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Bob Lazar Body Language and Verbal Queues

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posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: Assassin82
I lean towards believing this guy. But I have one question:

If he’s sharing top secret information why hasn’t he been hit with a heart attack gun, suicided with two shots to the back of the head, or imprisoned for leaking classified information?

That’s the one aspect that makes me scratch my head.

And for the record, I’m glad he hasn’t been executed or imprisoned.

Because none of what Lazar has stated can be corroborated or validated. He is merely relaying a recollection of events. Had he provided actual classified documentation (i.e. classified documents, photos, etc.) proving the program he worked on actually existed then your scenario might be plausible.

As one poster above said correctly, if they were to actually imprison Lazar then (by default) they are admitting to his story being true.

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: 1point92AU

As one poster above said correctly, if they were to actually imprison Lazar then (by default) they are admitting to his story being true

As opposed to ignoring him?

Cool little circle of logic you have there.

edit on 8/3/2019 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 03:50 AM

originally posted by: Tinel
a reply to: Assassin82

If he’s sharing top secret information why hasn’t he been hit with a heart attack gun, suicided with two shots to the back of the head, or imprisoned for leaking classified information? That’s the one aspect that makes me scratch my head.

Because releasing this (dis)information WAS his job,not working on reverse engineering UFOs.He did what his black world higher-ups told him to do.That's why he was hit with money,not lead.Read my post above.

This is one of the most illogical arguments out there regarding Lazar. The deployment of disinformation occurs after a preceding event. Not before the event. The purpose of disinformation is to redirect initial perception to a false and controlled perception.

You don't keep a top secret program secret by preemptively leaking information about said program and then play the disinfo card at a later date claiming it was a disinfo program to begin with. It literally contradicts the entire purpose of security measures on black programs.

The actual disinformation regarding Lazar is claiming he was a disinfo agent whose purpose was to leak this info.

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 03:53 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: 1point92AU

As one poster above said correctly, if they were to actually imprison Lazar then (by default) they are admitting to his story being true

As opposed to ignoring him?

Cool little circle of logic you have there.

Where do I say he's been ignored? I don't even imply it. Multiple FBI raids prove he's anything BUT ignored.

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 09:54 AM
Bob is a hero. If there's one man I believe here on Earth it's Bob Lazar.
The whole thing about raiding Area 51 is a ridiculous idea it only will destroy this man's work and will harm him in any way.
People don't think twice and about the consequences and maybe we need Bob in the future when everything becomes congressional.

What if they do raid Area 51 who do they point to when they've shipped all the items away from Area 51 and find nothing only than dead bodies??

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: Phage

Lazar doesn't know how he's being punished.

Only the ones that are still on the inside know.

That's why no one else comes forward.

Think Lazar is happy or finding love?
It's not the credibility that's been or is being hampered, of Lazar, that matters.

They edit his life behind the scenes.
Making him more or less miserable. Anyone he starts to have feelings for, or make connections with...

They go away.

Those on the inside know this is happening. They know it's the punishment.

That's why they won't come forward, but why Lazar isn't in jail or something.

He is a pariah of his own.
The story never confirmed because he's not in jail, but the "harassment" of being searched and constantly watched is there.
Lazar wrongly thinks this is the punishment. It's just the smoke and mirrors.

The public can write off the "smoke and mirrors" as coincidence.

It allows them to maintain tight enough control, to perform the real punishment, that the guys on the inside know all about.

If you destroy someone's life in secret, but show others that it can be done this way, and they know that options such as torture, prison, execution, etc... still exist, then they know there is no recourse no matter what, to ever get away from repercussion.

Lazar is a free, walking prison, for the rest of them.

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

Excellent. I always heard about Bob Lazar but never read anything about him nor listened to his interviews. I was originally thrown off by Stanton T. Friedman's comments to discredit Lazar. Stanton in my opine worked for the Feds. Lazar is absolutely telling the truth and the way the Feds tried to erase his background to discredit him lends credence that he had something. So why isn't he dead? Because he played it as it should have been played and he owes his life to George Knapp. I was involved in something way way down the pipeline that wasn't even close to the Area 51 stuff and I went down the same path as he did. My appearance internationally on CNN back in the "good" CNN days saved my life. My 1st UFO sighting was on May 4, 2018. I filed the report with NUFORC but never gave them any pics or video. The orbs we saw are similar as in Lazar's video when he and others went into the desert on a Wednesday night and what we saw also zig zag and moved exactly as to what he filmed. They moved through space like a cursor on your PC. THANKS!!!! I watched the entire video.

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 12:31 PM
a reply to: Waterglass

Can you please give me a link to your NUFORC report...



posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 02:09 PM
I think Bob Lazar is telling the truth, BBuuuttt. Think on this one. The craft he saw contained 2 small seats, now moving on with that I would assume that they were 2 entities and they were biological.
My question is , If they came from Zeta Reticuli were was their sustenance kept (as according to Bob there were 3 levels and no toilet facilities). Then, do they breathe oxygen? If so where were the storage tanks. But more importantly I cannot reconcile how such small craft could traverse the space between Zeta Reticuli and Earth without these provisions.
And before anyone says "they might have been "mechanical", you don't build comfort things like seats for automata.
The biggest question could be how did they get hold of the craft as obviously they were not crashed craft in pieces but whole craft.

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
My question is , If they came from Zeta Reticuli were was their sustenance kept (as according to Bob there were 3 levels and no toilet facilities).

Various options come to mind. Firstly, the Zeta Reticuli story could be a fabrication by the folks that hired Lazar. Perhaps, as was suggested here, as a way to find out who leaked the story if it ever came out. It's weird anyhow that anybody would give Lazar this information. How would knowing the origin of the disk help an engineer in any way?

But if they are not from ZR, from where else? Well, given that the entities that have been reported look a danged lot like humans (2 legs, 2 arms, head, mouth, eyes etc.) and they even use seats (like humans do), I guess they simply are native here. This also explains how they got here: they were / are here all along. Perhaps in underground or undersea (or both) facilities. Perhaps they live inside caves on our moon.

This also explains why there are no toilets, sleeping facilities or whatever: there is no need for them. Do you have a toilet or bed in your car? No, because you'll only spend a short time in it.

Another option is that the disks are merely scout ships, and there are bigger ships (including the ZR version of a bathroom) that these scout ships originate from.

ETA: oh, and of course there is the option they are merely robots (bio-robots?) that do not produce excrements. Or similar to plants, that do not either.
edit on 3-8-2019 by ForteanOrg because: he wanted to add another option.

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 05:56 PM
Grate post. But what the hell are verbal queues?

posted on Aug, 3 2019 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: 1point92AU

How do you explain that he don't have any papers on going to that school ? Even if you believe the conspiracy that someone deleted him from the roster, there's no way he don't have ANY papers on it, or even remember dozens of names of teachers and fellow students that could easily verify it. I think he's a big Hoax.

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 02:10 AM
edit on 4-8-2019 by 1point92AU because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 02:18 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
Grate post. But what the hell are verbal queues?

Beating a stick in the brush.

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: Pointofview
a reply to: 1point92AU

How do you explain that he don't have any papers on going to that school ? Even if you believe the conspiracy that someone deleted him from the roster, there's no way he don't have ANY papers on it, or even remember dozens of names of teachers and fellow students that could easily verify it. I think he's a big Hoax.

I can't explain it but that doesn't negate the purpose of the video I posted in the OP. The person breaking down Lazar's body language and verbal statements does a really good job for the layman who is unfamiliar with common and basic body language with regards to truth and deception. Nuances such as when Lazar clinches his fists or how his eyebrows raise at certain times are some of the most difficult nuances to "train" into a person who is intending to deceive. Meaning he is telling the truth in his recollection of his experiences.

I won't say he's been 100% accurate over the years in recounting the story verbatim each time, however, I think it is understandable to either omit or alter an account of something nearly 30 years old occasionally as time passes. I chalk that up more to the disintegration of the persistence of memory which is also one of my favorite Salvador Dali paintings.

edit on 4-8-2019 by 1point92AU because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 05:36 AM
a reply to: Tinel

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: 1point92AU

Rather than looking for proof of his fantastical claims why don't we focus on the more mundane ones.

His lack of education records bothers me.

Just one graduation photo would be nice.

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 10:13 AM
I noticed when he talks about his experience he stares at the person he is talking to and blinks alot. To me, these are signs he is lying. No inflection in his voice and very calm in his presentation.

The fact that he lives for his story, it hasn't changed. He has even convinced himself he is legit. A pathological liar has all of these traits.

edit on 4-8-2019 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 10:57 AM
See now I need to make a video of my body language analysis that I did of him cuz I feel like he's deceptive in a lot of the things that he says based on his body language in past interviews and recent. And I want to believe him more then anybody. Based on my observations watching other people's body language when they lie he does a lot of the same things.

posted on Aug, 4 2019 @ 03:37 PM
The way he described how rudimentary or basic the craft is suggests that these craft are more dimensional than actually traveling in a straight line as we understand it. Like taking a 5 minute dimensional train station ride.

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