a reply to:
If it becomes possible to routinely put people into suspended animation it would open up the door to complex medical procedures such as removing
advanced spread tumours from patient's and replacing damaged tissue with cultured tissue over a period of time.
I played with trying to figure out a way of doing just this and as you know the great enemy of placing humans into a deep freeze is cell death, this
occurs not just because of the cessation of biological and electro chemical processes but primarily because of fluid crystallization, ice molecule
form into ice crystals within the cell and can then rupture the cell wall's, damage the cell cytoblasts including the nucleus and the mitochondria.
So the trick is how to lower the body temperature and metabolism to as close to stasis as possible without causing this damage, in nature there are
fish that are adapted to the cold and have a natural anti freeze in there cell's, since they are adapted there metabolic functions are slowed but not
stopped by the cold, well we are chemically different and some of these natural anti freeze are toxic to us.
So what about technology, now here is were it get's bit invasive, high frequency sound and vibrational micro oscillations attuned to prevent ice
crystal formation, the problem is how do you then get that into deep tissue.
Still if this doctor has succeeded as it is medically a gold mine that will allow people whom are terminally ill to literally be put into hibernation
and the progression of there disease halted until it can be cured and also financially since it will also become a state in which complex organ
transplants and major operations and even clone body replacement for the ultra wealthy will suddenly become viable.
Think storage bay's full of terminally ill people waiting for cures or complex surgery's, automated ultra precise computerized surgeon's with medical
handlers performing operation so complex and long that they could never have been performed on a living subject and the ability to then re-animate or
bring those people back out of this death like state.
Now not entirely off thread but on a tangent and a what if that may pose an ethical dilemma that I certainly hope would never stop research into this
life saving science if it can ever be perfected.
A question that has plagued me for a long time though, I even considered writing a short story based on it and just may still do so.
People/Being's in this state are to all intent's and purposed actually dead, there life systems are shut off unless it is not true stasis in which
case they are only slowed down extremely BUT if they are actually halted/stopped then it is no different to the body being actually dead.
Now from a spiritual perspective this leads to a conundrum, whose soul then wakes up in the body that is thus restored, at death spiritualists would
claim that the silver chord - an umbilical like connection that many of them claim to have seen in out of body experience usually connecting to the
back of the neck or in some cases to the navel of the stomach - is cut or broken and that even if the body is made liveable again you can not simply
reconnect that chord once it has been severed, this has been used to explain some pretty strange cases of so called reincarnation such as a young girl
in India whom died and woke up in another similarly aged girl's body whom had been ill and in a comatose state, this happened in India and of course
since they believe in reincarnation they took it as proof of that.
But form a quantum perspective it may have many other alternative explanation's, an exchange of information between these two discarnate mind's
leading not so much to a soul swap as to an information infusion into the comatose child, of course I am grasping at straws since non of us really
know, oh we may believe and so claim that we know but empirical knowing is something else.
Either way the door is open if this work's to long duration space flight (not so quick there as think about it, you have so much radiation exposure
in your life time, your DNA self repairs fixing damage over that time as best it can but DNA in a state of complete dormancy would not be able to self
repair as radiation and particles impacted and damaged it over time so such a vessel would need nearly complete radiation shielding).
But also remember it is open to abuse, Prison's filled with frozen inmates, population control fanatic's freezing the poor and unemployed in a new
spin on that pseudo Nazi trend of class cleansing and also to enable totalitarian states to put unemployed workers off the book's and into storage
until there economy's picked up, turning people into a commodity, corporations running the world is already a thing.