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China Government Spokesman Says U.S. Military May Have Brought Virus to China

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posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
It appears the Chinese want to deflect attention and blame away from themselves by blaming the U.S. for the virus in what may lead up to an escalation in hostilities.

A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry suggested on Thursday the U.S. military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak, doubling down on a war of words with Washington.

China has taken great offence at comments by U.S. officials accusing it of being slow to react to the virus, first detected in Wuhan late last year, and of not being insufficiently transparent.

I mean, at this point...

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry suggested on Thursday the U.S. military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak, doubling down on a war of words with Washington.

Yep, the city containing the level 4 bio lab was infiltrated by American scientists...

Go home China, you're drunk.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 05:06 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: burdman30ott6

Is it okay to start calling it, The ChiCom Pox?

Brother, you can call it the Yangtze Yellow Fever, ChinaPox, General Tso's Tsickness, FluManChu, Peking Pestilence, Tienamen TB, Wu Flu, Wuhan Pox, or whatever you wish, doesn't change the fact that this plague was the direct responsibility of the collective of communist dickheads sitting in Beijing. Either through continuing to allow their resident barbaians to make exotics into undercooked versions of Bat Foo Yung and Mongolian Pangolin fried rice, lab security about as secure as Ed Snowden's lips, or through a direct action of a Chinese government with a solid track record of living up to the Asian supervillian stereotypes of old Bond movies. As I said, when the check comes due for this one we need to collect it and do so in a manner that ensures it will be a few generations before China shows up at the restaurant again.

This is ridiculous. We've watched no fewer than 4 major public health incidents emanate from that #hole of a country over the past 2 decades, enough is enough. China will be the reason China can't have nice things.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 05:23 PM
nah china wrong footed the world intentionally

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 06:00 PM
A crackdown on information about the virus in Wuhan allowed the disease to spread far more widely

Piecing together the events in Wuhan shows that for at least three weeks before the banquet, city authorities had been informed about the virus spreading in their midst but issued orders to suppress the news. In effect, they engineered a cover-up that played down the seriousness of the outbreak, according to officials and medical professionals.

So, this doctor tried to warn the Chinese and they shut him up. Later he got the virus and died. A young man probably murdered by the authorities because he would have been a hero and a witness to the Communist cover-up.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle

curious to see who will become the ultimate black sheep in all of this.

But in all seriousness, blamestorming is the last thing we need at this point.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 07:16 PM

originally posted by: KindraLaBelle
China is blaming US,
US is blaming Europe,
Europe is blaming China

curious to see who will become the ultimate black sheep in all of this.

You're missing Russia....that's your black sheep


posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj
a reply to: Jonjonj

A spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry suggested on Thursday the U.S. military might have brought the coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which has been hardest hit by the outbreak, doubling down on a war of words with Washington.

Yep, the city containing the level 4 bio lab was infiltrated by American scientists...
Go home China, you're drunk.

But before you do; what is a "Wet Market" exactly and why eat live bats? Follow the example of Cavemen (discoverers of FIRE) and cook them first.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 08:32 PM

On 5 July, officials at the National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) in Winnipeg, Canada, escorted Xiangguo Qiu, biologist Keding Cheng, and an unknown number of her students from the lab and revoked their access rights, according to Canadian media reports. The Public Health Agency of Canada, which operates the lab, confirmed it had referred an “administrative matter” matter to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, but said it would not provide additional details because of privacy concerns.

A number of observers have speculated that case involves concerns about the improper transfer of intellectual property to China. (All of the researchers involved are believed to be Asian.) But Frank Plummer, a former scientific director of NML who left in 2015, says the lab isn’t an obvious target for academic or industrial espionage. “There is nothing highly secret there, and all the work gets published in the open literature,” he says. “I don’t know what anyone would hope to gain by spying.”

The lab works in a wide range of biomedical fields. Qiu is known for helping develop ZMapp, a treatment for Ebola virus that was fast-tracked through development during the 2014–16 outbreak in West Africa. She has repeatedly been honored for her work on that project, including with a Governor General’s Innovation Award last year.

“While I was there [Qiu] was always highly regarded as a scientist,” says Plummer, adding that he was “shocked and puzzled” when he heard she was being investigated. “She maintained connections with China, but as far as I knew she was a regular Canadian scientist.”

Cheng, Qiu’s husband, also worked as a biologist at NML. And both researchers held adjunct faculty positions at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. It says it has terminated their positions and reassigned their students as a result of the investigation.

Canada, so quiet and always in the background on the world stage but ever present. Hmmm...we best keep an eye on them. They may be more sneaky than we thought.

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:01 PM
Further evidence that coronavirus originated in the us

Worth reading.
edit on 12-3-2020 by Peserc because: add link

posted on Mar, 12 2020 @ 11:54 PM

originally posted by: Peserc
Further evidence that coronavirus originated in the us

Worth reading.

If all that checks out, I have a HUGE suspicion this is a deepstate bio terror attack

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 02:19 AM

I believe that the divine(infinite nature) is always reflected in everyone in a variety of ways.
I think this event will eventually pass and god(infinity) will eventually be found within all things and we will see the only enemy is our delusion of duality. This may allow humanity to see and express unity in thought, word, and deed.

So imagine a fantastic surreal nightmare scenario in a hypothetical world simulated by those who wish to relive a specific version of history from a future point of time far in the distant future.
It could be real or just a dream depending on our perception.
In the hypothetical scenario various NATO and non NATO countries may have been involved in the take down of China Iran North Korea using a terrible virus as well as other means. However the targeted countries quickly rebounded the weapon back upon those they believe to be the originators. Its tit for tat back and forth mutually assured racial destruction by bio weapons.
Some evidence pointed to the original virus targeting asians primarily in asia however there are now different strands of the virus that target any race hitting Europe, Australia, Canada, and the USA now. The highest type of variety in the virus is seen in the USA thus some point the finger as to the origin being in the USA.

In the hypothetical scenario Asias response was unforeseen due to past data being insufficient meaning it could have been a known unknown(known past vs unknown future) how China would handle the virus due to their perceived lack of a significant response to the other biological viruses they did nothing of note about swine flu bird flu etc.

I would guess that the estimated probability of the virus further mutating making virus become more deadly to effect more than just asians was very low and someone thought it could be contained so it seemed like a win and was given the go ahead by those in command.

Also there may have been a false sense of security in research and the creation of a cure just in case it was needed. However the cure may not work in the future due to unforeseen mutations in new more powerful strains as there are already thousands of mutated versions of the virus which may not be natural.

In retrospect I would imagine that those who unleashed the virus really wished they hadn't done that right now as they are now seeing the world everywhere falling which wasn't the original intent. Some may have estimated that all life on earth will eventually be infected with some version of this virus by some future point in time.

Unknown hypothetical future vectors of these types of virus weapons could one day exist giving rise to the possibility that thousands of more powerful mutated versions of viruses may infect bacteria causing the viruses to become airborne cascading into a massive die off of life from micro to macro circling the globe and becoming part of earth's jetstreams and rain patterns going into the oceans and killing off life on an unprecedented scale as all biological life with an immune system is infected and weakened to the point of death.
However keep in mind the same types of virus technology could reverse harmful effects and instead help all biological life to become stronger in a variety of different beautiful ways.

World War 3
The big question is are they going to continue on with the plan and trigger a hot war or have they been told to stand down. I would hope the latter however I don't expect too much so I won't be disappointed if the world goes belly up in a hot war. As it stands now the world is going belly up regardless. Can humanity do the mature thing and save the world from evil weapons so our children have something beautiful to inherit?
I have looked over a lot of evidence and read up on a few statements from a variety of whistleblowers over time.
Considering that normal people such as myself can think of this, I would imagine the genius think tanks of the world have thought of many more scenarios in depth.
My conclusion is that WW3 has been in the planning stages for longer than we could ever imagine and this is how it could be started.

Humanity may be on a path railroaded by forces governed by petty dogma and a deluded manifest destiny.
The future may be beset with a global war which will probably reach out into space and time covering multiple dimensions we have yet to understand.

Sad really. I think WW3 will be temporary and humanity will undergo a powerful transformation bringing forth the post humans as the new race.
I don't think global war needs to happen for change to occur and the same changes can happen in peace over time.
Our virus technology could make us all superheroes or super zeroes I guess we'll just have to wait and see what those in power decide to do with our lives.
I vote superheroes please.

Sorry for the long post just thought I would share a hypothetical idea i have been thinking about which could be a reality.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 03:49 AM
The cause is the Chinese and their complete lack of basic hygiene, sanitizing and disinfecting caused by the uneducated and poor masses in China coupled with the witchcraft theories of certain cretins who think eating certain creatures will give them magical properties in the bedroom and office.

Regardless however of the muck they eat and the reasons they do it, it is the biological crucible of these wet markets that generate these germs and help them mutate.

China is a third world country, similar to India and North Korea, pockets of greatness surpassed by a huge difference between rich and poor, not even rich, the have's and have not's.

They pursue a Space Race and the latest weapons, mass production at the detriment of slavery, want to lift the poor out of the gutter, no chance, they would become as costly as the rest of us and have to compete.

What we need to do is like Trump on steroids, tax their imports until its a level playing field, sure everyone will pay more, but everyone will have more jobs and wages and potentially less taxes or better government services, it may cost more on paper but not on your pocket.

What we have right now is these slum countries providing us all cheap items and #ty diseases whilst we close our own factories and weigh down our health services.

Time to stand up, we dont need to fight to get this, we tax made in chincom until we can compete, they can decide if they want to sort out their country or rape their own people.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 04:41 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy
a reply to: Wardaddy454

It is sick that democrats are hoping on a financial collapse and a pandemic to carry a demented, senile, moron to the White House.
We already have one in the white house. And no none of the democrats I know are hoping for people to die and the economy to collapse so they can get their party elected. Thats fox news propaganda.
edit on 13-3-2020 by wantsome because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

No, no, no... Russia rolled doubles last turn and moved out of Monopoly jail. The U.S. landed on Park Place and China has two Hotels and four houses on it, which is cheating.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: Forensick
The cause is the Chinese and their complete lack of basic hygiene, sanitizing and disinfecting caused by the uneducated and poor masses in China coupled with the witchcraft theories of certain cretins who think eating certain creatures will give them magical properties in the bedroom and office.


is that why china did way better than every other country so far?

There is ZERO evidence to support the wet market hypothesis

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 07:11 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus
a reply to: gortex

If it's not Hu Flung Dung it should be.

His name is Dr. Mi Nao Sik. His assistant is Whi Yu No Di.

It must be a great feeling to know, that whatever profession you do have, if it all falls through, there's always the stand up comedian job to fall back on!

Of course, I'm taking the piss.

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 09:42 PM
🤦🏻‍♂️🙄😴a reply to: rickymouse

posted on Mar, 13 2020 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

People been hinting on other forums about Wuhan military games. Obviously it was a ploy to drop it during that season. 109 military nations in one game. Each soldiers gets infected and go back to base to infect another. The virus has a waiting period(incubation). It was totally design for the obvious reason. It doesn't make sense for China to drop on themselves because manpower = everything. There are so many NGO groups out there doing terror attacks, its no joke. They are protected by crony capitalism.

Monsanto is a major prime example poisoning farmers land and buying them out, they are still around.

edit on 13-3-2020 by makemap because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2020 @ 12:58 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Some lite reading.

The Chinese audience won’t be the only lucky readers. The book will be translated into English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic, with more likely to follow. Authorities know the virus could irreparably damage China’s image in the world s eyes, but they also see an opportunity to push their own narrative of organization, success, and triumph. Part of that involves glossy propaganda texts, combined with more sophisticated, individually targeted efforts. Part of it is pushing a new set of conspiracy theories about the virus itself, aimed at the ultimate enemy: the United States.

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