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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions. White House Insider's postings -PART- - XXXV -

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posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 08:57 PM
a reply to: Kaworu

Interesting point to ponder. What is down there?

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 09:04 PM

originally posted by: Kaworu
a reply to: Guyfriday

What if there is already an asteroid on earth with that much value or more. Kept in secret at the bottom of the world. Would it be enough to cause some sort of distortion if true? Does Kue say anything about the land of snow and ice down low?

twit @danno had an absolute boatload of digs on the region. Got banned, if you see him turn up elsewhere hopefully he'll repost.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 09:09 PM
How privileged are you? Well maybe you can be as educated as your 6th grade kids are... see how many groups you belong to.

Also this is the profile of the people they intend to persecute and be applauded for doing so.

I'm a perfect 5 out of 5.

In fact I really do feel so privileged...
it actually feels very nice.... I think I'll stay the way I am... no reason to change.


posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 09:16 PM
Why would an asteroid have any value, especially in that kind of volume? Gold has no value to me other the value of the gold contacts on circuit boards. Real value is in food, water, and shelter. Power for refrigeration and heat. But precious metals sitting in a box or a vault just because someone says it has value. Worthless.

The whole quintillions of dollars thing really doesn’t sound right either. If they control all the money, the only money with value is money in circulation that you use to control the true assets (people). You could have a quintillion bazillion mega million in fiat currency in the land of make believe and it wouldn’t matter. Now if there are some cool assets like the Ark of the Covenant, then that would be different.

It would be impossible to hide a quintillion dollars. And you couldn’t distribute it to the world because inflation would immediately make it all worth nothing until people got back to producing things. Like the obedient assets that they need to be...

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Kaworu

Interesting point to ponder. What is down there?

edit on 2/9/2021 by Caled because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: Caled

If you destroy the base for currency, then by default the currency is destroyed as well. Food, shelter, water, and many other items become items that many people will have to sell themselves for without that gold back money (or whatever fake value is used for todays currency). If an individual can use that golden asteroid to threaten the world exchange, well we saw the panic that a run on silver caused.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 09:28 PM
Capitol Building To Be Decorated As Giant Circus Tent For Duration Of Impeachment.🤡🎠🎡🎢🎪

Meme from Nov 2019

We're back...

Just keeps getting more weird...

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: Caled

All those missing trillions we been hearing about since Donald Rumsfeld announced on Sept 10, 2001 had to go somewhere.
Now it's around 20 trillion and some bean counters claim 40+ trillion. We would see that kind of money on the ground. It either went deep underground or Space. I say Space because the billionaires wouldn't be in a spending race to the Moon to mine it if they didn't already know something of value exists. Artemis Accords, Courts of Space, Elon's Space program, Bezos' space hotel, etc. Big competition, big $$$.

Under Artemis Accords agreements, NASA and partner nations will commit to the protection of sites and artifacts with historic value.🤔

Elon's starship plans to rendezvous at Mars orbit and 'catch' a bag of rocks sometime in 2028.
NASA expects a sustainable human presence on the moon by 2028.
NASA is launching a 4G mobile network on the moon.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 09:58 PM

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

Art Bell used to get a lot of jolly's playing that clip. I sure miss Art and Ramona. Buzz has a lot of cred with a lot of people. I, like Fox Mulder, want to believe. Give me something and Buzz gave us something with that monolith quote.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow
Capitol Building To Be Decorated As Giant Circus Tent For Duration Of Impeachment.🤡🎠🎡🎢🎪

Meme from Nov 2019

We're back...


So the FBI Agent with a probable Q clearance was arrested. That could mean we have confirmation that the white hat mission on the 6th was to capture those computers in Pelosi's control and potentially loaded with proof. Or it could be a lone nut from the FBI which still reeks of Cabal black hats stirring the pot so they can justify their impeachment farce.

edit on 9-2-2021 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on Tue Feb 9 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: quote trimmed Trim Those Quotes

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 10:44 PM

Some 1.4m Cali signatures to recall Newsom a month before the deadline means nothing to Biden, apparently. Sad.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: EndtheMadnessNow

Some 1.4m Cali signatures to recall Newsom a month before the deadline means nothing to Biden, apparently. Sad.

Joe does not support the process of democracy, by doing so, Joe clearly supports California's democratic process, which, of course is an endorsement of the democratic process we cherish, which does not include the people speaking through the democratic legal recall process.

NO ONE like ol' Gav, no one, the only reason he doesn't have 30m sigs is they have to be done in person and that means leaving the house he has people locked down in. I'm way pissed Joe didn't take Gav, Whitmarx, Wheeler, Garcetti, Lightfoot et all into the belly of the swamp.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

As usual, Brian Cates's analysis is brilliant! Thank-you sir.

posted on Feb, 9 2021 @ 11:58 PM
So Sky news UK are saying Trump Impeachment trial is going ahead even though he didn't appear today.
Have I missed something or misunderstood something? I thought current Senate hearings was to decide if it would go to court and hearings were expected to last 4 days before taking a vote to instigate a court trial.

Learning Rainbows

posted on Feb, 10 2021 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Here's a summary of what transpired in Day 1 of the impeachment trial.

posted on Feb, 10 2021 @ 12:40 AM
Gorilla-lady enforcer at Twitter has kicked into high-gear again.

Devin Nunes account suspended:

posted on Feb, 10 2021 @ 01:08 AM
Hi guys!

I've been stuck in Oregon since last year - came to visit for New Year's Eve and crashed my car so I'm still waiting for it to be fixed. I gotta say, it seems a lot nicer than California nowadays. Definitely less crime & homeless, although a few blocks in the cities looked like Skid Row LA did a decade ago. The people seem nice, but there is definitely an annoyingly pervasive level of wokeness - no Ann Teefa encounters, but I did drive down one block with a bunch of white grandmas holding various BLM & white guilt signs. Some of them even waved & bobbed their heads patronizingly to the 2pac I was blasting at full volume with all my windows down.

No surprise that Biden is ignoring our pleas to impeach Newsom, but with George Gascon recently becoming DA of Los Angeles County, and me, along with most of the people I care about, living in Los Angeles County, we have more imminent dangers at the moment. The funny part is, Gascon and his mother's addresses are both findable on Google, without even having to try very hard. Of course, I don't go looking for trouble - plus, even if he were removed I bet they have a replacement ready and waiting, who might even act even more evilly and quicker.

Regarding our common lord & savior Q(uantum resonance), I was a bit surprised to find that I recovered from the blow to morale of BIDEN's apparent inauguration quite quickly. Of course, I have all of you to thank for helping, quite significantly. I've never taken life too seriously - many might say, not seriously enough - so when the Meme War began, and more & more ridiculous events began to transpire at ever-shorter intervals, I quickly resonated with, and adopted the viewpoint, of us, today, on this Earth, all living in literal clown world. It's just too ridiculous! As such, I had never become too diligently invested or attached to any particular outcome - as childishly annoying and fearful on all kinds of frequencies as the world we live in has become, I know that I, by myself, have no capability to fix all that I see as wrong, and not nearly enough wisdom to have the slightest idea of how one might fix this mess. Since I can't change the entire world, no matter how much I wish for the conflict to cease, I just try to focus on changing the world around me. By controlling my mind to maintain the highest frequency I can, and trying my best to spread lovingkindness to whoever crosses my path, I know that I can light up my little space in the world, and hopefully bring some light into others' lives as well.

This is getting more and more esoteric & spiritual, and perhaps some will get lost at this next bit, but I know that some here, if the conditions ripen for them to read this, will appreciate, or at least should understand it. Of course, I openly welcome any feedback or discussion. I have recently developed a theory, knowing what I have experienced, researched, seen, discussed, about all kinds of varied topics in our universe. These range from:
- a Buddhist upbringing which, mostly due to my debt as a son, I am still very heavily involved in, mostly to keep my mom happy;
- shallow, lazy forays into meditation, which, following the start of a guided meditation series that was recommended to me the other day, and I believe also my lighter consciousness nowadays, I enjoy much more & am looking forward to explore more deeply & consistently;
- what the average person would surely call excessive experimentation with all kinds of narcotics and altered mind states, and years of questions & unorganized research trying to figure out just what it is that gave me a brain which is only slightly, but undeniably & noticeably, not neurotypical;
- quantum physics, or more accurately, science in general, and its convoluted relationship with all of the major religions, especially historical conflicts, as well as New Age spirituality (and of course politics);
- deeply intimate & personal human relationships with people around me who, despite not growing up with and not even living on the same coast as, have had many startlingly similar life experiences as me;
- that which the establishment slanders as pseudoscience, especially in the area of psychic abilities, energy healing, astral projection, etc.
- the growing recognition of predictive programming, subliminal messages, and a standardized narrative in both entertainment & news media, a facade which I think even his detractors would have to honestly credit President Trump with exposing & weakening;
- more than a decade of casual interest & reading about what the normies would label 'conspiracy theories', some of my own interest, and some which were piqued by experiences that good friends confided in me about. These include ancient civilizations, mythology, shadow government, alphabet agencies' covert activities, cryptozoology, secret societies (especially Canadian Freemasons
), royal families & bloodlines, aliens, spirits, ghosts, astral energies, you name it;
- a better understanding of human psychology, for example childhood trauma, generational curses, harmful cycles, and reaching a place where I've been able to release much of my own pain & negativity.

Anyway, knowing that all matter is in fact comprised of energy, and that this universe I perceive myself as inhabiting is a product of my own mind's perception, arising & ceasing incessantly with each thought, so relentlessly that it appears to me as a vast 3-dimensional landscape, inescapably beholden to the laws of physics, which I must patiently wait out this life in and try not to mess up any more than it already is. Knowing the law of attraction & the secret of gratitude, and the principle that you will attract the same energies you radiate. Believing that there are in fact different dimensions & higher realms, alternate universes - but that these may arguably exist only because my mind perceives them, whether I consciously realize and comprehend them or not, even if I never do see them with my physical human eyes. Having a more thoroughly developed understanding of time as the fourth dimension, and the very potentially possible concept of time travel by these higher dimensional beings. Understanding the meaning of potential, and that our primary focus should never be on holding on to the past, or anxiously fearing for the future, but instead doing our best to take the most positive, practical path in the current moment. And understanding the principle of unity, and that every single thing, even unique & individual psyches across completely unrelated species, even inanimate objects, is truly interconnected and affected by our every thought (seeing way too many weird coincidences, and the mantra that there are no coincidences, helped with that one). I truly believe that the current state of affairs & show of events in our world is much, much bigger than U.S. politics, or even the globalist players we know of like Soros, Elon, the United Nations and its one-world government 'NGO's.

Sorry for too many words, actual theory in next post lmao
edit on Wed Feb 10 2021 by DontTreadOnMe because: Reaffirming Our Desire For Productive Political Debate (REVISED)

posted on Feb, 10 2021 @ 01:08 AM
My theory is that, if I can maintain my mind on a high positive frequency, and even if everything begins to seem hopeless, continue to radiate the energy of love & compassion, I may be able to literally pull myself into a more positive, peaceful, pleasant timeline, moment by moment, thought by thought. If not, well, I'll keep being optimistic and shining my light on all who will receive it, and when this life is over hopefully I'll have learned enough lessons to not reincarnate, and can just stay in a good place for eternity. But interconnected as we may be, by the rules & appearances of this world, we have obviously manifested as millions of individual humans, and even if I purify my own soul, there will still be so many other people experiencing such negativity & darkness in these times. As much as I've managed to disassociate and repel negativity by now, I am currently not in an overwhelmingly toxic environment, and as numb as I've become, with how the media has desensitized us, I am not completely immune to darkness - fear, anger, sadness, despair. Especially with the alarmingly high rate of violent and senseless attacks targeting Asians, the majority of them our elders, which seem to have intensified exponentially this month for the upcoming Lunar New Year. It breaks my heart to see close friends losing their will to live as well, with their struggles which I probably don't even know half of, plus so many people in my social circle passing away. But I will not let it break my soul, or my love for others, even those who manifest to us as evil or barbaric. I believe that a positive, high vibration energy we must cultivate & maintain in our own mind is the strongest power that we have to reach a more peaceful, positive future for all humanity. And the more people realize this, and raise their own vibration, the less we will suffer. This is why it is so important, even if the world gets who knows how much darker, for us to keep strong our faith & positivity & optimism, so strong that it lights up those around us, and eventually the entire planet will be in a better place.

Anyway, the entire environment around D.C., and worldwide, is unprecedentedly strange nowadays. And what I could stomach ingesting of the mainstream media narrative today still appears to me just as desperate and intentionally misleading as before Byeden's supposed inauguration. The logic & optics of the impeachment are also comically confusing & nonsensical.

... So what I'm saying is, I honestly still think there's a good chance he's still president and will manage to free us from the reptilian mind control & child sex slavery & imminent soulkilling DNA crippling mRNA vaccines. Haven't given up hope on that yet!

But at the end of the day, I believe there are laws of the universe that nobody, no matter what technology or what kind of control system they devise, can break. And that everything will happen exactly how it needs to. As Q would say, God wins. Trust the divine plan.

posted on Feb, 10 2021 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: AgarthaSeed

Revelation coming...
SUPERBOWL : Revelation 2:10 Tattoo
Performer : THE WEEKND = missing [e]
(first time watching him = do hear an MJ vibe in his sound/style)

6 POSTS with [E] + 2531
- What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?
- Operations (think SA + ???)?
- How are people inform[e]d?
- Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated?
- United Airlines to Guantanamo Bay?
- Viv[a] vs Viv[e]
- Exchange shelters VERY senior member.
- Think social media platforms.
- Irregular warefare.
- Vive la France.

STORM RIDER = posting on Feb 9 with DECLAS + a 'S (bait hook)?

SALAM = SALMAN = Missing [N] = 2 POSTS with [N]
- Operations --> [N]o [S]uch [A]gency
- Shall we play a game?
- [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
- More coming?
- How do you 'show' the public the truth?
- It had to be this way.
- Impossible to dismantle.
- Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.

MAP KEY B : BRACKETS WITH [letters] [numbers]
- tool to help tie missing letters back to posts
- posts in yellow = reposts & won't find in simple searches
- still a work in progress (if you spot errors, please send me a message)

The Best is Yet to Come.
Continue to send prayers to all.

edit on 10-2-2021 by brewtiger because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2021 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: carewemust


Not his main account, but it is back up now

@alexsalvinews unofficially reporting:
system auto-lock for failing an anti-spam challenge
Last post on this account dated Aug 8, 2020 (so not tied to a specific post)

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