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Corona Virus Updates Part 6

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posted on May, 18 2020 @ 10:09 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
Yep, President Trump during today's press briefing that he's been taking a hydroxychloroquine pill every day for the past several weeks.

The talking heads in the media are going ballistic!

huge huge news!

I've been saying to my family that he's been taking it ever since he started talking about it. It's why he and Pence don't wear masks.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: Phage

wow good spin, get called out for BS and spin it around to the irony claim. You seem to follow along with all American Politicians.

This is your first post

Survey says, for treatment of mild symptoms, 37% of those surveyed say that Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) or Chloroquine is very effective or highly effective. Which means that 63% say that Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) or Chloroquine is moderately effective, sligthly effective, or not effective. "Traditional Chinese Medicine" has the highest approval rating, at 67%.

Survey says, for treatment of hospitalized patients, 20% of those surveyed say that Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) or Chloroquine is very effective or highly effective. Which means that 80% say that Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) or Chloroquine is moderately, sligthly, or not effective. "Traditional Chinese Medicine" has the highest approval rating, at 63%.

Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) and Chloroquine don't seem to stand out much in the survey in comparison to most other treatments.

No mention of the flaw in the survey .. If Trump had phrased it exactly the same way MSM would be slaughtering him - Not praising him for showing a flawed survey.
Spin spin spin.

posted on May, 18 2020 @ 11:46 PM
What you going to do for the dead and damaged? This speaks volumes!

Chinese coronavirus vaccine will be available to all - Chinese president

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 12:09 AM
Australia's cv19 death toll just hit 100.

Our population is 25,499,884 people and 100 people have died. We destroyed all those jobs, all those Mom and Pop stores, all these dreams and aspirations, we have terrified our children and seen many cv19 related suicides.

Did the lock down work? Were all the fear tactics worth it?

100 People!!! in 5 Months

The vast majority of these deaths are people from 70 to 90 years of age with underlying health conditions.

edit on 19-5-2020 by Jamie2018 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: Jamie2018

That's because of the lockdown, if we carried on business as usual it's likely the death toll would be much higher.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 12:31 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Jamie2018

That's because of the lockdown, if we carried on business as usual it's likely the death toll would be much higher.

Slow Clap..........

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

This is your first post

Yes. A post in which I provided some details of the survey. Since the person I replied to did not do so.

And here is a subsequent post:

Actually, I'm pointing out that the survey results seem to be oddly skewed toward "traditional Chinese medicine" since only 3 - 5% of those surveyed use them yet they have the highest ranking for efficacy.

What do you think "oddly skewed" means? Was the terminology too subtle for you?

edit on 5/19/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: McGinty

Ha ha you're funny -

That’s how we non-private school, council estate raised peasants, left to rot by the rich deal with silver spoon twats that defend that mercenary, psycho elite with their jackboots forever aiming for our heads.

So hundreds of years of poor downtrodden peasants and not 1 of you have the Gumption to make a change. All following your Rich and privileged leaders.

You want to make changes then it is YOU that needs to leave the safety of mummy’s basement and get into the public eye make a stand that will judged by public and you will be "dammed if you do dammed if you don't". Get up and work for the good of your fellow council estate peasants. Or are you to busy making a fast buck on the dodgy deals?

Doesn't matter which political party you follow they will all make mistakes will all make a decision the suits some more than others. Everyone of them.

Covid-19 is no different a situation - All leaders are facing # over Locking Down too long or to hard, not locking down soon enough, not locking up OAP's with the care workers separated from their families.
- Sweden didn't lock down, trusted their citizens to be like you follow the guidelines.
You decided not to go to the festival - why because of Covid-19 or because as a boot boy from a council estate it's not your thing, doesn't matter. 150,000+ people did go. Why?

You calling the Tories and Boris a Nazi twat but if he had locked down the country and welded the doors shut of those breaking the lock down you'd call him the same Nazi twat. Wouldn't you?

The comment about the fear is aimed at the fact we can't all live in quarantine, Care homes are not individual islands - The people who took the virus into those places didn't mean too and nothing Boris could have done would have stopped it.
Short of locking the doors to the country on January 1st 2020 which I assume in HINDSIGHT you would think he should have.

rich schools staying closed/poor schools being forced to open

If you paid for your kids to go to school at 43,000 a year would you send them to school now?
Would the government saying OPEN, go to school make you Or would you hire a tutor?

Also Eton is open and is educating front line staff's kids.

Eton will invest 100 million pounds ($125 million) over five years to help disadvantaged children in East Anglia, the Midlands and the north.

from the mail

£42k-a-year Eton College offers FREE online study courses to UK teenagers during coronavirus lockdown and makes empty boarding houses available for key workers
anyone you know taking this opportunity?

FYI I'm a council brat decided not to wallow in self pity, got an education and moved out. So your yob threats just remind me why there is a three tier system - yobs - workers - snobs glad I moved to the workers tier put all my kids thru University that wanted to go, own my own lifestyle paid with my own sweat and efforts. As I'm a bit past giving you a kicking nowadays I'll leave you to wallow in your own self pity.

Corvid-19 update this interview says it would have been better to Screen returning holidaymakers from Italy and Spain
BBC Radio Gloucestershire Special
Did the Cheltenham Festival help the spread of Covid-19?

For widespread protection against COVID-19, more than 80% of people will need immunity.

So back to my comment

Individuals are having to make the decision - going for the herd live vaccine or wait it out for chemical vaccine. Stay safe isolate and wash your hands.

Lets hope the 80% who show no signs but get the antigens will save us old twats by holding the production of the virus at bay.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 02:37 AM
a reply to: Phage

spin, again you added that after I challenged you on your 1st post. covid-19 is not something you should spin misinformation.
You should try to help and spread good information regardless of whether you like the message or messenger.

Currently for instance youtube like you is raging a censorship on videos reporting good news on Adding Zinc to Hydroxychloroquine
example is the medcram update has been deleted - Update 71: New Data on Adding Zinc to Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin

Why is this surely not due to the anti-Trump MSN?

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: puzzled2

spin, again you added that after I challenged you on your 1st post

Interesting idea. Someone should say every thought in their head in a single post so there is no point in an evolving conversation. Everybody should only be allowed one post in a thread.

I'll try to remember that.

covid-19 is not something you should spin misinformation.
I agree.

edit on 5/19/2020 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 04:25 AM

originally posted by: Jamie2018

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Jamie2018

That's because of the lockdown, if we carried on business as usual it's likely the death toll would be much higher.

Slow Clap..........

Standing ovation (no sarc)!

Amazing that in analysis you don’t see the relationship between locking down and death rate.

The U.K. locked down later in the infection cycle than just about anyone and we have worlds second highest deaths (considering the population difference between the U.K. and the US (the highest death rate) then the U.K. is far worse.

Conversely the likes of AUS and NZ locked down quickly and have low death rates.

But, no, how can lockdown possibly be related to death rates!?!

I can completely sympathise with those suffering financial hardship; while just about everyone in the U.K. is getting huge government payouts throughout the lockdown I’m in one of the few categories to get virtually nothing (small ltd company). However, if I decry the lockdown because I’m financially suffering I’m cutting off my nose to spite my face...

Why? Because without any lockdown, or if it ends too early the infection rate would be even higher and the inevitable lockdown to follow would last way longer.

And of course the most important reason is to save lives! They’re more important than my business, than anyone’s business and finances. Those that say otherwise would change their tune if their own loved ones were infected and couldn’t get a hospital bed because of overcrowding due to not locking down.

It’s as though there’s a bag of money floating in piranha infested waters and some people are screaming about their finances, or rights because we won’t let them jump in after the money and get stripped to the bone. Some don’t listen and jump the fence dragging an incalculable number of people in with them. But hey, since most of those other people are between 70 and 90 it’s ok cos they don’t matter, right?

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 04:34 AM

originally posted by: Jamie2018
Australia's cv19 death toll just hit 100.

Our population is 25,499,884 people and 100 people have died. We destroyed all those jobs, all those Mom and Pop stores, all these dreams and aspirations, we have terrified our children and seen many cv19 related suicides.

Did the lock down work? Were all the fear tactics worth it?

100 People!!! in 5 Months

The vast majority of these deaths are people from 70 to 90 years of age with underlying health conditions.

Its like people pretend it isnt the most contagious virus ever seen and even with the best health facilities in the world, the UK and US are being belted by it.

You honestly think if we didnt lock down that we wouldnt have spiked in cases?

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: puzzled2
a reply to: McGinty

Get up and work for the good of your fellow council estate peasants. Or are you to busy making a fast buck on the dodgy deals?

No dodgy deals, just making network telly about the rich/poor divide In the U.K. for the best part of the past 5 years (finally get to make the tv I want after 30 years hard studying and work in the industry). So, yeah, I’m doing my best to influence those changes. What exactly are you doing about it?

Lockdown and social distancing has of course put my work on hiatus for the time being (though ways of doing ob-docs while social distancing are being mulled over), so my business has taken a bit hit, but I’m ok with that. I’ve been behind the lockdown since mid February and have called for and supported it since. Whatever the source or political weaponisation of this virus might or might not entail, there are people dying - public and key workers. Whatever I can humbly do to help prevent that I’m doing. I supported the Stay At Home message (though it came far too late) and do not support the rushed easing of lockdown with the pathetic ‘Stay Alert’ message which is plainly designed to allow further deaths to be blamed on the public for not using their common sense.

Other countries have shown that the easing of lockdown can only work if effective track and trace is in place, but like everything Boris has done, he’s at once ignoring this scientific advice, while claiming he’s following the science.

originally posted by: puzzled2
You calling the Tories and Boris a Nazi twat but if he had locked down the country and welded the doors shut of those breaking the lock down you'd call him the same Nazi twat. Wouldn't you?

Resorting to such ludicrous extremes to make a spurious point is a sure sign of having no valid argument. Yes, welding people’s doors shut would indeed be a bit ‘Nazi’.

But if such an extreme illustration is all you can muster up to counter Boris giving the go ahead for the massive Cheltenham Festival in the midst of a pandemic, then it goes to prove there really is no defence for such incompetence. Were that the decision of a corporate CEO he may well be facing corporate manslaughter charges. Those who organised the festival are dodging such a post-mortem with the reasonable defence that Boris permitted it.

That weekend he’d been in crowded stands watching rugby and shortly before had told the nation it was fine to shake everyone’s hand, even those testing positive for the virus. It’s not even nearly a ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ scenario. It’s hard to think of what he could’ve done to make things even worse... oh yeah, he could’ve ‘welded the doors shut’... You’re right, that indeed is the only thing he could’ve done to make things worse.

Yes, your reading of this is that he had to do the numerous moronic things he’s done because his only other course of action was welding everyone’s doors shut... on that note I’d suggest no one else here waste their time arguing with this cretin.

originally posted by: puzzled2
As I'm a bit past giving you a kicking nowadays I'll leave you to wallow in your own self pity.

I don’t need sympathy, but we all need context when someone unable to construct any kind of reasonable argument starts throwing unsolicited insults. However, looking back at your post here I can see that’s your MO with other contributors, so the insults are evidently no more personal that those of the village crazy cursing strangers as they pass by. As such you, poor sir have my sympathy; surely there’s sympathy in all our hearts when we see an individual fall so low and think ‘there for the grace of God...’ no matter what bile he sends your way.

originally posted by: puzzled2All leaders are facing # over Locking Down too long or to hard, not locking down soon enough, not locking up OAP's with the care workers separated from their families.

I invite you and everyone else here to read this simple timeline of Boris’ absolute frak up and tell me which part of it was the correct move and why (and please don’t resort to polarising fantasy extremes such as ‘should he have welded the doors shut’ to serve your thus far non-existent argument supporting the Tory’s virus policies; use specific examples or articulated reasons that counter the specific examples of extreme incompetence in this link:

One final thing, since you appear to be a die hard Tory, or at least your defence of them despite the above record makes you that in effect, here’s a thread of mine that I know you’ll absolutely love (sarc):

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: Byrd
The condition on reservations horrifies me. I have sent money to their charities and supported them when I could. This is heartbreaking.

I agree... and these people are almost all in the high risk category, with the majority as obese/very obese, diabetic/pre-diabetic, heart disease, etc, from extremely poor nutrition/diet.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 06:46 AM

originally posted by: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
a reply to: Jamie2018

That's because of the lockdown, if we carried on business as usual it's likely the death toll would be much higher.

Easy to claim, impossible to prove - and very likely total BS.

But carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done (destroying our economy, and everyone are wards of the state, sucking at that precious government teat of yours).

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 06:50 AM

originally posted by: McGinty
Amazing that in analysis you don’t see the relationship between locking down and death rate.

I don't...

The antibody testing is proving the nature of the falsehood.

A large percentage of the population has already been exposed.

A few more weeks without lock down and we'd have reached herd immunity.

Death rate wouldn't be much different, and we wouldn't have destroyed our economy over an invisible critter that is just one of hundreds of millions of viruses living inside each and every one of us.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: Agit8dChop
Its like people pretend it isnt the most contagious virus ever seen

No pretending necessary.

It is, by far, not 'the most contagious virus ever seen'. It is a novel virus, that is all.

and even with the best health facilities in the world, the UK and US are being belted by it.

Not really - not much worse than a bad flu season.

You honestly think if we didnt lock down that we wouldnt have spiked in cases?

Yes, we would have, and reached herd immunity quickly, and been done with it.

All the BS scare/fear-mongering did was stretch it out to a long, much more painful and deadly economy-killing process, rather than a quick, painful novel virus process.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Since were playing internet doctors here, it's clear your meds are not working as intended, let's try a new path the oral treatments are having adverse reactions and are ineffective, try this new supository, take it 3 times a day for the next week.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 07:31 AM
Seems some people are still believing the flawed antibody tests that were getting 15% false positive rates. A more recent antibody test done is Spain was indicating that only 3% of the population had been infected, debunking the "A large percentage of the population has already been exposed." theory.

posted on May, 19 2020 @ 08:07 AM

originally posted by: asdfas
Seems some people are still believing the flawed antibody tests that were getting 15% false positive rates. A more recent antibody test done is Spain was indicating that only 3% of the population had been infected, debunking the "A large percentage of the population has already been exposed." theory.

You mean like some people are still believing the fake numbers of COVID-19 deaths that have nothing to do with COVID-19, and ignoring that most of these deaths are people who would have died from flu related illness or other things anyway?

The fact is, with regard to testing accuracy, we - you and I - just don't know. We have to take the word of the so-called experts - experts that I don't trust at all.

What we do know - from lots of (yes, anecdotal, but a lot) reports from those on the front lines is, the lock down is far worse than the disease, and only a hysterical child afraid of boogeymen can argue otherwise.

edit on 19-5-2020 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

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