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Most Comprehensive Conspiracy Theory of the Day

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posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: Snarl

Remember: always follow the money.

Great video and great advice mate.. and a great shame there are no journalists left who want to do it.

I think whatever anyone's political persuasion they should all watch this interview.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Its not a conspiracy. They always tell you to follow the money. Those with the money run the show here on earth and technology has allowed them to run with it and thus take over all. The only thing that possibly can derail all and the coming digital currency is an EMP assuming that the majority of anything electronic here on earth is NOT EMP protected. Then again we could return to the barter system like in pre industrial age but AI is now so advanced they could but an army of AI bots to take that out. My point is the following two threads that I wrote but basically no one read. In brief we have Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA running around while these guys increase their wealth by 27%.

All I can say is that stupid is as stupid does and any blog has the same Bell Curve population proportion of those with it and those without it. The saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" also applies to the Covid-19 vaccine in which the majority are now quite willing to accept it.

On top of all we have the educated idiots. Many of those work in and for Governments. All they are now keepers of the barn yard [peoples] animals. My guess is that over time they will begin to turn the screws to Global population reduction to 500 million like the Georgia guide stones and in doing so they will target the perceived "useless" first.

Here's my historical links.

Election USA 2020 Its Republicans versus Billionaires and The New Word Order?

Now to top it off and this pushed me over the edge was all of the billionaire's from around the world donating to the Biden campaign.

Top billionaires got richer during COVID-19

Possibly, will some day that guy over there in North Korea save all of us?
edit on 31-12-2020 by Waterglass because: typo

edit on 31-12-2020 by Waterglass because: typos

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 07:57 AM
Clearly, Fitts is not discussing anything few of us don't already know. The move to do away with physical currencies and move to the use of digital currency only has been known about for decades. Digital currency is to be the one world currency, and it will be, because there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. In society, we can only use the tools and means society provides for us to use, and it is the control of that provisioning that gives them the power to implement their globalist agenda.

Those of you disconnecting from the societal grid have to understand that your sense of making a logical self-preservation move (and it is, for now) is purely temporary. You may well go under the radar for a few years, depending on where you move to, but eventually, the changes and the new systems they introduce will catch up with you and impose a societal inclusivity upon you.

The globalist agenda is almost Lovecraftian. The systems they are bringing in are Cthulhu (pronounced 'Cuth-thu-lu'), and its tentacles will reach into every nook and crevice of society, no matter how far away you move from the big cities and towns. Nothing and no one will be able to avoid its reach.

We all know that they use global crises as a means to invoke and use authoritarian powers they would not be able to use when the country is at peace. You all know this is the reason why all countries have been on emergency footing for decades whilst they seek to fight and destroy nebulous and will-o-the-wisp enemies. Irrespective of alleged vaccines, this Covid crisis isn't going to go away, certainly not in my life time, it is too good of a device for them to use. They will constantly have us all riding peaks and troughs of old and new infections, and administer lockdowns according to their whims.

While they have us jumping from one foot to another, and distract us with identity politics fracturings, they will be implementing they social re-engineering. Remember, they have to take nations into feeling such damage and pain and psychological depression, that when they are ready to introduce the new systems as the only way out of the chaos, the people will accept them. Unfortunately, that day is years off. So for a few more years of independent comfort, moving away from big towns and cities, and cutting all ties with them, and moving to much smaller communities is probably the best move to do, but you will still feel the influence and authority of globalism.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: incoserv

This is probably one of the most important posts on ATS in a long time

Yes did find it interesting when she stated that the individual selected to run 'Operarion Warpspeed' also happens to be an expert on 'injectable brain machine interfaces'.

Some other rather disturbing facts found im the vid below concerning upcoming 'injectable' technologies such as bio-electronics, bio-synthetics, nano-robotics and remote controlled birth control.

From 16:00


Turns out the great reset transhumanist sociopaths at Davos have also been busying themselves with some extremely disturbing dystopian tech:

Sadly, this isn't science fiction but science fact and it's coming in the next decade as part of the Internet of Things smart surveillance grid they want everyone swept up into.

originally posted by: incoserv

, but it'll go unheeded while people talk about aliens and UFOs.

Hey don't diss the UFOs man

edit on 31-12-2020 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: karl 12

'UFOs' certainly have a part to play in 'this', but what's more important to discuss is that only about 10% of humans are 'leaders' (many references use this number.. frankly I think the real number of EFFECTIVE leaders is much lower).

As humans are currently the apex predator on the planet, and there's not much left to conquer and feed upon other than humans, that's the big wave headed our way.

"Us deplorables" are just consuming 'their resources', so everything we have needs to be taken away from us.

I've been watching this unfold since I was a kid.

Now, how harsh will it be? And how soon?

I can't say.

But between the end of currency, the end of work, and the injection of
computer-interface stuff, when the tech is mature enough, it's going to be nasty.

It might be 30 years yet. It might be tomorrow. I'm still betting on 30 years, but
this subject is not my primary area of expertise, just something I shake my head about.

Is SOME of this 'q-anon type nonsense'?

About 20% IMHO. But that does leave the 80%.

But it's not for lack of wanting these outcomes, in the minds of various elites.

edit on 31-12-2020 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 02:58 PM
I thought that woman was very smart and thoughtful. I like how she tied in the Disaster Capitalism aspects through the riots and Economic Zones in the cities that experienced the looting.
I was really disappointed in the film maker because what few questions he asked seemed dumb and irrelevant to what she was saying. He could've picked her brain far more and didn't...which is par for the course as most documentary film makers make sub par productions and seem awfully inept at questioning nowadays.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: Snarl

At the 29:50 mark, things get interesting.
Good find!

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: Snarl

Two threads on the same topic that ain't cool.


posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: MrBuddy

I saw that in a neighborhood where the aunt of a family member lives in the inner city. They had gentrified a couple of streets and were trying to get the people to sell. Some of the old folk, didn't have anywhere to go and didn't want to leave the area they had lived all their lives, even though it had really gone down hill.

I was not surprised when a mysterious fire developed and wiped out a bunch of houses. Old tactic, which has been used for years.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 04:36 PM
Injectable Brain-Computer Interface

It's not there yet, but it's a real thing in the development pipeline.

posted on Dec, 31 2020 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: carsforkids
a reply to: Snarl

Two threads on the same topic that ain't cool.


Ah well. It happens. It's good subject matter for ATS and the amount of interest Mandroid generated means people didn't see this one 'til later.

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: Snarl

Progressives are destroying their own cities and are too stupid and blind to even realize it. Just remember, when we punch a progressive and knock them down, its to wake them up and not to hurt them.

posted on Jan, 1 2021 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: karl 12

If the content of this theory is correct, then EVERYONE of EVERY political party is 'stupid'.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 03:18 AM

originally posted by: Silcone Synapse
a reply to: Snarl
You know we are in trouble when the kind of stuff discussed by the dreaded "conspiracy theorists" starts to be talked about as facts by people who are widely regarded as experts in their respective fields.

Seems to be happening more often these days..

The trouble with "experts" is that it's all too easy for them to slip between things that have been established as fact through independent peer review studies, and things that are merely their own personal opinions that they are voicing based on an extremely limited set of facts.

We've all seen people who've been portrayed as experts talking complete garbage.

Being an expert doesn't excuse the portrayal of opinions as facta.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 03:21 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: karl 12

If the content of this theory is correct, then EVERYONE of EVERY political party is 'stupid'.

It's amazing how many conspiracies seem to be dependant on people in positions of power acting against their own interests by doing things that would either hurt them financially or which would harm their customersvoting base.

Like all of the people who think that X rich person is involved in some kind of depopulation event that would (if true) wipe out their primary source of income and destroy their business interests.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

That's why there can be no depopulation events until all required resources and humans sources of creativity, productivity and wealth have been identified.

Just because a group is 'evil' it doesn't mean they are stupid.

Possibly short-sighted, but not stupid necessarily.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 08:18 AM
Been following her for 15 years. This isnt new. She came out with this a long time ago. I believe her.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: Snarl

I was talking to some teens a while back, and they told me they didn't believe half the stuff they were told that happened in the past, because nobody would be stupid enough to have let it happen.

I guess the teens of the future will be saying the same thing about the teens of this age, because they will not believe that we were stupid enough to just sit around and let it happen.

I have spoken of the power of the people for years. We think we are helpless, but their wealth comes from us. If we stop feeding them in mass, we would be able to see the power we actually wield when united and working together.

We have been under the spell of their lies for generations. It is so obvious what is happening. We have no excuses.

What you’re speaking to is consumerism.

No consumerism, no TPTB/mega corporations.

But, then you also will have tens of millions of people go out of work if you stop consuming - and then things get real interesting real fast.

We’re victims of our own success, open borders and a lack of population control.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 05:13 PM
Just to bring up a point on consumerism, and the thought that the elite won't kill most of us off, as it would stop their cash flow (capitalism needs consumers),

that was asked and answered in the 1980's

In "Midas World" the pesky problem of needing human consumers was solved, by programming robots to do the consumption;

Now, I'm not saying this would be the ultimate solution; but i'm relatively certain that some highly sociopathic minority will arrange things with all our stolen money and resources, so that they need nearly zero of us to maintain their godlike lifestyles.

posted on Jan, 2 2021 @ 08:54 PM
a reply to: ManSizedSquirrel

She happens to be a very close personal friend of JP Farrell, author extraordinaire, who is also well worth paying attention to. Seriously.

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