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Comet Atlas, burning far brighter than expected!

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posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

I'm with Phage on this one pal.

Not that i'm dismissing of this comet or any of the other theories but i just don't see a relationship between the comet and the asteroid. For a start they don't share any common orbits, also the comet will never get anywhere near earth.

Comets pass through our solar system all the time, just this one has a chance to be brighter. Asteroids pass the Earth all the time as well.

Also, if you look here:

You can see that at no point will we travel through it's coma, unless of course the coma grows to absolutely ridiculous sizes. I ran the simulation throughout the entire year. We should be fine, not even a little meteor shower.

View 1 - Orbital Path:

View 2 - Orbital Path:

It's actually inside the orbit of Mercury when it crosses our orbital plane so no danger.
edit on 4/4/20 by Grenade because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Grenade

Aye I don't think they will hit us, I was more concerned with the gasses of the comet, and that comets were seen as a harbinger of doom by the ancients, not to mention prophecies involving comets, pole shifts and plague that all can be attributed to this moment, the pole shift has been happening for a few years now admittedly, but when you put all those things together it definetly Is worth an investigation, I will be happy if all is back to normal soon but I'm not sure it will. I did write a what if thread that maybe those PTB were going to try and destroy the asteroid to try and prevent a known future collision which was a bit out there but in the realms of possibility as they would keep that quite.
So many people I meet believe the pandemic is so the government have more control over the sheep and that is most likely as far as I'm concerned.
I won't be worrying about the pandemic or anything else for that matter, not even if it gets me on my death bed.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Sure, i also think the current Covid pandemic has a hidden agenda. Definitely a coincidence if this comet lights up the night skies while this whole crisis hits its peak.

However, it poses no direct threat to Earth, it simply doesn't cross our path nor at any point do we get close enough to the debris.

It is exciting however as it has the potential to be a once in a lifetime spectacle. If of course you don't end up in jail for going outside to look at it :p

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

It could well have been 1998, i also can't remember exactly, does sound like the same event. I did a bit of calculation, estimating its altitude and trajectory of course and from Ayr it would have been in an NE direction. Was the cloud tinged with a orange/brown colour? I assumed at the time this was the Iron content in the meteor burning up. Which makes it even more scary as i truly think if it hit within miles of me, i wouldn't be here to tell the story. It was a big old chunk of iron.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Grenade

Yip come from Ayr direction, I was in Ardrossan and it disappeared over west Kilbride way so sounds about right, was in papers next day, time was between 8 and 10 pm, defo not later than 10 as the spar shut at 10 and that's where we were going.
It was an orange/red fireball..... Amazing.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: ManyMasks

Yeah it was just starting to get dark, remember blue skies tho so that's around the right time, if i remember correctly it was a warm sunny day which only happens mid summer in Scotland.

One of the most amazing things i've ever seen.

posted on Apr, 4 2020 @ 01:07 PM
So when the comet hits the asteroid and molten wormwood falls into the pacific, how will this affect climatic change?

posted on Apr, 22 2020 @ 03:30 AM

originally posted by: ManyMasks
Comet Atlas could become brighter than Sirius in the night sky for the northern hemisphere as it approaches the Sun. The comet is baffling observers because of how it has been acting....

ATLAS easily visible in a small telescope or a pair of good binoculars, although quite frankly nothing really to write home about.

Except, since its discovery, the comet has been brightening at an almost unprecedented speed. As of March 17, ATLAS was already magnitude +8.5, over 600 times brighter than forecast.

John Bortle, who has observed hundreds of comets and is a well-known expert in the field, got his first look at Comet ATLAS through 15 x 70 binoculars on Sunday night (March 15). And he's stumped, he wrote. "For the first time in many years I am left at a bit of a loss as to what honestly worthy advice I can offer would-be observers. I really don't know quite what to make of this object." 

Now I love a good doomsday conspiracy as much as the next guy but current events are getting a bit to close to the mark, we have plague and a great fire in the sky coming, how many prophecies match up to these times? Any nostradamus quatrains looking eerily prophetic to the present?
Let us know.


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