Carrying on in the theme of handy hints for US people travelling in either UK or Sweden and negotiating subjective terms of law, Sweden is actually
more lenient in some respects because they have "blatantly unjustifiable" instead of "reasonable force" as their key words.
I could play "blatantly unjustifiable" way easier than in the UK, couple of extra punches after subduing an attacker I reckon is unreasonable (as UK
justice looks at it) but those two extra punches would be more difficult to argue as blatantly unjustifiable.
Basically, if you are in Europe and someone is being a dick following you, either phone the police and detain him until they arrive, or carry on
walking and if you feel fear for your safety use proportionate force to repel and escape, or detain and phone the cops.
If you want to beat a guy with a few men on one when he is down then do it away from cameras and cops, then run.
It ain't rocket science, but I hope my suggestions in this thread help even a single US national visiting European countries.
#FearIsOkay #AngerIsNotOkay #URonlyFreeAwayFromCCTV πππ
edit on 26-7-2019 by Silure because: (no reason given)
Edit, To the guy in the videos from Sweden, I genuinely feel for you if you didn't know the score here in Europeland....your people let you
edit on 26-7-2019 by Silure because: See "edit"
...and just for the BS folk out there, by people I meant 'Those who you trust for advice' - and again, pecking order lol, natural in UK, we all know
it...and I would dare to say you guys in the US don't get Brits sometimes because our crazy world is so different, sometimes.
edit on 26-7-2019
by Silure because: (no reason given)
edit on 26-7-2019 by Silure because: Damn that autocorrect lol