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Epstein & MKUltra Vic Reveals Horrifying Ops Beyond Child Abuse & Suggests He's Secretly Alive!

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posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 03:55 PM

Hope tells all, including gory details not for those of us left on earth that are actually faint of heart.

Main idea I come away with is that as gruesome the child trafficking is, it's 'just' the tip of the iceberg and a means by which souls are eseentially cast out from humans at such a young tender age so for the rest of their lives they exert maximum suffering on this material plane for the rest of us in the interest of their governmental sponsor.

+2 more 
posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 04:17 PM
Quote associated with one of her books:

The only reason this book is getting one star from me is because zero stars wasn’t an option. I’ve known Dena Swann (aka Hope Beryl-Green) and her family for a long time. We grew up in that same hometown, and our families have always been friends. She and I became close (through mutual friends), and we attended the same church during our 20s. At no time was she ever a sex slave, and her biological parents, and brothers, are still alive. She was born in a hospital in Hopkins County, KY - NOT an illuminati birthing facility, in 1972. Her mother didn’t die during childbirth, and she was raised by her biological parents. Her story is easy to disprove, and her family is more than willing to provide the information needed to do so. Please stop allowing this woman to make money and profit from blatant lies. There’s a reason she’s vague about the people involved in her story, and that’s because the entire thing is made up!

Also fair to mention that the channel the video comes from is a religious kook channel.

And ofcourse this video as well to seal the deal...

Hope aka Dena Swann is a crazy person who is riding the freak train to make money.
All she will do is distract from the real people...

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 04:28 PM
Proof that Hope is Dena Swann at 4:55 in my video.... so sad.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: flice
Kind of like Fiona B. No matter how much proof you bring that shows they are not what they say they are, people keep right on following along being led by their noses down bs lane. For the life of me I just cant understand that.

People demand proof, you give it to them and you are left wondering why you wasted your time. Im sure there is a term for this.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 04:43 PM
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still alive.

If he was cooperating with the Feds.

It’s not out of the question.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: onehuman

Indeed... also, I dont want to support this thread by keeping it up, but heres a few more evidence bits to wonder about:

- Hope started sliding around 19 yo ( normal age to evolve dillusional behaviour if prone to it)
- Her fiance at the time left her over it.
- She received councelling at the time which was found out too late consisted of a form of brain washing.
- She denounced her parents
- Changed her name. The form is displayed in the video.
- Voice mail left on brothers phone. Calls herself Hope, but states that their parents rape her, her brother and so on... brother says not true.
- Then her story changes to illuminati rape.
- Then her story changes to "I was brought up by the illuminati"... so...your parents didnt rape you? You didnt have parents but had a brother...?
- Stated that her rapes took place all over the world... flewn around. Well, since her family knows her name and SSN they were able to pull her passport info. Hope has never applied for international travel.

She's a complete mess, and the world is now dumber because of her.
edit on 17/8/19 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 04:57 PM
a reply to: flice

Hope aka Dena Swann is a crazy person who is riding the freak train to make money.

Not so fast, if a person with nothing going for themselves economically.
And living a life with hardly any social status. A mostly mundane existence.
Seizes the opportunity that youtube and facebook provide without consequence.
Then is she really crazy for making good on an opportunity to have both more
attention and money? The crazy people are the ones who insist on catering to
her and people like her. But it isn't her fault for knowing they're out there.
Tons of people are just look'n for a reason to throw money at someone.
Because it makes them feel good about themselves. And most likely they
have to damn much money any way. So it's worth it to them. That's why
you get people who won't listen to reason. You're better off just letting
em have the fuzzy feelings. All the truth is gonna get is kicked in the ass
because it's crash'n the big pity party.

edit on 17-8-2019 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 05:02 PM
a reply to: onehuman

They are not looking for the truth.. they are looking to feel validated..

It doesn’t matter how false that validation is..

Anything for a tingle , ya know

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: carsforkids

Excellent point...

She is brilliant..

Her audience is just the epitome of “ a fool and their money are soon parted”

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 05:11 PM

originally posted by: carsforkids
a reply to: flice

Hope aka Dena Swann is a crazy person who is riding the freak train to make money.

Not so fast, if a person with nothing going for themselves economically.
And living a life with hardly any social status. A mostly mundane existence.
Seizes the opportunity that youtube and facebook provide without consequence.
Then is she really crazy for making good on an opportunity to have both more
attention and money? The crazy people are the ones who insist on catering to
her and people like her. But it isn't her fault for knowing they're out there.

She's not crazy for wanting to make money... thats opportunistic.
She's crazy because she was sliding mentally and received bad councelling, which was actually a thing in the 90s. A huge onset of false memories because therapists thought they were dealing with real recollections.

But if she is a untreated psychiatry patient with schizoid or sociopathic tendencies, then it would also be reasonable to assume that she lacks a moral compass or filters to stop her from trying to sell people lies.
People like her are hard to "fix" because once you miss that therapy train you will have an immensely hard time getting that person to believe that something is wrong with their beliefs and or memories.

We have one just like her in the nearest family... same behavior, but different cause. Which is why I mention sociopath. Cut off his family and friends as well when they finally confronted him.

I actually find cases like this really interesting. Mostly because of how the brain works or doesnt work and how they are able to fake their way through life.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: JustJohnny
a reply to: onehuman

They are not looking for the truth.. they are looking to feel validated..

It doesn’t matter how false that validation is..

Anything for a tingle , ya know

Exactly! Right on point.... I thought it would be interesting checking out some of her believers and some of them are somewhat like her. One is a mother, who lost custody rights over her son because she was ruled unfit as a parent.

It reminds me of that passage from Fight Club with weak people latching on to others.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 05:27 PM
a reply to: flice

I actually find cases like this really interesting. Mostly because of how the brain works or doesnt work and how they are able to fake their way through life.

At first they may not even realize there's money at the end of their
rainbow. But why would they detour from that once they find it?
She doesn't seem crazy to me. More like she's just following the path
to the gold. Whatever the circumstances that put her on the path are
almost irrelevant to her now.

edit on 17-8-2019 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: flice

Now see there is a good side to this no doubt. People sharing their own stories in reply to her and Im guessing there is a good % of them telling the truth. Especially after all we know now. Those numbers should be pretty high because what we seeing being caught now are pretty high. So it would make sense, but these same true victims are now victims again because Im sure they have given her money over time and that just seems cruel or maybe not. At least they get to speak of the crimes against them to someone anonymously. That is probably healing for them in some form. Really a bit of a catch 22 here.

Replying to Flice: Since she flew around the world so much it would make sense she probably knows Fiona. < said with tongue in cheek>

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: letni

Why are you posting this crap?

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: letni

Wait til the truth of what Project Blue Beam really is comes out...

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: letni

He very well could have been placed in a New York Correctional Facility for the sole Purpose of Faking his Death in a Controlled Environment in Order to get Further Information out of him by the Justice Dept . Who Knows ...Yet .

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still alive.

If he was cooperating with the Feds.

It’s not out of the question.
He could have done a deal to spill for a new face and identity! The bit about him being deliberately left alone could point more to the fact that he was being medically prepped to appear dead. And a coroners report don't mean sh.t!

Or he may have bought his live because by killing him to protect the identities of others could backfire if he has kept a record of everything which could have done to help protect him in the event, wouldn't you do that? So the only other way to keep his mouth shut would be to keep him alive!!!!

He could be more of a threat dead only time will tell. If it was me, although I could never be such a sick maggot has him, and I was connected to such people, I would protect my in many ways, including having a kill switch that could be released to so many orgs and the public! He would have been very very stupid not to have done something along these lines knowing how TPTB operate and turn!

Which if any of these scenarios is the right one?

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 10:19 PM
Q uses the term the great awakening to describe the lack of moral fiber amongst our leadership and communities. Human nature does have a rough and tough history to it to help explain why we are here. If humanity on Earth is to have any chance to hold it together and move into the future, we need a more open and justified decision making process. Having the legal system weaponed for greater corporate advantage is taking its toll on the population and reality.

One association I am considering is with how some public discussion of the souther boarder also relates to the underground exopolitical threat, not just Mexico. It can be tough to make sense of anything in the fog of war.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 10:58 PM
To analyze the possibility that this was an operation to free Epstein…one has to use one’s imagination a bit.

Was it a prearranged operation? In other words, they planned his arrest and for him to be indicted and brought to this prison and the operation was to make it look like he died by suicide. Therefore, he would no longer be subject to any legal ramification since he would be dead in the world’s eyes.

If that were the case then either they would have to have a mission impossible type scenario and provide for a replacement for him in that cell at one point.

Maybe they brought a body in the cell already dead through strangulation and placed it there. Or it could be that the person who was arrested in Teterboro was not Epstein.

The problem with that would only entail identifying the replacement through fingerprints.

Some people in the jail, the Emergency medical people and or the original SDNY Lawyers who indicted him would have to be in on this caper.

An interesting synchronicity is that Epstein spent exactly 36 days in that cell at the MCC from June 6th to August 10th. Interestingly, in the 2008 case, he was convicted of molesting exactly 36 victims.

posted on Aug, 17 2019 @ 11:26 PM
What id people like this are placed out there just to muddy the waters. It works, many will dismiss ever one who comes forward after one like this.

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