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Millie Weaver from Infowars has been arrested.

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posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: kwakakev

Good to have an alernative link to Millie's movie with YouTube going full censorship these days. [LBRY]

I do not have time to watch it all, but it is about manipulating people by abusing data, in the style of what Cambridge Analytica pioneered.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: SacredLore

Tore said that it's all public documents, no confidential stuff. They've screwed up and caused an epic Streisand effect.
Idiots 🙂

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: SoulSurfer

I watched it. My question to you and others in this thread: what did she reveal in this docu, that we didn’t already know? I’m not poo-pooing her or the documentary at all. I’m asking so I can understand the situation better. What’s new?

Thanks all!

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: KansasGirl
a reply to: SoulSurfer

I watched it. My question to you and others in this thread: what did she reveal in this docu, that we didn’t already know? I’m not poo-pooing her or the documentary at all. I’m asking so I can understand the situation better. What’s new?

Thanks all!
For people like you and me who probably have been researching this for years will probably not see anything "new". But it does give much more detail about what we know. It is however an eye opener for those who may have had doubts or did not know at all.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: KansasGirl

It's evidence. And it's the truth of every nasty thing the scum
running this country is doing to us. It's what their using to
run the whole covid pandemic. It's exposing how black lives
matter is being used to help the effort to kaos at anyone
cost if they get in the way.

It catalogs the treachery against Trump perfectly.

This should be seen by supporters of the left so they can finally
understand they suck hopefully. But I don't see to many here
learning anything.

CT just became Critical Thinking again.

Millie Weaver and her man ( haven't even got his name yet) are super
hero's and they locked em up!
edit on 15-8-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: stosh64
This is weird, not many sites are reporting this.

The most effective form of propaganda is by omission.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 05:30 PM
Real journalism at work against the fake world empire called MSM all FAKE NEWS and fake journalist clowns...This is getting dangerous...Now everyone sees how dangerous the Military Industrial Complex really is....They think war and murder is a game you play..

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 05:33 PM
Okay some left leaning sites are claiming to have gotten info from the Portage county jail. The charges are not related to the movie. It's domestic violence, robbery, tampering with evidence, and obstruction. Earlier today in the Infowars comment section someone said that in the YouTube comments of the movie a person claiming to be her mother alledges that this stems from an argument they had that she recorded on her phone. Millie took the phone and cops were called. "Mom" said that she declined charges and that the incident was 3 months ago.
I personally think this is a beat the rap but not the ride punishment for spotlighting what she did in the documentary. Somebody probably called in and asked what do you have on Millie Weaver and they pulled up these old bones.
It kinda makes sense because Infowars is almost silent about it today. I wouldn't doubt she'll get a gag order and not be able to talk about it come Monday. Weaponization of the legal system at its finest. I've seen it happen over a keyed car once. The 'victims' dad was connected and they drug this poor girl through the system ruining her life. What started as a minor criminal mischief charge grew to 3 felonies. She beat the rap but the costs were staggering. Her parents lost their house over it.

Anyways... links

edit on 8/15/2020 by LastStand because: Added screenshot

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: LastStand

Highly doubtful, because what are the odds, she is arrested the day before the release of the video and a secret grand jury for a phone dispute??

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: ambassado12
That's what I'm saying. They drag up a 3 month old domestic dispute and weaponized it to punish her.
She will probably get off but it's gonna cost her

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 06:52 PM
Hmm, all of a sudden the left cheer journalists being targeted and jailed to shut them up.
I'm shcoked.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

No mate, not a lefty, not a right winger just a journalist reporting on a conspiracy to undermine democracy by a group whom are planning to use technology to rig elections, control people's mind's and worse.
Read it again, look her up and look at that video.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 10:19 PM
Patrick Bergy is on his way to Ohio. No real plan but try to do what he can.

Heading to Ohio to Rescue Millie & Gavin!

I don't exactly have a plan on how to "rescue" Millie, Gavin and her brother (all working on #ShadowGate documentary) I just know I can't sit here and do nothing.

Heading out on Mobile MAGA ShadowNet Mobile on 1400 mile ride to Ohio. Hopefully I'll make it by Monday afternoon or Tuesday at the latest.

Please, I'm NOBODY, just a tiny fish in a huge, # filled swamp and I need your help. Contact FOX News, Dan Bongino, Sara Carter and say "WTF people, knock this crap off and help your fellow journalist." I'm already seeing Alex Jones and his staff try to distance Infowars from their own people. That's going to fly with me like a lead balloon, and should with you as well.

I'm sick and tired of the games these people are playing, and the cowardice of so many in power that could fix this mess. I'm sorry if my lack of political correctness offends you, too bad.

Please help keep the pressure on these people! I'll be doing some Skype interviews from the road. Hopefully, I'll be able to livestream from YouTube now I'm over 1k subscribers, but I'm still not allowed, so there's that.

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: UKTruth

No mate, not a lefty, not a right winger just a journalist reporting on a conspiracy to undermine democracy by a group whom are planning to use technology to rig elections, control people's mind's and worse.
Read it again, look her up and look at that video.

She is definitely a right winger, MAGA, Christian, popular under 30 conservative. I don't think you looked her up.

Video is online:

A MAGA person making a conspiracy video both parties are against Trump is highly suspect. LMAO

posted on Aug, 15 2020 @ 11:07 PM
Questions About the "Millie Event"

Dave Hodges has some questions and concerns around what is going on. Worried that it might be a NDAA, National Defence Authorization Act. These are all held in secret with indefinite detention, was suppose to be used for terrorists. If people where trying to silence Millie, it has backfired with this arrest creating a lot more attention.

State Charges To Hold?

Roy Potter is expecting more arrests to continue around this story. Will hopefully find out more on Monday.

Shadowgate Debunked -- Former Spy and Top Information Operations Officer Flags Alex Jones for Hype

Robert David Steele provides his views on the situation, a good movie worth watching but overblown hype. He does not see some of the names mentioned having the capability that is claimed. He does acknowledge that psychological operations do exist with Google as one influencing events. He does defend General Jones and John Brennon as not being involved or that smart.

Robert claims Israel is 10x better at cyber manipulation than the NSA and CIA. It is Mossad and MI6 that is manipulating the media through corruption. China, Russia and Iran are not manipulating American media. He has been looking into a trillion dollar law suit against google. Most in the MSM are just stupid. Most is big Tech are too stupid to process all the data. Most in intelligence are idiots.

Overall the movie is overblown, it does not address the issues of the internet being unregulated, untrustworthy and ineffective in people making sense of information. The arrests are fabricated promotion, A for art, F for seriousness.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 12:14 AM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: kwakakev

So they arrested her husband too? According to this guy you linked too he isn't mention her being arrested which doesn't fly with the video of her being arrested???

My understanding from the show(which we watched yesterday) the husband was in the arrest warrant and she was. It. I did t quite get to why they ended up arresting her too. It was a bit confusing. She’s quite a gal. She also exposed the Sunrise movement, which recruits kids as young as 13 to engage in the protest, and thE money that is donated goes to the Biden campaign. This is as dark as it gets.
edit on 16-8-2020 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Shadowgate Debunked -- Former Spy and Top Information Operations Officer Flags Alex Jones for Hype

Robert David Steele must of been a horrible spy, why would a "Former Spy" flag Alex Jones for Shadowgate? Alex barely remembers the film named "Shadowgate" and he had nothing to do with it.

Plus: Robert lost me at China not manipulating American media. LMAO. I will have to "flag" him for that idiotic statement.

I don't think the arrests where fabricated, most likely staged by someone in the government unbeknownst to Millie.

edit on 16-8-2020 by CraftyArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 12:29 AM
Millie Weaver Arrest Update Saturday, 8 15 2020

Alex Jones provides an update to the situation. He confirms the arrest is real with Millie and Gavin arrested on a sealed indictment. The charges are burglary, tampering with evidence, domestic violence and obstruction of justice. Both held without bond. Will see the judge on Monday at the soonest.

The secret indictment means the prosecutor at Portage County, Ohio has meet with the grand jury and showed evidence for the sealed indictment.

Alex has seen the video of Millie's arrest, real cops, real Millie, real house. Alex does understand questions about a fake arrest for publicity. He denies any staging of this arrest by Millie or himself.

There is a CPS hearing on Monday morning about Millie and Gavin children and having them removed from their parents. It does appear that a heated family moment months ago is being used to press these charges.

Shadow Gate is a free film. There is no economic incentive to stage this arrest. Alex is personally trying to stay out of all the spy v spy going on. He does acknowledge the Shadow Gate film could be a motivating factor in this arrest. The main thing he knows is there is a lot he does not know. Millie is in jail, that is real.

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
Reporter from InfoWars Millie Weaver has been arrested.

This video shows Millie Weaver at her home as she is arrested by police on the charge of Burglary. This is still a breaking story and not sure of the full details. She was working on a documentary about shadowgate, Link.

With Durham coming out with one arrest of Clinesmith, is he the pasty while the rest gets swept away?

It will be one to watch.

For some background on the Shadownet, have another thread here

Just saying thanks for the last 12 years ATS! This website sucks balls

posted on Aug, 16 2020 @ 12:37 AM
a reply to: CraftyArrow

Robert David Steele must of been a horrible spy

He has done some good work in the past, first came across him 2 or 3 years ago as an ex cia agent turned whistle blower. Trying to expose some of the issues around human trafficking has been his main highlight in recent times.

As for this case, looks like he has gone into damage control for the CIA.

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