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What is the Weirdest thing that your AlexaGoogle Home has ever said?

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posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 04:37 AM
I think that the title is relatively self explanatory. What is the weirdest thing that your AlexGoogle HomeCortanaunbranded Chinese government spy speaker has ever said?

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 04:41 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thats easy - nothing.

The minute im stupid or lazy enough to incorporate this crap into my personal space or life then i no longer will have such places.

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 04:57 AM

originally posted by: CthruU
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thats easy - nothing.

The minute im stupid or lazy enough to incorporate this crap into my personal space or life then i no longer will have such places.

So, you've never asked Siri where the nearest gun store was, so that you could pick up a new anti-tank rifle (purely to shoot critters off of your greens), and she instead suggested a range of different pronouns that you might like to use for yourself?

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: CthruU
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Thats easy - nothing.

The minute im stupid or lazy enough to incorporate this crap into my personal space or life then i no longer will have such places.

Couldn't of said it better myself. I don't need to ask a smart speaker what the weather is like or when I have an appointment. Everything an Alexa etc can do I can do myself.

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 06:31 AM
"I know what you did to those people."

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 06:50 AM
Why do people have these things in their home? I wasn't asked but I'll answer anyway. No I haven't asked SIri or anything else for anything. I type my questions with words and everything else is switched off. All microphones are switched off on my laptop and all cameras are off and covered. Might not do much but at least I am making it harder for them.
I will never bring an obvious snoop device in and actually speak to it. I am amazed that a lot of people do and even pay for the privilege.
It' not even what it is doing now [which is bad enough], but what the future will bring. It can only get worse.
OP chuck that piece of crap and don't get sucked into the idiocy that is enfolding.

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 07:49 AM
I know the only canned response I have ever found funny is asking siri what zero divided by zero is.

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 08:04 AM
I don't ask siri a d*** thing! Like others I type it in. I like the idea of the anti tank gun though. Ha ha!
I want a silent ray gun more though that leaves no trace.
That's not such a far fetched idea. There has been laser technology since before the Clinton Era that if used against a pilot can ground him/her as a pilot for the rest of their lives.

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I once asked someone else's Siri 'How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?"

Siri was a brand new product, just out, and the answer was: "Twenty, if it is a perfectly spherical wood chuck in a vacuum", or something similar to that. But, about a year later I asked the same question so my friends and I could laugh about it, and Siri had been corrected to say something more appropriate. Bummer.

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 10:02 AM

posted on Dec, 26 2019 @ 03:24 PM
I won't allow any device like that in our home. No "smart" TV, no Google/Alexa/Siri/nothing.

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