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Speaking of shoulders

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posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 06:42 AM
For anyone who cares, here's a brief update on the shoulder issues. The shoulder is improving, albeit very slowly (which I guess is normal). I no longer have to wear the cursed sling, but oddly the sling and I have become somewhat friends now. I still wear it sometimes if the shoulder gets tired. My range of motion is still very limited, and even though this is about week #9 for physical therapy I'm still not allowed to do any 'active' movements with the shoulder, passive only. I can get my arm up on the desk to type, but not allowed to reach, lift, push or pull at all. Next week I get to start active movement, which should be 'fun'. As far as stretching is concerned, they can get my arm to 90 about degrees or a little further (meaning basically straight out in front of me, or straight out to the side). Any further than that is a no-go.

After all this time the muscles in my arm have become very weak, especially my bicep. I'm allowed to move my forearm from my elbow downward, but I'm not supposed to put any weight like in my hand because the bicep tendon is one of the ones (one of the 3) they repaired. As far as pain is concerned, there are good days and bad days. Generally most days start out good, but by the end of the day my shoulder is pretty dang sore. Sleeping has been by far one of the biggest challenges, and there's only about 1-2 ways you can lay to get comfortable.

For anyone contemplating this type of surgery I would recommend giving it some long and hard thought before taking the plunge. In my case, I didn't really have a choice. If there had been any other option, knowing what I know now, I would have probably held off for absolutely as long as possible. I know Ketsuko has been through a pretty big ordeal with her shoulder, and I don't know what she had done to hers compared to what they had to do to mine, but I can safely say the road to recovery is a very long one. I imagine she might feel similarly.

On a kind of funny note, I've learned that the muscles and tendons in your shoulder must be attached to about every other muscle in your body! It's pretty amazing how many things you can't do without engaging your shoulder in some way. Simple stuff you never dreamed you used your shoulder to accomplish are no longer an option, and you need to find a workaround (if there even is one). Some things you just can't do and have to ask for help.

That's about it. It's getting better, and it's light years better than day #1 after surgery, but it's a long road.


posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 07:47 AM
I know you had more done with yours.

My situation was different. I had a frozen shoulder which is scarring and adhesions in the joint capsule locking it into position very painfully. I had basically zero degrees internal and external rotation through my forearm, not counting the restrictions in other ranges of motion. Going anywhere up behind myself was a complete no-go causing insta spasms across the chest, for example.

My surgery involved them going in and cutting the joint capsule free of all the scarring and completely cleaning the whole space out. They had to do significant work even for a frozen shoulder.

I also had a SLAP tear which at my age involves also snipping the bicep tendon and anchoring it to the top of the humerus so they can repair the cartilage ring, so I know all about not engaging the bicep and passive motion only there. They didn't let me start re-engaging mine until February or so and that was after a November surgery.

The rest as just constant working to get all the muscles and nerves that had been guarding for the decreased range of motion and locked joint retrained so they would relax and start to work normally again. That took months too. I still was having some issues with it clear out into August and September, almost a year out.

You sound like you had more outright and open trauma going on in there, so they'll hold you back from moving to let all those repairs set into place and get firm before they let you move on your own - it's no good re-injuring what they set in place if you don't have to. It's good that you're out of the sling though. Like you, I still would slip mine back on when things just got too tired and sore. I remember wearing it occasionally over that first Christmas for example.

And sleep will take a while.

There's a reason I am in tae kwon do now. It was my goal and reward for getting myself back together. My husband does it because he has to; it's exercise to him. I *get* to go and do it. To me, I'm grateful for every practice I can attend and take part in.

Set a goal for yourself, something you're going to really, really look forward to when you get the whole process done and they finally release you. It gives you something to work toward and it helps, or at least it helped me. Of course, depending on what it is, you might let your PTs know so they can help you get yourself back to that point. Mine knew I was aiming for athletic function, not just day to day, and they took me to that point. They were super.
edit on 20-3-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 08:41 AM
Best wishes to both of you. I had nerve damage in my elbow and had to be one of the most frustrating 6 months of my life. Luckily resolved without surgery.

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Grenade

I had mentioned in another thread FCD had posted about having trouble
with my fingers going numb while sleeping.I can't remember if I also posted
that both of my elbows are locked. I was at my doctor's office on Wednesday
and the numbness in my fingers is probably related to a problem with my elbows.
I canceled my appointment with my cardiologist and will see what happens when
they check me for possible nerve damage.

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: mamabeth

As I suggested in the other thread I suspect you have issues with the cubital tunnel pinching your ulnar nerve at the elbow. Try the nerve gliding exercises I suggested in that other thread. Also avoid putting pressure on your elbow by sleeping on your back if possible with arms loose. Finally if you spend a lot of time at a desk keep a pillow under the affected elbow to stop it pressuring on the hard desk surface.

Let me know how you get on. Is it your pinky and ring finger predominately?

edit on 20/3/21 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 11:39 AM
Stay the will learn to adapt....try to keep as active as you can muscle tone and mass decrease FAST when you are older.....not only in the injured will make it.....just love yourself and tell you body " heal thyself" many times daily in your mind.

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Grenade

Yes,it is my pinkie and ring finger that are giving me problems.
I am a stomach sleeper and I also hug my pillow while sleeping.
The only time I sleep on my back is when I am in the hospital
and have no choice because of tubes and wires.

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: mamabeth

It’s almost certainly as a result of a pinched ulnar nerve.

Try my suggestions for one month and I guarantee improvement.

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

MY PT is great, she's a murderess, but she's great. She's actually a DPT. I took your advice and looked around for a really good one and was fortunate to find the place I go to now. Then when I got assigned the practice lead for my PT I was pretty pleased. She's tough, but in a good way. I told her from the start I want to be able to rope steers again by the time I'm done (which is murder on your shoulder because you throw the rope from overhead downward, so it involves full rotation at full extension to wind up and then momentum coming downward to throw it). It was the hardest thing I could think of for a target goal. Where I'm at now, I'm wondering if I set the bar too high, because just the thought of that motion sends chills down my spine. Got a long, long, way to go to get there.

ETA - Heh, I thought my goal was pretty unique, right up until I told her and she said..."You too?? You're like the 3rd one in here recently! Y'all are crazy!" So much for being original!

She played basketball for 12 years, so she gets it.

edit on 3/20/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

You probably live in the wrong area to have a unique goal involving ranching, but she didn't tell you it was impossible, did she?

edit on 20-3-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

No, not at all; she just said I was going to have to work harder than most. And, I'm already driving her crazy because I'm trying to do the next evolution, and going way longer on the times and reps for the existing evolutions.

I want better!! This sucks and I want to push 120% to 140%. She gets mad at me.

No pain, no gain, right?

She found this spot on my super-scap that's like the Spock Vulcan death grip. She asked if this would finally make my knees buckle and put me on the floor (and it did). Dropped me right to the mat! Just one thumb is all it took. Okay...I'll listen from now on! Pain went from zero to "eleven" in about one millisecond!

I've found there are two other points which have similar results; one of them us under the shoulder in the back of the armpit. OH MAN, does that one hurt! and the other is in the back of my neck on the right side, down between my shoulder blades. Like I said, every tendon in your shoulder is connected to every other muscle in your body!! LOL! It's incredible really.

She will jack up my muscles, saying they are rock hard and tight, and I launch off to the Moon with pain when she does that, but they do loosen up after she gets done, but boy does it SUCK!! She's a master at getting a shoulder back! No mercy, but I never expected any.

edit on 3/20/2021 by Flyingclaydisk because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk


I am familiar with that spot under the armpit. Oh ... I hated when they'd go looking for that one. They talked a time or two about something they called dry needling which is basically a sort of acupuncture procedure with some current to force those guarding muscles to relax, but we never actually went in for it.

posted on Mar, 20 2021 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Flyingclaydisk

The 2nd Pfizer shot...a month ago....does now have my left arm tore up outta the socket. Hurts like hell, can't use it...

Not injection site, but entire left shoulder socket...

I've been giving n getting I.v.'s and injections, for 45 yrs and none ever bothers me....

I can say the 2nd vac was the only catalyst...5 weeks setting of arthritis.

Heal well FCD

edit on 20-3-2021 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2021 @ 10:10 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I hope it's just flaring you up.

That's one of the things that's really bothering me about this whole vax mess. My family has a history of arthritis, and while I haven't had any real issues in the shoulders, just some small aches in the knee and some in the thumb, I'm worried this might trigger it to go.

I really don't want that, and with the right shoulder just starting actually play ball more often than not ... I REALLY don't want that.

I have heard though that if it causes your auto-immune to flare, it can be temporary, and you're right about right for that flare-up. I heard it was about 4 to 6 weeks out and lasted for a few weeks.

Good luck! I hope it evens out and settles back in to more normal for you.

posted on Mar, 21 2021 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Hey K, so far? I've been on steroids...n I'm oldie at only thing I can say? The 2nd vax....and Ive been ill 18 months (May 2019) the only catalyst.

I am expecting to grow another arm, horn or s'thin....and be tracked forever...

Take care o the lil one K!😎✌️

posted on Mar, 21 2021 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I had the first shot and it gave me a rough night. I've only hurt like that one other time with a really bad strep infection. No fever, just aches and pains and sweats and some nausea.

I'm a bit worried about what number two will do.

edit on 21-3-2021 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 21 2021 @ 05:54 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I had the first shot and it gave me a rough night. I've only hurt like that one other time with a really bad strep infection. No fever, just aches and pains and sweats and some nausea.

I'm a bit worried about what number two will do.

Don't worry dear, other than the shot itself...the fatigue that seems to go along in quick spurts n drops after the 2nd, seems to go away, feeling ok.

Good luck M'dam K. Expect a sore arm for sure...sorry..

God bless☮️

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