posted on Mar, 24 2020 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to:
Read this about the people on the cruise ship. Half of the infected did not even know they were infected, they had no symptoms. Think about how fast
this is spreading, all of these people who had no symptoms coming from other countries spread it, and half of those had no symptoms. That is why we
are in quarantine now, there is no way to know if someone has the disease. The ones that do fight it off quickly are not a threat very long though, I
guess they give off virals for about a week.
Now, people have been passing this from person to person for months, it has already infected lots of people and I would say the majority of those
people had nothing more than symptoms of a mild cold or unknown virus, some did go to the hospitals and were told that they had some sort of virus but
not the flu because they tested for the flu. They were then sent home and recovered on their own, spreading this virus to others everywhere,
especially in schools.
One of the head guys from the CDC said that they went back and tested some of the people who had died from viruses back into December and said some
tested positive for the Coronavirus. This virus could have been in America for a long time. Most people who had the flu did not die directly from
the flu, they could have had this virus with the flu, that would have been ugly. You can have more than one virus at a time and also have fungal and
bacterial infections with them. Was it really the pneumonia and cytokine storms that killed so many people with the flu this last year, this disease
does cause a cytokine storm and there was no test around to test for this corona virus before a couple of months ago.
I cannot say for sure, but I have an open mind and can evaluate things others can't because their beliefs cloud their judgement. I have my own pet
peaves, My beliefs occasionally cloud my comprehension, so I have to research and research to verify that my beliefs are wrong. I have busted my
reality wide open in the last fifteen years, and my old beliefs were the beliefs of most of the educated people in society.
I learned that the more I learn, the more I have to learn to make sense of things properly, I have learned way more than I would have learned in
medical school over the last twelve years. But still, there are many who are medical specialists that know more than I do, I am far from completing
my studies. I tended to study broadform specialties though, not concentrating on one subject, so I can combine multiple medical disciplines to try to
find an answer.