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Why the West?

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posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 09:39 AM
When everyone talked of government facilities or underground bases, why is it that the majority of these locations is out West? Granted, some projects were performed on the East coast, but why not in the larger states where it would be much easier to hide something?

Now granted, I am new around here. I was raised in the service, Air Force to be more specific, and I did some brief time also. Don't ask cause I won't tell. I have followed the theories, rumores, and conspiracies for many years as a hobby. I have my own ideas as to why most of the "secret bases" are out West, yet I would like to broaden my ideas by listening to some of yours.

It's my thinking that if you really want to hide something, you hide it where there is not a heavily populated center near you, there is heavy vegetation, and plenty of room to expand as needed. Take a look at Alaska. Or Texas for that matter. 2 very large sections of land, yet no "Area-51".

On the subject of Area-51, if you honestly think about it, nothing goes on there. A fine example would be a magic show in our present day. Now, you are probably asking what does magic and the military have to do with each other? Simple. How is magic performed? By distraction. The performer distracts the captive audience and then moves the object or what have you with them ever seeing it. I believe Area-51 is nothing more than a distraction. Something to keep the world occupied while the intended target is keep hidden.

Post back and let's see what you think.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by WinterGhost

It's my thinking that if you really want to hide something, you hide it where there is not a heavily populated center near you, there is heavy vegetation, and plenty of room to expand as needed. Take a look at Alaska. Or Texas for that matter. 2 very large sections of land, yet no "Area-51".

You know, the bases that supposedly aren't there actually could be. If there was a choice, i'm sure the government would rather keep it out of the public eye.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 06:12 PM
Well, there isn't too much out there, so I guess that's why everyone thinks the military has something stashed there.

Also, isn't sort of like the tales people told about some city that was paved with gold? It was always over the next hill, or whatever. No one ever saw it, but their friends, brothers, uncle saw it.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 09:40 PM
The answer, at least as far as the Air Force is concerned, is very simple - year round perfect flying weather with not many eyes to watch what is flying, IMHO.

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by WinterGhost
A fine example would be a magic show in our present day. Now, you are probably asking what does magic and the military have to do with each other? Simple. How is magic performed? By distraction. The performer distracts the captive audience and then moves the object or what have you with them ever seeing it. I believe Area-51 is nothing more than a distraction. Something to keep the world occupied while the intended target is keep hidden.

I will respond to you with a post I recieved in one of my threads. I think he makes a good point that directly relates to yours.

Originally posted by The Godfather of Conspira
Antarctica is the most isolated, remote place on Earth. Perfect for carrying out secret research in some remote military installation. The closest country to it is Australia, and trust me, most of us Aussie's don't know even believe in the fact that Area 51 exists, let alone of half of the crazy conspiracy theories on this site. (Sufficed to say, we Aussie's don't know jack about what the Americans get up to, and even if our government has some idea, I doubt they know any disconcerning information)

What I'm trying to say here is there's no place more perfect for a secret US military base than Antarctica, and chances are, our fears are probably true. Think about it, 10 years ago who believed Area 51 was REAL? Hardly a soul, nowadays it's common knowledge, and even though we know about it, we still have no friggin' clue what goes on there. Same with Antarctica, it's highly possible that a military base exists there, we just need more proof, and even if we do find out about its existence, we won't even come close to finding out what goes on there (Hell, the only thing that could know what goes on there is the polar bears, I'll bet even they have to sign an oath of silence
) . Considering what we know now, it seems were on the tip of the iceberg, we just need more evidence that's all.

[edit on 13-3-2005 by Event Horizon]

posted on Mar, 13 2005 @ 10:43 PM
Why the west?

The biggest reason is states like Nevada have an ultra low population density and alot of land is owned by the Feds.

posted on Mar, 14 2005 @ 04:02 AM
Pretty inhospitable, too, which I imagine is a deciding factor.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 08:12 AM
Have you ever driven out here? theres miles of nothing. its freaky lol. I live in Vegas but I use to live in AZ. And I gotta tell you, when you drive out of town to like.... Death Valley. It makes you wonder whats out there. Its really private.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 09:18 PM
you know, i think area 51 is a decoy myself. it very much be a military base, but i dont know if it has all the secrets that everyone claims. i think why they have most of the bases out west is because there are smaller states on the east, and their is alot more people on the east. and maybe the government wants to spread out its bases, like if most of our bases were on the east side, and we were to get bombed, they would be gone, but if our bases were spread out, it would be harder to take the majority of them out.

posted on Mar, 24 2005 @ 09:41 PM
Antartica already has a base....not a very large one, but it's for the scientists....officially.

And they are always studying the fossils and whatnot below the ice.

God knows how far they go, really...other than by what they report.

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