine, so for those of you that may want a frame of reference Jung described the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, each transcending the personal psyche (reference: It is possible this anecdotal information can be explained away with that framework.
2. You allow yourself to entertain someone who seems at least semi sane with some unique life experience. I’m not sure how many accomplishments or credentials a person needs to have to make unbelievable insights/experiences/world views seem credible. If there is a number based on the number of battles in forgotten deserts won, military medals awarded, advanced degrees from prestigious universities earned, people saved or healed, or opportunities and accomplishments that are beyond natural skill/intelligence/physical ability before a person is deemed credible in the public’s eye, then if I’m not at that number I’m confident I’m at minimum very close to it. Obviously, take that with a grain of salt, but I bring it up because what seemed like crazy ideas or strange fragments of memories to me decades ago seem less strange now that things have worked out for me in ways that are objectively impressive beyond what I alone would have been able to do on my own capabilities (I won’t bore you with all the details) and I can look back at the patterns and handy work of the female shadow who has always seems to be looming in the background of my life’s journey so far.

With that out of the way, let’s get into it…

The third option in this fae-mankind relationship is this: fairy duplicates residing in a women take on the traits of the female they are connected with, to include their love of a mortal man in extreme/unique circumstances.

The basic mechanism of this third option:
In the right, unique circumstances, the fairy connected to her female enters into womanhood with her (staying part of her life and absorbing traits/life experience in the process changing the fairy in the process) and is apart of the love that may develop between the woman/fairy pair and a mortal man. If this love was to end tragically and before it’s time, the fairy may be significantly impacted.
In these rare scenarios from the distant past, the fairy is faced with a connection that contradicts her nature and simultaneously transcends the love between mortals.
The fairy is immortal, but through the piece of her from her woman “host” now has a connection to a mortal man. This mortal man, who gets thrown back into the wheel of life over and over, each time without memories, now has a connection to an immortal fairy.
The fairy has no role or duty by nature but to garden life and replicate when needed, but now she is faced with a change - she now has a connection to a specific, single mortal who continues to be rebirthed to live new lives without memories and who needs oversight and focused “gardening” given the inherent dangers of being born again on earth without memories. This relationship by nature can span across hundreds to thousands of years, evolving into something I do not understand.
The man, by nature of having a connection to the fairy, becomes more then a normal mortal man repeating the endless waltz of life/death/rebirth. The man is now both loved by the fairy, considerably altering his course on earth with each life, and he is considered be a tool to the fae to monitor the garden first hand, to become a watcher of life on earth, a form of scout, with a fairy providing a form of “overwatch”. How do you win a proxy war after all? With good reconnaissance….

I’ll pause here because it is late and I have ranted longer then intended. If this seems like jungian gibberish then I’ll hold on further details of the specifics of this anecdotal account. If not, there are plenty of specifics I have to share and for us to do a deep dive into.
As cryptic as this may be, I will close with this: the connection between Lilith and Delilah is finally making sense to me….

posted on Jun, 11 2021 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Flyingthroughlife

I understand the idea of the proxy war from the three links. The third is quite large - a book. I am still reading that one.

The girls and the fae concerned have a defined geographic that I did not put in the list before. I added it to the list last.

* Female humans.
* Between the ages of seven and fifteen years.
* They lived between the fifth century and the seventeenth century.
* They died young.
* They did not have children.
* They have had encounters with the fairies.
* The geographical location is the British Isles; England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

Additionally there were three periods of incarnation en masse. The fifth to seventeenth centuries as being the last period.

I do think it would be worth considering the nature of the conflict you have laid out for us of fae versus humanity may not be a two sided war at all. The story of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe may provide a more appropriate reference in understanding the macro level aspects of this conflict.

Aye, The proxy war is one I have not considered, and now that you have brought the concept to light, there is a certain sense of it.

One of the difficulties in protecting the girls is the opposition make use of proxy combatants. For example the (deceased) churchman who is fighting a perceived "evil" (myself and the girls). He is not a bad man per sae, he has been pointed in my direction. So it is difficult to combat him, for he is being used by someone else.

There are a lot of these examples, the tactic seems to be delay, or keep embroiled in a one sided conflict, so one cannot move forward. As a living person, my time will run out eventually. That seemed to be the desired outcome. Though the conflict changes in real time and the active use of proxies has ended, at least for now.

The macro level has a sense of stalemate. If a one of the girls incarnates, she dies an early violent death. I understand that this would prove true should a past perpetrator regain in life his memories of old.

So there is a sense of neither side will allow the other's knowledge to be bought into this world.

The question would be who are the parties “behind the curtain” and what resources are made available to exploit by having the fae and mankind in conflict?

I cannot say that this is a mankind wide conflict per sae. If I were to tentatively define the theater of conflict (to borrow a military term) it is European.

As to resources, I do not know. At this point I would only suggest that if my girls and fae were to incarnate without hindrance; the result would be the end of secrets.

I say that because the children themselves say that they were killed because they are different, their own people turned against them. The fae concerned concur with the end of secrets. I understand this is an inborn inherited ability. Perhaps the fairies trigger it. I know from my own experience that I have no secrets at all from these girls. They have rummaged quite happily through all my memories.

And yes, who are the parties behind the curtain. My own thoughts are perhaps the Fae of Britannia vs the occult mystery schools. Though the next quote says there is more to this.

You have mentioned the greys being an element both living and deceased souls are in fear of… that may be an indicator of a proxy war scenario….

Aye there is the abduction fear for the deceased as there is for the living. I know the bio-engineering ones that fit the conventional description of "grey". They also fit my fairy definition.

That of course opens up a larger macro theater of conflict that includes the UFO.

a reply to: Flyingthroughlife

You have described at length the relationship between fairy and female, and how fairies can create duplicates that share attributes of the chosen girl involved.
Up until this point, you have stated men are largely non-players in this fairy-humanity interaction, hoping to at best be given some nuggets of knowledge or wisdom.
You have also discussed the wheel; human souls returning to earth in mortal form without memories (a dangerous endeavor you have mentioned multiple times).

You got it in a nutshell.

A bias I see that may be present in your thought process is your interaction with deceased souls of girls… rarely interacting with ones who are >17 years of age. I bring this up because this will be an important consideration here shortly.

That is the mystery to me too. Only one was out of her teens, the original "Alice". Yet even she shares the history of the others.

Note: The following information should be regarded with two possibilities.
(snip) . . . . . Jung described the anima as the unconscious feminine side of a man, each transcending the personal psyche (reference: It is possible this anecdotal information can be explained away with that framework.

(snip) . . . . I can look back at the patterns and handy work of the female shadow who has always seems to be looming in the background of my life’s journey so far.

Modern psychology can explain it of course. Yet I would hold that both Jung and Freud are a part of the man in the middle attack. In this modern day, western psychology is a wall that excludes the existence of fairies and other "officially unapproved of girls" within the so-called "healthy" western mind.

In the right, unique circumstances, the fairy connected to her female enters into womanhood with her (staying part of her life and absorbing traits/life experience in the process changing the fairy in the process) and is apart of the love that may develop between the woman/fairy pair and a mortal man. If this love was to end tragically and before it’s time, the fairy may be significantly impacted.
In these rare scenarios from the distant past, the fairy is faced with a connection that contradicts her nature and simultaneously transcends the love between mortals.
The fairy is immortal, but through the piece of her from her woman “host” now has a connection to a mortal man. This mortal man, who gets thrown back into the wheel of life over and over, each time without memories, now has a connection to an immortal fairy.
The fairy has no role or duty by nature but to garden life and replicate when needed, but now she is faced with a change - she now has a connection to a specific, single mortal who continues to be rebirthed to live new lives without memories and who needs oversight and focused “gardening” given the inherent dangers of being born again on earth without memories. This relationship by nature can span across hundreds to thousands of years, evolving into something I do not understand.
The man, by nature of having a connection to the fairy, becomes more then a normal mortal man repeating the endless waltz of life/death/rebirth.

Aye, I would agree, and a concise analysis compared to my wafflings . . .

and he is considered be a tool to the fae to monitor the garden first hand, to become a watcher of life on earth, a form of scout, with a fairy providing a form of “overwatch”. How do you win a proxy war after all? With good reconnaissance….

Ahhh . . . . I cannot exclude that at all, even though it opens up a can of worms I probably did not want to think about.

Lilith and Delilah . . .

By all means, let's continue the analysis.

edit on 11-6-2021 by NobodySpecial268 because: typo

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