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Literally 1000's of Dr's and Scientist Come out against Lockdowns

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posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

Hospitals here in my county are laying off Dr and nurses left and right.

My wife's childhood best friend is in a big pharma company. She told my wife there will be no real vaccine. Corona is still the common cold, and they haven't found a vaccine for it yet it how many years, with all our new tech? So why do we expect one within a year or two now?

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: KnoxMSP
a reply to: Justoneman

Hospitals here in my county are laying off Dr and nurses left and right.

My wife's childhood best friend is in a big pharma company. She told my wife there will be no real vaccine. Corona is still the common cold, and they haven't found a vaccine for it yet it how many years, with all our new tech? So why do we expect one within a year or two now?

Simultaneously, Florida is having Dr’s shipped in due to being short staffed. Unless DeSantis is lying now, too.

A co-worker’s husband got rather ill last week, he’s already in extremely poor health, but had to go to the emergency room due to shortened breath. They kept him over the weekend when they found out he had pneumonia, but come Monday they wanted him out due to a shortage of room. (We’re in Ft. Lauderdale)

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: Drucifer

Yea, down here really seems to be a county by county basis. Some counties have crazy numbers, and then smaller one's like mine are having little to no ICU beds taken for covid like symptoms. We are still at 79 deaths last I checked, and almost all were over 65, but we are down on flu deaths, RSV deaths, and whole list of other causes of deaths.

I feel bad for O-town and south FL, but they also have a higher number of retirees, and elderly care facilities. Have you checked other causes of death in your county to see if they are higher or normal compared to years past?

edit: Went and did your research for you. You guys down in Broward definitely had a halt to all flu, rsv, and other illness deaths back in week 11 when corona took over. Crazy how coronavirus just stops influenza, and all these other viruses and bacterial infections that had killed people in the past, huh?
edit on 16-7-2020 by KnoxMSP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: Noinden
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

Holy non sequitur arguments batman.

Lockdowns, social distancing, masks (which are not bad for your health) and hand washing work. Protesting not getting a hair cut does not.

My wife is on the front lines. She would disagree with you on the “masks are not bad for your health” comment and so would the doc who told her that her week long sinus infection is most likely do to the constant mask wearing in the testing facility.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 12:01 PM
Florida will learn from this relatively minor surge in hospitalizations, that it needs to be better prepared in case a REAL medical crisis hits the state.

In a state of 30,000,000 people, 8,217 people hospitalized for Covid-19, should not stress the system so intensely.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 01:02 PM
I keep saying the only way to stop this is to live in a bubble for the rest of your life. This is impossible to stop any other way.

I know.

Emotion and panic driven know-nothings are ruling our lives right now. The Lemming affect has lost it's luster for many people. I do realize that Lincoln once was quoted saying "you can fool some of the people most of the time and most of the people some of the time". Most of us some of the time have had enough.

originally posted by: KnoxMSP
a reply to: Drucifer

Yea, down here really seems to be a county by county basis. Some counties have crazy numbers, and then smaller one's like mine are having little to no ICU beds taken for covid like symptoms. We are still at 79 deaths last I checked, and almost all were over 65, but we are down on flu deaths, RSV deaths, and whole list of other causes of deaths.

I feel bad for O-town and south FL, but they also have a higher number of retirees, and elderly care facilities. Have you checked other causes of death in your county to see if they are higher or normal compared to years past?

edit: Went and did your research for you. You guys down in Broward definitely had a halt to all flu, rsv, and other illness deaths back in week 11 when corona took over. Crazy how coronavirus just stops influenza, and all these other viruses and bacterial infections that had killed people in the past, huh?

edit on 16-7-2020 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: noonebutme
a reply to: Justoneman

And the skyrocketing COVID19 cases and continual deaths in the US are a MSM fabrication I guess? Like this guy ?

Um, yes, if you investigate heavily, it's hard not to think the numbers are probably 50% less than we're led to believe.

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 08:51 PM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

originally posted by: Athetos
Of the hundreds of millions of people in the USA the number of covid deaths must be insignificant as well right?

a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed

What number does it need to reach to become relevant to you ?

It's almost at 140 000, I take it that's not enough for you, would 300 000 raise an eyebrow, half a million maybe, can't say I know what level of loss of significant to you, why don't you tell us

Skyrocketing? Just can't beat sense into some people with a stick. The us is not experiencing a skyrocketing. And they are at the bottom of the COVID danger list. Why even after multiple people explaining something so simple do the go and mindlessly report those kids!? Not even the MSM says that.

There is a much faster and growing number of people TESTING POSITIVE for it (which is a lie you can't test for it but let's play along). They are testing positive more because we began with 100 test kits. So 41 ppl tested positive. Most countries only had that many. Then we were able to gather 10000. So suddenly 4800 tested positive. Now we have 50,000,000 tests. Are you telling me that if this week 48,000 test positive it is because the disease is getting deadlier and smarter and skyrocketing in it's ability to get people?!?! Cuz that's what you're saying. Amazing that you can't reason out the simple ...

posted on Jul, 16 2020 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
And they are at the bottom of the COVID danger list.

What list are you looking at?

According to worldometers the US is #9 in deaths per capita. If the deaths were 1/2 and 1/4 of those reported (adjusted for inflation) they would still be 23 and 36, respectively, out of 213. That is nowhere near the bottom of that list.

edit on 16-7-2020 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 07:40 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: AlexandrosTheGreat
And they are at the bottom of the COVID danger list.

What list are you looking at?

According to worldometers the US is #9 in deaths per capita. If the deaths were 1/2 and 1/4 of those reported (adjusted for inflation) they would still be 23 and 36, respectively, out of 213. That is nowhere near the bottom of that list.

It can't go down Dask when they keep sending infected people to be "quarantined" in the senior care facility's. That is murder based on the fact the 80+ drop like dead flies when it is introduced to the facility.
BUBBLE's we need protective bubbles or shut the hell up out here but introducing the infection to the seniors in their homes is a death sentence. WTH???!?!?

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 07:46 AM

Ya know, if we actually put the deaths on the curve where they belong this thing would look a whole lot different.

Almost all reported deaths this month in their town happened in June. If they give us bad information how can we be informed to make the right decisions? Incompetency at all levels.

edit on 17-7-2020 by KnoxMSP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: KnoxMSP
a reply to: Justoneman

Hospitals here in my county are laying off Dr and nurses left and right.

My wife's childhood best friend is in a big pharma company. She told my wife there will be no real vaccine. Corona is still the common cold, and they haven't found a vaccine for it yet it how many years, with all our new tech? So why do we expect one within a year or two now?

Yea because ALL corona viruses are the same. Just like the staphylococcus organism that causes MRSA is the same as the one that causes boils. Or the streptococcus one that causes strep throat is the same as the one that causes necrotizing fasciitis. Corona viruses are only ONE kind of virus that causes the common cold along with rhinoviruses (which account for about 40%) and RSVs.

Your wife's friend is comparing apples to aardvarks.

And some hospitals ARE furloughing some staff because elective procedures are being postponed which is causing a major economic hit to hospitals. But those instances are not the norm. Not when States are having to call in medical staff from retirement, other states, and the military. Stop spreading BS. This is no hoax and people like YOU are why we'll be dealing with this come Christmas.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: jtma508

In my county with no excess deaths? In fact a lower than average rate of death in my area overall. Ok... lol
Go the DoH website and look at the ages of people dying here in FL. Over 85% are over 65 yrs old. Then you have to work in underlying conditions, false claims of covid deaths (do i really need to pull up articles?), false positive readings, and you realize my county has not been affected at all. Sorry that doesn't fit your narrative.

Fear mongering doesn't look good on anyone. I have stated every time that I am talking about my county. If you are too dense to absorb that, that is your problem not mine. K, thx, bai!
edit on 17-7-2020 by KnoxMSP because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
That is a strawman.

The claim was that the US is at the bottom of the COVID danger list. Can you provide the number of deaths caused by the transfers you mentioned?

Saying the toll is mainly a result of that is disingenuous.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 12:19 PM
Who cares what idiots think anyway?

We are really talking Death to Infection rates as nothing else matters. There are no strawmen there. Except maybe for the well documented approved fake data that is including deaths that aren't from the Wu Han flu.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
That is a strawman.

The claim was that the US is at the bottom of the COVID danger list. Can you provide the number of deaths caused by the transfers you mentioned?

Saying the toll is mainly a result of that is disingenuous.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: jtma508
Some Hospitals ?????

Get informed
Thousands of healthcare workers are laid off or furloughed as coronavirus spreads - May 2020

In California, thousands of nurses, doctors and other medical staff have been laid off or furloughed or have taken a pay cut since mid-March. The pain has been felt broadly, from major facilities such as Stanford Health Care to tiny rural hospitals to private practitioners. Across the nation, job losses in the healthcare sector have been second only to those in the restaurant industry, according to federal labor statistics.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 12:25 PM

originally posted by: KnoxMSP
In my county with no excess deaths? In fact a lower than average rate of death in my area overall. Ok... lol
Go the DoH website and look at the ages of people dying here in FL. Over 85% are over 65 yrs old. Then you have to work in underlying conditions, false claims of covid deaths (do i really need to pull up articles?), false positive readings, and you realize my county has not been affected at all. Sorry that doesn't fit your narrative.

Fear mongering doesn't look good on anyone. I have stated every time that I am talking about my county. If you are too dense to absorb that, that is your problem not mine. K, thx, bai!

It's not fearmongering. You lot and your Imperial Leader are in denial. Get out of your cozy little county and look at the larger picture. Even two of the country's biggest deniers, TX and FL, have had to walk-back their COVID is a Hoax bravado as their hospitals are overrun. Or is that fearmongering in the Trump lexicon? Don't patronize me. I understand this situation A LOT better than you do and have the credentials to prove it. Why do you think the GOP is so insistent on legal immunity for everyone regarding COVID? Because the entire response has been a massive FUBAR and they know it.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Again, hospitals are losing massive amounts of money because of shutdown of elective procedures. Those clinicians can't work under the current circumstances. If you're suggesting the COVID thing is a hoax then go check with TX, FL and the other states that are asking for medical help.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
Well documented? That sounds good, so there should be a solid number that can be subtracted from the "fake data".

I went with 50% and 25% of the current toll and that still left the US far from the bottom of the list of 213 places tracking CV.

What exactly you are trying to prove here? All I did was question the claim that the US is at the bottom of the COVID danger list.

posted on Jul, 17 2020 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: jtma508

Florida's hospitals are not overrun. That's the thing. I live here. You are only talking about a handful of counties. Most of our counties have very little ICU beds in use due to covid. It's a fact. The numbers are out there. Already told you where to look. Do Dept of Health lie now too? Cry over Orlando and Miami if you want, but the rest of Florida is doing quite well, we will be just fine, thanks for your concern though.

Imperial leader is funny, as I am not a Republican, and you are assuming I am. I am a Libertarian. Who is my libertarian imperial leader exactly?

You better not say Jo Jorgenson she's not a real libertarian.
edit on 17-7-2020 by KnoxMSP because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-7-2020 by KnoxMSP because: (no reason given)

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